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Special topic 53

Experiments in science and science teaching

Experiments in science and science teaching.

Derek Hodson.
Department of Education,
University of Auckland.
Auckland, New Zealand.

Scienceteaching must takeplaceina laboratory; It isinteresting to speculate on why practical work has
about that at least there is no controversy ...Both achieved such highstatusin the mythologyof thescience
teacher and pupil are united ... in a belief that teaching profession. Perhaps it is because experiments
experiment is the right tool (Joan Solomon are widely used in science that science teachers are
1980). conditioned to regard them as a necessary and integral
part of scienceeducation.Withlittle or no critical scrutiny,
two assumptions are made:

Few teachers or curriculum developers seem to ques- * The role of experiments in science and science
tion the belief that science courses should contain a education is identical;
significant amount of laboratory work. The almost uni-
versal assumption of scienceeducatorsat secondary and * The role of experiments is unproblematic.
tertiarylevelis thattheenormousinvestmentof timeand
energy, and the cost of providing specialized laboratory As a direct consequence of these assumptions, much
space, equipment and consumable materials, are justi- contemporary science curriculum practice, especially
fied. Whilst the origins of such beliefs stretch back to the that involving practical work, is ill-conceived, muddled
work of H.E. Armstrong, or even earlier (Layton 1973), and of little educational value (Hodson 1987). This article
the contemporary interest in practical work dates from does not argue for the exclusion of practical work from
the sciencecurriculum ’revolution’of the 1960sandearly the curriculum, but for a radical reshaping of current
1970s. The central role afforded to practical work during practice, based on a critical reappraisal of the roles of
that period was such that the NSTA (1970) was able to practical work, laboratory work and experiments in sci-
declare that ‘the time is surely past when teachers must ence education. Thus far, these three terms have been
plead the case for school laboratories’. It has to be admit- used somewhat indiscriminately - a deliberate ploy to
ted, however, that the case for extensive provision of illustrate the confusion that arises in science curriculum
laboratory work was made rather more on the basis of debate because of the failure to recognize that not all
strong ’professional feelings’about its value than on the practical work is carried out in a laboratory, and that not
basis of empirical research evidence concerning i ts effec- all laboratory work comprises experiments.
tiveness. If anything, research evidence suggests that
practical work is largely unproductive (Hodson 1985, Any learning method that requires the learner to be
Hofstein and Lunetta 1982, Shulman and Tamir 1973). active, rather than passive, accords with the belief that

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children learn best by direct experience. In that sense, ing abou t science and as a preparation for doing science?
practical work need not always comprise laboratory In other words, what is the role of experiments as cur-
activities. Legitimate alternatives would include CAL, riculum content? Second, what is the roleof experiments
teacher demonstration or video/film supported by as a teaching method? This question focuseson the ways
worksheet activities, case studies, role playing, writing in which teachers might use experiments to bring about
tasks, making models, posters and scrapbooks, library concept learning, to bring about a deeper understanding
work of various kinds. In other words, the wider inter- of the nature of experimentation itself (learning about ex-
pretation of practical work as science learning activities periments by doing experiments!) and to give children
should replace therathernarroweroneof hands-on labo- practice in using them as part of their own scientific in-
ratory bench work (Reid and Hodson 1987).Just as it is vestigations. Running alongside these considerations
important to recognize that laboratory bench work is a are questions about alternative and possibly more ap-
sub-set of the wider category of practical work, so it is propriate ways of learning science, learning about sci-
important torecognize that ’doingexperiments’isa sub- ence and doing science.
set of laboratory bench work There are other kinds of
bench work that are not experiments in the sense that
scientists employ the term. Laboratory work may be
conducted for a variety of purposes and in a variety of Experiments in science
styles. For example, for demonstrating a phenomenon,
illustrating a theoretical principle, collecting data, test-
ing a hypothesis, developing basic skills of observation
or measurement, familiarization with apparatus, pro- Francis Bacon’s recognition that ’the secrets of nature
viding a ’flash, bang, wallop show’. Some of these are reveal themselvesmore readily under the vexation of art
‘experiments’, in the sense that scientistsperceiveexperi- than when they go their own way’ firmly established the
ments; some are not. In constructing a science cumcu- experiment as the principal means of acquiring scientific
lum that is both philosophicallyvalid and pedagogically knowledge. It is not sufficient, he argued, merely to
sound, teachers need to take cogni- ‘observenature in the raw’. Rather, one must ‘twist the
zance of these various distinc- lion’s tail’ - manipulate the world in order to gain
tions and to relate them to further access to its secrets. Experiments go
the crucial distinctions beyond (mere) observation; they are con-
trived and closely controlled events, and
........... ............ that close control that gives them
ir particular power. A number of
aching points arise at this point.

* Scientific method is at its

most powerful and most ef-
fective when it is able to
control and manipulate
events. Indeed, many of the
events observed during ex-
perimentsdonot occur in the
natural world. In such cir-
cumstances, the experimental
approach is able to obtain in-
formation that is considerably
more detailed and precise than
that arising from passive observa-
First, what do
children need * Experimentally driven science is not
to know about theonly kind of science.Whilst experiments
the nature and often provide scientists with a-powerful
purpose of ex- Relationship between experiments, means of acquiring and testing knowledge,
periments as a laboratory work, and practical work. thev are neither sufficient in themselves to
contribution prdvide theoretical knowledge, norare they
to their learn- always necessary. Many fields of scientific

