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A. Research Design

Research is a process in which the researcher engages in a small set

of logical steps (Creswell, 2012). The research design of this study was

qualitative research. Creswell (2014) states that qualitative research is

exploring and understanding the meaning individual or group to describe

social or human problem. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative

research in conducting the research. Descriptive method is used to gather

information about real condition and situation for the time being.

Descriptive method describes the characteristic of present condition and

inquiries the cause of certain phenomena when the research is done.

Sugiyono (2016) states that characteristic of qualitative research as


1. Qualitative research has natural setting as the direct source of the data

and the researcher is the key instrument

2. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of

words or pictures rather than number.

3. Qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply

outcomes or products.

4. Qualitative research tends to analyse their data inductively.

5. Meaning is essential to the qualitative approach.


Based on the explanation above, this research is following to the

characteristics of qualitative research. This study aims to examine the

natural setting of the implementation of block system in English teaching

and learning process at SMK N 1 Kebumen. The data collected is in the

form of words or pictures, namely observation sheets, interviews,

questionnaires, and documentation. This research is concerned with English

teaching and learning process in the classroom.

The researcher also used observation method to supported statistical

data. Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, first-hand

information by observing people and place at a research site (Creswell,

2012). Observation method is categorized as qualitative research in which

the researcher emphasizes in finding out of the implementation block

system in English teaching and learning process.

B. Subject of the Research

The subjects of this research are the principal of SMK N 1 Kebumen,

curriculum staff, tenth-grade, eleventh-grade, and twelfth-grade students in

visual communication design, and teachers teaching in the visual

communication design department. The object of this research is the

implementation of the block system in the English teaching and learning


C. Data and Data Source

This research was conducted at SMK N 1 Kebumen. It is one of

SMK in Kebumen that implement block system as a learning system. This

school is and located Jl. Cemara No.37, Karangasem, Karangsari, Kebumen.

This School has five majors; Accountant (Akuntansi Keuangan Lembaga or

AKL), Business Institution Office Management (Manajemen Perkantoran

Lembaga Bisnis or MPLB), Marketing (Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran or

PMS), Software Engineering (Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak dan Game

or PPLG), and Visual Communication Design (Desain Komunikasi Visual

or DKV). The data are in the form of qualitative data and quantitative data.

Qualitative data was obtained from the results of interviews and

observations. Quantitative data was obtained from the results of the


The data source was the statement of the respondent and the results

observations of the English teaching and learning process at SMK N 1

Kebumen. The respondent was the principal, curriculum staff, English

teacher, and student X, XI, and XII DKV 1 at SMK N 1 Kebumen in the

academic year 2022/2023.

D. Instrument of the Research

An instrument is a tool to get data. Instruments are very important

in a study that serves to collect research data. According to Sugiyono,

(2016) , research instrument is a tool for measuring natural phenomena or


social phenomena that are being observed. A research instrument is a tool

or facility used by researchers to collect data, making it easier to collect data

in a more accurate, complete, and systematic manner and becomes easier to

analyse (Arikunto, 2013). According to Sugiyono (2016), the instrument of

qualitative research is the researcher itself.

(Arikunto, 2013) states that there are some instruments of collecting

the data:

1. Test

A test is a series of questions or other tools used to measure the

abilities, knowledge, and skills possessed by individuals or groups.

2. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is several questions or written statements that are

used to obtain information from respondents

3. Interview

An interview is a dialog activity between the interviewer and the

interviewed, which is usually used to find out someone's condition.

4. Observation

Observation is monitoring a phenomenon, including all the actions

that are in it that can be obtained using the entire senses.

5. Documentation

The researcher conducts research based on written forms, such as

books, magazines, documents, notes, photos, videos, etc.


In this research, the researcher uses observation as the main

instrument conducted by the researcher himself. The supporting instruments

in this research are questionnaires, interview guidelines, and


Table 1. 1 Instrument of The Research

No Name of Instrument Purpose

1. Observation Sheet To answer the statement of the
2. Interview Guidelines
problem no 1-3
3. Questionnaire
4. Documentation To collect supporting data from

the learning process to strengthen

the data and answer statement of

the problem no 2.

