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Core Curriculum in Nephrology

Respiratory Acidosis and Respiratory

Alkalosis: Core Curriculum 2023
Biff F. Palmer and Deborah J. Clegg

The respiratory system plays an integral part in maintaining acid–base homeostasis. Normal ventilation Complete author and article
participates in the maintenance of an open buffer system, allowing for excretion of CO2 produced from information provided at end
of article.
the interaction of nonvolatile acids and bicarbonate. Quantitatively of much greater importance is the
excretion of CO2 derived from volatile acids produced from the complete oxidation of fat and car- Am J Kidney Dis.
bohydrate. A primary increase in CO2 tension of body fluids is the cause of respiratory acidosis and 82(3):347-359. Published
online June 21, 2023.
develops most commonly from one or more of the following: (1) disorders affecting gas exchange
across the pulmonary capillary, (2) disorders of the chest wall and the respiratory muscles, and/or (3) doi: 10.1053/
inhibition of the medullary respiratory center. Respiratory alkalosis or primary hypocapnia is most j.ajkd.2023.02.004
commonly caused by disorders that increase alveolar ventilation and is defined by an arterial partial © 2023 by the National
pressure of CO2 <35 mm Hg with subsequent alkalization of body fluids. Both disorders can lead to Kidney Foundation, Inc.
life-threatening complications, making it of paramount importance for the clinician to have a thorough
understanding of the cause and treatment of these acid–base disturbances.

load, whereas fruits and vegetables provide FEATURE EDITOR

Introduction Melanie Hoenig
Arterial blood pH is normally maintained be-
Intracellular and extracellular buffers pro-
tween 7.35 and 7.45 despite a continuous ADVISORY BOARD
vide the most immediate defense against Ursula C. Brewster
production of acid metabolites generated from
changes in pH following the addition of Michael J. Choi
metabolic processes within the body. The
nonvolatile acid to the body. The HCO3−/CO2 Biff F. Palmer
defense of arterial pH requires the coordinated Bessie Young
system is the most important buffer system
actions of intracellular and extracellular
because of the high concentration of the
buffers operating in conjunction with the The Core Curriculum
constituents and open nature of the system.
lungs and kidney. This installment of AJKD’s aims to give trainees
Addition of acid converts HCO3− to CO2 ac- in nephrology a
Core Curriculum in Nephrology will focus on
cording to the reaction HA + NaHCO3 ↔ strong knowledge
the respiratory regulatory mechanisms
NaA + H2O + CO2. While HCO3− is base in core topics in
involved in acid–base homeostasis and the the specialty by
consumed, the CO2 concentration is main-
pathophysiologic disturbances that arise when providing an over-
tained at a constant level set by respiratory
this system operates abnormally. view of the topic and
control. The net result is that the H+ generated citing key references,
is no longer free and the change in pH is including the founda-
Sources of Carbon Dioxide minimal. Were this system closed, the con- tional literature that
There are 2 types of acids generated from sumption of HCO3− would be accompanied led to current clinical
metabolic processes in the body. Nonvolatile by an immediate increase in CO2, causing a
acids (ie, H+) are primarily derived from the precipitous decrease in systemic pH. The
metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids consumed HCO3− is ultimately regenerated
(cysteine and methionine) contained in the when the acid has been excreted by the
diet that generate sulfuric acid and phospho- kidney.
proteins that generate phosphoric acid. Other Volatile acid (ie, H2CO3) is the second type
sources of acid include metabolism of dietary of acid generated in the body. Each day,
cationic amino acids (lysine, arginine, and approximately 15,000 mmol of CO2 is pro-
histidine) and a small daily production of duced, largely from the complete oxidation of
organic acids such as acetic acid, lactic acid, dietary carbohydrate and fats. The formation
and pyruvic acid. After accounting for the of H2CO3 from CO2 and H2O is catalyzed by
small amount of acid generated by the excre- the enzyme carbonic anhydrase according to
tion of alkali into the stool, ingestion of a the reaction CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ +
typical Western diet generates a daily net acid HCO3−. The respiratory tract is responsible for
load of approximately 1 mmol of H+ per ki- the excretion of daily cellular CO2 produced
logram of body weight. This amount varies from the dehydration of carbonic acid during
depending on the makeup of the diet. Grains, cellular metabolism. CO2 excretion by the
eggs, cheese, and meats impart a higher acid lungs maintains arterial CO2 tension (ie,

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partial pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood [PaCO2]) tissue-generated CO2. The partial pressure gradient would
relatively constant between 35 and 45 mm Hg. Even need to be 10 times greater to ensure successful excretion
during maximal exercise, when CO2 production increases of the daily CO2 load if transport occurred solely by
as much as 20-fold, the arterial CO2 tension in body fluids physically dissolved gas in the plasma. In fact, only
is maintained in the normal range because of matching approximately 10% of metabolically produced CO2 is
increases in minute ventilation and CO2 excretion. carried in the plasma dissolved in water, making choice (a)
Comparing the daily ratio of nonvolatile acid (70-100 incorrect. The bulk of CO2 produced in tissues enters red
mmol) to volatile acid (15,000 mmol) requiring excre- blood cells, where it undergoes hydration to form carbonic
tion, it becomes apparent that cessation of pulmonary acid, a reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic
ventilation causes an almost immediate disruption in acid then ionizes into H+ and HCO3−. The deoxygenated
acid–base balance, resulting in fatal acidemia in less than 1 form of hemoglobin in tissues readily binds H+, and the
hour. By contrast, a similar degree of systemic acidity HCO3− exits the cell in exchange for Cl− via the anion
following loss of kidney function requires days to occur, exchange band 3 protein found on the red cell membrane.
with the length of time strongly influenced by diet. The band 3 or anion exchanger 1 (AE1) is a member of the
Solute Carrier 4 family of bicarbonate transporters
CO2 Transport (SLC4A1). Approximately 80% of tissue-generated CO2 is
transported to the lungs as HCO3− by way of this process,
Question 1: Which one of the following is the primary making choice (c) the correct answer. The remaining 10%
mechanism by which CO2 generated in tissues is of transport occurs by a fraction of CO2 directly binding
transported to the lungs for excretion? with certain amino acids on the hemoglobin molecule,
(a) Dissolved as a gas in plasma forming carbamino compounds. Choice (b) is therefore
(b) Carried by hemoglobin in red blood cells incorrect.
(c) Transported as HCO3− in plasma
The arrival of blood in the pulmonary capillaries leads
For the answer to this question, see the following text. to unloading of CO2 as a result of the low CO2 tension in
the alveolar space. The reduction in PCO2 creates local
alkalinity favoring release of H+ from hemoglobin. In
Given the large amount of volatile acid produced during addition, as hemoglobin becomes oxygenated, the pK
cellular metabolism, it is important to understand how value of the imidazole group of histidine decreases,
CO2 is transported from tissues to the lungs for final providing an additional stimulus for H+ release. H+ titrates
excretion. The majority of CO2 produced in tissues that HCO3− in red blood cells, leading to formation of carbonic
enters the blood is converted to nongaseous forms for acid, which is rapidly dehydrated to CO2 and H2O cata-
transport (Fig 1). The efficiency of this conversion is made lytically by carbonic anhydrase. The decrease in intracel-
apparent by considering the low partial CO2 pressure lular HCO3− favors movement of HCO3− into the red blood
(PCO2) gradient (approximately 6 mm Hg) between tis- cell in exchange for Cl−, a reversal of the sequence
sues and the lung required for successful excretion of occurring in tissues. The CO2 generated from HCO3−,

Figure 1. Mechanism of transport of CO2 produced in peripheral tissues to the lung for excretion. See text for detailed discussion.
Abbreviation: Hb, hemoglobin.

