Fury Story Notepad

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He was walking through the strange new woods seeking adventure and possibly a place

to stake out for his own. The village miles away had warned him not to venture
these woods for all sorts of beasts lurked and a forest goddess known for slaying
all who entered it. He smirked at the idea of such foolish folk lore. He stopped
for a moment to take a deep breath and gaze at the ancient trees around him, so
tall and elegant, and seeming to thrum with life inside them. Well, he couldn�t
blame the towns� folk for feeling something magic about this place. Walking on with
his walking staff in hand and a canvas sack slung behind him, he started to notice
that the animals here did not fear him. Deer would look up and regard him then go
back to the munching of moss and the birds� songs never skipped a note in his

After the first night he stayed in the woods he knew why the villagers would
think something was watching them... Due to their lack of fear and their curiosity
he was always surrounded by some kind of animal or another but non seemed hostile
to his being here. He had come across a few clearings but non big or suitable
enough for him and he was driven to wander deeper into these seemingly enchanted
woods. He started humming to himself while he traveled. The weather seemed perfect
to him� though the trees where huge and thick, the place was warm but with a nice
cool breeze. Always in green shadow under the massive canopy above. Any patch of
light that leaked trough had a wondrous assortment of flowers and other plant life
vying for its attention.

The smell of running fresh water was carried to him by the wind coming from
the north east. It was about time for him to re fill his water skins and possibly
take a dip if the stream he expected would be deep enough for such things. He
adjusted his course and let his feet carry him on, breathing deep of the scents of
the forest and ever closer water. He started hearing the pounding sound of water
falling and hitting onto rocks and more water. �Water fall huh? Perfect� he spoke
softly out loud, his voice carried easily around him, clear and true. The sweet
perfume of wild flowers assaulted him as he saw the golden light of the clearing
ahead. Just at the edge of the woods he stopped and cocked his head as his eyes
adjusted to the brighter light. He could hear notes� mixed in with the pounding
rhythm. His ocean blue eyes scanned the massive river up to where the waterfall
joined its water with it.
He saw her and gasped.

She was singing as she bathed in the rushing water. Her long reddish brown
hair trailed wetly down her back. She was massaging an herbal compound into the
locks and over her smooth slightly tanned flesh. Her voice rang clear as she put
more heart into her song but it was either just random vocals or a language he had
never heard. �This must be the goddess the villagers fear�, he smirked to himself
enjoying the show. She did not seem to notice him but he was also down wind and
still in the shade of the tree line� nor was she looking to see if there may be an
intruder watching. The meadow between them buzzed with life, between the mass of
wild flower and the creatures that enjoy such things, she wouldn�t be able to sense
him either. He wondered what type of being she was.

The song was sweet as she enjoyed herself in her ritual grooming. The natural
compound softened her weathered tanned skin and hair and almost gave her a glow of
vitality. Despite his urge to just walk out into the open, he decides to go up
river to pitch camp� she would know of his presences soon enough. He would deal
with her regardless of if she was hostile or friendly, she seemed human enough to
him from the distance. Besides� there seemed to be a storm rolling in the
distance. He found a spot where the base of the massive trees where spaced well
enough to give him some room but also where he could defend himself if need be.
Always better safe than sorry when it came to living in nature.
As he was pitching his canvas to shelter from the coming rain he couldn�t
help but think about what he saw by the waterfall. At one point he had to leave off
setting up camp to relieve the throbbing tension that came with such thoughts. He
stood near a tree slightly leaning over as he moved aside a panel of his wrap
pants, firmly gripped his hardened flesh and began to rub himself, thoughts
swirling around his head of what he would have liked to do to her at the waterfall.
Would she have feared his advance? Embraced it? He couldn�t help hoping for that
small light of fear in her eyes and what sweet sounds she must make. He let out a
groan as he felt the release and the spray of his cum shooting forth. �That�s
better.� He mumbled to himself and finished his tasks. She must be done bathing by
now, it was his turn to get cleaned up and to fill his water skins. Maybe even fish
a little if he found a good spot.

Back at the waterfall, as he thought, she was gone. He decided it would be

better to catch the fish first and so walked to the edge of the river. It didn�t
take long to wade out into the lily growth of a quieter spot, dip his hands into
the water, wait, then catch up a nice fat perch. �That will do just fine.� He took
his easy catch over to a large rock to swiftly gut it with a belt knife. He hummed
as he tossed the guts back into the water and wrapped the fish into some thick
leaves he had chose just for this. That done, he set the fish aside and then
undressed. The sun shown down on his red hair and illuminated his well muscled
body. The wind was picking up now so he would have to be quick but he also enjoyed
being thorough. As he approached where he had seen her bathing, he noticed nooks
carved into the side of the rock face. Each nook was lidded with another slate of
rock�Almost like jars. Each one had a different scent and he found a muskier one.