The first instrument was observation. Observations were used to

obtain data about the implementation of the block system in English

teaching and learning process at SMK N 1 Kebumen. Observations are

carried out by observing and recording various events or phenomena that

occur according to the indicators from the observation sheet. The indicators

from the observation sheet are the process of learning English in the block

system and the difficulties faced by students and teachers when teaching

and learning English in the block system.

The second was interview guidelines. Interviews were conducted

with school principals, curriculum staff, students, and teachers. In the


interview, the researcher asked several questions about the implementation

of the block system at SMK N 1 Kebumen to the principals and curriculum

staff. The researcher also conducted interviews with students and teachers

to find out the difficulties of implementing block systems in the English

teaching and learning process.

The third was giving a questionnaire. The questionnaire was given

to students and teachers to know about the implementation of block system

in English teaching and learning process. In this study, researchers used a

Likert scale with 4 scales, namely SA (4), A (3), D (2), and SD (1). The

indicators of the questionnaire are English teaching and learning process in

class, facilities and infrastructure, learning outcomes, and difficulties when

learning English in class using the block system.

The last instrument was documentation. Documentation is used to

support data that has been obtained from other instruments.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

The data collecting technique is a very important step in research. In

general, there are four kind of data collecting technique, observation,

interview, questionnaire, and test. In this research, the researcher uses the

triangulation for data collecting.

The step of the researcher for collecting the data were the following:

1. Choosing the class that will be involved in this study

2. Collecting the data with technique:


a. Observation

The researcher observes the English teaching and learning start from

the beginning until to the end of the study at school. Observation is

the main technique in collecting data about English teaching and

learning in the class. In this case, the writer acted as an observer who

observed the teaching and learning process without being involved

in the process. This technique can be categorized as non-participant

observation. The researcher fills out the observation sheet.

b. Interview

The researcher interview principal, curriculum staff, English teacher

and certain students by recording.

c. Questionnaire

The researcher distribute questionnaire to English teacher and

students X, XI and XII DKV 1.

3. Analysing the result of observation and the subject responses.

F. Technique of Analysing the Data

There were two types of data collected in this research. They were

qualitative and quantitative data. The first data was the data from the

principals, curriculum staff, students and teachers obtained from interview,

the second data was the data from student and teacher obtained from


1. The Qualitative Data

The qualitative data were obtained from interview. The interview

was based on the interview guideline. The interview was obtained from

principals, curriculum staff, students and teachers. The result of the

interview was written in the form of interview transcripts. The aimed of

the interview was finding information about the implementation of

block system at SMK N 1 Kebumen and the difficulties of the

implementation of block system in English teaching and learning

process. The result of the data was used to overcome the difficulties of

block system in English teaching and learning process.

2. The Quantitative Data

The quantitative data were obtained from questionnaire. The data

gained from student and teacher perception were analysed by calculating

the percentage of each answer questionnaire. The highest percentage of

the answer was considered as the representation of the learner actual


To calculate the percentage of the data analysis, uses the formula as

follows: ƒ
P= x 100%

P = Percentage (%)

ƒ = frequency

N = Number of respondents

To calculate the average score of each item to obtain the gradation

of item score:

∑ 𝑋1
𝐌 =
Notes: 𝑛
M = mean

∑X₁ = the total number of data

n = the total number of respondents

Then the result of calculation was converted into descriptive

analysis. To convert the data, data conversion table purposed by Suharto

(2006) was used to determine the category of each aspect.

Table 1. 2 Data Conversion

Category Equivalent Interval

Very Good Strongly Agree 3.25 < x ≤ 4
Good Agree 2.25 < x ≤ 3.25
Fair Disagree 1.75 < x ≤ 2.25
Poor Strongly Disagree 1.0 < x ≤ 1,75
(Suharto, 2006)

G. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is the implementation of block

system in English teaching and learning process at visual communication

design of SMK N 1 Kebumen in the academic year 2022/2023, which

consists of English teaching and learning process based on observation,

learning outcomes, and difficulties based on responses from subject of the


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