348 AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023

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along with the small component from carbamino com- CO2 production. Input received by the respiratory cen-
pounds, rapidly enters the alveolar compartment because ters in the brainstem adjust motor input to the respi-
the alveolar capillary membrane is highly permeable to ratory muscles, altering respiratory rate as well as depth
CO2. This equilibration occurs in a fraction of the transit and duration of inspiration. Deviations in PaCO2 and pH
time of red blood cells along the pulmonary capillaries. in a negative feedback loop are corrected through ad-
justments in tidal volume and respiratory rate, and
Factors Determining the PaCO2 arterial blood gases are stabilized.
The PaCO2 is proportional to CO2 production and inversely A component of each breath is distributed to areas where
proportional to alveolar ventilation (VA) according to the gas exchange does not occur. These areas comprise the
equation PaCO2 = K × VCO2/(VA), where K is a propor- anatomic dead space and include the nose, trachea, and
tionality constant and VCO2 is CO2 production. Under bronchi up to and including the terminal bronchioles. This
conditions of constant CO2 production, increased VA will volume is approximately 30% of the normal tidal volume of
reduce the PaCO2, causing an increase in arterial pH. By 500 mL, or 150 mL. The anatomic dead space remains
contrast, increased CO2 production in the setting of a fixed relatively constant even though tidal volume varies. For this
amount of VA will increase the PaCO2, causing acidemia. reason, a breathing pattern characterized by a low tidal
Under normal circumstances, the central respiratory volume will increase the percentage of anatomic dead space
center in the medulla receives stimulatory signals from (eg, 300-mL tidal volume/150-mL dead space = 0.5) and
central chemoreceptors located on the ventral surface of predispose to hypercapnia if total ventilation is unchanged.
the medulla oblongata and peripheral chemoreceptors in VA refers to the component of total ventilation reaching
the carotid body, bifurcation of the carotid artery, and the perfused alveoli and is therefore effective in elimina-
arch of the aorta. These chemoreceptors detect alter- tion of CO2. The efficiency of this process is determined by
ations in PaCO2 and H+ concentration. Changes in the relative matching of VA and perfusion (VA/Q) in in-
arterial oxygen tension are primarily sensed by periph- dividual units of gas exchange (Fig 2). At one extreme, the
eral chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies. As little as a composition of gas leaving nonperfused alveoli is the same
1–mm Hg increase in CO2 tension is sufficient to as inspired air and is therefore a component of dead space
initiate a stimulatory signal by medullary chemorecep- ventilation. At the other extreme, perfusion of non-
tors. The sensitive nature of these chemoreceptors ex- ventilated areas of lung prevents gas exchange from
plains why hypercapnia is almost always due to occurring and creates a shunt or venous admixture. At both
ineffective VA and not a result of increased metabolic extremes and with lesser degrees of mismatch in between,

Figure 2. Spectrum of alveolar ventilation/perfusion (VA/Q) mismatch. Exposure of alveolar gas to blood in the pulmonary capillaries
is required for the normal exchange of O2 and CO2 in alveoli. Incomplete arterialization of systemic venous blood occurs when venti-
lation is reduced in excess of perfusion (ie, decreased VA/Q). Obstruction of airflow and fluid accumulation in the alveoli are causes of
such a mismatch. Complete absence of ventilation in the setting of preserved perfusion causes intrapulmonary shunting of systemic
venous blood to the systemic arterial circulation. Ventilation in excess of perfusion does not contribute to gas exchange and is
referred to as dead-space ventilation. As the VA/Q mismatch increases, there is a greater amount of atmospheric gas, with negligible
amounts of CO2 returned to the atmosphere during exhalation. Pulmonary emboli and severely reduced cardiac output are causes of
increased mismatch. Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; PE, pulmonary emboli.

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gas-exchange efficiency is reduced, creating what is called Question 2: Which of the following best explains the
alveolar dead space. Physiologic dead space is the sum of worsening acidemia?
anatomic and alveolar dead space. (a) Dilutional acidosis from administration of normal saline
Increased alveolar dead space is the main cause of hy- solution
(b) Decreased ventilation from respiratory muscle paralysis
percapnia in patients with parenchymal lung disease affecting
(c) Lactic acidosis
the gas-exchanging component of the lung (chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], pneumonia, and For the answer to this question, see the following text.
interstitial fibrosis) and pulmonary vascular disease. In early
stages of these diseases, the increase in dead space stimulates Respiratory acidosis is an acid–base disturbance initiated
minute ventilation (hence VA), avoiding retention of CO2, by a primary increase in CO2 tension of body fluids. The
and patients manifest only hypoxemia. Hypercapnia ulti- disorder should be distinguished from secondary hyper-
mately develops when hyperventilation of remaining normal capnia, which is a compensation for primary metabolic
alveoli can no longer compensate for the increasing alveolar alkalosis. Primary hypercapnia is indicated by PaCO2 levels
dead space in lung units with a worsening VA/Q mismatch. >45 mm Hg on blood gas analysis. However, low PaCO2
Impairment of the compensatory response occurs earlier with levels (<45 mm Hg) can still indicate respiratory acidosis if
superimposed muscle weakness, fatigue, or increases in VA does not effectively counteract primary metabolic
airway resistance. acidosis. A similar situation can occur in the setting of an
acute and severe decrease in cardiac output. The combi-
Additional Readings nation of decreased pulmonary perfusion with relatively
➢ Palmer BF. Normal acid-base balance. In: Feehally J, preserved pulmonary ventilation can potentially give rise
Floege J, Tonelli M, Johnson RJ, eds. Comprehensive Clinical to arterial eucapnia or even hypocapnia at the same time
Nephrology. 6th ed. Elsevier; 2019:142-148. net retention of CO2 in body fluids is reflected by venous
➢ West JB. State of the art: ventilation-perfusion re- hypercapnia.
lationships. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1977;116(5):919-943. The patient in case 1 presents with an increased anion gap metabolic acidosis secondary to diabetic ketoacidosis.
➢ Berger AJ, Mitchell RA, Severinghaus JW. Regulation of The PaCO2 of 10 mm Hg on admission is lower than the
respiration (first of three parts). N Engl J Med. expected compensatory value of 17 mm Hg, indicating an
1977;297(2):92-97. additional component of respiratory alkalosis. Cell shift of
97707142970206 +ESSENTIAL READING K+ induced by administration of insulin and improvement
of metabolic acidosis unmasked the severe reduction in
total body K+, which accounts for the development of
Respiratory Acidosis respiratory muscle paralysis and acute respiratory acidosis
at 12 hours, making choice (b) the correct answer. Indirect
Case 1: A 32-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes mellitus
loss of HCO3− in the urine, along with the Cl− contained in
presents with lethargy. Five days before admission, she
normal saline solution, account for the development of a
noted the acute onset of diarrhea and vomiting accompanied
by polyuria and polydipsia. Physical examination on admis- hyperchloremic acidosis; however, the improvement in
sion is noteworthy for blood pressures of 110/70 mm Hg plasma HCO3− concentration at 12 hours makes choices
(supine) and 90/60 mm Hg (sitting). The respiratory rate is (a) and (c) incorrect.
24 breaths per minute. Other than decreased arousability,
the remainder of the examination is unremarkable. She Mechanisms of Hypercapnia
received 3 L of normal saline solution and intravenous insulin
The approach to a patient with acute or chronic respiratory
in the first 4 hours in the emergency department. Laboratory
data on admission and 12 hours later are as follows:
acidosis should focus on whether one or more of the
following pathologic processes are present: increased CO2
On Admission 12 h Later production, disturbances in pulmonary capillary gas ex-
Plasma glucose, mg/dL 760 280 change, abnormalities in chest wall and respiratory muscle
Serum creatinine, mg/dL 2.2 1.8 function, and neurologic disorders affecting the medullary
Plasma electrolytes, mEq/L respiratory center (Box 1). In this section, we discuss the
Na+ 138 144 underlying mechanisms that give rise to these disorders.
K+ 4.2 1.4
Cl− 103 112 Increased CO2 Production
HCO3− 6 14 Physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions can lead to
Anion gap 29 18 increased production of CO2. Such conditions include fe-
Arterial blood gas ver, shivering, increased physical activity, hyperthyroid-
pH 7.19 7.01 ism, and prolonged status epilepticus. However,
PaCO2, mm Hg 10 42 hypercapnia rarely results in these settings because of