He wetted himself down in the waterfall that surprisingly, wasn�t that cold.
He walked back to where he had found the soaps and scooped up a generous handful of
the musky scent that reminded him of the woods at night on a hot summer�s eve. It
lathered well through his hair and goatee; down his red freckled skin... glistening
the same way on his flesh as it did hers. He could feel it softening his skin over
his hardened muscles. He stretched as it also seemed to relax the tension he
hadn�t known he had. Almost like magic� he felt wonderful� more vital� a calm but
strong energy. The storm grumbled its approval and reminded him he was on a time
limit. He went back under the water to wash away the creamy compound. As he emerged
he had the distinct feeling of being watched.

Her gray green eyes scanned this foreign male at her sacred bathing place.
The thunder in the distance warned her it would be here soon. Most animals had fled
by now to their safe spots and she had sensed one that had not. She had come to
check to see what animal still remained by the water regardless of the oncoming
weather. The wind whipped up again swirling around the valley and brought his scent
to her� or more or less� one of her scents. He was either very brave or very
stupid. Maybe both? She smiled to herself; he seemed to feel her watching she
noticed. She stood her ground for she was certain he is what gave her the feeling
of being watched earlier. He looked up and around slowly. She kept close to the
tree� not hiding per say but she knew how to blend well. She eyed him over again
and shivered� he looked strong and fit, almost dangerous should she ever think of a
human as dangerous. She enjoyed how his mid length red hair framed his face and his
eyes. Blue eyes. Like the water of the river in its depths.

�Maybe I won�t kill him right away�� she licked her lips and backed off
deeper into the woods. If he had noticed her position he had given no sign of it.
Males could be clever though. Or at least they think themselves clever. She had not
cared if he noticed her leaving; his head was not fully turned away from her when
she slipped away. Lightning cracked the sky. The thunder sent a sizzle down her
spine� she felt anticipation� was it the power of the storm flowing through her? It
gave her an electric thrumming through her body at the thought of touching his
flesh and the smell of fear before she killed him.

He had seen movement out the corner of his eye, it had been the woman. So,
she knew he was here did she? Lightning flashed in the sky, the thunder almost
matched the thunder he felt rolling inside him. It had excited him to think of her
watching him� he could feel something in the air. He had a feeling the storm wasn�t
going to be the only violent thing to rage in the darkness tonight. �Time to cook
before it�s too late� He spoke to himself as he strolled away from the falls, the
wind whipping periodically made him almost dry by the time he took his catch back
to his camp. He picked some wild herbs on his way back to season his fish with. At
camp he swiftly lit the small amount he had gathered for the cooking fire. No sense
in making a big fire that was going to be doused by the storm. He placed the leaf
wrap bundle into the bed of coals when they were ready.

The scent of cooking fish came and went depending on how the wind swirled
through the trees. She knew where he was and she stalked around slowly taking in
all the angles but staying far enough back to not be seen. She laughed softly to
herself when she saw what he had planned to shelter under. She shook her head�
maybe the storm would kill him for her. That thought brought a slight frown to her
face� by the time this storm would be over... his body would be cold and his scent
changed to that of something wet and starting to go back to the earth. �Can�t have
that now can I?� she knew the rain was already starting in the upper valley, lucky
for her, her own shelter was not too far off and was already prepared for a night
inside it. She decided to approach him from his right but not from behind for that
may cause an unpleasant reaction.

He was pulling the fish from the fire and sat down to unwrap it. The smell of
the fresh hot fish was almost mouth watering. He caught the movement out of the
corner of his eye but kept himself calm. Nothing had tried to attack him so far...
could just be another curious creature. He smiled knowing better. All animals in
their right mind were already safely tucked away. She was coming to him. The way
she moved told him a bit of her intention as far one can judge from such a thing.
She wasn�t moving swiftly in attack� nor was she hiding her approach. It seemed
steady and leisurely. Without fear. His sword wasn�t too far away should he need
it. He spoke out softly but clearly, �come join me mistress of the forest, there
is plenty to be shared.� There that seemed appropriate to disarm hostility and give
her acknowledgment of her position weather she be a goddess or guardian.

