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Informal Diagnostic Resources (AY 23-24)

Grade 10
Stream ASP
Course Code BIO50A
Subtopic Subtopic 6.1 Organization of the Human Body

I. Multiple Choice Questions

1. The figure to the right represents what level of organization in multicellular organisms?
(KPI 6.1.3 AO1)

A. Cell
√ B. Tissue
C. Organ
D. Organ system

2. The liver acts to keep blood glucose at a relatively constant level. It takes up glucose from the
blood when levels are too high and adds glucose to the blood when levels are too low. Are these
actions of the liver an example of homeostasis? (KPI 6.1.4/6.1.9 AO1)

A. No, because homeostasis involves only tissues and organs from the same organ system.
B. No, because homeostasis involves only positive feedback, not feedback inhibition.
√ C. Yes, because homeostasis involves the maintenance of constant internal conditions.
Yes, because homeostasis is the interaction between two separate organs or tissues, such as the liver
and blood.


3. In the human body, is every organ a part of only one organ system? Or are some organs a part of
two or more organ systems? (KPI 6.1.5 AO1)

A. Every organ is a part of only one organ system, which is necessary because organ systems work
independently of one another.
B. Every organ is a part of only one organ system, although organ systems often interact with one
C. Some organs are a part of two or more organ systems. For example, the heart is a part of the
circulatory and digestive systems.
√ D. Some organs are a part of two or more organ systems. For example, the ovaries and testes are a part
of the reproductive and endocrine systems.

4. The human skeletal system consists of more than 200 individual bones. How are the bones
classified? (KPI 6.1.2 AO2)

√ A. As organs, because they are made of several tissues that work together
B. As organs, because each is composed of one type of tissue only
C. As tissues, because each is composed of one type of cell only
D. As tissues, because they consist of both living and nonliving parts

5. Which of the following can be used as an evidence that insulin producing cells work in a negative
feedback loop?

A. Blood sugar decreases with time in a continuous rate

B. Insulin producing cells has a work cycle of 32 hours in the human body
C. Insulin producing cells work only when blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL
√ D. Removing insulin producing cells caused the blood sugar to increase drastically

II. Free Response Questions

6. Complete the table below by matching each tissue type with its description. (KPI 6.1.3 AO2)

Description Tissue Type

Tissues that line interior and exterior body surfaces Epithelial tissues

Tissues that provide support and that hold body parts Connective tissues
Tissues that communicate messages throughout the Nervous tissues
Tissues that move the body Muscle tissues


7. Use the diagram below to answer questions a and b. (KPI 6.1.8 AO2)

a. Which type of feedback is shown in the diagram? Explain your answer.

Negative feedback inhibition helps maintain homeostasis and body internal conditions around a set point

b. What is the importance of such mechanism for humans?

This mechanism allows the body to maintain homeostasis.


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