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Design Problem – Weir

Design a glacis weir for the following data obtained at the site.

1. Maximum discharge intensity on weir crest = 12.5 m3/s/m

2. HFL before construction of weir = 225.00 m
3. River bed level = 218.75 m
4. Pond level = 224.00 m
5. Height of crest shutters = 1.5 m
6. Anticipated d/s water level in the river when the weir is discharging with
pond level u/s = 221.50 m
7. Bed retrogression = 0.5m
8. Lacey’s silt factor = 0.9
9. Permissible exit gradient = 1/7
10. Permissible afflux = 1 m


Water Level WL and River Bed Level RBL

Step (1) Calculation of Pond level

Pond level = 224.00 m

Height of shutters = 1.5 m


crest level = 224.00 – 1.50 = 222.50m

Step (2) Calculation of TEL, HFL for both u/s and d/s

Q = 1.7 (L – K n H) H 3/2 broad crested weir

Q = 1.84 (L – K n H) H 3/2 sharp crested weir

L = clear water way (m)

K = Coefficient of end contractions (0.1 to 0.04)

n = no of end contractions

H = Total head including velocity head

Assuming broad crested weir,

Maximum discharge intensity q = Q / Effective width

= Q / (L – K n H)

= 1.7 H 3/2

12.5 = 1.7 H 3/2

H = 3.78 m

Therefore, TEL u/s side

= crest level + H

= 222.50 + 3.78 = 226.28 m

Regime Scour depth R

1/3 1/3
q2 12.52
R = 1.35 ( ) = 1.35 ( ) = 7.53m
f 0.9

Where q and f are Maximum discharge intensity on weir crest and Lacey’s silt factor

Regime velocity V

q 12.5
V=( )=( ) = 1.6m/s
R 7.53

Velocity head h

v2 1.62
h=( )=( ) = 0.14m
2g 2 ∗ 9.81

U/S HFL = TEL − Velocity head

= 226.28m − 0.14m = 226.14m


= u/s HFL (after weir) – d/s HFL

= 226.14 – 225

= 1.14 m ≈ permissible afflux 1.0 m


= HFL before construction + Vel. head

= 225 + 0.14 = 225.14 m

D/S HFL after retrogression

= HFL– Bed retrogression

= 225 – 0.5 = 224.5 m

D/S TEL after retrogression

= d/s after retrogression– Bed retrogression

= 225.14 – 0.5 = 224.64 m

HL at high flood

= TEL u/s – d/s TEL after retrogression

= 226.28 – 224.64 = 1.64 m

Summary of Calculations
Step (3) when the weir is discharging with pond level (u/s), then

Head over the crest = 224 – 222.5 = 1.5 m

corresponding q = 1.7 H 3/2

= 1.7 (1.5)3/2 = 3.12 m3 /s

corresponding H𝐿 = PL – Anticipated d/s WL

= 224 – 221.50

= 2.50 m

Step (4) Design of Glacis

Let the crest width = 2 m 0.2 m below the lower level

u/s slope = 2:1 at which jump will form i.e.

d/s slope = 3:1 219.05 m) = 218.85 m

Adopt d/s floor level (about

Horizontal length of floor beyond the toe of the glacis = 16.5 m

Step (5) Depth of Sheet Piles

Scour depth R = 7.53 m

Level of bottom of the possible scour at u/s end

= u/s HFL – 1.5 R

= 226.14 – 1.5 (7.53)

= 214.85 m

Level of bottom of the possible scour at d/s end

= d/s HFL after retrg – 2 R

= 224.5 – 2 (7.53)

= 209.44 m say 209.50 m

Provide an intermediate pile at d/s toe of the glacis as the second line of defense with its
bottom at the same level of 209.50 m

Step (6) Length of impervious floor

Maximum percolation head = Pond level – d/s floor level

= 224 – 218.85 = 5.15 m

Depth of d/s pile = 218.85 − 209.50 = 9.35 m

Permissible exit gradient GE = 1/7

Profile of Glacis

Floor length already provided from other considerations

= 16.5 + 10.95 + 2 + 7.5 = 36.95 > 16.83 m

On u/s side, no impervious floor is required. However a floor length 1.05 m may be,
provide on the u/s side. Total length of impervious floor

= 38 m

Step (7) Thickness of Impervious Floor

 Sub-surface hydraulic gradient

 Assumptions of thickness
Assume the preliminary thickness of the floor at various points, the pressure at key points
are determined.

Let Floor thickness at,

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