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Số 15 Ngõ 104 Thanh Bình Hà Đông Time limit: 60 minutes
SĐT: 094.940.1586 04 pages included
Mark the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation.
Question 1: A. durian B. endure C. induce D. procedure
Question 2: A. heir B. exhaust C. height D. honest
Mark the word that differs from the rest in the position of main stress.
Question 3: A. applicant B. ambitious C. essential D. performance
Question 4: A. confirm B. entrance C. highland D. weather
Question 5: A. dependence B. disastrous C. prediction D. compliment
Mark the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the italic part.
Question 6: Bone and ivory are light, strong and accessible materials for Inuit artists
A. economic B. available C. natural D. beautiful
Question 7: City developed at the point where the Hudson and Passaic rivers mingle with the water of the Atlantic
A. associate B. mix C. part D. socialize
Question 8: Lack of water and nutrients has impeded the growth of these cherry tomato plants.
A. assisted B. promoted C. prevented D. realized
Mark the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the ITALIC part in each of the following questions.
Question 9: The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of pre-cautionary measures.
A. physical B. damaging C. severe D. beneficial
Question 10: Vietnam’s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has promoted its trade relations with
other countries.
A. restricted B. expanded C. boosted D. balanced
Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 11: When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use language that includes both men and
women equally the same.
A. it is B. or speaking C. equally the same D. that
Question 12: Not until he got home he realized he had forgotten to give her the present.
A. the present B. her C. got D. he realized
Question 13: The student must have her assessment form fill in by the examiner during the oral exam.
A. oral exam B. must have C. during D. fill in
Question 14: A novel is a story long enough to fill a complete book, in that the characters and events are usually
A. long enough B. are usually C. complete D. that
Question 15: A lot of people stop smoking because they are afraid their heath will be affected and early death.
A. early death B. are C. A lot of D. smoking
Mark the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 16: ~ Lora: "Do you mind if I turn on the fan?" ~ Laura: "____________."
A. Not at all B. Not enough C. Not for me D. Never mind
Question 17: No matter how angry he was, he would never________ to violence
A. refuse B. resist C. resolve D. resort
Question 18: He came________ a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
A. in for B. over C. off D. out of
Question 19:________ make a good impression on her.
A. Only by so doing I can B. Only by doing so can I C. Only by doing so I can D. Only so doing can I
Question 20: They live on a busy road________ a lot of noise from traffic.
A. It must have been B. There must have C. It must be D. There must be
Question 21: I’m afraid I’m not really________ to comment on this matter.
A. qualitative B. qualifying C. quality D. qualified
Question 22: The team were eager to make________ the loss of the previous match.
A. up with. B. off with C. away with D. up for
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Question 23: Having been delayed by heavy traffic, ________.
A. she was unable to arrive on time B. it was impossible for her to arrive on time
C. her being late was intolerable D. it was difficult for her to arrive on time
Question 24: ________, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
A. As he might feel tired B. He felt very tired though C. Tired as it was D. Tired as he might feel

1 PRACTICE TEST 12.45+12.46

Question 25: She regretfully told him that________.
A. she had left the tickets at home B. she would leave the tickets at home
C. she left the tickets at home D. she would have left the tickets at home
Question 26: ________, he would have learned how to read.
A. If he could go to school as a child B. If he has been able to go school as a child
C. Were he able to go to school as a child D. Had he been able to go to school as a child
Read the following passage and mark the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing novel problems. They must
(27)________ with an influx of immigrant children, many of whom speak little or no English. They must respond to
demands that the curriculum reflect the various cultures of all children. Schools must make sure that students develop
(28)________ skills for the job market, and they must consider the needs of nontraditional students, such as teenage
mothers. Schools are addressing these problems in ways that reflect the diversity of the US educational system. They
are hiring or training large numbers of teachers of English (29)________ a second language and, in some countries,
setting up bilingual schools. They are opening up the traditional European-centered curriculum to embrace material
from American, Asian, and other cultures. Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the (30)________ 40 percent of
American students who do not go on to higher education. In the words of a recent report by the Commission on
Achieving Necessary Skills, "A strong back, the willingness to work, and a high school diploma were once all that was
necessary to (31)________ a start in America. They are no longer. A well-developed mind, a continued willingness to
learn and the ability to put knowledge to work are the new keys to the future of our young people, the success of our
business, and the economic well-being of the nation".