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Experiments in science and science teaching
endeavour, such as geology and cosmol- the kind that children produce for themselves after a few
ogy, which deal with events that are remote moments of laboratory experience.Theoriesare subordi-
and inaccessible in time and space, make nated to the meticulous and orderly gathering of experi-
little or no use of experiments. Conjectures mental ’facts’. They are seen to be easily validated by
in meteorology can be confirmed or refuted direct observations and by simple yes/no tests. Such an
by uncontrived observations.In some fields approach, which Nadeau and Desautels (1984) label
of medicine, experiments may not be pos- ‘blissful empiricism’, gives children an inflated sense of
sible, or may be undesirable for ethical rea- the importance of experimental results and a grossly
sons. misleading view of experimentation.
* The power that results from close control is Scientific observation is not a simple matter, and sci-
also the major weaknessof theexperimental ence education that portrays it as such is misleading.
method and a potential trap for the unwary. Hodson (1986a, b) and Nadeau and Desautels (1984)
Experiments are conducted within a par- describe a number of activities designed to make young
ticular theoretical matrix, which governs learners aware of the unreliability and theory depend-
scientists’ perceptions of the problem, de- ence of observations. If (passive) observation is theory
termines the experimental design, influ- dependent, how much more so is the active, interroga-
ences the interpretation of results, and so tive observation of contrived events that constitutes
on. Theories determine which experiments experimentation? It is important that children realize
are regarded as legitimate and how they are that every experiment is set within a theoretical matrix,
to be conducted. For example, in gathering a procedural matrix (a current ‘method’ or ‘practice’,
data to test a hypothesis, the form of the underpined by theories and conventions about how to
hypothesis and the nature and method of conduct, record and report experiments) and an instru-
data collection are dictated by the very the- mental matrix (involving various theories of instrumen-
ory that is under test. In other words, no tation).It is theoretical understanding that givespurpose
theory-independent experiments are pos- and form to experiments.
Another prevalent myth is that scientists can conclu-
These three points serve to illustrate an important sively resolve dispute and establish ‘truth’ by means of
principle in science curriculum planning, that in at- critical experiments. Many school sciencecurricula proj-
tempting to furnish children with an understanding of ect the notion that a hypothesis can be rejected and, by
the nature and purpose of experiments, we take active inference, another accepted on the evidence provided by
steps to avoid reinforcing the several prevalent myths a simple experimental test. Indeed, a number of curricula
about experiments. It is not just non-scientists who hold suggest that thisis the onlyroleof experiments.This kind
to beliefs that the experimental method is universally of naive interpretation of the Popperian notion of falsifi-
essential to science and that all science results from cationism carries with it an assumption that theory-
experimentation. Science teachers conveniently ’forget’ independent evidence is available and that unambigu-
that many aspects of the science they teach are not ous testing is possible. If theories are incommensurable,
susceptible to direct experimental study, that many a point on which many philosophers agree, there can be
major theoretical advances in science did not result from no crucial experiment to decide between them. Such
experimentationand that many theories weredeveloped experiments would require competing theories to make
and substantiated by indirect means - consistency with opposing predictions regarding the same events. In
other theoretical systems and use of ’thought experi- practice, competing theories address the world in differ-
ments’, for example - rather than by experimentally- ent ways (often using different concepts) and, therefore,
based observation (Hacking 1983). make different kinds of predictions about observable
phenomena. Usually, therefore, it is possible only to
An even more damaging myth, encapsulated in the provide an experimental evaluation of a theory on its
discovery learning approach to teaching science, is that own terms.
observation and experiment provide objective, reliable
and theory-free data from which generalizations and, The critical role of experiments is an important one in
ultimately, theoretical explanations arise. By emphasiz- science, but theories are only abandoned when there is
ing the priority of observations, many science curricula compelling evidence (long standing and striking at the
seriously misjudge the rela tionships between observa- fundamentalcoreof the theory) and/or whenan alterna-
tion, theory and experiment. They see theory generation tive and more promising theory becomes available. It is
as little more than a process of looking for regularity in misleading to present to children the idea that theories
nature and theories as simple guesses about nature, of are abandoned because of a few ’negative results’. In

