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She is a strong Athenian woman who opposes her father’s wishes to marry a young
Athenian man whom she does not love. - Hermia
2. He is the King of the Fairies fighting with Titania because he wants custody of an Indi
an body she is raising. - Oberon
3. He is a weaver who is very confident of his acting skills and likes to take on different r
oles in a play that has to be presented on the wedding night of Theseus and Hippolyt
a. - Bottom
4. He is the Master of Revels who arranges the selection of performances for Theseus’
wedding. - Philostrate
5. He is a bellows-mender who is displeased to be given a woman’s role because he w
ants to let his beard grow. - Flute
6. He plays the role of a wall that separates the two lovers in the play directed by Peter
Quince. - Snout
7. He is a mischievous sprite who mistakenly pours the droplets of flower juice on the e
yelids of a young Athenian man. (Note: Give the alias of this mischievous sprite.) - Pu
8. This place is where King Theseus married the Queen of Amazons. - Athens
9. The character in A Midsummer Night’s Dream who said this line: “The course of true l
ove never did run smooth.” - Lysander
10. The character in A midsummer Night’s Dream who said these lines: “Is all the counse
l that we two have shared” / “The sisters’ vows, the hours that we have spent” / “Whe
n we have chid the hasty-footed time” / “For parting us? Oh, is all forgot?” - Helena
11. How does Hippolyta respond when Theseus says that he can barely wait the fo
ur days until their wedding? - A. Love is a kind of supernatural force that make
s people act irrationally, B. Loving someone is a sign of weakness, C. Love is a
calm and logical emotion
12. Which of the following gifts does Egeus accuse Lysander of giving to Hermia? - trifle
s, nosegays and sweetmeats
13. When Theseus advises Hermia to think more deeply about her decision not to marry
Demetrius, what does this suggest about the duke’s attitude toward her situation? - H
e does not want to execute Hermia, but he still supports the laws of Athens and men’
s dominance over women
14. What does Oberon’s objection to Titania’s “pride” suggest about how he views their r
elationship? - Oberon thinks that Titania should be obedient to him
15. After Demetrius demands that the lovelorn Helena leave him alone, how does Helena
characterize her relationship to him? - As a dog to its master
16. What does Hermia’s nightmare about a serpent eating her heart while Lysander does
nothing to help her symbolize? - Fear of betrayal and loss of love
17. What does the laborers’ approach to portraying moonlight and a wall reveal about the
ir understanding of theater? - They are overly literal over their play and don’t trust the
audience’s ability to suspend belief
18. What does Bottom’s comment that “reason and love keep little company together” su
ggest about the nature of love in the play? - That love is irrational that does not alway
s make sense
19. When Helena is on her way to see Demetrius, trailed by a lovelorn Lysander, what do
es Puck’s enjoyment of the lovers’ situation highlight? - His delight at the comedy he
has created
20. What bed of flowers does Hermia claim she and Helena would lie on to share their gir
lhood secrets? - Primroses
21. What is the name of the play to be performed? - A tedious brief scene of young Pyra
mus and his love Thisbe, very tragical mirth
22. What role do the fairies, particularly Oberon and Puck, play in the story of the mortal
s’ love lives? - They serve as guides who help the mortals navigate their complex em
23. The following lines are spoken by Oberon in Act 2, scene 1, lines 257-60. What word/
s will complete the given speaking lines? “I know a bank where the _____ blows, Wh
ere oxlips and the nodding violet grows, Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet muskroses, and with eglantine.” - wild thyme
24. The following lines are spoken by Helena in Act 3, scene 2, lines 341-42. What word/
s will complete the given speaking lines? “She was a vixen when she went to school,
And though she be but little, she is ____.” - fierce
25. Who suggests that the audience consider whether the entire play has been a dream?
- Robin Goodfellow

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