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Recebido em: 13/1/2012

Kaytson Hartung
Mestre pela Escola de Administração da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Aprovado em: 10/7/2013
do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) – Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil
Consultor de desenvolvimento de software da Dell Computadores do Brasil

Mirian Oliveira
Professora e pesquisadora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do
Sul (PUC-RS) – Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil
Doutora pela Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do


This study aims to analyze the strategies adopted by Communities of Practice (CoPs) in relation to the
creation and sharing of knowledge. For this purpose, a multiple case study method was adopted. Data were
collected through interviews, document analysis and observation. The CoP strategies were found to be
predominantly focused on knowledge sharing rather than knowledge creation, which may directly influence
the company’s capacity for CoP-based innovation. In the analyzed CoPs, the lack of appreciation of the
CoPs shown by the company and the predominantly individually-based motivation for participating in the
CoPs are both potential reasons for the emphasis given to knowledge sharing instead of knowledge creation.
Based on the analysis of the CoPs, the following aspects were identified: The support of the company
influences the focus of the CoP on knowledge creation and/or sharing; the support of the company influences
the choice of activities in the CoP and the factors that motivate participation; the motivation of the
participants influences the focus of the CoP on the knowledge creation and/or sharing; the activities of the
CoP influence the focus on knowledge creation and/or sharing; the trust among the CoP members influences
the focus on knowledge creation and/or sharing.
Key words: Communities of Practice, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Creation.



Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as estratégias adotadas pelas Comunidades de Prática (CoP) para
criar e compartilhar o conhecimento. O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso múltiplo. Os dados foram
coletados por meio de entrevistas, análise de documentos e observação. As estratégias adotadas pelas CoPs
são predominantemente focadas no compartilhamento do conhecimento e não na criação de conhecimento, o
que pode influenciar diretamente na capacidade da empresa de inovar com base nas CoPs. Nas CoPs
analisadas, a falta de suporte da empresa às CoPs e a motivação predominantemente individual dos
participantes são potenciais razões para a ênfase dada ao compartilhamento do conhecimento e não à criação
de conhecimento. Com base na análise das CoPs, identificou-se que: o suporte da empresa influencia na
ênfase, pela CoP, na criação ou no compartilhamento do conhecimento; o suporte da empresa influencia no
This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license (
REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 407
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

tipo das atividades desenvolvidas pela CoP e nos fatores que motivam os funcionários a participar delas; a
motivação dos participantes influencia no foco pela CoP, em criar ou compartilhar conhecimento; as
atividades da CoP bem como a confiança entre os membros da CoP influenciam no foco na criação ou no
compartilhamento do conhecimento.
Palavras-chave: Comunidades de Prática, Criação do Conhecimento, Compartilhamento do Conhecimento.



Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las estrategias adoptadas por las Comunidades de Práctica
(CoP) para crear y compartir el conocimiento. El método utilizado fue el estudio de caso múltiple. Los datos
fueron recolectados mediante entrevistas, análisis de documentos y observación. Las estrategias adoptadas
por las CoPs son predominantemente enfocadas en la acción de compartir conocimiento y no en la creación
del conocimiento, lo que puede influenciar directamente en la capacidad de la empresa de innovar con base
en las CoPs. En las CoPs analizadas, la falta de soporte de la empresa en relación a las CoPs y la
motivación predominantemente individual de los participantes son potenciales razones para el énfasis dado
a la acción de compartir el conocimiento y no a la creación del conocimiento. Basándose en el análisis de
las CoPs, se identificó que: el soporte de la empresa influencia en el énfasis, por la CoP, en la creación o en
la acción de compartir el conocimiento; el soporte de la empresa ejerce influencia en el tipo de actividades
desarrolladas por la CoP y en los factores que motivan a los funcionarios a participar de ellas; la
motivación de los participantes influencia en el foco de la CoP, en crear o compartir conocimiento; las
actividades de la CoP tal como la confianza entre los miembros de la CoP influencian en el foco en la
creación o en la acción de compartir el conocimiento.
Palabras-llave: Comunidades de Práctica, Creación del Conocimiento, Acción de Compartir el

