A320 Procedures V1.1.2 Fake

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V 1.


A319, A320, A32N, A321, A21N


Preflight and Cabin Preparation:


National: Origin-destiny, Alternate, Contingency: 5% Reserve: 45 min. Extra: 500 kg

International: Origin-destiny, Alternate, Contingency: 10% Reserve: 35 min Extra: 500-800 kg

Emergency or abnormal situations:

Below 800 Kg you will report emergency.

If fuel leak happen you Will report emergency

Route and F-PLAN:

In the acars, bid or flight is going to appear the company route that you are going to follow in flight
if some problem with route please advise the staff operations, and if any route appear is your

MCDU Operation:

Correctly fill in the pages: (D.I.F.S.R.I.P.P) Procedures of Airbus, after the payload and fuel cargo in
gate is completed the performance page is going to be completed with the data of load sheet.

On the F-PLAN page, maintain restrictions and fill in the LIM correctly.

The Secondary F-PLAN page is for a emergency in takeoff and it is going to be based in the go
around procedure of the following airport/runway.

APU Operation:

In temperatures below 10°C and above 30°C: Start the APU 10 minutes before boarding.

In temperatures between 10°C and 30°C: Start 10 minutes before pushback.

Boarding Deboarding Operation:

Boarding start 35 minutes before take off

Deboarding start 2 minutes after the turn off of both engines

Taxi Operation:

If any ECAM is reported you Will return to gate INMEDIATLY.

Taxi limitations: Maximum taxi speed is of 30 knots and to virages the maximum is of 15 knots.

Maximum Weight of taxi is of 78,200 kg.

Maximum temperature of breaks before take off is of 250°C

Operate lights: Beacon, Navigation, Taxi. Night: Beacon, Navigation, Taxi, Wing, and RWY turn off.

Operate with a single engine in cases where the taxi takes more than 5 minutes and no backtrack
on the active runway is required.

Takeoff and Climb Operation:

Turn off the aircraft Packs if taking off with a weight greater than 70,000 kg or if the airport is
above 5000 ft.

Take off with lights: Landing, Beacon, Navigation, Strobes; the rest are optional.

Always operate with flex as much as possible.

Take off with an initial climb of 10° and once a speed greater than 10 KNTS above V2 is reached,
proceed according to the flight director.
Climb with a cost index of 5-10, maximum 15.

The autopilot is going to be connected before the power reduction to climb at standard 1000 feet
AGL remember that during flight you must use the automation at all times in normal operation.

If operating with flaps 2 or 3 it is going to be retracted 20 knots above the flap speed.

Cruise Operations:

Maximum level of operation is FL390 but try to flight at FL380 maximum if the aircraft can make it.
In cruise the cost index value can be increased maximum on 50 with respect to the original flight

The mode of TCAS during the cruise needs to be turn on below or normal.

The maximum speed during cruise that we use is of Mach 0.79 you can achieve this changing the
cost index during the flight.

Abnormal situations on cruise:

In case of any ecam in cruise or problems with any problem on board (in general) the crew is going
to find and make an alternal route to the nearest airport that have the certification to land the
aircraft. In case o fan engine failure the crew is going to descent if it is required and remember to
always follow the Golden rules you can find it ton page number 6.

Descent, Approach and Landing Operations:

You Will start descent 20 NM before the TOD maximum 30 and minimum 10

Descend, whenever possible, with no more than 300 knts below FL200.

Descend with a cost index less than 15.

Operate, as much as possible, with precision approaches ILS, RNAV.

The altitude to operate the landing gear is 2000 feet AGL and also this is the altitude to have Flaps
full or Flaps 3 depending on landing desition and at 1000 feet AGL the aircraft needs to be totally
configured and all the checklist need to be completed if not it is consider a non-established
approach and you are going to proceed with go around.

Disconnect the autopilot at 500 feet AGL that it is going to be in the radioaltimiter if the conditions
are not the best disconnect at 200 feet AGL.

Landing with flaps 3 limitations.

Land with Flaps 3 while the runway is not contaminated and has more than 2,500 meters.
Additionally, ensure the runway is not above 10,000 ft, and operate this approach with less than
64,500 kg ............................................................................. (Only in the A320CEO and A320NEO)

60,500 kg ............................................................................. (Only in the A319)

77,000 kg ............................................................................. (Only in the A321CEO)

78,500 kg ............................................................................. (Only in the A321NEO)

The normal landing limits with flaps full i son the page number 7 remember that flaps 3 operation
is used to the fuel preserve and also the materials care, this landing is more difficult because you
are going to have more speed during the touchdown phase so we have some wind limitations.