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practice, all theories have tolive withanomalous results; supporting evidence and excludes the facts that
it is a natural feature of science. We mislead children would refuteit.Often,anew theoryisneeded toshow up
when we pretend that the kinds of experiments they the errors in the old one, by providing an alternative per-
perform in class constitute a reliable means of choosing spective and alternative observational evidence. The
between rival theories. Because experiments are per- new theory may be supported by a test which was not
ceived, designed and executed within a particular theo- even possible within the context of its predecessor, and
retical matrix, considerable judgement is involved in the earlier theory may be rejected on the basis of an
appraising the significance of apparently falsifying evi- observational test that would have been quite inconceiv-
dence. Experimental testing of theories is not, therefore, able within the conceptual framework of the old theory.
an infallible, single step but a multi-step decision-mak- Thus, it may be necessary, on occasions, to introduce
ing process monitored and validated by the community. theories that are inconsistent with existing theory and
Decisive theory rejection (revolutionary science) is a existing facts - that is, to proceed counter inductively.
somewhat rare event in science, which it may bebetter to Whether OneacceptsFeyerabend‘sclaimor not, it isclear
study by other methods - case studies, for example. In that correspondence with the experimentally gathered
school science, most allegedly crucial experiments are ’facts’ does not necessarily afford any increased truth
tests of minor or specific applications of a theory, rather status on a theory, it simply means that it may be true.
than tests of the fundamental tenets of the theory itself. However, there may be an alternative theory that also
agrees with the facts (Quine 1970).
There is an intriguing paradox with which children
should be confronted: decisions about the acceptability The tendency of school curricula to cast experimentsin
of theories are made in the light of experimentally ob- either a simpleinductivist roleor a Popperiancritical role
tained observations; and decisions about the legitimacy fails to acknowledge and develop the idea that experi-
of experimental designs and the status and the status of mentation is part of theory construction and, therefore,
observations are made in the light of theories. When that the kinds of experiments employed at any one stage
theory and experimentally determined evidence are in depend on the level of theoretical sophistication already
conflict, nothing in the logic of the situation requires that reached. The more developed the field, the more likely it
it be the theory that is rejected. Rejection of observational is that experiments are theory-driven, in the sense that
evidenceon theoretical grounds is a crucial part of scien- theoretical speculation represents the starting point for
tific research.Childrencanbe brought toan appreciation experimentation. However, it is absurd to suggest that
of some of these complexitiesby engaging in experimen- such speculation always precedes experiment. In less
tal design - a sadly neglected aspect of scienceeducation well developed fields, the more likely it is that practitio-
(Welch et al., 1981).In doing so,they quicklyrealize that nersengage in pre-theoreticalobservation- that is,obser-
the experimenter has to have some idea of the range of vations to stimulate conceptualization. Thus, Liebig‘s
possible outcomes. One can only design experiments to assertion that ‘an experiment not preceded by theory ...
observe what isanticipated. For example, it is simply not bears the same relation to scientific research as a child‘s
possible to design apparatus to detect something about rattledoes tomusic’canbeinterpreted ineithera ‘strong‘
which one has not speculated. As a consequence, an or a ‘weak‘ sense (Hacking 1983).Clearly one must have
experimenter can detect only certain entities, may never thought about the experiment and the apparatus to an
entertain the possibility of detecting other entities, may extent -a completely mindless investigation is no inves-
fail to recognize or to appreciate the significance of the tigation at all! However,one need not always have a clear
unanticipated, and may assume that anomalies are due hypothesis to test. It is just as legitimate to cany out an
to experimental error or to bad luck. If such is the case for experiment ‘just to see what happens’. Experimental
experienced scientists, how much more is it the case for workcannotexistindependentlyofall theory;at thevery
students with no wealth of ideas and experience on least it depends on theories of observation and instru-
which to draw? mentation. But it does go on without there always being
a specific hypothesis under test. Nor need hypotheses
Such experienceslead naturally into a discussion of the always be precisely formulated. It is perfectly legitimate
ways in which our acceptance of a particular theory simply tolook forconfirmation(ornot)ofahypothesisas
prevents us from making the observations that might vague as ‘x may have an effect’. The history of science
refute it. Scientists who accept a particular theoretical furnishes many examples of experiments that are only
structure may find it difficult to recognizedeficienciesin theory-guided in this ‘weak‘ sense,experiments that are
that structure because theoretical biases blind them to pre-theoretical in the sense that they are attempts to
the theory’s shortcomings and prevent them obtaining, establish concepts and to stimulate theoretical develop-
or even seeking, appropriate counter evidence. Accord- ment. Inaddition, thereareexamplesof previously quite
ing toFeyerabend (1975),a theory’ssuccessinexplaining separate lines of experimentation and theoretical devel-
the factsisguaranteed,because the theorycreatesitsown opment suddenly providing mutual support, and cases

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Experiments in science and science teaching
of experiments designed to provide evidence for one everything in the laboratory experience - the materials,
theory actually furnishing evidence for another. Indeed, theapparatus, the theories, theprocedures, thepurnals -
Einstein cited experiments conducted 50 years earlier as are human constructs, influenced by thecollectivevalues
critical evidence for his theory of relativity. and aspirations of the community of scientists. There-
fore, in principle, they could be otherwise. This interpre-
In view of these considerations, it may be more sen- tation of science has yet to make an impact on the school
sible for scienceteachers to encourage children to regard curriculum, and the notion of a strong sociological
theory and experiment as having an inter-dependent component in the conduct of experiments is foreign to
and interactive relationship: experiments assist theory most teachers. It will notbeeasy toeffecta paradigmshift
building; and theory, in turn, determines the kinds of of this magnitude, but a start can be made by the reading
experimentsthat can and should be carried out. In theory of contemporary studies of scientific practice, such as
construction, experimentation has a two-fold signifi- those by Barnes (19851, Collins (1985)and Lynch (19851,
cance. First, in testing the empirical adequacy of the suitably adapted for school use.
developing theory and providing retrospective evidence
for theoretical propositions. Second, in guiding the con- Knorr-Cetina (1983)goes on to state that the products
tinued development of theory towards coherence and of science are not only ‘decision-impregnated’, but also
completeness. For example, experiments assist the re- ’decision-impregnating‘, in the sense that they ‘point to
finement of concepts and the quantification of concep- new problems and predispose their solutions’. Previous
tual relationships, and establish the limits of applicabil- decisions taken by the scientificcommunity determine -
ity of the theory. Thus, experiment is seen to be an to an extent - the choices that are possible now. And the
integral part of the decision-making of theory construc- choices made now will influence, or even determine,
tion. In turn, theory has a two-fold role in experimenta- future decisions. Decisions have to be made at every
tion. First, in the generation of questions to be investi- stage of the scientific enterprise. Individual scientists, or
gated and problems that require theoretical elucidation groups, decide what is a problem, where to look, what to
and explanation. Second, as a guiding factor in the pre- ignore, and what counts as a solution. All of which are
cise designof experiments to answer those questions and theory dependent and influenced by individual experi-
solve those problems (there may be other theories in- ence, belief and position in the social hierarchy. Deci-
volved, too). This holistic, interactive view of the experi- sions about choice of apparatus and experimental
ment-theory relationship provides a fruitful model for method may be influenced by current convention or the
concept development in individuals (a point taken up availabilityof funds, and soare not entirely ’objective’,in
later). the traditional sense. When work is completed, the au-
thor selects the journal (and, therefore, its referees, audi-
The actual chronology of experiment and theory is ence and policy) that provides the theoretical and socio-
often rewritten in textbooks. This helps to sustain the logical climate for decision-making that is most favour-
myth that the path of science is certain and assigns a able to its acceptance.
simple and clear-cut role to experiment,
thereby assisting the perpetuation of further myths The extent to which thedecisionsof the communityare
concerning experiments. Part of learning about science governed by rational principles and the extent to which
should involve reading actual accounts of experiments, they are irrational is, of course, a matter of some debate.
rather than the more usual post hoc description and Kuhn (1970) admits that the reasons why practitioners
justification of actions, that reinterpret the experi- switch allegiance from one paradigm to another cannot
menter’s motives and idealize the decision-making always be seen to be en tirely rational, even in retrospect.
events in terms of currently held theories. This is not a view that is projected through the science
curriculum. On the contrary, the history of science is
Thus far, the reasons for engaging in experiments have frequently rewritten or reconstructed in school text-
been discussed solely in terms of their logical relation- books, in order to appear entirely rational. The version of
ship with theoreticaland conceptual matters. It must not sciencetha t is usually presented implies logical certainty
be overlooked, however, that there is also a sociological and inevitability: theories emerge as a matter of
component. Decisions about what to investigate may be course from rigorous experimentation. On the few occa-
prompted just as much by economic and social consid- sions when it is admitted that the creative aspects of hy-
erations as by theoretical ‘problems’. Decisions about pothesis generationare sometimesa little unpredictable,
how to investigateand how toreportfindings may alsobe it is always asserted that the hypothesis - once pro-
driven by factors ’outside science’. Thus, experiments duced - is subject to rigorous test and rational appraisal
are socially determined as well as theoretically deter- by well-characterized procedures. In this respect, these
mined. Knorr-Cetina (1983)describes scientific enquiry newer school curricula adopt the Popperian distinction
as constructive, rather than descriptive, in the sense that between the (often) non-logical context of hypothesis