�And do you believe that which you have is your right to share?� She matter-
o-factly came and sat down close to the bundle of fish he had laid on the ground to
cool. She took a generous share of it all without looking at him as if he were a
mere rabbit by the tree. His eyes narrowed at her easy dismissal of the fact he
could be a danger to her. His blue eyes ran over her, she was not naked this time,
a shame. She had strapped on strips of woven rabbit pelts, covering hear breasts in
an X pattern and tied with leather thongs behind her back. He took up his share and
quietly ate it; two can play at this game. He rolled his shoulders and tilted his
neck to crack it. He saw her shiver a bit at the motion. Was she afraid then or
just enjoying? He smirked and finally replied, �I believe one has a right to which
it catches and kills.� She smirked at him in a way that sent a shiver through him,
as she said,�ah, so do I.�

The wind whipped up suddenly and both could hear the groaning of the trees.
His eyes widened a bit when the one gust had been able to snap one of his ties and
he realized his canvas was not going to weather this squall. She stood up fluidly
with the grace and ease of a cat. She turned to his fire but he had already stood
up and kicked the dirt he had piled beside it, into it, to smother it. No need to
set the whole forest on fire. With winds like that it would spread the coals
everywhere. He swiftly turned to untie the rest of his canvas and deftly turned it
back into his carry sac with his belongings inside. When he looked up she was gone�
No not gone� just already far away. He could clearly hear the rain above starting
to hit the tree tops. He debated on the best course of action at this point. He
stopped his mind for a moment, took in a deep breath, and sighed out the building
anxiety. He could feel it once again� the air crackled with electricity. He smiled
as he started to walk after her, after all� would she not have her own shelter? And
if need be, if she would not willingly share, remove her or force his presents upon
her if he wished. He admired the way she moved, the sway of her hips, the curves of
her ass as it hung out from the rabbit skin loincloth. One way or another� he will
have her.

She walked away as he started to panic at the little show of wind. He could
move swiftly, she would have to keep that in mind. She left it to the gods to
decide his fate. He would either fallow her and survive a bit longer� or perish in
their playful wrath. She rolled her own shoulders and felt the energy as the world
around her turned dark and the storm starting above growled its lust for the fate
of all those below.

He slightly quickened his pace after her but only because here in a few
moments he may not be able to see much at all. To late a few moments later the
world around him went black. He stood still a moment and listened to see if he
could still hear her steps. But the trees above groaned in the wind and drops of
water just started to make its way down. Before despair could kick in he felt the
urge to keep walking forward� Her scent lingered regardless of how the wind was
blowing. Almost like honeysuckle but with woman mixed into it. He suddenly felt
very predatory fallowing the scent of a soon to be victim. It stirred his blood and
made his movements more swift and sure, trusting his fate to take him where he
needed to go. He noticed some kind of light suddenly open ahead of him, for a
brief moment he could see the outline of the trees around him and her outline
entering said light. Then it was gone again. His warriors mind had allowed him to
quickly take in all he could in that moment of light and fallowed the memory. He
could not even see his hand before his face but it only took him a moment to find
and figure out how to work the latch of a door put into a tree.
Dim light flooded the chamber and as his eyes adjusted, his breath caught.

Inside was much larger than the tree he had just walked into. He had expected
a hallow tree� maybe enough room to comfortably lay down in. This was much
unexpected and like nothing he had seen any one person do before. He could see how
it was done.. she had picked a circle of trees. Or possibly have planted them if
she were truly a goddess. All evenly spaced out and one tree in the center not as
big as the others. The walls where bits of tree fiber woven into mats, layer on
layer and woven around the tree trunks. There was no wind but plenty of fresh air
circulating. She had strategically left branches hang inside the dome and had
candles and sitting places all up and down the length of the massive trees. He
couldn�t quite see to the top but he had a feeling the branches above had been
woven to provide strength and shelter. His eyes settled on the middle tree, it was
white barked and with Large-smaller tree size- roots coming out from one side.
Between the roots looked like a rather large nest. But in place of twigs, mud,
feathers and the like, it was furs� mounds of them woven into a hammock that could
easily fit ten people.