408 REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013
Communities of practice: creating and sharing knowledge

1. INTRODUCTION HONG, 2010; KIM; HONG; SUH, 2012). In the

literature, CoPs are associated with both the
When facing a highly competitive and unstable
creation and sharing of knowledge. Thus, this
market due to the constant economic fluctuations,
study aims to contribute towards the knowledge
it is increasingly important for companies to focus
available in this field by analyzing the strategies
on results and increase efficiency and productivity
adopted by CoPs in relation to the creation and
(MACHADO, 2006). In this context, knowledge
sharing of knowledge and, thus, identify the
plays a decisive role, and a number of companies
aspects that influence these phenomena.
are now seeking to capitalize on this fact
(WENGER; SNYDER, 2000; LÓPEZ-NICOLÁS; The remainder of this paper is structured as
MEROÑO-CERDÁN, 2011). The knowledge that follows: section 2 presents a literature review
companies seek in the market (from consultants, focused on the characteristics of CoPS and their
for example) can often be found within the relationship with the creation and sharing of
company itself. knowledge; section 3 describes the
methodological steps adopted; in section 4, there
Knowledge management (KM) is defined as
is a discussion of the results; and section 5
the process by which an organization creates,
contains the conclusions and ideas for further
captures, acquires and uses knowledge to support
and improve its performance (KINNEY, 1998;
LEE; YANG, 2000). KM represents one way of
meeting the need to increase productivity and is
essential for long-term organizational efficiency,
as it improves the flow of information and
knowledge (HARRIS, 2005; LÓPEZ-NICOLÁS; Communities of Practice (CoPs) have existed
MEROÑO-CERDÁN, 2011). According to ever since humans began to interact socially.
Kratzer, Zboralski and Leenders (2009), a Wenger, McDermott and Snyder (2002) provide
growing number of companies have applied KM examples, such as prehistoric hunters who debated
systems in order to improve the effectiveness and the best ways to kill their prey, medieval knights
efficiency of the use of knowledge, and several who were trained for combat, writers who
have adopted Communities of Practice as a means exchange ideas about their work, artists who get
of implementing those systems. together to discuss a new technique or style of
painting, gang members learning how to survive
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are “groups of
and mothers that join their children in games and
people informally bound together by shared
discuss parenting tips with each other. The term
expertise and passion for a joint enterprise”
“Community of Practice” was introduced by Lave
(WENGER; SNYDER, 2000, p. 139). These are
and Wenger (1991) in the 1990s when they were
informal groups that go beyond organizational,
studying situational learning and ways of sharing
geographical or communication boundaries and
may belong to several organizations in various
countries. According to Teigland (2000) and Kim, CoPs can be defined as “groups of people who
Hong and Suh (2012), CoPs play a key role in share a concern, a set of problems, or passion
providing an organization with competitive about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge
advantage, thus adding value to it in various ways. and expertise on this topic by interacting on an
CoPs help guide the strategy, begin new lines of ongoing basis” (WENGER; MCDERMOTT;
business, solve problems faster, disseminate best SNYDER, 2002, p. 4). CoPs provide multiple
practices, develop professional skills and help points of view and thus increase and improve the
recruit and retain talent (WENGER; SNYDER, interpretation of knowledge (BHATT, 2001; LEE;
2000). Additionally, CoPs have an impact on SUH; HONG, 2010). In the perception of these
various aspects of the organization, such as authors, CoPs are associated with both the idea of
collaboration, coordination, synergy, learning sharing and of creating knowledge.
curve, productivity, efficiency and innovation Generally, CoPs arise spontaneously,

REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 409
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

independently and are self-managed, allowing by the organization, depending on the type of
anyone to participate (WENGER, 1998b), yet relationship they cultivate with the organization,
managers have difficulty understanding how to they may be in a variety of intermediate states
implement these communities, their structure, or such as informal, legitimate, and supported.
how they function (BISHOP et al., 2008). CoPs
In order to function, a CoP requires the support
are entities that are constantly changing and are
of a set of virtual and non-virtual resources, such
not stable or static (ROBERTS, 2006; DU
as a place to meet, a repository of ideas and record
PLESSIS, 2008). They change as members join
of the activities, a list of the members and their
and leave, with changes in organizational culture
interests, means of communication between
and especially when the organization’s business
members and ways of sharing tacit knowledge
strategy changes (DU PLESSIS, 2008).
(COAKES, 2006). CoPs may make use of
While the management team cannot form technologically advanced tools with content
CoPs, they can, however, facilitate the management systems, or may be just a group of
spontaneous emergence of CoPs and support those people debating a particular problem, with the
who wish to develop them (ROBERTS, 2006; DU tools used for their support ranging between these
PLESSIS, 2008). CoPs are self-managing social two extreme possibilities (DU PLESSIS, 2008).
entities that choose their own leaders and the rules Coakes (2006) mentions video conferencing,
by which they operate (DU PLESSIS, 2008). The instant messaging applications and e-mail as
manager’s role is to support the development of examples of tools that promote communication
CoPs and perhaps try to structure their between members.
spontaneity, encouraging the alignment of
In order to facilitate interaction between
changes in practices between communities and
members in different geographic locations and
helping to transfer knowledge within the
time zones, Wenger et al. (2005) mention
organization (BROWN; DUGUID, 2001).
asynchronous communication tools such as blogs,
According to Wenger, McDermott and Snyder wikis, e-mail, mailing lists, forums, RSS (really
(2002) and Kingston (2012), the structure of CoPs simple syndication) and the use of integrated tools
can vary according to the following aspects: such as portals and other proprietary software.
These authors also argue that the technological
Size - small, involving only a few specialists, or
tools available to a CoP must be easy to use and
large involving hundreds of people;
learn, evolve over time, be easily accessible and
Time - short shelf life, such as a COBOL designed with the end-user’s perspective in mind.
developer community, or can last for centuries
such as a group of craft workers; A lack of, or limited access to technological
Location - distributed across different countries, tools may make it difficult for the individuals in
in which case interaction may occur only by an organization to find the knowledge they seek
phone or e-mail, or local, with weekly meetings; (DU PLESSIS, 2008). KM systems must enable
Composition - can be homogeneous, composed integration and be sufficiently flexible to facilitate
only of people from a single discipline, or the transformation of different types of knowledge
heterogeneous, composed of people from different (DAVIS; SUBRAHMANIAN; WESTEMBERG,
disciplines and backgrounds; 2005).
Limits – may include members exclusively The learning potential of organizations is
from within an organization or may include structured by the CoPs through the knowledge
members from within and from outside an they develop at their core and the interactions they
organization; provide within their limits, with people who are
Origin - may be spontaneous, beginning without not members or with other CoPs (WENGER,
any effort or intervention on the part of the 1998a). In order for CoPs to develop the ability to
organization, where members come together create and retain knowledge, they need to have
spontaneously, or they may be intentional, where suitable technological and organizational
the organization intentionally introduces them in infrastructures (WENGER, 1998a).
order to develop some specific skills;
Knowledge is specific to the context (time,
Recognition - institutionalized or unrecognized