350 AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023

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because of a corresponding increase in ventilation. By

Box 1. Differential Diagnosis of Acute and Chronic Respiratory
contrast, patients with a limited ventilatory status such as
COPD or those with fixed minute ventilation due to weak
I. Pulmonary capillary gas-exchange disorders respiratory muscles may not be able to increase ventilation
A. Acute appropriately. Development of hypercapnia in these pa-
1. Exacerbation of underlying lung disease tients can precipitate respiratory distress or acute respira-
2. Adult respiratory distress syndrome tory failure and make weaning from mechanical
3. Acute pulmonary edema ventilation more difficult.
4. Severe asthma or pneumonia
5. Pneumothorax or hemothorax Disturbances in Gas Exchange Across the
6. Aspiration of foreign body or vomitus
Pulmonary Capillary
7. Laryngospasm
B. Chronic Disorders within this category cause hypercapnia due to an
1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease increase in dead-space ventilation resulting from ventila-
2. Extreme obesity tion/perfusion mismatching. This situation occurs when
II. Chest wall and respiratory muscle disorders alveoli remain ventilated but are no longer perfused or
A. Acute when the amount of ventilation of lung regions is exces-
1. Muscle weakness: myasthenia gravis crisis, Guillain- sive with respect to their perfusion. In both instances, the
Barre syndrome, severe hypokalemia or VA/Q is increased. When minute ventilation is kept con-
hypophosphatemia stant, hypercapnia develops as the relative amount of dead
B. Chronic space ventilation increases.
1. Muscle weakness: spinal cord injury, poliomyelitis,
The mismatch in VA/Q can be profoundly increased in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis,
areas of lung affected by a pulmonary embolism, and
2. Kyphoscoliosis yet, in most circumstances, patients present with hyp-
3. Extreme obesity, obstructive sleep apnea oxia and hypocapnia. The absence of hypercapnia
III. Central nervous system respiratory center dysfunction despite the increase in dead-space ventilation is due to
A. Drugs: opiates, anesthetics, sedatives several reasons. First, minute ventilation increases in this
B. Administration of oxygen in chronic hypercapnia setting as a result of stimulation of the respiratory center
C. Central sleep apnea caused by activation of irritant and juxtacapillary sensors
D. Extreme obesity (Pickwickian syndrome) in the lung. Second, the predicted mismatch in VA/Q
E. Central nervous system lesions from cessation of perfusion is attenuated as a result of
F. Metabolic alkalosis (although hypercapnia is an appro- bronchoconstriction in the affected area caused by the
priate response to the increase in pH)
low partial pressure of alveolar CO2. Third, nonaffected
IV. Increased CO2 production (rare and only occurs if ventila-
tion is fixed)
areas of the lung maintain a high capacity for CO2
elimination given the linear relationship with no satu-
ration point between the amounts of CO2 carried by
whole blood as a function of PCO2. This characteristic
increased ventilation driven by chemosensitive areas of the differs from the sigmoidal relationship between O2
medulla responding to changes in interstitial pH brought content of whole blood and the prevailing partial O2
about by increased levels of CO2. Ventilatory reserve is pressure (PO2), whereby blood becomes fully saturated
sufficient in most patients to match any increase in CO2 with O2 at the upper range of physiologic PO2 levels
production and avoid the development of hypercapnia. By (Fig 3). Failure of one of these mechanisms can pre-
contrast, when ventilation is fixed, as in a patient receiving cipitate hypercapnia. For example, patients with
controlled ventilation, increased production can contribute respiratory-center depression or those undergoing me-
to the genesis of respiratory acidosis. chanical ventilation with the mode set on “controlled”
High amounts of carbohydrates given to a patient un- will be unable to significantly increase minute ventila-
dergoing mechanical ventilation can result in heightened tion. Lung disease affecting the nonembolized portions
CO2 production, especially if glycogen supplies are full. of the lung and low cardiac output states in which
Excess glucose calories result in lipogenesis, which mark- mixed venous PCO2 is already increased are additional
edly increases the respiratory quotient (RQ). This factor risk factors for the development of hypercapnia.
reflects cellular rates of CO2 production relative to O2 Mismatching between ventilation and perfusion is the
consumption decreasing toward 0.7 with greater amounts main mechanism for the development of respiratory
of fatty acid metabolism and increasing to greater than 1 acidosis in patients with COPD. Destruction of capil-
when carbohydrate metabolism is dominant. The RQ of laries, airflow obstruction leading to hyperinflation, and
glucose is 1.0 and that of fat is 0.7, but the RQ of lipo- reduced lung compliance contribute to increases in
genesis or fat production is approximately 8.0, accounting dead-space ventilation. In early stages of the disease,
for the substantial increase in CO2 production relative to increases in minute ventilation compensate for these
oxygen consumption. Normal subjects avoid hypercapnia pathologic changes, allowing eucapnia to be maintained.

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mismatch. Hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction,

redirecting blood flow from poorly ventilated to well
ventilated areas of lung, resulting in a better match
between ventilation and blood flow and reducing
physiologic dead space. Hypoxic pulmonary vasocon-
striction is removed with supplementary oxygen, causing
an increase in dead-space ventilation, an effect most
pronounced in patients with a low arterial partial O2
pressure (PaO2). A third mechanism to explain wors-
ening hypercapnia is decreased affinity of hemoglobin
for CO2 following oxygenation, a phenomenon known
as the Haldane effect. As oxygen displaces CO2 from
hemoglobin, the PaCO2 increases as a result of increased
amounts of CO2 dissolved in blood. This effect is most
pronounced between PaO2s of 20 and 60 mm Hg, a
range corresponding to the steep portion of the
oxygen–hemoglobin disassociation curve.