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generationand the (always)strictlylogical context of hy- ently engaged in similar activities in school. In this
pothesis testing. However, there are those who would respect, there is a fundamental difference between the
deny this distinction and assert that the processes of ‘cognitive circumstances’ of experiments conducted in
validation and acceptanceof scientificknowledge are no scienceand those performed in school. Whilst there will
more ‘logical‘ than the other decision-making proce- always be a distinction between the cognitive circum-
dures of science. Knorr-Cetina (1983)describes how the stances of a researcher and a learner, simply because
scientific communitytakes note of the ‘contextof discov- school studentscan never hope to possess the theoretical
ery‘- in particular, who did the researchand how well the sophisticationor wealth of experienceof working scien-
results relate to the current community priorities. In tists,it canbeminimized quitesignificantly,and reduced
addition, because knowledge is likely to be used by to one of degree rather than principle, by the introduc-
othersin further research,or isindirect competitionwith tion of theory-driven learning experiences. In practice, it
it, there is a vested interest in certain results being ac- is often exacerbated by the widespread adoption of the
cepted and others rejected. Thus, the validators often epistemologicallynonsensical and pedagogically inap-
have a crucial interest in the work they evaluate. They propriate discovery learning and ‘process approaches’
may evenbe incompetitionfor ‘theoreticalleadership’or that deliberatelyavoid givingthe learner a prior theoreti-
for scarce research funds. cal understanding of the context of the experiment

Whilst experimentsin scienceare conducted primarily

Experiments in science teaching for the purpose of theory development, experiments in
science teaching have a range of pedagogic functions.
They are used by teachers as part of their
planned programme for teaching science, teaching
Figure 1. servesto remind us that not all practical work about science and teaching children how to do
in school science is laboratory work and that not all science. These pedagogic functions can, on occasions,
laboratorywork can be categorized as experiments.The result in very significant problems. For example, many
question that must be asked at this point is whether any experiments in class do not ’work’, or give unexpected
laboratory work in school can be categorized as ‘experi- results. Yet children are still invited to accept the theory
ments’, in the senses discussed in the previous section. that theexperimentsmanifestlydo not support, blaming
Since the curriculum revolution of the 1960s and early poor technique or bad luck for any anomalies. This is
1970s, teachers have assumed that students conduct because the pedagogic functionof many ’experiments’in
experiments, observe, make inferencesand solve prob- science teaching is to illustrate a particular theoretical
lems in the same way that scientistsdo, and for the same point of view, whereas in science the purpose is to assist
purposes. This notion demands critical scrutiny. It is theory development.Theintention to promoteaparticu-
necessary to consider very carefullywhether the experi- lar view, whilst maintaining a facade of open enquiry,
ments that children do in school resemble in any way creates enormous difficulties and is primarily respon-
those that scientistscarry out in the research laboratory sible for children’s distorted views of experiments and
and whether the teacher‘s purpose in providing SCF scientific methodology. This kind of stage-managed re-
called experimental work as a learning experience re- discovery, still very common in schools, is beset by all
sembles that of the scientist in conductingresearch. Are manner of theoretical and practical problems (Atkinson
there, in fact, crucialdifferencesbetween experimentsin and Delamont 1976,Driver1975,Hodson 1987).It should
science and experiments in science teaching? be abandoned forthwith and replaced by theory-driven
This is an appropriate point at which to discuss the
relevance to science-curriculumdesign of Kuhn’s (1970) In addition, there may be other pedagogic functions
distinction between normal science and revolutionary only indirectly related to these three goals. For example,
science. Children in school are concerned - in the main - experiments to build confidence and self-esteem in
with normal science. That is, they are working within a pupils. Experiments that demonstrate the predictive
particular paradigm, certainlyas far as laboratoryactivi- power of children’s developing theoretical understand-
ties are concerned.Paradigm shifts are only occasionally ing will, of course, teach them something about the
dealt with in school science, and in those cases the most nature of scientificknowledge, and so will have value in
appropriate teaching vehicle might well be historical teaching about science. However, the major purpose of
case studies, rather than laboratory work. However, such experiencesmight be to show children that they can
scientists engaged in normal science (extending and manipulateand control events,or to show them that they
developing the paradigm) work with a degree of famili- can investigate and solve problems - or at least tackle
arity with the paradigm that is denied to children appar- them! There is a case to be made for children engagingin