Question 27: A. do B. fight C. cope D. stay
Question 28: A. base B. basis C. basics D. basic
Question 29: A. as B. with C. like D. from
Question 30: A. fairly B. mostly C. slightly D. nearly
Question 31: A. take B. bring C. get D. make
Read the following passage and indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
Even before the turn of the century, movies began to develop in two major directions: the realistic and the
formalistic. Realism and formalism are merely general, rather than absolute, terms. When used to suggest a tendency
toward either polarity, such labels can be helpful, but in the end they are still just labels. Few films are exclusively
formalist in style, and fewer yet are completely realist. There is also an important difference between realism and
reality, although this distinction is often forgotten. Realism is a particular style, whereas physical reality is the source
of all the raw materials of film, both realistic and formalistic. Virtually all movie directors go to the photographable
world for their subject matter, but what they do with this material - how they shape and manipulate it - determines
their stylistic emphasis. Generally speaking, realistic films attempt to reproduce the surface of concrete reality with a
minimum of distortion. In photographing objects and events, the filmmaker tries to suggest the copiousness of life
itself. Both realist and formalist film directors must select (and hence emphasize) certain details from the chaotic
sprawl of reality. But the element of selectivity in realistic films is less obvious. Realists, in short, try to preserve the
illusion that their film world is unmanipulated, an objective mirror of the actual world. Formalists, on the other hand,
make no such pretense. They deliberately stylize and distort their raw materials so that only the very naive would
mistake a manipulated image of an object or event for the real thing. We rarely notice the style in a realistic movie; the
artist tends to be self-effacing. Some filmmakers are more concerned with what is being shown than how it is
manipulated. The camera is used conservatively. It is essentially a recording mechanism that reproduces the surface of
tangible objects with as little commentary as possible. A high premium is placed on simplicity, spontaneity, and
directness. This is not to suggest that these movies lack artistry, however, for at its best the realistic cinema specializes
in art that conceals art.
Question 32. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Acting styles B. Film plots C. Styles of filmmaking D. Filmmaking 100 years ago
Question 33. With which of the following statements would theauthor be most likely to agree?
A. Realism and formalism are outdated terms. B. Most films are neither exclusively realistic nor formalistic.
C. Realistic films are more popular than formalistic ones. D. Formalistic films are less artistic than realistic ones.
Question 34. The word “They” in line 12 refers to
A. films B. realists C. formalists D. raw materials
Question 35. How can one recognize the formalist style?
A. It uses familiar images. B. It is very impersonal.
C. It obviously manipulates images. D. It mirrors the actual world.
Question 36. Which of the following terms is NOT used to describe realism in filmmaking?
A. Simple B. Spontaneous C. Self-effacing D. Exaggerated
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
Learning means acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to perform new behaviours. It is common to
think of learning as something that takes place in school, but much of human learning occurs outside the classroom,
and people continue to learn throughout their lives. Even before they enter school, young children learn to walk, to
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talk, and to use their hands to manipulate toys, food, and other objects. They use all of their senses to learn about the
sights, sounds, tastes, and smells in their environments. They learn how to interact with their parents, siblings, friends,
and other people important to their world. When they enter school, children learn basic academic subjects such as
reading, writing, and mathematics. They also continue to learn a great deal outside the classroom. They learn which
behaviours are likely to be rewarded and which are likely to be punished. They learn social skills for interacting with
other children.
After they finish school, people must learn to adapt to the many major changes that affect their lives, such as
getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job. Because learning continues throughout our lives and
affects almost everything we do, the study of learning is important in many different fields. Teachers need to
understand the best ways to educate children. Psychologists, social workers, criminologists, and other human-service
workers need to understand how certain experiences change people’s behaviours. Employers, politicians, and
advertisers make use of the principles of learning to influence the behaviour of workers, voters, and consumers.
Learning is closely related to memory, which is the storage of information in the brain. Psychologists who
study memory are interested in how the brain stores knowledge, where this storage takes place, and how the brain later
retrieves knowledge when we need it. In contrast, psychologists who study learning are more interested in behaviour
and how behaviour changes as a result of a person’s experiences.
