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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture

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a circular templethe that is most sacred

shrine in Rome

Temple of Vesta

Type of Roman Tomb :

subterranean vault
Type of Roman Tomb :
pigeon hole of ashes
Type of Roman Tomb :
receptacle for the corpse
Cenotaph memorial tomb for soldiers
commemorative monuments in honor of
Triumphal Arches
victorious generals
triumphal arch built for the capture of
Arch of Titus
Basilicas hall of justice or assembly halls
private bath house in Roman Architec-
Forum market place
Arch & Vault developed by the Etruscans
Insula Roman Apartment building
Villas large country houses
Hypocaust form of central heating in a Roman villa
Domus ordinary private house of the Romans
Prothyrum entrance to Domus
Part of Domus: entrance court open the
the sky

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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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Alae/Ala Part of Domus: recess for conversation
Part of Domus: small rooms; different
Culina Part of Domus: Kitchen
Part of Domus: Garden room; outside
sitting area
Peristyle Part of Domus: inner colonnade/garden
Taberna Part of Domus: Shop
Part of Domus: Room or passage for
family records; office
Triclinia Part of Domus: Dinning room
Vestibule Part of Domus: Entrance hall
Oecus Part of Domus: Reception hall
Impluvium Part of Domus: Cistern
cut and laid into walls and floors to make
a picture or pattern

Opus Sectile

stone blocks laid in regular courses

Opus Quadratum

diamond-shaped bricks of tuff;

Opus Reticalatum
diagonally laid square blocks

Opus Testaceum triangular form

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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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mix work

Opus Mixtum

Opus Tesselatum floor or wall pattern with square tesserae

cube-shape used to create a mosaic


herringbone or chevron pattern

Opus Spicatum

small irregular stones

Opus Incertum

square tuff blocks inserted by brick

Opus Vittatum
bands at regular or irregular distances

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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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vertical chains of upright blocks with al-

ternating horizontal blocks

Opus Africanum

Amphitheater public building for Gladiator contests

Superimpostion columns used in the Colosseum, Rome
Pons bridges are called
Cirus for chariot racing
Spina dividing wall in the middle of the Circus
Nyphaneum building for plants
Hadrian Villa summer bath
use for water supply, w/ smooth channels
or "specus" lined
w/ hard cement & carried on arches, in
several tiers.
Specus smooth channels of the aqueducts
the usually square slab beneath base of
a column


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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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the placement of two columns or pil-
lasters very close to each other
order, basically simplified Roman Doric,
characterized by an unflutted column
and a plain base, capital and entablature
having no decoration other that mould-

the part of the necking bet the hypotra-

Trachelium chelium and the capital of a classical col-
any member bet the capital and the shaft
of a classical column
Curia Roman Senate House
Colosseum, Rome is a ______ Architec-
the viewers at the Colosseum is protect-
ed from the sun with
A structure that carries water over long

A curving, often semi-circular arch com-

true arch posed of voussoirs
Know: keystone, impost, voussouirs

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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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the simplest form of vault consisting of an

unbroken series of arches
Know: crown, haunch

Barrel Vault

A recessed decorative panel that is used

to reduce the weight of and to decorate
ceilings or vaults.


formed at the point at which 2 barrel

vaults intersect at right angles

Groin Vault

the round central opening of a dome

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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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the roughly triangular space enclosed by

the curves of adjacent arches and a hori-
zontal member connecting their vertexes


A freestanding arch commemorating an

important event, such as a military victo-
ry or the opening of a new road.

Triumphal Arch

wedge shaped blocks holding the curve

of the arch

A large stadium in ancient Rome where

athletic events took place
Know: barrel + groin vault
Colosseum Built: Vespasian
Material: concrete
4Columns: Tuscan, Ionic, Corinthian,
Corinthian Pilisters
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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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Form: marble, brick and concrete

Know: groin vaulting + barrel vaults +
Function: column: monuments cele-
brates the victory in the Dacian war
Forum of Trajan Rome, Italy 106-112 CE

Spiral frieze
(110-112 ce)
Roman triumphal column in Rome, Italy,
that commemorates Roman emperor
Trajan's victory in the Dacian Wars.
Trajan's Column

118-125 CE
Big dome (new)
Temple of all gods
Pantheon Hadrian

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Form: brick and concrete

Function: Mall
Content: Originally had 150 shops; multi-
level mall; semicircular building held sev-
Market of Trajan
eral levels of shops; main spaced
Know: groin-vaulted; barrel-vaulted
Context: 106-112 AD
Period: Late Empire
c. 250 C.E.
Material: Marble
Function: Battle and funerary purposes
Know: emotion and HORROR VACUI
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus (chaos)

once housed sculpture of Constantine,

massive building with great window
paces for light, groin-vaulted main aisle
Basilica Nova

The earliest style of Roman mural paint-

ing. Also called the Masonry Style, be-
First Style cause the aim of the artist was to imitate,
using painted stucco relief, the appear-
ance of costly marble panels.