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Experiments in science and science teaching
laboratorywork as a means of expressingtheir individu- It seems that the further teachers move away from the
ality, or simply doing what pleases them and interests three major goals of practical work, the more laboratory
them. Reid and Hodson (1987) haveargued at length that work diverges from true experimentation.It is also the
the science curriculumshould be a mapr vehicle for the case that many of the learning experiencesthat are most
development of personal and social skills and the en- successful in achieving these three goals are also non-
hancement of self-esteem through a cumculum struc- experimental. Indeed, many are non-laboratory activi-
ture and organization that prioritizes the affective.How- ties!
ever, whatever it is that is distinctiveabout experiments
(inscience)may bemissing from thesekindsof activities.
For example, laboratorywork used at the beginning of a Learning about science
lesson as a stimulus - to motivate, arouse interest and
focus attention, to demonstrate a technique to be used
later by the children themselves, to startle, to prompt
questions for later investigation, to increasethe range of The particular views about the nature of science held
children’s experiences, and so on - has to be regarded as by curriculumdevelopers will profoundly influence the
’non-experimental’. None of these activities is directly kinds of experiments and laboratory work that are pro-
concerned with theory developmentor theory testing in vided. According to the particular ’philosophic stance’
the way that real experiments are. Similarly, skills train- adopted, relatively different emphases will be afforded
ing sessionscannot be regarded as experiments, though to experiments that attempt to ‘prove’ theories, experi-
it is entirely possible, of course, for teachers to adopt an ments that gather data from whichchildren try to induce
approachin which learnersare expected to acquireskills theories and experiments that attempt to test a theory‘s
whilst engaging in scientific inquiry. predictions or to settle disputes between theories. In

Figure 2. A three-stage model for science education

Stage 1.Preparadigmic (prescientific)science education

Establishing the domain of science (what is and is not science),acquiringthe ‘language’ of science and build-
ing the basic prerequisites for studying science (that there is order in the universe; that such order can be
described; that events have causes; that phenomena can be explained by theories; etc.).

Classroomactivitiesshould concentrateon such things as learning to make observationsand toask appropri-

ate questions, controlling variables, using instruments and making measurements, developing skills of
recording and reporting.

Stage 2. Within-paradigm science education

Learning the substantivestructureof science,acquiring and practising the skills and procedures of normal sci-
ence, using existing theoretical structures to investigate phenomena and to solve problems.

Classroom activitiesshould concentrate on acquiringnew concepts, establishing relationshipsbetween con-

cepts, investigating the empirical adequacy of explanatory theories, generating and testing hypotheses.

Stage 3. Revolutionary science education

Studying the growth and development of science and the history of scientificideas.

Classroom activities should include computer simulationsand historical case studies. Increasing attention
should be paid to socioeconomicmatters and to the role of the community of scientists in validating scientific

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addition, the teachefs implicit philosophy of sciencewill coated experts in sophisticated laboratories. Anyone can
profoundly influence the way in which these experi- d o it, including them! Too often, experiments in class are
ments are presented to children and written up by them. presented as the only way or proceeding; computer
simulations enable different groups of children to come
It has been argued earlier that almost all existing up withdifferentprocedures.Some will work well, some
science curricula project a distorted view of the nature of less well, some not at all. This is more like real science.
scientific methodology, because of the inadequacy of Thereareat least threelearninggrainsembeddedin such
their treatment of the complexity of the observation- experiences. First, children learn much more about the
experiment-theoryrelationship. The more sophisticated concepts and phenomena under investigation,
and epistemologicallyvalid model outlined in the pre- because they have more opportunity to manipulate
ceding discussion can best be approached by adopting a ideas. Second, they acquire some of the thinking skills of
three-stage science curriculum. (see Figure 2. previous the creative scientist. Third, they learn that science is
page). about people thinking, guessing and trying things that
sometimes work and sometimes fail. By such experi-
It isclear that the roleof experimentsisdifferentateach ences we can begin to demythologize science and make
stage, and children would need to be made aware of the it accessible to everyone.
distinctions. Generations of teachers have assumed that
knowledge of the methodology of science can be taught Many teachers would argue that the use of CAL
only through direct hands-on experience at the bench. (computer assisted learning)instead of laboratory bench
However, it is not entirely clear whether an appreciation work would distort children's understanding of scien-
of the role of experiments in these three stages is best tific inquiry -because real scientists go to the bench, or to
achieved by doing similar kinds of experiments in the the field, in order to conduct investigations. Three points
school laboratory. It does not follow that doing experi- are worth making in response. First, many scientists do
ments is necessarily the best way of learning about not go to thebench! Increasingly,scientistsin many areas
experiments. Anumber of writershavediscussed theuse of research use computers as tools for modelling and
of historical case studies and the reading of (modified) theory building. Second, the skills that children acquire
research papers and biographiesas alterna tive, and often from using simulations and databases are precisely the
superior, ways of introducing children to the role of skills needed for creative scientific inquiry. 'To illustrate
experiments (Brush 1974, Epstein 1970, Morgan 1981, this point it is helpful to regard scientific practice as a
Russell and Chiapetta 1981,Sherratt 1982,Tamir 1976, four-stage process: designing experiments; conducting
Wilson 1974). Nadeau and Desautels (1984)describe in experiments; interpreting experimental findings; re-
some detail a 'black box' exercise which simulates both cording and reporting findings and conclusions. CAL
scientific experimentation and the behaviour of the sci- enables learners to concentrate on the more significant
entific community in validating knowledge. Activities first, second and fourth phases without the distractions
involving different styles of scientific writing may be of of the muchless significantthird one. Third, toargue that
value in reinforcing some of these ideas (Hodson 1989). CAL distorts children's views of science is to confuse
doing science with learning science and learning about
The use of computer simulations is another very science, and to confuse lab work/practical work, and its
powerful technique enabling children to engage in the purpose in science education, with experiments and
more creative aspects of science that lead to an under- their purpose in scientific research.
standing of the nature of science. In most laboratory-
based lessons, children do not have opportunities to
engage in hypothesis generation and testing, or in ex-
perimental design, because teachers are unwilling to Learning science
provide the time, meet the cost or run the riskof children
adopting inappropriate, inefficient or potentially haz-
ardous experimental strategies. Consequently, teachers
tend to do all the experimental design, in advance of the Just as the views of science held by curriculum devel-
lesson, and thechildren simply follow instructions. With opersand teachers haveaprofound influenceonboth the
a computer simulation, poor designs can go ahead and curriculum content and the learning approach taken in
any problems can be discovered by the children and teaching children about science, so their views of learn-
modified, or eliminated, quickly and safely. In this way, ing will profoundly affect the kind of learning experi-
children learn from their mistakes and are led to investi- ences provided and, more significantlyfor the context of
gate more thoroughly and more thoughtfully. More this article, the role assigned to laboratory work in teach-
importantly, they learn that designing experimentsisnot ingscientific knowledge. In recent years, therehavebeen
a specialized and difficultbusiness carried out by white- three major approaches to learning in science: the trans-

