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1. Moral Decisions
2. CST


5 Is in moral decision
1. Investigate the facts of moral act
- what is moral dilemma?
- when making moral decisions, our conscience judges the moral goodness or
evil of the 3 dimensions of every moral act
- object
- intention
- circumstance
- Maria witnessed robbery
- robber is her neighbor’s troubled son
- tell the truth or withhold the information
- she is in a court room
- A. tell the truth → she is in the court
- B. withhold the information → protect the neighbor’s son
- MORAL DILEMMA: honesty vs. protecting the son / relationship with the neighbor

2. Inquire about the moral norms affecting your act

- decide responsibly
- divine, church, and civil laws are important source of truth and wisdom
- to live good moral life, we need to understand and correctly apply these unive
rsal moral norms
A. telling the truth is required especially when you are in the court
B. love your neighbor

3. Imagine alternatives and consequences

A. neighbor’s son will be arrested or punished
B. perjury, the son might do it again

4. Introspect. listen to your emotions

- what will you feel doing this or that
B. concerned, guilty

5. Implore God in prayer

- what would Jesus do?
→ tell the truth because…
7 principles of catholic social teachings
1. life and dignity of the human person
2. call to family unity and participation
3. rights and responsibilities
4. opinion for the poor and vulnerables
5. dignity of work and the rights of workers
6. solidarity
7. care for God’s creation

1. Pope Leo XIII (1878 - 1903)

- work, right to property, principle of collaboration
- Rerum novarum
2. Pope Pius XI (1922 - 1939)
- Encyclical Quadragesimo anno
- WW1
- salaries should be proportional not only to the needs of the worker but also to
those of the worker’s family
- Encyclical Non Abbiamo Bisogno
- Encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge
- Encyclical Letter Divini Redemptoris
3. Pope Pius XII (1939 - 1958)
- WW2
- no social encyclicals
4. Pope John XXIII (1958 - 1963)
- Encyclical Mater et Magistra
- community and socialization
- Encyclical Pacem in Terris
- problem of peace in a n era marked by nuclear proliferation
- convoke Second Vatican Council (1962 - 1965)
- Gaudium et Spes
- themes of culture, of economic and social life, of marriage and the family, of t
he political community, of peace, and of the community of peoples
- Declaration on Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae
- religious freedom was based on the dignity of the human person and that it m
ust be sanctioned as a civil right in the legal order of society
5. Pope Paul VI (1963 - 1978)
- completed Vatican II
- Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio
- development was the new name of peace
- established Pontifical Commission Justitia et Pax Justice and Peace
- Apostolic Letter Octogesima adveniens
6. Pope John Paul II (1978 - 2005)
- Encyclical Laborem exercens
- spirituality and ethic of work
- Encyclical Sollicitudo rei socialis
- theme of development along two fundamental line, the dramatic situation of th
e modern world due to the failed development of the Third World, and the me
aning of a development worthy of humanity
- social encyclical Centesimus annus
- principle of solidarity in human society
7. Pope Benedict XVI (2005 - 2013)
- social encyclical Caritas in veritate

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