410 REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013
Communities of practice: creating and sharing knowledge

space and relationship) and is created in localized knowledge, the structure (size, time, location,
actions (HAYEK, 1945; SUCHMAN, 2007; composition, limits, origin and recognition), and
NONAKA; TOYAMA, 2008). According to non-virtual and virtual resources (e.g., wiki
Nonaka and Toyama (2008, p. 99), “knowledge meetings, among others) will be considered.
cannot be created in a vacuum, and needs a
context where information is given meaning 3. METHOD
through interpretation to become knowledge”. The To achieve the proposed objective, a
same authors introduce the “ba” as a shared, qualitative approach has been adopted together
dynamic context, in which knowledge is created, with the case study method, since the latter is
shared and consumed, thus providing the energy, considered appropriate when the subject under
the quality and the spaces to foster the knowledge
investigation is a contemporary phenomenon
spiral. The authors also point out that the ba
within a real life context (YIN, 2005).
should not be understood as a physical space, but
as interactions that occur at specific times and The unit of analysis, according to Yin (2005),
places. is directly related to the structure of the research
question. Thus, the unit of analysis in this research
According to Wenger, McDermott and Snyder is a CoP in a large multinational company. Given
(2002), knowledge conversion processes require
that five CoPs were analyzed within a single
the interaction and informality provided by a CoP.
software development company, this is a multiple
To share tacit knowledge, processes such as
case study. Table 1 summarizes the profiles of the
storytelling, encouraging debate, coaching and
analyzed CoPs, and the data collection activities.
learning take place within a CoP, and, in order to The primary data for the study were obtained
be applied, explicit knowledge requires tacit using interviews, observation and documents. The
knowledge (WENGER; MCDERMOTT; documents were stored in the document
SNYDER, 2002). repositories of the SharePoint portal of each CoP.
Therefore, to analyze the strategies adopted by
CoPs in relation to the creation and sharing of

Table 1 – Summary of the CoPs

Collected Observation Interviews

CoP Size
documents sessions

Agile Methods 5 to 30 19 3 2

Project Management 5 to 300 344 2 4

Java 5 to 60 192 0 2

Microsoft 10 to 90 154 0 2

Testers 8 to 35 235 1 4

Requirements 51 599 1 2

In addition to members of the CoPs, three interviewees’ profiles. For the managers and the
managers and a specialist in knowledge specialist the questions were generalized in order
management who were not directly involved in to cover all the CoPs.
the CoPs were interviewed. Table 2 shows the

REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 411
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

Table 2 ̶ Profile of the Interviewees

CoP Interviewees Years with the company

Agile Methods Interviewee 1 Between 5 and 10 years

Interviewee 2 Between 5 and 10 years

Project Management Interviewee 3 Between 5 and 10 years

Interviewee 4 Between 5and 10 years

Interviewee 5 Between 5and 10 years

Interviewee 6 Between 5and 10 years

Java Interviewee 7 Between 5and 10 years

Interviewee 8 Between 5 and 10 years

Microsoft Interviewee 9 Between 5 and 10 years

Interviewee 10 Between 3 and 5 years

Testers Interviewee 11 Between 5 and 10 years

Interviewee 12 Between 5 and 10 years

Interviewee 13 Between 3 and 5 years

Interviewee 14 Between 3 and 5 years

Requirements Interviewee 15 Between 5 and 10 years

Interviewee 16 Between 3 and 5 years

Managers Manager 1 Between 10 and 15 years

Manager 2 Between 10 and 15 years

Manager 3 Between 10 and 15 years

KM specialist Specialist 1 Between 5 and 10 years

The CoPs chosen for this study are within a development through centers distributed around
company that was founded in 1980s and is now the world. The company was selected because it
one of the leading computer companies in the has several CoPs with different features, areas of
world, with about 100,000 employees and operations and degrees of maturity. All the CoPs
operations in several countries, with revenues of will be considered in this study.
tens of billions of dollars (FORBES, 2008). Part
The Oslo Manual (OECD, 2005) contains
of the company is focused on software
guidelines for collecting and interpreting data on