1988. Educational Philosophy and Theory (20) 2.

Special topic 61
Experiments in science and science teaching
mission model, process-oriented or discovery learning, and comesdepend not only on thelearning environment that
the const ructivist approach. Each approach encompasses the teacher provides, bu t also on wha t the learner already
significantly different ideas about the nature of knowl- knows. Learning is a continuous process, in which learn-
edge, the role of the learner and the mechanism of the ers actively construct and reconstruct meaning. There
learning process. In addition, each seems to imply a appear tobe four mainsteps in thisapproach to teaching.
different view of science itself.
* Identify children’s views.
The traditional didactic approach to secondary-school
science, with its emphasis on formal instruction and * Design curricula that build on those views.
written presentation of information and its highly pre-
scriptive knowledge content, casts children in the role of * Provide incentives for children to change their
passive receiversof accumulated knowledge. Few things views.
can be more dogmatically stated than that the didactic
method is ineffectual. Worse than that, it is counter- * Support children’s attempts to rethink and
productive and is a major cause of widespread under- reconstruct their views.
achievement (Reid and Hodson 1987). In essence, it
mistakes both the nature of knowledge and the nature of In the past we have tended to assume that most chil-
learning, and it makes serious misjudgements about dren have no scientific knowledge before starting a new
what is realisticchild behaviour. For example,it assumes topic and, for those few who have, there will be little
that scientificknowledge is a valuable commodity per se, difficulty in replacing their (inadequate view) view by
and pays little - if any - regard to children’s perceptions of our (superior) view. Neither assumption seems to be
value. It assumes that scientific knowledge is absolute, true. Children do have scientific views, which are often
non-negotiable and unproblematic. It assumes that the atvariance with scientists’views,and they areoftenvery
teacher is themost importantpersonin theroom. Indeed, reluctant to give them up (Gilbert et al., 1982, Osborne
it is the teacher who holds centre state, having up to fifty and Bell 1983).There is growing evidence that the two
times as much space to move in as the children (Sommer views (the child’s and the teacher’s) can coexist, with
1969),and it is the teacher who is the fount of all knowl- children using their science in everyday life and repro-
edge and the source of authority, doing u p to two thirds ducing ‘official’science when required, in school. If this
of all the talking (Reid 1980).In addition, the approach is the case, we need to take a different view of teaching
prescribes certain patterns of classroom behaviour that and learning science. A view that is based on developing
many children find it difficult,if not impossible,tomeet. and modifying, rather than replacing, children’s ideas.
Namely, an attitude of physical and mental passivity in contains a summary of a series of teaching moves de-
which the abilities to sit still, pay attention, take notes signed to bring about conceptual development and
and be undemanding are the principal virtues. In this change in children that isin sympathy with this principle
approach, experiments and other kinds of laboratory (Hodson 1988a).Excellent summaries of the theoretical
work are frequently used to underpin a verificationist ideasunderpining thisand othersimilarmodelsof learn-
model of science. ing(e.g.,Cogrove etal.,1982)areprovidedbyHillet al.
(1987)andbyosborneand Wittrock (1985).(seeFigure3
The so-called ‘process approach’ to learning science next page)
does have the great virtue of requiring the learners to be
active, but it ignores the influence of children’s existing Just as the scientificresearch that leads to theory devel-
ideas on how the processes are employed and conclu- opment or theory replacement starts from the existing
sionsreached. It assumes that the processesof science are theoretical matrix, so activities intended to bring about
content-free, generalizable and transferable from one conceptuai development and change in individuals
context to another. In asserting the priority of processes should start from children’s exiting understanding. If it
over concepts, it implies an inductivist model of science. is accepted that the purpose of theory is to explain
Thediscovery-learning approach, a prominent feature of and predict, then children must be encouraged to ex-
science curricula developed in the 1960s and 1970s, is plore their existing beliefs in order to test their capacity
similarly discredited from philosophical,psychological, for explanation and prediction. If their ideas prove defi-
and practical perspectives (Atkinson and Delamont cient in these capacities, then a new way of looking at
1976, Hodson 1987). things (a new model or theory) may be introduced as a
means of precipitating a conceptual revolution. What is
By contrast, the constructivist approach to learning clear is that children need to be given sufficient time and
asserts the priority of the learner‘s existing knowledge opportunity to reconstruct their understanding for
(Driver 1983, Driver and Bell 1986, Osborne and Frey- themselves and to find reasons for changing their views.
berg 1985, Osborne and Wittrock 1985). Learning out- Hewson(l981)arguesthata new conceptual scheme will

