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CONDER IT REMAINS OUR PROPERTY AND MUST_BE RETURNED OW REQUEST. I MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OR OIKCLOSED TO THIKD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. I 1s sent TO YOU IN coNHDENEE, DRAWING Is COPYRIGHT. DATE © 11/80 + ORIGIN, yy . CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL .REPORT YIELD LINE ANALYSIS TR 34/80 | 1 Introduction In response to design office requests, some recent work on yield line analysis has been summarised in this report, the mechanisms suggested in most cases involve straight line hinges as these can be solved quicker than those involving hinge fans which were considered originally. Several examples of application of various mechanisms are included, chiefly with regard to Conder standard rafter details. Contents Introduction and Index Notes on Theory, Yield Patterns and Source References 4 Bolt Mechanism 'X'. 4 Bolt Mechanism * Limit b values, X € Y, no stiffener below 4 bolts. 2 = Bolt Mechanism ‘528! 2 - Bolt Mechanism 'SP1' Haunch 6125 end plate - Mech. 'Y' example. Stan. Flanges - Hech. *X! examples. Haunch 11115 end plate, Mech. 'X! + 'S26' combined Apex connection. Mech. 'SPI' + "S2B' combined Summary of yieid strengths KF beam end plates. Summary of yield strengths, std. rafter end plates Derivation of Mechanism x Derivation of Mechanism ¥ © IT REMAINS QUR PROPERTY ANO MUST SE RETURNED ON REQUEST. IT IS SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE. 1T MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED TO THIAD PARTIES YITHOUT OUR PERMISSION, 15 DRAWING Is COPYRIGHT. DATE ® «11/80 ORIGIN 3) NUS CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT YIELD LINE ANALYSIS TR 34/80 | 2 Generally, plate collapse falls into two categories, total collapse and partial collapse. Notes In the first type, total failure can occur due to hinge formation above. To do so a'plate must be able to form a developable surface, i.e. one in which the centre surface does not deform during formation and rotation of the hinge. Considering a cantilever plate, any loading will cause a single hinge line and the rotation-of the hinge will not be limited by internal forces, regardless of plate thickness. In the second type, a partial collapse has just enough hinges to form a mechanism but this cannot develop fully, in thin plates, because of the middle surface forces. Total failure would only occur when the plate acts as a plastic membrane. In our standard details, however, the plates are not thin enough for the load to be resiste by membrane or middle surface forces before the onset of the plastic hinges. The rigid-plastic yield line theory adopted is only applicable when deformations are small, hence Internal strains which induce hardening and membrane action are nored. ‘Therefore, when enough hinges exist to form a mechanism, plate collapse is assumed. As an extension of the normal "<8 rule for haunches, It is preferable that plate collapse occurs before bolt failure. For some plate dimension and bolt Size combinations, the full proof load can be developed by the bolts before the plate yields. In many of such cases however, the bolt will still have a high enough