Allowed Romans to build massive build-

The Roman Arch

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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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an oval large stadium with tiers of seats


A large stadium in ancient Rome where

athletic events took place

a human-made channel that carries wa-

ter long distances

building material made by mixing small

concrete stones and sand with limestone, clay,
and water
Roman temple dedicated to the gods.

Pantheon, Rome

The sanitation system in Rome, includ-

plumbing system
ing plumbing and aqueducts to carry
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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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away dirty water, feces, and urine, was
built to prevent common parasites
allowed for better military transportation
and facilitated trade throughout their em-
pire. Cities grew larger and more pow-
erful. Appian Way, 53,000 miles make
up all the Roman roads, User-con-
tributed everyone could share supplies,
Roman roads 55,000miles of roads, communication,

"Hut of Romulus, Rome,

after 753 B.C."

"Temple of Jupiter Optimus

Maximus Capitolinus, Rome, 509 B.C."

"Servian Walls, Rome, 378 B.C"

City walls, Norba (Italy), second half of

the fourth century B.C.

City plan, Ostia (Italy), 350 BC

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Temple of Portunus, Rome, ca 75 BC

"Temple of Hercules, Cori (Italy), early

1st c BC

Temple of Vesta, Tivoli (Italy), ca 80 BC

Porticus Aemilia, Rome, 193 BC, re-

stored 174 BC

Market Hall, Ferentino, ca 100 BC

Podium, lateral arches, "Sanctuary of

Jupiter Anxur", Terracina, ca 100 BC

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Sanctuary of Hercules, Tivoli, ca 75-50


Tabularium, Rome, ca 78 BC

Theater of Marcellus, Rome, dedicated

13 or 11 Bc, built by Augustus to honor
nephew/son in law

Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, Palest-

rina, late second century or early first
century B.C, hemicycles, opus incertum

Forum, Pompeii, plan, "second half of the

second century B.C"

Capitolium, Pompeii, ca 150 BC, tripar-

tite cella added 80 BC

Basilica, Pompeii, ca 120 BC

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Amphitheater, Pompeii, 80-70 BC

Theater, Pompeii, 80-70 BC, remodeled

at end of 1st C BC

Stabian Baths, Pompeii , plan, second

of the second century B.C.; enlarged
80-70 B.C

" Hypocaust system, Stabian Baths,

Pompeii, second half of the second cen-
tury B.C.; enlarged around
80-70 B.C"

" Caldarium, Forum Baths, Pompeii, ca.

80 B.C."

Frigidarium, " Stabian Baths, Pompeii,

second half of the second century B.C.; BIG OCULUS
enlarged around 80-70 B.C."

"Domus Italica, restored view and plan,

Pompeii and elsewhere, fourth-third
centuries B.C."

House of the Surgeon, plan,

Pompeii, third century B.C.

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"House of Sallust, plan, Pompeii, third

century B.C.

"Hellenized Domus, plan and elevation,

Pompeii and elsewhere, second
century B.C. or later"

"House of the Vettii, atrium,

Pompeii, second century B.C. and later"

"House of the Vettii, garden,

Pompeii, second century B.C. and later"

Pompeii, remodeled first century B.C. (or

House of the Silver Wedding plan

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"House of the Faun plan, plan, Pompeii,

second century B.C.

"House of the Faun, atrium,Pompeii, sec-

ond century B.C."

"Alexander Mosaic, House of the Faun,

Pompeii, second century B.C., copy of a
Greek painting of around 300 B.C., now
in the National Archaeological Museum,

" Cave Canem Mosaic, House of the

Tragic Poet, Pompeii, A.D. 62-79"

"House of D. Octavius Quartio, Pompeii,

plan, second century B.C., remodeled in
A.D. 62-79"

"House of D. Octavius Quartio, Pompeii,

garden, A.D. 62-79

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"Villa of the Mysteries plan, Pompeii, re-

stored view, early second century B.C.
and later"

" Fountain based on the Large Fountain

in the Nymphaeum of the House of the
Large Fountain, Pompeii, ca. A.D. Getty villa blue fountain
62-79; J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu,

" Samnite House, plan Herculaneum,

second century B.C."

"House of the Mosaic Atrium and House

of the Stags, plan, Herculaneum, A.D.

"House of the Mosaic Atrium, atrium

and Egyptian oecus, Herculaneum, A.D.

"House of Sallust, First Style painting in

atrium, Pompeii, ca. 100 B.C."