412 REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013
Communities of practice: creating and sharing knowledge

technological innovation. Pursuant to this Because it is a cross-sectional study, all the

document, companies are classified according to data concerning the origin and history of the
their size (based on number of employees) and development of the CoPs are retrospective. As
type of institution, with regard to their nationality. some of the CoPs have been in existence for more
Companies in which more than 50% of the control than five years, there have been changes in the
is foreign are considered multinationals according people who participate and in the activities. Thus,
to the guidelines in the Frascati Manual (OECD, some of the current participants are not fully
1994). Therefore, pursuant to this classification, aware of the origin of the CoP and its
the company where this research took place is a development, while others may currently express
private multinational company with over 5000 a different attitude from that demonstrated at that
employees. time. It is therefore conceivable that the reports
obtained during the present study might be
The construct validity and reliability were
different from those that would have been
considered to ensure their quality. In order to
obtained if the interviews had occurred at the time
validate the construct, multiple sources of
the CoPs were originally established, when they
evidence were used including observation of the
could have reported the events more vividly and
CoPs’ meetings, collection of documents from the
accurately. In order to mitigate this limitation, the
CoPs’ websites and the preparation of a script to
collection includes more than one interviewee
be used in the semi-structured interviews, which
from each of the CoPs.
was subsequently validated by two experts, one
from the IT area and another from the Knowledge 4. KNOWLEDGE CREATION AND
Management area. For reliability, all the SHARING IN THE COPS
procedures will be documented, thus creating a
According to the members of the CoPs that
case study protocol and a database to store the
were interviewed, 4 CoPs (Project Management,
necessary data.
Java, Microsoft and Testers) originated out of a
The data collected from the interviews, Knowledge Management initiative which began in
observations and documents were submitted to 2005. Later, two other CoPs emerged (Agile
content analysis, which is a set of techniques used Methods and Requirements). The more recent
to systematically describe the form and content of CoPs (Agile Methods and Requirements) were
written or spoken material (BARDIN, 2008) and formed about three years ago, when the original
that can be used in an exploratory or confirmatory CoPs were well attended and highly active, which
manner. may indicate that the success of one CoP may
contribute to the emergence of another. Table 3
The interviews were categorized and analyzed
summarizes the characteristics of analyzed CoPs.
with the help of MAXQDA 10® software. This
software facilitated the encoding process while
improving the reliability of the analytical process.

REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 413
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

Table 3 – Characteristics of the Analyzed CoPs

CoPs Size Age Location Participation

Agile Methods 4 people in the core team, 2 to 3.5 Local Only the core team participate
30 peripheral members years

Project 6 people in the core team, 5 years Local Only the core team participate
management 20 to 50 peripheral

Java 8 people in the core team, 5 years Local The core team mainly
60 peripheral members participate, with the occasional
participation of peripheral

Microsoft 12 people in the core team, 5 years Local The core team mainly
approximately 100 participate, with the occasional
peripheral members participation of peripheral

Testers 8 people in the core team, 5 years Global The core team mainly
35 peripheral members participate, with frequent
participation of peripheral
members in the events

Requirements 51 members 3 years Global Monthly meeting via

teleconference and Live

According to interviewees, the Java CoP is the CoP, encourage and try to remove barriers to its
only one that does not have regular activities, development, actively participating in the day to
except for localized training, given by former day activities.
members of the CoP’s core team. This can be
Managers 1 and 2 claim that the company
explained by the lack of appreciation shown by
recognizes the value of the CoPs, but fails to value
the company and members who do not see the
them as much as it should, since there is no
CoP as something that provides them with value.
budget for awards or training programs provided
All the reports show the approval, though by the CoPs. According to the expert in KM, the
limited, of the company, as it allows staff to take CoPs lost support and appreciation within the
the time to participate and use the resources senior management when the director who had
existing in the company, such as teleconferencing, sponsored them left the company.
a portal, newsletters, video conferencing, a private
There is a common pattern to the profile of
micro blogging network and the corporate blog.
participation in CoPs: a core team that focuses
The reports also show that the CoP members
solely or largely on the interactions in the CoP
believe that the CoPs are not recognized and
and peripheral members who have a more passive
valued by the company, and that there is too little
role in such activities. As pointed out by Wenger
time available to participate. The Testers CoP is in
(1998b), the two profiles, active and peripheral
a peculiar situation: it has limited support, since
members, are expected to be found in any one
several people who were in the CoP’s core team
CoP. There is also expected to be an increase in
have been promoted to managerial positions.
participation over the course of time, an
These people, besides believing in the idea of the
equalization of knowledge and the creation of a