reserve against Final rupture and will permit formation of a plate mechanism. This assumes that prying action will be minimised by standard stiffener arrangement Yield Patter The yield patterns assumed for concrete and brickwork ‘plates! can be verified by testing to destruction. For certain stee! plates this 1s also true if the span/ thickness ratio is great enough for the yield lines to be clear and where other effects are truly secondary. Considering many practical plate connections however the true yield line pattern is often obgcured by curvatures other than those due to failure, spread of yield zones etc. nd Source Reference Packer and Morris (1.Struct.€. Journal Oct. !77) suggest several possible patterns of yield lines for a 4 bolt connection without tranverse stiffeners and two patterns with stiffeners between the two pairs of bolts. 0.M. Salem (Southampton University Honours Project, 78 - 79) found that the Packer and Morris formulae underestimated the strength of joints with stiffeners above and below a 4 bolt group. WJ Burridge (Southampton University Honours Project, 79 -80) suggested two ield patterns to suit Salem's Findings. Other patterns were considered using ‘yield fan’ equations from Mansfields original paper (Proc. Royal Soc. August '57), but these have been replaced where possible by straight line patterns which can be solved more easily by hand. L. Neal is currently testing connections at Southampton University and his observations have been used; also he finds that the mechanisms closely predict the onset of plate yield. CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT DATE @ . Bee PP cher eee te a4/eo | 2 8 ; 8 |g F- To7ad wee toad 5 g : E 3 ReQDd. FoR MECHANISH. IT 1S AsSuMED THAT HE YIELD PATTERN WILL BE BOUNDED By THE SsTiFFEweRs. REFER To PS FOR LIMITING VALUE OF b WHEN STIFFENER 15 7 (ox wor enesext ) REMOTE FROM POSITION INDICATED ABOVE 1S DRAWING IS COPYRIGHT. It is SENT 10 YOU IN CONFIDENCE. IT MUST NOT He COPIED, USED Ok DISCLOSED TO THIRD PART {NS DRAWING I5 COPYRIGHT. IF IS SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUn PERMISSION. IT REMAINS OUR PROPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON AEQUESE”? Date © MoD] CATE CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT YIELD LINE ANALYSIS. ~ [oven Pp eer Meet Te S4/a0] 4 m7 | | etal cao FoR MECHANISM To ) Form iy [sot FLANGES, BURRIDGE MECHANISM Y. 8, = fi'(2.. 4.) Bal, kOe lO Yee Borl2, seb «LO! a= Gal (2. &. (2). 1h Mo he ow bS, ne? Oe 07. = a Me Yin = POF oF +56; Th( sec, 224) 2227 RT = Plt = $47 HENCE MEcHAUISM Y wie ave aeeater F varue wen Ym # Uy ane ARATER THAD HS 02 LESS THAN -5S FoR NORMAL A4-RoLT GROUPS , MECHAMSH X HAS BEER ADOPTED, WIS ORAWING is COPYAIGNT. IT'S SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE, 11 MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OK DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITKOUT OUR FIAMISION, IT REMAINS OUR PROPERTY AND UST BE RETURNED ON AEQUEST. oe net _esr CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT DATE © Yet Uwe ANALYSIS. citar Cempactctoss we i2 tos wv} TR 24/s0] s REFERRING, JO MECHAMISM X; NO STIFFENER BELOW 4-B80L7 qeovr, F HAS A MINIMUM VALUE WHEN be» +@n 4 d(aa D) ‘ He Tats ve Lg AATER 1, 4 a cen 2. MADE FOR MecHANISM X ARE NOT VALIO AND MEecHANioM Y SHOULD BE ADOPTED. REFERRING To MecHAWISM Y; SO STIFFENER BELOW 4-BoLT GROUP, Fouas A minmmom vacue wHen dFso db he wien bile (b) = BH .