Disorders of Respiratory Muscles and Chest Wall

Figure 3. A comparison of the O2 and CO2 disassociation Disorders of the respiratory muscles, including the dia-
curves. An increase in alveolar ventilation/perfusion mismatch gram and inspiratory muscles of the chest wall, can lead to
can range from a state in which perfusion is simply in excess
hypercapnia when the muscles fail to adequately propel air
of ventilation to one in which totally unventilated areas remain
perfused. These settings primarily affect oxygenation without
through the conducting airways. In these disorders, res-
increasing the arterial partial CO2 pressure. Increased ventilation piratory drive is inadequately translated into effective
of relatively preserved lung units compensates to normalize the ventilation. Neurologic diseases like spinal cord injury,
arterial partial CO2 pressure but not the arterial partial O2 pres- myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, poliomyelitis,
sure. This distinction is accounted for by the relative straight- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and multiple sclerosis are
line relationship of the hemoglobin–CO2 dissociation curve, causes of hypercapnia due to respiratory muscle weakness.
which demonstrates no saturation for CO2 and therefore allows Muscle weakness is a potential complication of poor
averaging of capillary CO2 from hyperventilated and hypoventi- nutritional states or body deficits in electrolytes such as
lated areas. By contrast, the decreased hemoglobin–O2 satura- severe hypokalemia or hypophosphatemia. Decreased
tion in poorly ventilated areas cannot be compensated for by muscle energy supply caused by low cardiac output, ane-
well-ventilated areas because hemoglobin–O2 saturation has
mia, and decreased oxygen saturation may also play
already reached near-maximum levels based on the sigmoidal
characteristics of the oxygen-disassociation curve.
contributory roles.
Diminished chest wall compliance and impaired res-
piratory muscle mechanics lead to chronic hypercapnia
However, as the extent of disease progresses, the in- in chest wall disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis,
crease in ventilation can no longer compensate for the kyphoscoliosis, and pectus excavatum. Hyperinflation
inefficiency in CO2 excretion imposed by VA/Q mis- and increased lung resistance in COPD increases the
matching. When hypercapnia has become chronic, the workload and places inspiratory muscles at a decreased
breathing pattern tends to be shallow and rapid mechanical advantage to generate pressure. For example,
compared with that in normocapnic patients with COPD. flattening of the diaphragm increases its radius of cur-
As discussed previously, this pattern of low-tidal-volume vature such that the pressure generated for any level of
breathing further increases anatomic dead space. Clinical contraction is reduced according to Laplace’s law. With
decompensation can occur when airway resistance severe flattening, contraction may actually cause lung
acutely increases as a result of bronchial spasm or deflation, resulting in inward movement of the lower
edema, retention of secretions, or muscle fatigue due to rib cage during inspiration, a phenomenon referred to
the high workload required to maintain increased min- as Hoover sign.
ute ventilation.
A blunted sensitivity to CO2 develops in patients with Inhibition of the Medullary Respiratory Center
advancing degrees of COPD, who become increasingly Anesthetic, sedative, and opiate agents decrease respiratory
dependent on hypoxemia to drive ventilation. Adminis- drive and can precipitate hypercapnia. Decreased respiratory
tration of high flow rates of supplementary oxygen can drive in combination with altered chest wall and abdominal
lead to reductions in VA and worsening hypercapnia as compliance contributes to CO2 retention in obesity hypo-
the hypoxemic drive to ventilation is removed. An even ventilation syndrome. Clinically important dampening of
greater cause of hypercapnia in this setting is increased respiratory drive also occurs in encephalitis, brainstem dis-
dead-space ventilation due to worsening VA/Q ease, hypothermia, and severe hypothyroidism.

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Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory Acidosis HCO3− concentration following acute hypercapnia

Acute respiratory acidosis manifests with a variety of compared with higher baseline values, whether caused by
neurologic symptoms, the severity of which depends on metabolic alkalosis or chronic respiratory acidosis.
the magnitude of hypercapnia and rapidity of develop- Sustained hypercapnia for longer than 24-48 hours
ment. The degree of hypoxemia also influences the clinical leads to a greater increase in plasma HCO3− due to
presentation, as all patients with hypercapnia will exhibit increasing kidney H+ secretion in response to CO2 reten-
hypoxemia when breathing room air. tion. In chronic respiratory acidosis, the plasma HCO3−
Hypercapnic encephalopathy is a clinical syndrome increases by 3.5 mEq for each 10–mm Hg increase in
initially presenting with irritability, headache, mental PCO2. This response attenuates the severity of acidemia but
cloudiness, apathy, confusion, anxiety, and restlessness and does not fully correct the disorder. Chronic increases in
later progressing to asterixis, myoclonic jerks, transient psy- CO2 acidify proximal tubular cells, causing parallel in-
chosis, delirium, somnolence, and coma. Neurologic mani- creases in the rate of the luminal Na+/H+ antiporter and
festations are accompanied by increased levels of brain the basolateral Na+-(HCO3−)3 cotransporter. Effective
glutamine and γ-aminobutyric acid and reductions in the arterial blood volume becomes slightly expanded as a
levels of glutamate and aspartate. Increases in cerebral blood result of kidney retention of NaHCO3, leading to increased
flow can cause papilledema and other manifestations of loss of NaCl in the urine in an attempt to restore euvole-
increased intracranial pressure, findings collectively referred mia. The net effect is an increase in plasma HCO3− and
to as pseudotumor cerebri. Cardiovascular manifestations of decreased Cl− concentration (Fig 4). Changes in plasma
hypercapnia include decreased myocardial contractility, sys- HCO3− concentrations outside of the expected levels of
temic vasodilation, and a blunting effect of endogenous and compensation suggest the presence of mixed respiratory
exogenous catecholamines at the level of the receptor. These and metabolic acid–base disorders.
effects can progress to cardiovascular instability, arrhythmias,
and death. Treatment of Acute and Chronic Respiratory
Diagnosis Case 2: A 58-year-old man with stable COPD is intubated
The diagnosis of primary respiratory acidosis is made secondary to respiratory failure precipitated by pneumonia.
based on the presence of acidemia and hypercapnia on He exhibits a response to broad-spectrum antibiotics, and,
arterial blood gas analysis. Differentiation between acute on hospital day 10, he is successfully extubated, but he re-
and chronic hypercapnia can be challenging. A detailed mains lethargic and not yet able to eat. Physical examination
is noteworthy for a blood pressure of 108/72 mm Hg, no
clinical history, physical examination, and determination
jugular venous distension, and no peripheral edema. Labo-
of the underlying etiology is useful in making this ratory data obtained immediately before and 36 hours after
distinction. Acute respiratory acidosis is typically more extubation are as follows:
symptomatic than acute metabolic acidosis because CO2
diffuses and equilibrates across the blood–brain barrier Before 36 h After
more rapidly than does HCO3−, resulting in a more Extubation Extubation
rapid decrease in cerebrospinal fluid and cerebral inter- Arterial blood gas
stitial pH. pH 7.43 7.52
Changes in plasma chemistries can aid in the diagnosis of PaCO2 58 44
respiratory acidosis. Primary hypercapnia elicits an imme- Serum electrolytes,
diate increase in plasma HCO3− of 1 mmol/L for every mEq/L
10–mm Hg increase in PCO2 through a variety of mecha- Na+ 138 140
nisms. First, a decrease in pH leads to an increase in H+ K+ 4.9 4.1
binding to albumin, causing a decrease in anion gap and a Cl− 93 94
HCO3− 36 36
slight increase in plasma HCO3−. Second, some H+ enters
Serum urea nitrogen, – 56
cells in exchange for Na+ and K+, leading to a small increase mg/dL
in extracellular HCO3− with corresponding small increases Serum creatinine, – 1.6
in plasma Na+ and K+. Third, CO2 immediately enters red mg/dL
blood cells, where, in the presence of carbonic anhydrase, it
is converted to H2CO3. The acid disassociates into H+,
which binds to hemoglobin, leaving HCO3− in the cyto- Question 3: Which one of the following is the most
plasm free to exit the cell in exchange for plasma Cl−, a appropriate therapy to correct the increased plasma
process termed the red cell HCO3−–Cl− shift. The magnitude HCO3− at this time?
(a) Acetazolamide
of this acute adaptation is influenced by the baseline plasma
(b) Normal saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride)
HCO3− concentration. Preexisting hypobicarbonatemia, (c) 0.45% sodium chloride
whether from metabolic acidosis or chronic respiratory
alkalosis, leads to a greater increase in plasma H+ and For the answer to this question, see the following text.