414 REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013
Communities of practice: creating and sharing knowledge

common context (WENGER; MCDERMOTT; meetings are usually attended only by the core
SNYDER, 2002), which was not observed in the team. The Agile Methods, Project Management
analyzed CoPs. Manager 1 said that one and Java CoPs have also given frequent training
explanation for the lack of development seen in courses for employees, which is a way to interact
the CoPS is that not all the experts are with new, usually, less experienced members. The
participating. Agile Methods and Testers CoPs are using the
private micro-blogging network to interact not
The motivation for people to participate in the
only with other members, but also with people
CoPs is identified as being voluntary in all the
who do not participate in the CoP. The Testers
reports, that is, people do not feel obliged by their
and Requirements CoPs, which have members in
managers or the company, which in part
other regions, also make use of teleconferencing
highlights the company’s limited support for
with presentations, using Live Meeting for their
CoPs. One motivation that appears in several
interactions. The same occurs with the Project
reports is visibility, where the participants see
Management CoP, which, though being local,
participation in the CoP as an opportunity to
plans events in which people from other regions
demonstrate their work to others in the company.
participate. The types of tools and forms of
Other motivations that appear in the reports are
interaction adopted by the CoPs are related to the
the exchange of knowledge, the learning and the
location of the participants. For example, the
networking. In more than one CoP, a distinctive
members of the Testers CoP, which is global, use
profile of people who do not perform a given role,
teleconferencing and the private micro-blogging
and want to learn how to perform that role
network to interact, while the Microsoft CoP just
through the knowledge shared in the CoPs was
holds face-to-face meetings attended by the core
found. Networking enables people to quickly
team. The types of tools and forms of interaction
solve problems, facilitating everyday activities.
are also associated with the CoP’s activities. An
The people seem motivated only on the individual
example of this is the Project Management CoP,
level, no company-focused motivation for
where the main activity is training. In this case,
participating was perceived.
the CoP’s website is used to disseminate
Both the CoPs’ participants and the managers knowledge related to training events, and only the
take the view that people participate in CoPs more experienced core team members, who plan
because of the visibility and the knowledge the training program, attend the meetings.
sharing. These motivations may be associated
The CoPs hold meetings on a weekly,
with detachment of the management team from
biweekly or monthly basis, depending on the CoP.
the CoPs.
It was only possible to confirm the regularity of
In terms of size, the CoPs have between 20 and the Requirements CoP’s monthly meeting because
100 members. There are three categories of it produces a record of each meeting which is
participants: the core team; peripheral members; available on its website. The Java CoP is not
and occasional participants. The core team having meetings, and there has been no interaction
consists of 2 to 12 people, and facilitates the in the last year, except for training sessions. This
CoPs’ activities. In some cases, such as the project may be due to the fact the CoPs now give greater
management CoP, the core team is the only one in emphasis to activities related to knowledge
which there is frequent interaction. The peripheral creation.
members are those individuals formally enrolled
According to the reports, with the exception of
in the CoP, whose participation can be identified
the Requirements CoP, there is trust among the
in the collected documents. Occasional
members of the CoP core teams, which tends to
participants are those who have participated in
facilitate communication and knowledge creation
events, or who have at some time enrolled in the
according to Zboralski (2009). In the interviews it
CoP, but as there is no formal record of their
was noted that in the Java and Microsoft CoPs the
participation, are not considered members.
members do not feel sufficiently confident to ask
According to the reports, all CoPs interact questions and expose themselves. This may be
through meetings. In some of the CoPs (Agile due to the fact that these two CoPs are more
Methods, Microsoft and Project Management), the technically orientated and are formed only by

REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 415
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

software developers. The fact that developers are Below, there is a table comparing the COPs
the majority in the company also intensifies the and the tools they employ. One can see that e-
competition among them. The identity formed by mail, Microsoft SharePoint and teleconferencing
the CoPs can also mean that other accepted lines are used by all the CoPs.
of thought are rejected, so that people with
alternative ways of proceeding may stop
participating because their ideas are not accepted.