1988. Educational Philosophy and Theory (20) 2.

62 Special topic
Derek Hodson

Figure 3.
Teachinglleaming strategies for conceptual development

i. Making children's own ideas explicit through ix. Introduction of experiences to challengeand
writing and through discussion with other contradict children's existing views.
children and with the teacher.
X. Encouragingthe generation of alternative
ii. Exploring the implicationsof those ideas. conceptual frameworks and explanationsby
means of 'brainstorming' activities.
iii. Matching and testing ideas against experience
and the experience of others. xi. Introduction of the 'official' explanatory
framework as one of the alternatives - if
iv. Criticizing the ideas of others. Subjecting one's necessary.
own ideas to criticism.
xii. Exploration and testing of all alternatives
* At this point the teacher should (repeatingsteps i - viii).
challenge children to find evidence
and support for their ideas. Critical xiii. Comparison, judgement and selection of the
interpretationof evidence is the basis alternativethat proves most acceptable to the
for holding to a particular theoretical learning group (including the teacher, i.e.,
view in science. reaching consensus - a key step in the practice
of science.
V. Using theoretical ideas to explain observa-
tions, phenomena and events. * At this point the teacher would em-
bark on a further cycle of conceptual
vi. Applying theoretical ideas to new situations. change (i.e., proceed to step ix, or
would switch to a new topic (i.e.,
vii. Modifying and refining ideas to ensure a proceed to step i).
better match with 'reality'.

viii. Making predictions. Subjecting theories and Throughout these activities the children would
predictions to test in the search for support, be engaged in recording and reporting tasks,
refutation and refinement. using both the 'private' languages of personal
exploration and reflection and the 'public'
At this point the teacher should begin language of scientific communication.
activities designed to effect a shift in

be accepted if learners find it 'plausible, intelligible and constructsarea central part of learning, scientificknowl-
fruitful'. In reality, sophisticated theories in science are edge itself is not idiosyncratic. Science is a communal
implausibleand unintelligibleuntilonebeginstoexplore activity and scientific knowledge is that which is ac-
them, use them and personalize them; and they become cepted by all (i.e., validated by consensus). Hence step
fruitful only when used to make predictions, explain xiii in Figure 3.
phenomena and events, examine other theoretical
propositions, etc. Thus, experiments and other kinds of If learning science is about making sense of the physi-
bench work provide a uniquely powerful way of engag- cal work in which we live, the first step in the process
ing in the kinds of activities that provide, albeit retro- must be familiarizationwith the phenomena and events
spectively, Hewson's conditionsfor conceptual change. that are to be understood and explained. Bench work
Viewed in this light, experiments are a principal means may be the only way of experiencing first hand the
of assisting 'personal theory building', as Claxton (1984) attraction and repulsion of a magnet or the smell of a gas.
describes concept development. Although personal The direct experienceof chemicalchanges(such asbum-

1988. Educational Philosophy and Theory (20) 2.

Special topic 63
Experiments in science and science teaching
ing magnesium), the handling and care of living organ- that constitutes the learning process; the experiment
isms, the use of instruments that extend our senses (such simply provides the concrete evidence for further con-
as telescopes and microscopes) are other aspects of ceptual exploration. By eliminating concrete experi-
familiarizationwith the world around us that cannot be ences, and providing instant feedback on the appropri-
achievedin any other way. So,in this respect, bench work ateness of certain speculations and predictions (in the
is crucial. It isn’t enough just to read about green gases form of ‘experimental results’), computer simulations
and blue crystals, about light bending as it passes and databases enable learners to spend considerably
through a prism, or about electric fields creating mag- more time manipulating abstractideas as a way of build-
netic fields. Learners need to see these things, to experi- ing understanding.
ence phenomena directly and to handle real objects or
themselves. But few of these practical laboratory-based It is clear that one cannot engage in laboratory work
experiences are ‘experiments’, in the senses discussed without considering the relevant conceptual issues.
earlier. Unless, of course, one is striving merely to ’entertain’
children or to develop manipulative skills. By contrast,
If conceptualdevelopmentis assisted by encouraging one can consider the conceptual relationships relevant to
children to explore,elaborateand test their ideasagainst experimental procedures without actually carrying out
experience - both ‘real’ experience and the ’contrived’ the experiment, in the conventional sense. It may be that
experienceof the scientificexperiment -then laboratory the concrete situation of actual experiments serves, on
work and experiments in the field (that are theory-led occasions, to distract the learner from the important
and well understood by the children)have a crucial role theoretical featuresof the problemand to inhibit creative
to play. Equally, it is the case that severalof the stepsmay, thinking. In the famous Piagetian conservation prob-
on occasions, be more appropriately approached by lems, for example, concrete experiences seemed to hin-
other kinds of active learning methods, particularly by der understanding: those not subjected to a demonstra-
the use of computer simulationsandscientificdatabases. tion of the transfer to liquid between differently shaped
The use of computer simulations, as opposed to real beakers were better able to judge the quantities (Bruner
experiments, enables the teacher to tailor the learning et al., 1966). It seems that, on occasions, concrete situ-
experience precisely to the teaching/learning goals, ations constitute pedagogic noise that inhibits under-
instead of the more usual situation of having to fit the standing (Kreitlerand Kreitler 1974,Yageret al., 1969).If
learning goals to the complexities of reality. One can these arguments are accepted, it follows that teaching
decrease or increase the level of complexity, include or techniques employing computer simulationsand data-
exclude certain features, adopt ‘idealized conditions’, bases-andany other methods thatenableattention tobe
and generally create an experimental situation that en- focused on abstract conceptual issues without the dis-
ables learners to concentrate on the central concepts tractionof thepedagogic noiseof concretesituations-are
without the distractions, waywardness of materials and more suited to the fostering of such aspects of scientific
’pedagogic noise’ that is so much a feature of experi- creativity a s hypothesis construction and
ments with real things. In many cases, the real learning experimental design (Hodson 1988b, c). Perhaps they
gainsareassociatedwith thinkingabout theideas, work- have a similarrole in scienceteaching to ’thoughtexperi-
ing out a means of conducting the inquiry and interpret- ments’ in science.The crucialrole of such experimentsin
ing the results.The actualperformanceof the experiment scientifictheory building is discussed at some length by
contributes very little. In some cases, because of exces- Hacking (1983).
sive pedagogic noise, it serves merely to distract; in
others, because the procedures are lengthy, tedious and
uninteresting, it serves to alienate learners. Computer Doing science
simulationsenable teachers to place the emphasison the
principal learning goals of the lesson and to ’freeze’, or
rerun or modify an experiment quickly and easily in
order to clarify or develop a teaching point. The third major learning goal concerning practical
work is doing science. Here the emphasis is not on learn-
The purpose of experimentsin school science (as dis- ingabout the methods of science, or even on developing
tinct from science itself) is not to assist the concrete to expertise in the individual processes of science, but on
become abstract, as teachers usually maintain. Rather, it using the methodsand processesof scienceto investigate
is togive concreteillustration and representation to prior phenomena, solveproblemsand follow interests that the
abstractions. Therefore, laboratory work in school children have chosen, perhaps in negotiation with the
should be used to assist the exploration and manipula- teacher. Within every science course there would be
tion of concepts and @ make the concept manifest, opportunitiesfor children to engage in such open-ended
comprehensible and useful. It is the exploration of ideas investigationwork. It is here that children comeclosestto