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Figure 4. Mechanisms by which chronic respiratory acidosis and alkalosis alter proximal tubular HCO3− reabsorption. Increases or
decreases in CO2 concentration rapidly equilibrate across the cell membrane, leading to decreased or increased cell pH, respec-
tively. The change in cell pH causes parallel changes in activity of the Na+–H+ exchanger on the apical membrane and Na+–HCO3−
cotransport on the basolateral membrane. In chronic respiratory acidosis, the compensatory increase in NaHCO3 reabsorption com-
bined with urinary loss of NaCl to maintain extracellular fluid volume is reflected by a decrease in plasma Cl− concentration with
respect to plasma Na+ concentration. In chronic respiratory alkalosis, the compensatory loss of NaHCO3 combined with kidney reten-
tion of NaCl to maintain euvolemia is reflected by an increase in plasma Cl− concentration with respect to plasma Na+ concentration.
Abbreviation: ECF, extracellular fluid.

Recognition and prompt removal of the underlying peak inspiratory pressure are purposely prescribed to
cause is the initial step in treating acute respiratory minimize barotrauma to the lung but at the expense of
acidosis. Efforts should focus on establishing and a persistently higher PCO2.
securing a patent airway to provide adequate oxygena- In patients with chronic respiratory acidosis, the un-
tion because hypoxemia poses the greatest risk to sur- derlying disorder can rarely be corrected. The primary
vival, not hypercapnia or acidemia. A high inspired therapeutic goal in these patients is to ensure adequate
oxygen tension should be provided to all patients oxygenation; however, unlike in acute respiratory acidosis,
because there is no evidence that this measure will oxygen should be administered cautiously and lowering of
further depress ventilation. Ensuring maximal PaO2 PaCO2 should proceed gradually.
levels is particularly urgent in those found apneic, in As previously discussed, excessive oxygen adminis-
cardiac arrest, or unconscious from carbon monoxide tration can lead to CO2 retention secondary to the
poisoning. Prompt initiation of assisted ventilation is removal of the hypoxemic drive for respiration, increase
indicated in patients with coma, severe obtundation, in dead-space ventilation due to worsening VA/Q
extreme hypercapnia (PaCO2 >80 mm Hg), or severe mismatch, and unloading of CO2 by hemoglobin. In
acidemia (blood pH <7.10). general, worsening hypercapnia can be avoided as long
There is no indication for administration of as the PaO2 does not exceed 60 mm Hg. Oxygen flow
NaHCO3 in acute respiratory acidosis as a simple rates of 2 L/min by nasal cannula deliver an inspired
acid–base disorder. Potential complications include oxygen concentration of 23%-28% and improve PaO2
increased CO2 production with worsening hypercapnia values to levels of 50-60 mm Hg in many patients with
secondary to the decomposition of HCO3−, impairment chronic respiratory failure. Clinicians should also be
in alveolar gas exchange secondary to volume over- careful in prescribing drugs, which might suppress the
load, and pH-mediated depression of respiration. Alkali central ventilatory drive.
therapy is useful when coexistent metabolic acidosis is For the patient in case 2, the correct answer is admin-
present or when permissive hypercapnia is required. In istration of normal saline solution, choice (b). There is no
this latter situation, administration of NaHCO3 may evidence of volume overload, making choice (a) incorrect,
allow the pH to be partially corrected in settings in or dehydration requiring free water replacement, making
which the PCO2 cannot be rapidly corrected. Permis- choice (c) incorrect.
sive hypercapnia is sometimes required in status Mechanical ventilation is sometimes required in patients
asthmaticus, in which a lower ventilatory rate and with chronic respiratory acidosis who experience