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also has red tools

"Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, Sec-
ond Style painting, from Boscoreale, ca.
50-40 B.C., now in the Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art, New York

"House of Augustus, Room of the Masks,

Second Style painting, Palatine Hill,
Rome, ca. 30-25 B.C."

"Villa of Livia, Second Style paintings in

Garden Room, Primaporta,
ca. 30-20 B.C., now in the Palazzo Mas-
simo, Rome"

"Villa A, Third Style painting in Caldarium

8, Oplontis, ca. 11 B.C.-A.D. 15

"Villa of Agrippa Postumus,Third Style

painting in Red Room,"Boscotrecase,
ca. 11 B.C."

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"Villa of Agrippa Postumus, Third Style

painting in Black Room, Boscotrecase,
ca. 11 B.C., now in the Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art, New York

" Domus Aurea, early Fourth Style paint-

ing, Room of the Masks, Rome, A.D.

"House of the Vettii, Fourth Style

painting, Ixion Room, Pompeii,
ca. A.D. 70-79"

"Fragmentary wall, Fourth Style painting,

from Herculaneum, ca. A.D. 70-79, now
in the National
Archaeological Museum, Naples"

"Villa of the Mysteries, Second Style

painting in Room 5 of the Dionysiac Mys-
teries, Dionysus and Ariadne,
Pompeii, ca. 60-50 B.C."
" Villa of Julia Felix, still life painting,
Pompeii, ca. 50 B.C., now in the
National Archaeological Museum,

painting of magistrate distributing free

bread, Pompeii, ca. A.D. 70, now in the
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Archaeological Museum, Naples"

"House 1, 3, 23, Painting of a riot

between Pompeians and Nucerians in
Pompeii Amphitheater, from Pompeii, ca.
A.D. 59-70, now in the National
Archaeological Museum, Naples

"Painted portrait of "Sappho," from Pom-

peii, ca. A.D. 40-50, now in
National Archaeological Museum,

"Forum of Julius Caesar, plan, Rome,

begun 52 B.C., inaugurated 46 B.C."

"Forum of Julius Caesar, with Temple of

Venus Genetrix, Rome, begun 52 B.C.,
inaugurated 46 B.C."

"Forum of Augustus, plan, Rome, dedi-

cated 2 B.C."

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"Forum of Augustus, model, Rome, ded-

icated 2 B.C."

" Forum of Augustus enclosing wall , big reddish stone wall with ashlar mason-
Rome, dedicated 2 B.C." ry??

"Temple of Mars Ultor, Forum of Augus-

tus, Rome, dedicated 2 B.C.

"Caryatid, Forum of Augustus, Rome,

dedicated 2 B.C., now in the museum in
the Markets of Trajan"

"Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan

Peace), axonometric view, Rome, 13-9

"Ara Pacis Augustae, west side, Rome,

13-9 B.C."

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"Ara Pacis Augustae, south frieze, detail

of procession, Rome, 13-9 B.C."

"Ara Pacis Museum with Res gestae,

Rome, completed 2006"

"Mussolini inscription, Piazza Augusto

Imperatore, Rome, 1938"

"Mausoleum of Augustus, Rome, 28-23


"Tomb of Caecilia Metella, Via Appia,

Rome, ca. 20 B.C."

"Tomb of Cestius, Rome, ca. 15 B.C"

"Tomb of Eurysaces, Rome, late first

century B.C"

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"Tomb of Eurysaces, model, Museo della

Civiltà Romana, Rome, late
first century B.C."

"Tombs of Freedmen and Freedwomen,

Via Appia
, Rome, 13 B.C.-A.D. 5"

Spa complex, plan, Baia, early

Augustan period to early third century many circles plan

"Temple of Mercury," exterior of dome,

Baia, early Augustan period"

Circus Maximus

Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)


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History of Architecture - Roman Architecture
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a building with a stage where people go

to watch plays





Doric Column

Ionic Column

Corinthian Column

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Arch of Septimius Severus

Curia (Julia)

Barrel Vault

groin vault

basic arch


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true dome

corbel dome

column flutes




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three principal parts of Roman architec-

arch, vault, dome
keystone central brick of an arch
used in The Cloisters in New York; arches
barrel vault
extended in a straight line
used in the Palazzo Della Ragione (Pal-
groin vault ladio); when barrel vaults cross and
make x's
Roman structure that best exemplifies
the dome feature
senate house


speaker's platform outside the Curia


track for chariot races

Circus Maximus

thermae baths
frigidarium cold room of the baths
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caldarium hot room of the baths
apodyterium changing room of the baths
palaestra gym or exercise grounds of the baths
The Colosseum was built in the Flavian
Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian
Dynasty under which three emperors?
Latin for "enclosure;" semi-circular seat-
ing in theaters and amphitheaters

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