1988. Educational Philosophy and Theory (20) 2.

64 Special topic
Derek Hodson
doing real science and, therefore, we should regard it as gests that planning experiments and designing experi-
the very pinnacle of science education. ments are two distinct and largely independent skills.
Planning experiments includes identifying a problem,
At first glance, it would seem that science education formulating a hypothesis, identifying dependent and in-
interpreted as ‘doing science’ is unproblematic. Put dependent variables, etc., and is largely a concept-driven
simply, it seems self-evident that children learn to do activity. Designing experiments involves fitting a par-
science by doing science, so that curriculum decision- ticular experimental design to a hypothesis. It consists
making reduces to answering questions concerning the primarily of making decisions about treatments, condi-
amount of choice tobe given to thelearnerand tovarious tions, controls, measurements to be taken, techniques to
managerial issues such as allocation of time, cost of be employed, and so on. It might be summed up by the
materials and provision of facilities. However, consid- phrase ‘a feel for experimentation’. The decisions are
eration of what constitutes doing science successfully made largely on the basis of previous experience. So,to
reveals that there are certain pre-requisites. that extent, ‘a feel for experimentation’ is located to-
wards the craft end of the art-craft experimentation con-
* Possession of an appropriate conceptual tinuum represented in figure 4 and is, in consequence,
background. susceptible to teaching (Vasilakes 1967).
* Ability to perform certain laboratory opera-
tions satisfactorily. The ability to plan experiments is dependent on par-
ticular conceptual understanding. Therefore, it is likely
* Experimental flair. to be transferable only to contexts in which the same or
As a consequence,doing science cannot be regarded as closely similar conceptual frameworks could be ap-

Figure 4. The art and craft of experimentation

Planning Designing Performing

Experiments Experiments Experiments

Concept-specific Concept-independent
Context-dependent Transferable

unproblematic. Experimentalflair isdifficult todefine. It plied- though there are those who would argue that
is more seems to comprise at least two distinct factors. practice in thinking about anything enables one to think
more successfullyabout anything else! As one shifts to-
(i) The ability to design ’powerful’ experiments wards the craft end of the continuum, it is more likely
that test or illustrate a theory in an elegant that ‘experimentalflair’ is transferable, though reserva-
way. tions must be expressed about whether the ability to use
a pipette and burette successfully, in volumetric analy-
(ii) The ability to ‘do’ experiments. That is, to sis, is in any sense transferable to a situation in which an
handle the apparatus and carry out the labora- oscilloscope is being used or a dogfish being dissected!
tory operations in an organized and skilful What may be transferable are certain attitudes and feel-
way in order to achieve certain goals. It could ings of self-worth. In other words, successfulexperience
be described as the scientific equivalent of the in one experiment may make children more determined
successful gardenefs ’green fingers’. and more interested in performing another experiment.
The confidence arising from successfully designing an
The first of these factors is not to be confused with experiment might be a factor in helping children to stay
understanding the nature and purpose of experimentsor at the task long enough to design a new experiment suc-
with appreciation of what constitutes a good experi- cessfully.These kindsof argumentslead toa justification
ment, which comprise aspects of learning abou t science. of doing science in terms of its contribution to the affec-
Rather, it is the capacity to plan and design one’s own tive (Reid and Hodson 1987). This is in addition to its
experiments. Analysis by Tamir and Amir (1987) sug- more obvious contribution to children’s understanding

1988. Educational Philosophy and Theory (20) 2.

Special topic 65
Experiments in science and science teaching
of science, conceptual development and acquisition of
laboratory skills.

In this article, doing science has been interpreted as

open-ended project work, in which the content and the
methods, as well as the outcomes, are largely unknown
at the outset. An alternative interpretation is in terms of
problem solving, a discussion of which is to be found
elsewhere (Hodson 1989).


It is thecontention of thisarticle that muchof what goes

on in our scienceclassrooms, under the name of practical
work, is muddled and without real educational value -
largely because teachers fail to recognize the key differ-
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placed by the wider notion of science learning activities,
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