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Piece 2

4. The UN weather agency warned that extreme temperatures are becoming the new
normal: True

5. People are choosing to go to hotter countries instead of traditional hotspots like Spain
and Italy: False (hotter -> cooler)

6. In Death Valley, California, the temperature was 53.9 C during the extreme heatwave:

Suitable headings

b. Global Warming Impact: Extreme Temperatures Hit Record Highs

News reproduction

The UN weather agency warned that extreme temperatures are the new normal. Scientists
say climate change is making heatwaves longer, hotter and more frequent. Many
countries have been experiencing record hot weather in the past week. In terms of China
and Usa, the mercury wind over 50 degrees Celsius or 122 degrees. In Death Valley,
California, the temperature was 53.9 C during the extreme heatwave and that of Jinjang,
China got up to 52.2 C. Besides, the temperature in Spain and Italy rose up to 46 C. Many
European countries and Japan have issued heat alerts. They advise people to stay in the
shade and a honey of water. The UN weather agency has warned that this kind of
heatwaves in Europe could continue for another month. A spokesperson from the UN
suggested cutting down on greenhouse gases because he believed that heatwaves could
have a strong impact on human health and water supplies. This extreme weather is
changing travellers’ options, such as people prefer traveling to cooler countries instead of
Spain, Italy and Greece. Also, a woman who wanted to escape heat by going to Rome
said that the temperature there had been higher than her hometown in Texas, USA.
What can we do to protect ourselves from microplastics?

As we all know, microplastics appear everywhere in our life, including clothes, bottles of
water, and stuff. Thus, we can limit the amount of microplastics absorting into our bodies
by several methods. Firstly, consuming goods made from organic materials such as
cotton, silk clothes or trying to bring your own meal box so that you will not eat food
inside platic boxes. Secondly, you had better not microwave your food in plastic. Heat
can decomposit plastic which can be added to your food. Last but not least, regularly
vacuum your house to prevent dust and microplastic chances to attack your health.

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