There are many forms of learning, ranging from simple to complex. Simple forms of learning involve a single
stimulus. A stimulus is anything perceptible to the senses, such as a sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. In a form of
learning known as classical conditioning, people learn to associate two stimuli that occur in sequence, such as
lightning followed by thunder. In operant conditioning, people learn by forming an association between a behaviour
and its consequences (reward or punishment). People and animals can also learn by observation, that is, by watching
others perform behaviours. More complex forms of learning include learning languages, concepts, and motor skills.
Question 37: Which of the following can be inferred about the learning process from the passage?
A. It takes place more frequently in real life than in academic institutions
B. It is more interesting and effective in school than that in life
C. It becomes less challenging and complicated when people grow older
D. It plays a crucial part in improving the learner’s motivation in school
Question 38: According to the passage, which of the following is learning in broad view comprised of?
A. Acquisition of academic knowledge B. Acquisition of social and behavioural skills
C. Knowledge acquisition outside the classroom D. Knowledge acquisition and ability development
Question 39: Getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job are mentioned in paragraph 2 as
examples of________.
A. the areas of learning which affect people's lives B. the situations in which people cannot teach themselves
C. the changes to which people have to orient themselves D. the ways people’s lives are influenced by education
Question 40: According to the passage, what are children NOT usually taught outside the classroom?
A. literacy and calculation B. right from wrong C. life skills D. interpersonal communication
Question 41: According to the passage, the study of learning is important in many fields due to________.
A. the great influence of the on.going learning process B. the exploration of the best teaching methods
C. the need for certain experiences in various areas D. the influence of various behaviours in the learning process
Question 42: It can be inferred from the passage that social workers, employers, and politicians concern themselves
with the study of learning because they need to________.
A. change the behaviours of the objects of their interest towards learning
B. understand how a stimulus relates to the senses of the objects of their interest
C. make the objects of their interest more aware of the importance of learning
D. thoroughly understand the behaviours of the objects of their interest
Question 43: The word "retrieves" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to________.
A. gains B. recovers C. creates D. generates
Question 44: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Psychologists studying learning are interested in human behaviours
B. Psychologists are all interested in memory as much as behaviours
C. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with the brain’s storage of knowledge
D. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with how the stored knowledge is used
Question 45: According to the passage, the stimulus in simple forms of learning________.
A. makes associations between behaviours B. is associated with natural phenomena
C. is created by the senses D. bears relation to perception
Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: "Why don't we go out for dinner?" said Mary.
A. Mary requested a dinner out. B. Mary ordered a dinner out.
C. Mary demanded a dinner out. D. Mary suggested a dinner out.
Question 47: "I will let you know the answer by the end of this week," Tom said to Janet.
A. Tom insisted on letting Janet know the answer by the end of the week.
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B. Tom suggested giving Janet the answer by the end of the week.
C. Tom offered to give Janet the answer by the end of the week.
D. Tom promised to give Janet the answer by the end of the week.
Question 48: My friend told me, "If I were you, I would not cut class so often."
A. My friend prohibited me from cutting class so often. B. My friend advised me not to cut class so often.
C. My friend suggested not cutting class so often. D. My friend warned me against cutting class so often.
Question 49: We've run out of tea.
A. We didn’t have any tea. B. There's no tea left.
C. There's not much more tea left. D. We have to run out to buy some tea.
Question 50: The sooner we solve this problem, the better it will be for all concerned.
A. If we can solve this problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
B. It would be better for all concerned if we can solve this problem soon.
C. If we could solve this problem soon, it would be better for all concerned.
D. If all concerned are better, we can solve this problem soon.
Mark the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation
Question 1: A. category B. vacancy C. scary D. apply
Question 2: A. admit B. provide C. decide D. require
Mark the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress
Question 3: A. secondary B. requirement C. admission D. certificate
Question 4: A. forget B. offer C. relate D. impress
Mark the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 5: Physically inactive people are at risk of developing heart disease.
A. passive B. active C. dynamic D. lively
Question 6: Computers and telecommunication are bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our life.
A. equivalent B. diverse C. like D. similar
Mark the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 7: When he heard the news, Simon got on the next train to London.
A. got away B. got of C. got off D. got in
Question 8: No one knew precisely what would happen to human being in space.
A. informally B. flexibly C. wrongly D. casually
Mark the correct answer to each of the following exchanges.