Table 4 – Tools used by the CoPs

CoP Agile Project

Java Microsoft Testers Requirements
Tools Methods Management

CoP Blog X X

Corporative Blog X


E-mail X X X X X X

Forum X X

e-mails list X X

Live Meeting X

Instant messaging X X


Teleconferencing X X X X X X

Videoconferencing X X

Private micro
blogging network

Each of the CoPs has a site on the Microsoft news or calls for publications in the company’s
SharePoint Portal, provided by the company to weekly newsletter that is sent to the employees in
facilitate interaction. The portal has ready-to-use Brazil. In addition, the Testers CoP also publishes
tools such as ads, blog, forums, document reports in the official company blog, which can be
repository and calendaring. When collecting accessed by employees around the world. So,
documents from this portal, it was noted that there appears to be an emphasis on interactions
currently the site is little used and that the related to tacit knowledge.
majority of files, forum posts and documents dates
The passivity of the majority of the members is
from the period 2007-2008. The Testers and
a problem identified in several CoPs. In the
Project Management CoPs also publish occasional

416 REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013
Communities of practice: creating and sharing knowledge

Testers CoP, although the members do not often Below, Table 5 presents the positioning of the
participate in meetings, their presence is notable at resources of the virtual and non-virtual resources
the events organized by the CoP. Again it is of the CoPs in relation to knowledge creation and
necessary to show its target audience the value sharing, based on data from the interviews,
provided by the CoP. It is also important to try to observations and documents. The low level of
recruit the best specialists, because it can motivate knowledge creation is evident in all the CoPs.
people to participate in the CoP.

Table 5 – Knowledge Creation and Sharing

CoP Means and Participants Knowledge

Agile Methods E-mail, Instant messaging: core team Low creation

Meetings: core team Low sharing

Training: core team and peripheral members Low creation

Private micro-blogging network: core team, peripheral High sharing
members and employees
Meetings (problem solving): core team and employees

- High creation
Low sharing

- High creation
High sharing

Project E-mail, Instant messaging: core team Low creation

Meetings: core team Low sharing

Training: core team and peripheral members Low creation

Lessons learned: core team, peripheral members and High sharing
Meetings: core team and external

- High creation
Low sharing

- High creation
High sharing

Java E-mail, Instant messaging: core team Low creation

Meetings: core team Low sharing

Training: core team, peripheral members and employees Low creation

Meetings: core team and peripheral members High sharing
Company newsletter: core team, peripheral members and

REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 417
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

- High creation
Low sharing

- High creation
High sharing

Microsoft E-mail, Instant messaging: core team Low creation

Meetings: core team Low sharing

- Low creation
High sharing

- High creation
Low sharing

Brainstorming sessions: core team High creation

High sharing

Testers Meetings: core team and peripheral members Low creation

E-mail, Instant messaging: core team Low sharing

Corporate blog, Private micro-blogging network, Company Low creation

newsletter: core team, members and employees
High sharing
Events: core team, peripheral members and employees

- High creation
Low sharing

- High creation
High sharing

Requirements Meetings: core team and members Low creation

Low sharing

- Low creation
High sharing

- High creation
Low sharing

- High creation
High sharing

Table 5 clearly shows that knowledge sharing characterized by a balance between creation and
is the main focus of the activities in the all the sharing, something which is not found in any of
CoPs. The CoP’s activities should be the analyzed CoPs. This imbalance indicates that