354 AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023

Palmer and Clegg

worsening hypercapnia and hypoxia during an episode of ➢ Madias NE, Wolf CJ, Cohen JJ. Regulation of acid-base
acute worsening of pulmonary function. Care should be equilibrium in chronic hypercapnia. Kidney Int.
taken to lower the PaCO2 slowly to minimize the risk of 1985;27(3):538-543.
“overshoot” alkalemia due to the presence of high plasma 985.44
HCO3−. Kidney excretion of HCO3− is blunted when ➢ Covelli HD, Black JW, Olsen MS, Beekman JF. Respi-
PaCO2 is reduced in the setting of a decreased effective ratory failure precipitated by high carbohydrate loads.
arterial blood volume. This setting is common in sodium- Ann Intern Med. 1981;95(5):579-581.
avid states such as cirrhosis and congestive heart failure or 0.7326/0003-4819-95-5-579
following diuretic therapy and restricted intake of dietary ➢ Krapf R. Mechanisms of adaptation to chronic respira-
salt. This conversion of chronic respiratory acidosis to tory acidosis in the rabbit proximal tubule. J Clin Invest.
metabolic alkalosis is called posthypercapnic metabolic 1989;83(3):890-896.
alkalosis. Neurologic manifestations such as seizure and JCI113973.
coma can be precipitated by high pH in the central nervous ➢ Adrogue HJ, Madias NE. Alkali therapy for respiratory
system. acidosis: a medical controversy. Am J Kidney Dis.
Administration of parenteral Cl−-containing solutions 2020;75(2):265-271.
and discontinuation of loop diuretic agents are effec- ajkd.2019.05.029
tive in correcting the superimposed metabolic alkalosis. ➢ Adrogue H, Rashad M, Gorin A, Yacoub J, Madias N.
In patients with decompensated heart failure in whom Assessing acid-base status in circulatory failure. Dif-
this approach is not feasible, acetazolamide can be ferences between arterial and central venous blood. N
used to correct the alkalosis. This drug inhibits prox- Engl J Med. 1989;320(20):1312-1316. https://doi.
imal HCO3− reabsorption by inhibiting luminal car- org/10.1056/NEJM198905183202004 +ESSENTIAL
bonic anhydrase. This effect creates an unfavorable READING
concentration gradient for further H+ secretion due to
an increase in the concentration of luminal carbonic
acid. The drug also inhibits intracellular carbonic Respiratory Alkalosis
anhydrase, thereby decreasing the supply of H+ avail-
Respiratory alkalosis is one of the most common
able for secretion (Fig 4). Both mechanisms decrease
acid–base disturbances encountered in clinical practice.
reabsorption of filtered HCO3− and allow for at least
Primary hypocapnia is synonymous with respiratory
partial correction of the metabolic alkalosis. The
alkalosis and refers to a PaCO2 <35 mm Hg with
magnitude of the bicarbonaturia is directly related to
subsequent alkalinization of body fluids. In patients
the plasma concentration. As the HCO3− concentration
with a primary metabolic alkalosis, a normal or even
decreases, the clinical effectiveness of the drug de-
increased PaCO2 indicates an element of respiratory
creases in a parallel fashion.
alkalosis when the value remains below what is
A complication of acetazolamide therapy in patients
appropriate as a compensatory response. Secondary
with lung disease is worsening of hypercapnia. Inhibition
hypocapnia is a compensatory response to metabolic
of carbonic anhydrase in red blood cells can prevent red
acidosis. If the reduction in PaCO2 is greater than the
cell uptake of CO2 in peripheral tissues and can prevent
expected compensatory response, a coexisting respira-
CO2 release in the lung. In patients with normal lungs,
tory alkalosis may be present.
increased respiration prevents increases in the PCO2 of
arterial blood. However, patients with lung disease cannot
Mechanisms of Hypocapnia
respond adequately and are at risk for further increases in
arterial PCO2 and tissue PCO2. The causes of respiratory alkalosis are listed in Box 2. In
this section, we discuss the underlying mechanisms that
give rise to these disorders. The balance between pro-
Additional Readings duction and elimination of CO2 determines the PaCO2.
➢ Weinberger SE, Schwartzstein RM, Weiss JW. Hyper- Under most circumstances, CO2 production is relatively
capnia. N Engl J Med. 1989;321(18):1223-1231. stable and hypocapnia is the result of increased VA enhancing elimination. Increased clearance of CO2 can
+ESSENTIAL READING also occur through extracorporeal techniques such as
➢ Brackett NC Jr, Wingo CF, Muren O, Solano JT. Acid- cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal membrane
base response to chronic hypercapnia in man. N Engl J oxygenation. Of historical interest, acetate was the most
Med. 1969;280(3):124-130. common buffer used in dialysate for administration of
056/NEJM196901162800302 hemodialysis before widely being replaced by bicar-
➢ Cogan MG. Chronic hypercapnia stimulates proximal bonate. The absence of HCO3− in acetate dialysate
bicarbonate reabsorption in the rat. J Clin Invest. favored movement of HCO3− from blood to dialysate
1984;74(6):1942-1947. during the procedure. Despite the loss of base, the pH
JCI111614 of blood exiting the dialysis cartridge did not change

AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023 355

Palmer and Clegg

and aortic chemoreceptors, brainstem chemoreceptors,

Box 2. Differential Diagnosis of Respiratory Alkalosis
and other centers of the brain. There is increased sensitivity
I. Decreased CO2 production (rare) to CO2 in the brainstem in disease states such as chronic
A. Myxedema comaa liver disease and sepsis, explaining why respiratory alka-
B. Hypothermia losis is commonly present in these disorders. Unexplained
II. Hypoxemia respiratory alkalosis should prompt consideration of Gram-
A. Hypobaric hypoxia (increasing altitude) negative sepsis because circulating endotoxin exerts a
B. Pulmonary disease direct stimulatory effect on central chemoreceptors. Phar-
C. Methemoglobinemia (tissue hypoxia)
macologic agents, anxiety, and volition also augment this
III. Cardiopulmonary disorders (in addition to hypoxia, stimu-
lation of respiration emanating from receptors (nociceptive,
response (Box 2).
stretch, juxtacapillary, chemo)
A. Pneumonia Case 3: A 57-year-old man, completely acclimatized, rea-
B. Interstitial pneumonitis ches the summit of Mt Everest.
C. Fibrosis
D. Pulmonary edema Question 4: Which one of the following sets of labo-
E. Pulmonary embolism ratory data is most likely to be present?
F. Vascular disease
G. Bronchial asthma Option (a) Option (b) Option (c)
H. Pneumothorax pH 7.45 7.35 7.53
I. Congestive heart failure PaO2, mm Hg 40 32 25
IV. Central nervous system disorders PaCO2, mm Hg 20 15 13
A. Psychogenic or anxiety-induced hyperventilation syndrome Plasma HCO3−, mEq/L 20 16 10
B. Central nervous system infection Plasma lactate, mg/dL 8 15 2
C. Central nervous system tumors Arterial saturation, % 30 75 54
V. Drugs Hemoglobin, g/dL 14 22 19
A. Salicylates
B. Methylxanthines For the answer to this question, see the following text.
C. β-Adrenergic agonist
D. Progesteroneb Hypoxemia is a major stimulus to pulmonary ventila-
E. Quetiapine tion, particularly as the PaO2 decreases to 60 mm Hg.
VI. Miscellaneous Increasing altitude leads to arterial hypoxemia due to a
A. Fever and sepsis
progressive decrease in barometric pressure and reduction
B. Pain
in the inspired PO2. The subsequent reduction in alveolar
C. Alcohol withdrawal
D. Pregnancy PO2 and, ultimately, PaO2 stimulates increased ventilation
E. Hepatic failure through signals originating in the peripheral chemorecep-
Ventilation is usually fixed (ventilator) in this setting; myxedema coma can also be tors located primarily in the carotid and aortic bodies. In-
associated with respiratory acidosis.
creases in the depth and rate of breathing serve to maintain
Increased circulating levels of progesterone account for development of respi-
ratory alkalosis in normal pregnancy. arterial oxygen content but also cause respiratory alkalosis.
The magnitude of this involuntary increase in ventilation
can be enormous. VA is increased approximately 5-fold at
because of the simultaneous CO2 diffusion from blood the summit of Mt Everest, such that the PaCO2 is reduced to
to dialysate. The procedure was complicated by hypox- as low as 10 mm Hg. This adaptive increase in ventilation
emia because loss of soluble CO2 signaled pulmonary limits the decrease in PaO2 to approximately 25-30 mm Hg
hypoventilation in an attempt to maintain normal blood even though the inspired PO2 is only 29% of its sea-level
CO2 concentration. Oxygenation of the blood prevents value. Normally, the reduction in PaCO2 would exert an
hypoxemia during extracorporeal membrane oxygena- inhibitory effect on respiration, causing PaCO2 and pH to
tion and with the use of heart–lung machines despite return to normal levels. However, at altitude, this inhibi-
the diffusive loss of CO2 in these procedures. tory effect is overridden by central medullary chemore-
Myxedema coma or hypothermia are conditions in ceptors, allowing a robust hypoxic ventilatory response to
which basal metabolic rate can be severely reduced, be maintained. The persistent increase in ventilation is
causing hypocapnic alkalosis from decreased CO2 pro- driven by desensitization of the carotid body to hypoxia
duction. However, even in these circumstances, VA needs following prolonged exposure to hypobaric hypoxia and
to be fixed (ie, intubation with fixed ventilation) because loss of HCO3− and lowering of the pH in the cerebrospinal
the decrease in PaCO2 normally elicits a reflexive decrease fluid. The correct answer to Question 4 is choice (c).
in ventilation due to inhibitory chemoreceptor input to the Hypoxia leads to activation of hypoxia-inducible factor,
respiratory center. which is responsible for increases in hemoglobin concen-
Increased VA and primary hypocapnia often develop tration. With acclimatization, the magnitude of activation is
from stimulatory input originating in the lung, carotid, attenuated, accounting for low lactate levels despite the

356 AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023

Palmer and Clegg

cyanosis provides a stimulus for increased ventilation.