Question 9: ~ Laura: “What shall we do this evening?” ~ Annie: “________________"
A. I went out for dinner.B. Oh, that’s bad! C. No problem. D. Let’s go out for dinner.
Question 10: ~ Jane: “Thank you very much for the lovely flowers.” ~ Susan: “________________"
A. You’re welcome. B. It was an excellent choice.
C. Yeah, the flowers are nice. D. You like flowers, don’t you?
Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 11: He was the last one leaving the burning building in time.
A. burning B. leaving C. one D. in time
Question 12: If you work hard, you would be successful in anything you do.
A. you work B. would be C. in D. anything
Question 13: Poverty in the United States is noticeably different from that in other country.
A. from B. noticeably C. the D. other
Mark the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 14: What are the entry________ at this university?
A. required B. requirements C. require D. requirement
Question 15: Damage to the building resulted________ an unusually high wind.
A. at B. down C. on D. in
Question 16: Cameron, ________ directed “The Titanic”, is one of the leading faces in Hollywood.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. that
Question 17: I want this test________ in ink.
A. written B. to write C. write D. writing
Question 18: The local clubs are________ every effort to interest more young people.
A. doing B. taking C. making D. giving
Question 19: It is high time Tom________ more active in class.
A. was B. must be C. has been D. were
Question 20: The wedding day was________ chosen by the parents of the groom.
A. careless B. carefully C. carelessly D. careful
Question 21: He found a watch when he________ in the street.
A. was walking B. had been walking C. had walked D. walked
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Question 22: Neither the boy’s parents nor I________ satisfied with his progress.
A. are B. has C. am D. have
Question 23: I don't really get________ with my sister's husband.
A. away B. on C. through D. in
Question 24: Hung doesn’t take good care________ himself.
A. in B. of C. about D. for
Question 25: I can't think of any possible________ for his absence.
A. exploration B. expedition C. explanation D. expectation
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.
People used to know more or less how their children would live. Now things are changing so quickly that they
don’t even know what their own lives will be like in a few years’ time. What follows is not science fiction. It is how
experts see the future. You are daydreaming behind the steering wheel; is it too dangerous? No! That’s no problem
because you have it on automatic pilot, and with its hi-tech computers and cameras, your car “knows” how to get
home safe and sound. What is for lunch? In the old days you used to stop off to buy a hamburger or a pizza. Now you
use your diagnostic machine to find out which foods your body needs. If your body needs more vegetables and less fat,
your food-preparation machine makes you a salad. After lunch, you go down the hall to your home office. Here you
have everything you need to do your work. Thanks to your information screen and your latest generation computer,
you needn’t go to the office any more. The information screen shows an urgent message from a co-worker in Brazil.
You can instantly send back a reply to him and go on to deal with other matters.
Question 26: What does “its” in line 5 refer to?
A. Your car. B. Your home. C. The future. D. The steering wheel.
Question 27: Which of the following statement is true about life in the future?
A. People will go to work as they do today. B. Hi-tech equipment will be out of the question.
C. It will be dangerous to drive cars because they are too fast. D. People can have balanced diets for their meal.
Question 28: According to the passage, what do people use a diagnostic machine for?
A. To make food for them. B. To sell food for humans.
C. To provide them with food. D. To find out which foods their body needs.
Question 29: The word “urgent” in the last paragraph probably means________.
A. expected B. pressing C. unnecessary D. hurry
Question 30: Which of the following is NOT true about life in the future?
A. Eating is a problem because food contains too much fat.
B. There’s no need to concentrate much when people are driving.
C. Contacts between people are almost instant.
D. Getting information is a matter of just a few seconds.
Question 31: What is “reply” CLOSEST in meaning to?
A. answer B. request C. replay D. question
Question 32: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. What foods people will eat in the future. B. The role of the computer in future life.
C. What life is like in the future. D. Life in the future will be the same as life at present.
Read the following passage and mark the correct word or phrase that best fits each o f the numbered blanks.