418 REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013
Communities of practice: creating and sharing knowledge

the CoPs may not be achieving knowledge A relationship can be seen between the focus
maturity, which can be explained by them having on sharing tacit knowledge, the individualist
a high membership turnover or because the main motivation for people to participate in the CoP
motivating factor of the people tends to be and the tools used for interaction. Although the
individually based. The Microsoft CoP seems to CoPs’ websites include forums, document
be the only one with a creation initiative, although repository, blogs and other tools designed to
this activity is concentrated mainly in the core facilitate the exchange of explicit knowledge, they
team. This imbalance also shows the stagnation of are little used, probably because the involvement
the development of the CoPs, which may explain of members of the CoPs tends not to focus on the
the difficulty in reaching knowledge maturity in company, but on the individual. Thus, the
any particular domain. knowledge created in the CoPs is not externalized,
so limiting the number of people who could
The company approves the existence of the
benefit. The CoPs use tools which emphasize
CoPs, but does not provide financial resources for
explicit knowledge to recruit new members, but,
their operation, which the members of the CoPs
once recruited, the new members focus on tacit
tend to perceive as a lack of support. Moreover,
knowledge, following their own motivations, so
the company’s management believes that it should
that there is a concern to externalize knowledge,
not interfere with the functioning of the CoPs and
which remains restricted to a few people.
uses this argument to justify the low level of
support provided. The lack of interest and support Based on the analysis of the CoPs, the
of the company contribute towards the individual- following propositions (illustrated in Figure 1)
based motivation for participation in the CoPs. were developed: The support of the company
Being unsure of their value, the company does not influences the focus of the CoP in knowledge
direct the CoPs, neither closing them nor directly creation and/or sharing; the support of the
supporting them. By supporting the CoPs the company influences the choice of activities in the
company could get more benefits and utilize their CoP and the factors that motivate participation;
potential to create knowledge and innovate the motivation of the participants influences the
products and services. Despite the lack of support focus of the CoP on the knowledge creation
and recognition, the CoPs have existed for several and/or sharing; the activities of the CoP influence
years within the company, which may be due to the focus on knowledge creation and/or sharing;
the company’s steady growth in number of the trust among members of the CoP influences
employees, which feeds a constant need for the focus on knowledge creation and/or sharing.
knowledge sharing among the employees. These propositions will be the subject of future

REGE , São Paulo – SP, Brasil, v. 20, n. 3, p. 407-422, jul./set. 2013 419
Kaytson Hartung e Mirian Oliveira

Participants’ motivations

Company support

Community of Practice associated with:

knowledge creation; knowledge sharing

CoP activities

Confidence among the participants

Figure 1 – Focus of the CoP on Knowledge Creation and/or Sharing

5. CONCLUSIONS innovations. All the analyzed CoPs have similar

characteristics: individual motivation for
The strategies adopted by the CoPs were found
participation, polarization of activities, lack of
to be predominantly focused on knowledge
confidence of some members and lack of formal
sharing rather than knowledge creation, which can
support and value attributed by the company and
directly influence the company’s capacity to
by the employees. These factors seem to account
innovate based on the CoPs. The stagnated
for non-development of the CoPs and of
development of the CoPs and their respective
knowledge creation. On the other hand, the tools,
knowledge domains prevent them from reaching
as well as the diversity of knowledge domains,
their full potential, which could bring more
seem to have a secondary role in the development
benefits to the individuals and the company.
of the CoPs.
The motivation for people to participate in
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CoPs is related more to learning than to actually
level of support from the company influences the
developing knowledge. Apparently, people
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the focus on knowledge sharing; the motivations
knowledge they need to acquire, but do not
of the participants, the activities and the level of
continue to participate once that knowledge has
trust among participants influence the strategy of
been mastered. The failure of the company to
the CoP (priority given to sharing knowledge
value the CoPs, the activities of the CoPs, the lack
rather than to the creation of new knowledge).
of confidence and the predominantly individual
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