(204 4-4) 7 S : b can Be Found By TRAL deRRoR tyr RecHAwism Y’ EQUATION cATERS FOR NOD CIRCULAR CURVED BOUNDARY HINGES (S THeReroRE More comeLex THAN 'X’, y case! case 2 case > cased Oe i. | ' B camer | bee Avoet ‘x! Avery ‘x! ste |/secow, b uur Geen!) = Jim (ma Zn + 4(an-1)) IF THIS tS) GREATER THAN [Sam , AvoPT'y’ bumit(nea'y') Fron — b. ley (2) r (Grd +4n-d). 16 SUMMARY FOR 4- BOLT Groves. SS Be fee{ eT CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT oA © YIELD LING ANALYSIS. Trsa+ho| « ORIGIN 2 BT Mectanen ‘see’, a FOR G,10,14 BoLT GrouPs , 4 BOLT ‘PANELS’ CAN BE soLveD By Mechanism 'X' (y' set Appropriate) THE opD 2-soLT PANELS ARE MOST EASILY SOLVED USING OWE HALF OF PACKER LOPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. . 1 _UFmeo enae. I-45, w FOR THIS MecHaNISM, PLATE 3 | veo Loan Fis aiven By v ft Fe Ef |b d)(2ms2n-d) s@vreu-DJe]. mi. VALUE of F wen dF Lo as Le, wien w= /monan-ay FIXED EDQE THUS, FoR @-S80LT GROUPS WITH STIFFENERS AT ONE END AWD CONTINUOUS PLATE AT THE OTHER END, ope HALE oF THE MECHANISM (OICATED WILL BE FORMED AT A LoAD oF F = KE[G eH Grende) + (owt. woeee w= /m[man=4) THIS HALE MECHANIGH 1S REFERRED To AS ‘S2B {15 DRAWING 15 COPYRIGHT IT Is SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE, [T MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERM COFERTY ANO MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUEST. ITs SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE. IT MUST NOT we COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT Oc PERMISSION. HT REMAINS OU 1 DRAWING 1s COPYRIGHT. car, ORIGIN, one © ; —-* | Yeup cine ANALYSIS. Moo. DATE CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT Z-Boty MecHANisM ‘SPI’ TR =e] Fz STIFFENED PROJECTING PLATE MECHANISM 15 SHOWN BELOW. Z Bol mscrAnism. PLATE YIELD LoaD To FORM JHIS MecHANISM , SPI Fe fe [ow +o (ot) | MectanisH SP1 CAy BE USED FoR KINGSWORTHY FLOOR BEAM END PLATES ,RAFTER Apex PLATES ¢ REVERSE MOMENT PLATE CAPACITUS FoR RAFTER SLICES f ZERO LENGTH HAUACHES ETE. BOLTS AT THE oTHER SIDE OF THE TENSION FLANGE WiLL. cAusE mecnauise ‘x'ce'y’ » C8 S28 iF 2 BOLT PANEL. EQUALISATION OF GOLT LoADS BETWEEN SPI¢ Say SOB IS ASSUMED Of JHE BASIS OF GREATER FLEXIBILITY OF SPI, 1S DRAWING IS COPYRIGHT. IT Is SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE. IT MUST NOT BE COPKD, USED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. IT REMAINS OUR FROPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED'ON REQUEST [eT CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT Yieu> LIne ANALYSIS. EXAMPLE HECHADISH Y TR 34/a0| & CONSIDER RAFTER HAUNCH SI2S ; 25408146, 3I'/a; 4-2-20 BoLTs, ISOx IS TK, EW PLATE; 7596, NOSTIFFENER BELOW TOP 4 BoLTs Dimensions, nelso-7s 35 Len mses mM = BP S-3-6- 265 a+ 35, 2+60, deze = [m(or2ne (30-1) = [es .ize7 - 748 = 2-5 DIS Apopy Heen!y! bum | b. log B= B.(ard+4a-d).= Weobs74, blab = FOG. «b= 70, Poly, FZ = o2D wba Fl, bly b = 648 aAvorr be Fl ow necw. ¥. bemed * =e [rGeenna). fend + nstnd ' we 0420, +4eb 8) «2-598 O62 (re %)) = 1B ee2O, » boiz. 8,+ Gx" (% loge (S)) ~ “S26F, sed O, = 13377. 