Wind limitations and with flaps 3:

Tail wind .......................................... 15 knots.

Crosswind ........................................25 knots.

If the divert of the wind is more than 10° you can change the maximum speed adding 5 Knots.
(Only in the crosswind)

In addition:

Operate the packs Flow on normal between 150 to 170 passengers below 150 operate in Low and
above 170 operate in max.

Operate the pins and covers and not the parking brake if possible.

Use the less reverse power in landing to preserve engine health and reduce maintenance.

Just operate landing lights below 10,900Ft above that altitude you are going to have violation.

If the temperature is above 30°C please left flaps in position 1 this is recommended by the Airbus

Remember always the Golden rules:

1. Fly, navigate and communicate.

2. Use the appropiate level of automation at all times.
3. Understand the FMA at all times.
4. Take action if things do not go as expected.



Empty weight ............................................................................................. 35.400kg
Take Off weight ........................................................................................ 73.500kg
Landing weight .......................................................................................... 61.000kg
Empty weight ......................................................................................... 37.230kg
Maximum Taxi Weight ............................................................................ 78.200kg
Maximum Take off Weight ...................................................................... 78.000kg
Maximum Landing Weight ...................................................................... 66.000kg
Maximum zero fuel Weight .....................................................................65.000kg
A321 (A21N in ())
Empty weight ......................................................................................... 48.500kg
Maximum taxi weight ............................................................................ 93.700kg
Maximum Take off Weight ..................................................................... 93.500kg
Maximum Landing Weight ..................................................................... 77.800kg


Runway slope (mean) .................................................................................... +2%

Runway Altitude ........................................................................................... 9 200 ft
Normal runway width.................................................................................... 45 m
Wind for takeoff and landing:
Maximum demonstrated crosswind .............................................................38 kt (gust
Note: The maximum demonstrated crosswind (show in ND) crew its going to operate is
with 35kt and gust of 38 kt.
Maximum tailwind for takeoff and landing .................................................. 15 kt
Note: The maximum tailwind for automatic landing remains 10 kt
For landing with 15 kt landing only FLAPS FULL is permitted
Wind for passenger door operation:
Passenger door ...........................................................................................65 kt
Cargo door ................................................................................................ 40 kt

Runway Altitude restriction is that you need to land with Full flaps and Medium autobrake
this is to ensure a secure landing, because of the altitude this also apply for takeoff this means
that you need to takeoff with TOGA and if necessary flaps 2.

• VMCL – 108 Knots for BLY and BLZ and 113 Knots for others.

• VMCA – 110 Knots IAS at Sea Level, decreasing with increase in altitude.

• VMCG – 111 Knots IAS at Sea Level with CONF 1+F, decreasing with increase in altitude and flap

• For AP-BLY and AP-BLZ, same as above except the speed is 105 instead of 110 for VMCA and 106
instead of 111 for VMCG.

• So as a rule of thumb 115 KNOTS IS THE RED LINE for all models and for all minimum control

• For exact values see the table given in FCOM Limitations – LIM-AG-SPD.


• VLE – 280 / 0.67

• VLO Extension – 250 / 0.60

• VLO Retraction – 220 / 0.54

TYRE SPEED: Maximum Ground Speed – 195 Knots

WIPERS IN USE: Max Speed – 230 Knots (applicable when the wipers are sweeping).

COCKPIT WINDOW OPEN: Max Speed – 200 Knots.


If takeoff weight > 76,000 kg – Do not exceed a taxi speed of 20 knots during a turn.


 VMO = 350 kt IAS

 MMO = M 0.79



This document CANNOT be leaked outside of the virtual airline if it is found to have been leaked
the person responsible will be suspended pending a decision on what to do with their account.
This is to ensure the security of the airline as we may have legal problems with the real airline, and
also to avoid being copied in terms of procedures.

This document is approved by the board of directors and management of the LATAM group to
ensure the correct operation of the flights to guarantee maximum safety and efficiency. If you have
any questions, please contact any staff member or if you see any errors, we ask you to comment it.
We remind you that the confidentiality of the document must be maintained.

Approved by:


Benicio Ayala

-LATAM Virtual Operations

-LATAM Virtual Staff

Version 1.1.2 of the Manual of procedures A319, A320, A32N, A321, A21N

If Any suggestions please contact the corresponding staff. LATAM Virtual Operations.


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