Box 3. Laboratory and Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory
Hypoxemia from hepatopulmonary syndrome, limited
respiratory capacity due to ascites, and direct stimulatory
I. Laboratory effects of progesterone on respiratory drive account for the
A. Hypokalemia development of primary hypocapnia in patients with
B. Hypophosphatemia advanced liver disease. A mild degree of respiratory alka-
C. Increased lactate production causing increased anion losis is common in normal pregnancy and is due to
gap increased circulating levels of progesterone. Toxic con-
1. Leftward shift in O2 disassociation curve causing
centrations of salicylate exert a direct stimulatory effect on
tissue ischemia
2. Stimulation of phosphofructokinase (rate-limiting
the respiratory center in the medulla, causing an increase
enzyme glycolysis) in the rate and depth of respiration and the development of
D. Decreased ionized calcium (due to increased protein respiratory alkalosis. A high anion gap acidosis is
binding) commonly present as a result of increased ketogenesis and
E. Increased serum chloride and decreased serum bicar- lactic acid production. Respiratory alkalosis commonly
bonate concentration develops in patients with chronic alcohol use syndrome
II. Cardiovascular who are undergoing withdrawal. This acid–base disorder
A. Coronary vasospasm with potential to precipitation can be associated with precipitous decreases in plasma
angina phosphate predisposing to rhabdomyolysis, hemolytic
B. Arrhythmias anemia, and tissue ischemia due to a leftward shift in the
III. Central nervous system
oxygen disassociation curve.
A. Neuromuscular irritability, confusion, lightheadedness
B. Seizure
Clinical Manifestations
IV. Pulmonary
A. Increased airway resistance Respiratory alkalosis occurring as a simple disorder or as a
B. Decreased lung compliance component of a mixed disorder is common in critically ill
C. Increased pulmonary capillary permeability patients. The signs and symptoms of respiratory alkalosis
are most prominent when the disorder is acute in onset
compared with chronic respiratory alkalosis. In addition to
reducing the acidity of body fluids, acute hypocapnia
hypoxic environment, a phenomena referred to as the causes a decrease in cerebral and coronary blood flow, a
lactate paradox. pH-induced leftward shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissoci-
Respiratory alkalosis is frequent in patients with car- ation curve, and decreased ionized calcium (Box 3).
diopulmonary disease. Stimulatory effects on respiration Clinical manifestations of these alterations include light-
can result from irritants via nociceptive receptors, pul- headedness, palpitations, paresthesias of the extremities
monary expansion and collapse via stretch receptors, and and circumoral area, carpopedal spasm, and seizures.
capillary congestion via juxtacapillary receptors. Tissue Although often treated as a benign condition, alkalosis
hypoperfusion and oxygen deprivation increase ventilation may cause clinical tissue hypoxia in certain settings. In fact,
through activation of arterial chemoreceptors. A progres- the presence of the disorder portends a poor prognosis
sive widening of the arteriovenous difference in pH and because there is a graded relationship between the severity
PCO2 can develop in patients with advanced circulatory of alkalemia and mortality in hospitalized intensive care unit
failure or those undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscita- patients. Alkalosis decreases tissue oxygen delivery through
tion, such that arterial hypocapnia may coexist with at least 2 mechanisms. First, increased pH leads to a leftward
venous or tissue hypercapnia, findings collectively referred shift in the oxygen dissociation curve, decreasing the ability
to as pseudorespiratory alkalosis. This situation occurs of hemoglobin to release oxygen in peripheral tissues.
when CO2 excretion by the lungs is limited by severely Second, primary hypocapnia leads to vasoconstriction and
reduced pulmonary blood flow, resulting in increased decreased perfusion of the brain, heart, and peripheral cir-
venous PCO2. The increase in VA/Q ratio causes a greater culation. In vitro studies suggest that the increase in pH is
amount of CO2 to be removed from blood that does tra- the critical determinant of vascular smooth muscle tone
verse the pulmonary circulation, causing arterial eucapnia because a comparable degree of alkalemia due to metabolic
or frank hypocapnia. In both situations, the PaO2 may be alkalosis causes a similar effect.
relatively preserved despite ongoing severe tissue O2 The vascular effects of acute hypocapnia can precipitate
deprivation. angina, ischemic electrocardiographic changes, and cardiac
Decreased hemoglobin concentration or a reduction in arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease. In
capacity to transport and unload oxygen at the tissue level this regard, coronary artery spasm documented by angi-
can cause increased ventilation. This latter situation occurs ography and accompanied by ST-segment elevation and
in methemoglobinemia, in which oxidation of iron to the chest pain can develop in association with hyperventila-
ferric state (Fe3+) impairs the ability of hemoglobin to tion. Arrhythmias are more resistant to pharmacologic
transport oxygen. Development of tissue hypoxia and therapy in patients with alkalemia. In mechanically

AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023 357

Palmer and Clegg

ventilated patients, acute and severe hypocapnia reduces or Kussmaul breathing can provide an initial clue as to the
cardiac output and increases arteriolar vasoconstriction, presence of a primary respiratory alkalosis or a compensatory
causing tissue hypoperfusion, as evidenced by increased respiratory response to a primary metabolic acidosis.
lactate production. In patients with a low PaCO2, abrupt Respiratory alkalosis is accompanied by characteristic
cessation of mechanical ventilation can lead to severe changes in plasma electrolyte composition. Red blood cell
respiratory depression and critical hypoxia. Restoration of CO2 tension decreases following an acute decrease in
adequate ventilatory drive does not occur until the PaCO2 PaCO2, causing albumin and other non-HCO3− buffers to
increases sufficiently to again stimulate ventilation. This release H+ and reduce plasma HCO3− concentration. In red
scenario accounts for the increased risk of cardiopulmo- blood cells, the decrease in HCO3− concentration is due to
nary arrest during recovery from general anesthesia. H+ released from hemoglobin. This effect creates a favor-
The reduction in cerebral blood flow that occurs with able gradient for movement of extracellular HCO3− into
acute hypocapnia has been used therapeutically to treat the cell in exchange for Cl−, accounting for a small initial
brain edema resulting from neurosurgical procedures, compensatory response in acute respiratory alkalosis. The
head trauma, meningitis, and encephalitis. However, re- magnitude of this rapid response (measured in minutes) is
ductions in tissue oxygen supply and increased cerebral a decrease in plasma HCO3− concentration by 2 mEq/L for
oxygen demand are potential complications. Increased each 10–mm Hg decrease in PaCO2.
oxygen demand is secondary to increases in neuronal In chronic respiratory alkalosis, the decrease in PaCO2
excitability, seizure activity, and anaerobic metabolism that decreases the reabsorptive capacity of the kidney proximal
occur following the induction of hypocapnia via hyper- tubule, causing a transient HCO3− diuresis. Over the course
ventilation. In addition, rapid correction of severe hypo- of 2-3 days, a new steady state is achieved in which the
capnia can potentially lead to reperfusion injury by causing plasma HCO3− concentration will have decreased by 5
vasodilation in ischemic areas. In this regard, prophylactic mEq/L for each 10–mm Hg decrease in PaCO2. Kidney loss
induction of hypocapnia is associated with worse out- of HCO3− in secondary hypocapnia due to a primary
comes in patients with traumatic brain injury and acute metabolic acidosis is small and does not overcome the direct
stroke. This procedure is particularly injurious to the brain effect of hypocapnia. For this reason, worsening acidemia in
in premature infants. a patient with metabolic acidosis cannot be attributed to the
kidney compensatory response to increased ventilation. In
Diagnosis Question 5, the lack of a compensatory decrease in plasma
Case 4: A 68-year-old woman with heart failure presents HCO3− concentration in the setting of chronic respiratory
with pneumonia and respiratory failure. Upon admission, she alkalosis is due to diuretic-induced metabolic alkalosis.
requires intubation and, in addition to receiving antibiotics, Choice (a) is the correct answer.
she is treated with a continuous infusion of furosemide Chronic respiratory alkalosis leads to kidney retention of
secondary to anasarca. Laboratory data 5 days after hospital NaCl in an attempt to defend extracellular fluid volume due
admission are as follows: to urinary loss of NaHCO3. Loss of HCO3− and retention of
Cl− is reflected in the basic metabolic profile demonstrating
Value a plasma Cl− concentration that is increased with respect to
Serum electrolytes, mEq/L the plasma Na+ concentration (Fig 4). In the absence of
Na+ 142 arterial blood gas, the findings of increased plasma Cl− and
K+ 3.2 decreased HCO3− concentration can be erroneously diag-
Cl− 106 nosed as a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
HCO3− 26 A 3-5–mEq/L increase in the serum anion gap is also a
Arterial blood gas characteristic feature of chronic respiratory alkalosis. This in-
pH 7.58
crease is primarily due to a greater negative charge on serum
PaCO2 29
albumin as H+ is released in response to the high pH. Increased
Serum creatinine, mg/dL 1.42
pH also stimulates the rate-limiting enzyme for glycolysis
Serum urea nitrogen, mg/dL 54
(phosphofructokinase), causing a mild increase in lactate
production. Increased glycolysis accounts for development of
Question 5: Which one of the following best describes hypophosphatemia in the setting of acute hyperventilation. In
the acid–base status of the patient? addition, intracellular shift in K+ also occurs acutely, although
(a) Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis this effect is trivial. Chronic hypocapnia is not associated with
(b) Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis disturbances in plasma phosphate or potassium.
(c) Chronic respiratory alkalosis
For the answer to this question, see the following text.
Treatment of the underlying cause is the initial goal in pa-
History, physical examination, and laboratory data tients with primary respiratory alkalosis. Administration of
including a blood gas analysis are sufficient to diagnose res- oxygen and returning to lower altitude can reverse respi-
piratory alkalosis. Physical examination findings of hyperpnea ratory alkalosis that develops secondary to hypoxemia or

358 AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023

Palmer and Clegg

altitude-related hypobaric hypoxia, respectively. The hy-

perventilation syndrome is a common disorder character- ➢ Grocott MP, Martin DS, Levett D, et al. Arterial blood
ized by fear- or anxiety-related episodes of excessive gases and oxygen content in climbers on Mount Ever-
ventilation. Reassurance, cognitive behavior therapy, and est. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(2):140-149. https://doi.
stress-reduction techniques are useful in these patients. org/10.1056/NEJMoa0801581
Underlying mood or anxiety disorders may require phar- ➢ Laffey J, Kavanagh B. Hypocapnia. N Engl J Med.
macologic treatment with anxiolytic and antidepressant 2002;347 (1):43-53.
agents or some combination of these techniques. Breathing NEJMra012457 +ESSENTIAL READING
into a paper bag creates a closed system, causing an increase ➢ Palmer BF, Clegg DJ. Salicylate toxicity. N Engl J Med.
in PCO2 with each breath taken. However, this technique is 2020;382(26):2544-2555.
not without risk because hypoxemia can develop in patients NEJMra2010852
with underlying lung or cardiovascular disease. ➢ Palmer BF, Clegg DJ. Electrolyte disturbances in patients
Increasing the ventilator-circuit dead space or with chronic alcohol-use disorder. N Engl J Med.
increasing the inspired CO2 tension is an effective 2017;377(14):1368-1377.
strategy to increase the PaCO2 in mechanically venti- NEJMra1704724.
lated patients. Sedation and muscle relaxants are ➢ Krapf R, Beeler I, Hertner D, Hulter HN. Chronic res-
sometimes used in this situation. Patients with coro- piratory alkalosis. The effect of sustained hyperventila-
nary artery disease should be approached with a sense tion on renal regulation of acid-base equilibrium. N Engl J
of urgency given the increased risk of arrhythmias. On Med. 1991;324(20):1394-1401.
the contrary, more caution is required in patients with 056/NEJM199105163242003 +ESSENTIAL READING
brain injury because rapid increases in PaCO2 can in- ➢ Palmer BF, Clegg DJ. Oxygen sensing and metabolic
crease cerebral perfusion and potentially worsen homeostasis. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2014;397:51-58.
intracranial pressure. A low dialysate HCO3− concen-
tration is effective in minimizing the degree of alka-
lemia in patients receiving dialysis in whom an acute
illness causes primary hypocapnia.
Unexplained respiratory alkalosis, particularly in associ- Article Information
ation with an increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, Authors’ Full Names and Academic Degrees: Biff F. Palmer, MD,
should prompt consideration of salicylate poisoning. The and Deborah J. Clegg, PhD.
acute form of toxicity is typically straightforward, as patients Authors’ Affiliations: Department of Medicine, Division of
voluntarily report a recent ingestion or partially filled con- Nephrology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
tainers of salicylates are found with the patient. By contrast, Dallas (BFP); and Office of Research, Texas Tech Health Sciences
chronic intoxication is more difficult to diagnose because Center, El Paso (DJC), Texas.
intoxication is accidental in nature, often with no clear Address for Correspondence: Biff F. Palmer, MD, Department of
history of excess ingestion. The initial goal of therapy is to Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390. Email: biff.
correct systemic acidemia if present and to alkalinize the
urine pH. Hemodialysis is indicated at serum concentrations Support: None.
>80 mg/dL or in the setting of severe clinical toxicity.
Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no
relevant financial interests.
Additional Readings Peer Review: Received November 29, 2022, in response to an
➢ Androgue H, Madias N. Management of life- invitation from the journal. Evaluated by 2 external peer
threatening acid-base disorders. N Engl J Med. reviewers and a member of the Feature Advisory Board, with
1998;338(2):107-111. direct editorial input from the Feature Editor and a Deputy
Editor. Accepted in revised form February 5, 2023. Dr Palmer,
NEJM199801083380207 who serves on the Core Curriculum Advisory Board, was
➢ Palmer BF. Physiology and pathophysiology with entirely recused from any involvement in the manuscript
ascent to altitude. Am J Med Sci. 2010;340(1):69-77. consideration process.

AJKD Vol 82 | Iss 3 | September 2023 359

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