2a-d 2 3-439 ntl-% 2 1822 2n-dh . 1201 ~ a b&b ead las ah] = 3836 “2° LAS “acs, we Fa fb get Ceislekees, fy 24st 4 BolT PAWEL, MecH "xX! cyivEs 2 Fe fe. « > 7% = b Cl F 44 +2762 +1581 + 130843698 = (G2. -245-20° - GOOKD. = B2e.f,.t% 2 Zeory PAveL, MECH, SOB aives Fe fy. [era (re) +t (wev-¥)] - f_€ I 2SEF + 2371] = 40ose.f.e Le 2 2 er = (G2e+400). ff 7 (B22. 245.2 «1208 hay Equiv. LoAD Jott = 2IGEM > 177 “PROF Load. HENCE PLATE YIELD WILE KOT LMT BOLT MOMENT. a ‘a a | CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT DATE © YIELD LINE ANALYSIS, onan CxAMPLE MECH. ‘Set! +'soB" | Te a4/oq ' CONSIDER APEX CONN. 40608178; 54"I/m ; 4-4-22$ BoLTs, (00 Ye 180 %20 PLATE, <20 <25 fy 2h 12452 wweaws For Fin kn, ADOPT MecH, SPI Selow § SZB Asove EAFTER FLANGE. SP |5- m= 60-S-6 -37 n= 40, d224, x= FO, V,= 50-8- 42. S2B;-mz,=S0-4-8 +38 . "ve we Ummm) = 50 fp OL (men-ds) + (vax-%4)] . 245.0.[ 1546 + 2-708] = post. & ses, F. i eB. las) (maen-d4) + & (wove-da)] eS-11-8 = 46 = +245. é[epse + ez] = b2o.e, ZF (4 sop worp) = Geto roast). 20° = DOS kN. Equv. LoAB PER Bort AT PLATE yiecd = 220 KN > 177 PRoor, LE. ATTAINMERT OF PROOF LoAD 15 KoT PREVENTED BY PLATE YIELD {5 DRAWING Is COPYRIGHT. IT Ig SENT_TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE, IT MUST NOT HE COPIED, UsEO OK DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. IT REMAINS OUK PAOPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUEST, IT REMAINS OUR PROPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUEST I 1S SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE, IT HUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OK DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. 15 DRAWING 15 COPYRIGHT. CAT. [MoD.] DATE CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT DATE © pew.'so SUMMARY OF YIELD STRENGTHS FOR ont a senna oF 7s Tete | TR B4/e0| 12 RAFTER, BouT HAUNeH [TOTAL Loarequn Lom For |per eo: END PLATE a@Rour Position 7 a TF Lasesd THON: |PuaTE yet | puaze Yn 15x15 4~2-20 eAVES 500 125 ko —1 @-2-20 “ oe iss tt — i 4-4-Zo APEX | s37 134kN 180% (5 @-2-20 too [30sus4o | caves es 143 —1— 4-4-20 | loo 1 | Arex 485 12i k 180 x 20 @-2-22 loo | 4o0un 54 | caves 1304 217 te == 4-4-22 loo a | Arex 203 220 k 200 x20 B-4-22 loo |40eunco| caves | 1543 1>at \Bo x 20 4-@-22 too | Arex sz 123) . 200 x 20 e-4-22 40 4570B 74 | EAVES 1278 160 & i 4-@-22 140 Arex 250 iss! 220% 20 lo- 4-22 140 Sroustot | eaves (ese les 1 = (24-22 140 w— | caves 2101 7S 1 4-10-22 | 140 APE lesz (ee | 250%20 | 14-4-22 140 | 7e2veiaz | eaves | 2e¢5 | 208 —— 6-19-22 l40 APEX 2454 245 @-2-27 140 eaves 1874 B12 4-@-27 \40 Avex (ers 303 Z2on25 e-4-27 l40 S33ve92 | caves 2246 zat — 4-6-27 140 1 | Arex 1e42 BOF 250% 25 lo-4-27 140 Fe2vets7 | caves Ba72 Ee —t- 12-4-27 140 i EAVES Beoe BoF 478-27 | 140 = Apex 2322 221 I MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED YO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION, IT REMAINS OUR PROPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUEST; 18 DRAWING 15 COPYRIGHT. IT Is SENT TO TOU IN CONFIDENCE. ve DATE © wov eo Fe CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT SOMMARY-YIELS STRENGTHS KINGSWORTHY BEAM ERD. PLATES. oF =TD, PATTER SPI see Page ? PATTERD ser Pace see PATTERN S26 ADOPTED FOR YIELD oF Lower PART OF PLATE DUE REVERSE MonenT. OMITTED FoR CLARITY ou ou cam [Posiqios OF | TOTAL yensel| eauvacen Foon sean | sort secu] noe | oeam linsten [Tees ae sawera END PLATE | CHse.c), keentees] section. | Cousmenen ate yecalpacd ye Isoxnisye, | 4-2-1e too [305 un92 —s + —-— | esoweeeml 220 pw, | 13a ps2 = > Beevers! | Ter ADS kN | 124 kN, _ : —.