Xiomara Gudiel Recap Pike & Rose

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Xiomara Gudiel Recap

Date: 11-16-23
Shop: Pike & Rose
MOD: Jabbar Burke
Kitchen Supervisor ON-DUTY: N/A
Team Kitchen AM: Victoriano-Ivonne
Team KItchen PM: Freddy-Jairo


- Always following Chef Maggie's instructions, and adding suggestions from Jabbar - - -
Burque as well.
- Focus was:
- Speed on the line,
- Wrap and cut sandwiches correctly when wrapping them.
- Dry items tasted fresh. (Fried foods, cereal, shallots, granola, pepitas)
- Not over ordering cookies.
- Getting prep done before you need it for the weekend.
- Prep starts Thursday and Friday.
- Closing to open. Crew fills 6th pans prep the crew in the morning and is ready to go.
- Not over filling pans
- Doing line checks everyday, Tasting/checking every item.
- For employees Victoriano and Ivonne to better prepare the Grandezza. (They didn't
cover the pesto on the bagel very well, and they didn't put the red pepper on the correct

Areas Of improvement:
For new employees it is speed on the line, for old employees always focus on preparing
what is not there to leave the afternoon team ready. (cut apple, fill containers) speed on
the line (new Crew) Cut bagels correctly

Food Quality:
The food was excellent, very fresh, vegetables, cheese, turkey, pastrami, egg, brisket,
yuka, red pepper chili, all very excellent in quality. The texture was very consistent and
shiny with a good appearance, nothing expired. All with good flavor and a very firm and
exquisite appearance. Dry items are very fresh, not old. Don't order more cookies. In
perfect order.

Food waste: Identified red pepper chili, and waste chimichurri.

Level Prep-Food Rotation:
The morning shift identified some container changes using FIFO... The turnover was
very little. I need to change containers and refill for the afternoon shift.

The afternoon shift. Great, very intense work, changing containers on both lines.
Excellent expiration check, always putting the old on top of the new. The level of
preparation is very good. And the rotation is also very efficient.

People working side by side:

The morning team was very tight, both working at their station. There was not much
interaction in cooperating in working on both lines. The initiative of both was very slight.

The PM shift was the same, everyone at their own station, there were no connections in
helping each other work on both lines. These guys have improved, and they continue to
learn more and more... I would say that they are doing a better job than the employees
who are already working.
Observaciones that deserve praise:
This makes me very happy to say that Pike & Rose deserve to be praised for the
tremendous changes they have undergone... Without a doubt, we've seen tremendous
changes since Jabbar Burke arrived at the store. The customer service is improving;
everyone greets and greets the customer politely. Huge changes, no time spent on the
phone, and customers were being denied the sandwiches that were on display. And they
neglect customer service. They are more focused. Jabbar is the example that has been
given to us since he himself teaches and teaches us how to teach.

Jabbar himself takes time to check expiration dates, setting an example for other
supervisors and employees who don't do the same. This is a significant change. For that
reason, we are all currently traveling the same path, verifying and ensuring the goods.
Changes I never had with Pike & Rose... Jabbar has also prepared napkins; the bags
that carry the caterings and the thongs that carry the caterings have lists. To avoid doing
them at that moment.
In the same way, the work that the new hires are doing deserves praise. I said that they
are doing it better than previous employees. concentrated on checking expiration dates
and doing the right thing.

Pike & Rose are going through a phase that is truly worthy of praise. Everything is more
consistent and on the same page, which is fantastic.

My Honest Feedback:

Always provide my most honest feedback.

In actualidad, the food quality is at the highest level; nothing is expired, and each
product has its own expiration date. Nothing dried out completely. Everything is in
excellent condition. I checked everything Chef Maggie and Jabbar had given me.
Tell every employee what we wanted done by explaining and making them understand
it. Inform the new employees that the sandwiches must be cut correctly. Because the
customer comes back to have it further examined. Explains to them how one must
engage in order to avoid falling and to appear to be learning as well.

The morning shift (Ivonne and Victoriano) work well, but I would like them to make sure
to leave what is needed for the afternoon shift. Also, they should improve on not filling
too much with avocado bread. I have explained many times but I don't see that they
In improving baking the cookies better, cutting the onion better, the jalapeno (This is
Victoriano improve in following procedures (cut the jalapeno correctly, do not overload
the containers)

After this the morning shift flowed normally. The line taste sheet checked. Everything in
order, baking very few bagels every 2 hours since sales were very low. Overly Ordered

Afternoon shift. It makes me feel proud because they understood the training I gave the
boys perfectly. Checking expiration dates, not overfilling containers, using the product
according to the expiration date. Verifying the quality of the food, and very focused on
making the preparation, I am pleased to let you know that you understood the CYM
procedures. And that they are following them. I would say they do better than the crew
we have. I know that they lack speed and other details but they will learn it with practice.
And the most important thing is that they listen to what I suggest and I teach them how
they should prepare and verify the entire product. It makes me feel happy because my
training was worth it and was great. A line when closing that they leave very clean, all
with a good level. They prepare for the next day. I work in the morning and the shift is
easier for me. And I also do my best to get them ready for the night shift.
Another thing, it is incredible all the quality of changes that Jabbar Burke managed to
make, as I mentioned, it is a great compliment, because there is more customer service
in front of you. Employees don't waste time on the phones like they did before. Or
everyone gathered together talking and the client arrived and they didn't pay attention
and the client would rather leave. The quality of the food is better now, they are more
attentive to baking bagels. Pike & Rose is in one of its best moments. The kitchen has
improved a lot, we have everything we need and we are grateful for all this to Jabbar
who makes our work easier. Really what we need Jabbar immediately does his best to
provide us with what we need in the kitchen.
I always do my best to motivate the team, especially new employees, to improve their
work and that practice will make them pick up speed... And to work as a team without
any differences. And to be direct in telling them that they should not take advantage of
the other, that they should help each other. That I want us all to work hard and be
alongside them. And that they always arrive with the vision that they are working in the
kitchen and that they are prepared. Don't let them settle for the little they have just in the
line that we have to have an extra something... So that the work is not difficult. My idea is
not to make the job complicated for them and for me.
The afternoon shift began preparing for the weekend.
2 flat tomatoes
2 flat onions
2 cucumber flats
2 flat salmon
4 bags of lettuce
prep cheese
2 containers of white fish
bagels for the next day
bacon weigh
Checked expiration dates
all ready to go in the morning

leftover bagels at the expo:

Cinnamon rooting-3
Maple salt and pepper-3
apple cinnamon-0

This was the end of my pike & rose recap

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