Many American customs will surprise you; the same thing happens to us when we (33)_______ another
country. People from various cultures handle many small daily things differently. What a dull world it (34)_______ be
if this were not true! Some differences are minor, and people soon become accustomed to them. At (35)_______ , for
example, some foreign women may be startled at the idea of (36)_______ their hair cut or styled by men. Visitors
maybe amazed to see men wearing wigs. People may find the transitory quality of much American life odd, for
example, one (37)_______ rent art by the week or the entire furnishings of an apartment, from sofa and bed to the last
spoon, on less than eight hours’ notice. “Package” living is part of today’s American scene.
Question 33:A. arrive B. travel C. visit D. come
Question 34:A. would B. can C. may D. will
Question 35:A. least B. first C. all D. last
Question 36:A. having B. giving C. showing D. taking
Question 37:A. shall B. must C. should D. can
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.
Bees, classified into over 10,000 species, are insects found in almost every part of the world except the
northernmost and southernmost regions. One commonly known species is the honeybee, the only bee that produces
honey and wax. Humans use the wax in making candles, lipsticks, and other products, and they use the honey as a
food. While gathering the nectar and pollen with which they make honey, bees are simultaneously helping to fertilize
the flowers on which they land. Many fruits and vegetables would not survive if bees did not carry the pollen from
blossom to blossom. Bees live in a structured environment and social structure within a hive, which is a nest with
storage space for the honey. The different types of bees each perform a unique function. The worker bee carries nectar
to the hive in a special stomach called a honey stomach, other workers make beeswax and shape it into a honeycomb,
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which is a waterproof mass of six-sided compartments, or cells. The queen lays eggs in completed cells. As the
workers build more cells, the queen lays more eggs. All workers, like the queen, are female, but the workers are
smaller than the queen. The male honeybees are called drones; they do no work and cannot sting. They are developed
from unfertilized eggs, and their only job is to impregnate a queen. The queen must be fertilized in order to lay worker
eggs. During the season, when less honey is available and the drones is of no further use, the workers block the drones
from eating the honey so that they will starve to death.
Question 38: Which of the following is the best title for this reading?
A. The Honey Bee - Its Characteristics and Usefulness B. Making Honey
C. The Many Species of Bees D. The Useless Drone
Question 39: According to the passage, the drone_________.
A. comes from eggs fertilized by other drones B. collects less honey than workers
C. mates with the queen and has no other purpose D. can be male or female
Question 40: The author implies that_________.
A. bees are unnecessary in the food chain B. drones are completely dispensable
C. drones are never females D. the queen can be a worker
Question 41: It can be inferred from the passage that beeswax is_________.
A. absorbent B. complex in structure C. pliable D. sweet
Question 42: The word “species” in the first sentence probably means_________.
A. enemies B. mates C. killers D. varieties
Question 43: It is stated in paragraph 2 that a hive is_________.
A. a storage space B. a nest C. a type of bee D. a type of honey
Question 44: The word “They” in the last paragraph refers to_________.
A. queens B. workers C. honeybees D. drones
Question 45: According to the passage, honey is carried to the hive in a honey stomach by the_________.
A. workers B. males C. drones D. queens
Mark the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 46: You must read the instructions. You won’t know how to use this machine without reading them.
A. Reading the instructions, so you will know how to use this machine.
B. You will know how to use this machine unless you read the instructions.
C. Unless you read the instructions, you won’t know how to use this machine.
D. Without reading the instructions, the use of this machine won’t be known.
Question 47: The book is very interesting. My brother bought it yesterday.
A. The book which is very interesting my brother bought yesterday.
B. The book which my brother bought it yesterday is very interesting.
C. The book my brother bought yesterday is not interesting.
D. The book which my brother bought yesterday is very interesting.
Mark the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 48: “Are you waiting for your exam result?” she said
A. She asked me if I was waiting for my exam result. B. She asked me was I waiting for my exam result.
C. She asked me whether was I waiting for the exam result. D. She asked me whether I was waiting for your exam.
Question 49: They arrived late, so they didn’t have good seats.
A. However late they arrived, they had very good seats. B. The late arrivers still had good seats.
C. Unless they arrived early, they wouldn’t have good seats. D. If they had arrived earlier, they might have got
good seats.
Question 50: He couldn’t come to the conference because he was seriously ill.
A. Although he was ill, he came to the conference.
B. His illness was very serious that he couldn’t come to the conference.
C. Because of his serious illness, he couldn’t come to the conference.
D. He couldn’t come to the conference, so he became seriously ill.

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