—— [wor Geas) 220 bn | (34. (20 |4ocunco|] Tor. ea4 kn | 221 >t » —» |eorr(reversn)} S8SEN | 207 > « 220 n20%. | 4-2-22¢ (ze S23 0a02| Tor B32kN | 208 > IF aie => : —«— |eop(eeersa)] qasin | 242 tn 220 x25. | 4-2-27 126 |4s7unez | Tor 1273 WW, [316 ya36 ss a « —»— |\@Steuy | F326 ww [aes p224 Is DRAWING 1S COPYRIGHT. IT IS SENT TO YOU IN CONFIDENCE, IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION. IT REMAINS OUR FROPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUEST CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT YIELD LIWE ANALYSIS. g | TR 24/e0 TOTAL IBTERBAL wore, hogs eer, 2 2 lo SoMming & EQVATING ISTERBAL DERIVATION OF MecHANIsm 'x!, LeT Fe TepAL LeAD on Jowr & Ss PLATE DEFLECTION AT BOLT PosiTiONS EXTERNAL WORK DONE PER HALF FLANGE PLASTIC MOMENT ® ROTATION , x hinge emern x 9” DIST. FROM ZERO oS PErLECTION, 4 € Bist Faon OF we fs SIG, ae wenn 1 Oe ' “fe \ aKa). ' Ay 1 ©-4)/m 1 Ln 4 A{ten x hla <0 fA. 4s, “Eovatasla ‘ 4 added) * ae \ Se 2 etude Ay = Tr. iene MiNTW GxTHRAIAL WORE eves wJ4ews Zend s one + aatate oad] i =| m b a 2 bem-a asm. ce : OFERTY ANO MUST BE RETURNED ON <1 must Nor DATE © CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT 15 DRAWING 55 COFYAIGNT._IT 15 SENT TO YOU IN CONHDENE ORIGIN YIELD LING ANALYSIS. Tra+hol o Zot Nechanien ‘sea’, 4 FoR G,10,14 Bott Groups , 4 BoLT ‘PANELS’ CAN BE soLves By MecHanism |x! (y’ Net Appropriate) THe opp 2-socT PANELS ARE MOST EASILY SOLVED USING OWE HALE OF PACKER FOR THIS MECHANISM, PLATE YIELD LoaD Fo is Given By “fF Bed) (emeenna) +@v2u-d)44] mw, VALUE oF F wnew dF Lo is he, when w= [mGnsandgy Fixed eDae THUS, FoR 2-BOLT GROUPS WITH STIFFENERS AT ONE END AND CONTINVOUS PLATE AT THE OTHER END, one HALE oF f= E(u) e(mennde) + (ov te] WHEeee wee [m[man= a) THIS HALF MECHANIGH 15 ReFcARED To AS ‘S2B : mop] _OATE a [2 T CONDER DATA SHEET / TECHNICAL REPORT ‘ORIGIN YIELD LINE ANALYSIS. TR 3¢/so |4rh DERIVATION OF Mechanism 'Y”. IF CIRCULAR OR WEAR- CIRCULAR CURVATURE ASSUMED 1S NOT VAUD, Hinges eer F410 w MecK.'X’ SHOULD BE REPLACED BY MansFIELDs GENERAL EXPRESSION FOR WORK DORE IN AB CURVED rInGE FIELD, BETWEEN TWO CLAMPED EDae=. Ws WORK DOE Ip CURVED BOUNDARY HINGE + THAT ID HINGE FieLD = 2M.A. (xp), sed b wwene fan f= loge w-A, iF Ais We, (evaes at miaut anaies) bk a Ym row I Few g D/m FoR THE OTHER, A4TT m meen X equation CAB BE REPLACED By ww [set + 28] wnere Gn O, = 2 Gem) . - £¢ Gi O- 2 9.(%). nence con nec, ¥ NCE, IT MUST NOT BE COFIED, UEED OK DISCLOSED TO THIRD PAATIES WITHOUT OUR PERMISKON. FT REMAINS OUK PROPERTY AND MUST BE RETURNED ON REQUES.. Fos C4, ae (2088, vO.) + Bendy 2a y nth, ama) t,t] 2 7 b = AE" bem * Sel | wore 8, + "(Zp (%)) t 9,- @' Gey.) é 5 (5 DRAWING Is COPYRIGHT.

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