�Close my door!� She growled at him and snapped him back into reality. He
hadn�t even noticed he was still in the door way and the storm was trying to get in
around him. He had almost blushed at his rudeness then remembered who was here and
why he was here. He eyed her levelly and took his time to turn and latch the door.
Thunder shook the trees around them but it was a mere vibration of the sound
traveling down them. He turned to face her� verbally growled to find she had turned
her back on him to go about doing whatever it was she was doing. He would have to
teach this wild woman more caution and respect. He dropped his things by the door,
more or less, to remind him where the door was now that it was latched. He
advanced towards her, and then was stunned when she twirled around to face him. She
was almost a head shorter than he was; he looked down into her eyes and thunder
crashed over head.

She snapped at him for being as rude as to stand gawking then showed his
arrogance at the look he gave her and took his sweet time to close the door. She
ignored the thunder over head as she turned and walked towards the white tree
trunk. She heard his deep throated growl and it sent delicious shivers up her
spine, she knew he was coming closer after the thud of his belongings to the
ground. Here we go; she thought to herself and spun around right before he reached
her. His advance had stopped as if he were surprised that she would defend herself.
She had to look up at him but most males where taller than her so it didn�t bother
her. He looked dangerous and she could feel the power and tension riding his
muscular frame. Their eyes locked as another crash of thunder boomed above. She
felt as if a small jolt of lightning had hit her, it made her bare her teeth
slightly but she could not look away or move forward. Fear did not hold her back,
but something held her still. Her heart started to pound in her chest.

His heart pounded in his chest as he looked into her eyes, it wasn�t the fear
he had expected but a hunger that crackled through her gaze like flashes of
lightning. She bared her sharp little teeth at him, drawing his attention to her
mouth. She had nice soft almost pouting lips, the light of the candles everywhere
danced over her figure. His blood started to boil and he could no longer contain
this stalemate. In one stride he stepped forward, reached out his left arm to keep
her from fleeing, cupping her behind her head. His right reached out to the other
side to take her around the waist to hold her against him. His mouth came down on
hers. He expected her struggle and moved accordingly while turning them around. He
sat back on the edge of her fur ensconced nest, pulling her forcefully onto his
lap. Her skin was silk and her mouth like wild honey; he gripped her hips and
pushed her down onto himself, grinding her on to his hardness.

As soon as he had broken eye contact she knew he was about to move. He
swiftly incased her body with his and she had the briefest tickle of fear as she
naturally struggled back. Her struggle meant nothing as she was kissed, spun about,
and pulled into this males lap. His scent fully in her nostrils and his mouth upon
hers, he started to grind her down on him. She could feel the hot hardened flesh
between his legs announcing his lust for her. It caused a throbbing in her own
desire. Instead of pulling away she found herself embracing the contact and helping
her body grind against his. Pushing him back into the deep yet supportive fur
bedding of hers, she straddled him more comfortably and more effectively. His mouth
reminding her of burning white sage or sandal wood� thick, powerful, cleansing,
desirable. She placed her left hand behind his head as she continued the kiss,
deepening slightly by gripping the hair at the back of his head. Her body shivered
at his groan and his reflective bucking underneath. She could feel the dampening
of her sex in anticipation of the throbbing cock between her legs. Keeping the grip
on his hair she uses her face to turn his aside and bury it into his neck, kissing
and biting seductively� letting him know of her craving. She felt his hand move to
the latches of her top and the other to the clasp of her rabbit fur loin cloth. He
deftly removed both from her; it only took a moment for her to be naked atop him.

He allowed her to push him back, surprised for her sudden outburst of lust,
grinding back onto him and then gripping his hair making him groan and thrust up
towards her. He let his mind go and as she bit his neck, his hands seemed to move
on their own accord, removing what little the woman had been wearing. One arm
wrapped her waist to lift her off him for a brief moment, in that time he untied
his wrap pants and exposed himself. Without any warning to her, he brought her down
onto his awaiting shaft. He groaned as he felt himself forcefully sliding into the
tight silky wetness, feeling her walls immediately adjust and grip him. The sounds
she cried out sent another delicious chill down his spine, her shock, her outrage,
and then her desire for more. His hands claimed her hips as he lifted her up just
to pull her back down on his throbbing organ. Electricity danced and sizzled the
air around them, the storm above roaring its lusts alongside his own growls and
groans. His mouth clamped down on her neck, returning the seductive lustful bites.
Her pussy was so warm and soft..and tight, mmm and wet. If it had not been for his
action earlier he may have already spent his self in these first few moments. He
could take his satisfaction quickly and easily but it would make it more enjoyable
to make it last as long as possible. He lay his head back, groaning, relaxing into
the fur as he lifted and dropped her, he felt it when she took the action over
herself, feeling her muscles tightening as she now helped with the moving and
sliding of her body atop his.

Together their bodies locked into one, she had been outraged for a moment as
he forcefully penetrated into her body, but it swiftly turned into more fuel for
her lust. She cried out as she was lifted up and pulled back down onto the thick
hardened rod, feeling it fill up every bit of her heated sex, he was almost too
much for her small body to handle, but it only made her want more. His biting
fueling her aggression. She took over the pace as she now moved her own body atop
his, moving her body to benefit her own. Her voice was thick and husky with her
desire and the pleasure she was taking from him. The smell of his maleness and the
energy stirring the air around them empowered her movements, helping to build the
pressure forming, making her needs and aches stronger. She kept her balance as he
laid back by placing her hands on his lower ribs/upper hips, clawing into his
flesh, not quite hard enough to draw blood.. yet. She rode him hard, throwing her
head back in her lustful cries, bringing herself to fulfillment atop of him. Her
body shivered as her walls tightened in a rhythmic quiver around his cock, her
movements slowed to a stop as she rode in her wave of pleasure to its end. She
looked at him and gasped at the look he gave her, her heart stopping in one fearful

�Did you just cum on my cock little girl?� He growled deeply and dangerously.
His eyes held fire, and the glint of fear in her eyes, made him bare his own teeth
at her. He lifted her swiftly off of him, tossing her to her knees beside him, he
rolled to kneel behind her and before she could move further, claimed her hips once
again. �Where do you think you�re going?� his voice dark and threatening, �I�m not
finished with you yet� He mounted her with ease, her orgasm making it oh so easy to
slide right back in. He licked his lips as he pumped into her, loving the sound of
her fearful yet excited cries. She was on her hands, but he quickly remedied that
by leaning over and reaching under her, grabbing the opposite arm, and pulling it
out from supporting her, thus placing her face down into the furs with her lovely
ass sticking up in the air. He kept hold of the wrist while bracing it to still
control her hips. The storm was in full rage around them, encouraging his
increasingly brutal thrusting into her. He could tell by the way that she only half
heartily tried to struggle that she was enjoying it as much as she might fear it.

He eyed the pink little asshole that was exposed in the new position, using a
bit of spittle he lubricated it then slid his hand to the top of her ass, letting
his thumb rub over it to see her response. He smirked at her gasp and pressed the
tip of his thumb into it to make that gasp a cry. All the while he still slid his
throbbing cock in and out of the clinching tight pussy. He released her wrist to
place that hand on her shoulder, leaning over her to make sure she stays pinned. He
thrust harder building up his own soon to be released orgasm.. but he suppressed
it.. he didn�t want to finish quite yet. He could feel her building up again as he
drove into her and massaged her asshole.. her moans became whines and cries..
Almost a pleading for the building pressure in her sex to carry through to the
orgasm to come. Her wants becoming his for a moment, he pressed his thumb a bit
deeper, just too the first knuckle. He felt the sudden tightening of her body
wrapped around him, and he pounded away at the wet, almost too tight pussy, his
mind once again going blank in his drive and lust for fulfillment. Thunder crashed
all around as he felt her orgasm peak, causing her body to quiver and her hot wet
sex to throb, her cries challenging the thunder above. The throbbing massaged and
sucked at his cock deep in her, feeling like her body was trying to milk the cum
from his dick, he roared out as it got its wish, his body jerking with the effort
as her body forced him to release his load inside her, sending her off on another
smaller orgasm that continued the milking sensation, pulling, and draining
everything he had built up out of him. He could not hold back the whimper that
escaped him as he gasped for breath, his heart feeling like it would burst from his
chest any moment now.

He kept himself in her as he pulled her shoulder to lift her up off the fur.
Both arms wrapped her chest and his mouth went to her neck, gasping and kissing. He
could feel how her heart was pounding too and her gasps of air. She did not fight
the more intimate embrace, he could still feel the aftershocks vibrating through
her, cause her sex to throb once or twice every few moments or so, this causing his
own throb. He wrapped her waist and guided them both to lay on their sides while
they caught their breath� both their minds still in a hazy daze and listing to
their breathing and the storm.

As soon as she was able to from thoughts again, she thought to herself,�Maybe
I won�t kill him after all�. Her eyes closed listening to the rain. His mind
focused enough for his thought of �Maybe.. I should make my claim here�. The
pattering of the rain above and the thunder now rolling in the more distant night,
carried the exhausted lovers off to sleep, fulfilled and content.

Story written by,

Nightshade Wolvesbane
AKA Jennifer

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