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1 D ■ Culture, vocabulary and grammar British fashion

1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 W h at influences th e w a y you dress?
Fashion never forgotten
friends brothers and sisters music
Can you imagine dressing in exactly the same way as
fashion magazines the w eath er parents
your parents? 1 The different ‘looks’ were
2 W h ere d o you buy your clothes? Do you ever make started by the new rock and pop bands, who often
changes to the things you buy? came from the UK. Four British people remember the
3 W hat's your favourite item o f clothing? W h y d o you excitement of being part of these fashion movements,
like it? which they still see alive in retro fashion today.

2 What do you know about these fashion styles: mod, Mod fashion started in the early 1960s. Most mods
hippie, punk, goth? Read the text and compare your were fans of the rock band The Who. They often fought
with ‘rockers’, who were traditional rock and roll fans
ideas. Then complete the text with sentences A-F.
with leather jackets and motorbikes.
There is one sentence that you do not need.
A I bought ordinary T-shirts, cut holes in them , fastened
them with safety pins and then w rote things on them
using a marker pen.
B And although it's dark, it's a ve ry pretty look, w ith lots
o f lace for the girls.
C W e w ere the first generation that didn't need to do
that, so w e had m oney to spend on stylish clothes.
D It was im portant that the clothes were very
com fortable to d ance in.
E That's w h at happened before the 1960s brought the
a g e o f teen age rebellion and young people started
their o w n innovative and original fashion styles.
F And it wasn't just the girls - the boys liked wearing ‘In the difficult economic times before
pink and purple flow ery designs, too! the 60s, parents expected teenagers with
jobs to nav ren t.2 The mod look wasn’t
cheap - the classic outfit was a slim-fitting suit with a
Clothes and fashion shirt and thin tie, and pointy leather shoes. There was
a more casual mod look, too. Although it borrowed
3 Study the highlighted words in the text and in
a lot from Italian and French style, we liked to give
exercise 2. Then match them to definitions 1-6. it a very British character, with Union Jacks and RAF
1 used by som eone before emblems. It's a fashion that’ll always be popular with
2 using a style from the recent past people who like to dress smartly.’ Alan, the mod

3 com pletely n e w and different.................. , ............

4 fashionable in a w ay that looks exp ensive.............
Hippie fashion started in the USA, but in the London of
the late 60s, the designer boutiques of Carnaby Street
5 w ith a fam ous nam e
and the King's Road made it more chic. It was popular
6 a high quality exam ple o f som ething m ade in the
with fans of the Rolling Stones and The Beatles.
p a s t...............

4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Use the adjectives in

exercise 3 to describe the clothes and style of
people you know.

5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 H o w did teenagers ch an g e in the 1960s?
2 W h y did mods have m oney to spend on clothes in
th e 1960s?
3 W h ich o f th e fashions m entioned in the text do
you think is the: cheapest? m ost expensive? most
m odern? most old-fashioned?
‘I sometimes spent a lot on hippie-style
4 W h ich o f these fashions is your favourite? Are any of
clothes - I had a fabulous purple dress
them popular in your country?
that cost a fortune! But for the real hippie look, I
5 W h a t fashions have there been since 2000, in your bought things in second-hand shops. Long skirts and
country, and around the w orld? Are th ey connected flared trousers seemed to be everywhere, in all kinds
w ith styles of music? of bright colours.3 .......................... I can see a return to
the hippie look in the ‘festival style’ young people
DVD extra Ju n ky Styling wear to music festivals today.' Carol, the hippie

10 The way we are

Verb patterns
6 Study the rules below. Then add the underlined verbs in the
text and in exercise 2 to 1-4.
Punk fashion became popular with the
British punk bands of the late 1970s, the 1 Verbs + infinitive w ith to: decide, promise, choose,
Sex Pistols being the most famous. Punks 35 .................. •.................../...................
were anti-pop music, anti-government, and 2 Verb + infinitive w ithout to: shall, must, could, w ill,.................. ,
... anti-everything. even fashion!

3 Verb + -ing: suggest, consider, a d m it,.................. , ...................,

4 Verbs + infinitive or -ing: love,

Reference and practice 1.2 W orkbook page 105

7 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to

the first sentence. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 a I never thought I w ou ld see so m any punks in Japan!
b I never so m any punks in Japan! (expect)

‘You might think all punks 2 a 'Let's go to the festival in Reading,'said Mike.
were angry and aggressive, b Mike to th e festival in Reading, (suggest)
but a lot of us were just having fun and 3 a I'm thinking o f buying that black leather coat.
enioved dressing in ways that would b I .................................... that black leather coat, (consider)
shock people. We wanted to have a
4 a Looking for vintage clothes is som ething w e enjoy,
kind of fashion that was cheap and
‘do-it-yourself, so we avoided buying b We for vintage clothes, (love)
things from fashion shops. 4 5 a M y m um said she'll buy m e som e n e w boots for m y birthday,
Piercings became fashionable with punk b M y m um m e som e n e w boots for my
and the hair was an important part of the birthday, (promise)
look. You still often see people with a
6 a It looks like 1980s fashion is popular again.
Mohican haircut today.' Jack, the punk
b 1980s fashion.................................... popular again, (seem)

8 Study sentences 1-5. What is the difference in meaning

The goth look started with the ‘gothic’ rock
between sentences a and b?
bands of the 80s and 90s, which came out
of the British punk scene. Much of the style 1 a I rem em ber wearing flared trousers w hen I was young.
comes from the Victorian period in Britain. b I rem em bered to w ear flared trousers to the sixties party last
2 a HI never forget seeing that photo of your dad dressed as a punk!
b Don't forget to bring that photo o f your dad dressed as a
punk - I w an t to show it to Mark.
3 a They stopped to look in the shop w indow ,
b They stopped looking in the shop w indow .
4 a I tried changing m y clothes before I w e n t out, but I still wasn’t
b I tried to ch an g e m y clothes before I w en t out, but I didn't
have enough time.
5 a I regret spending all your money.
b I regret to tell you that I spent all your money.

‘It’s easy to say what the

most important thing about
9 SPEAKING Complete the questions with the correct forms
goth fashion is - black! It can be leather of the verbs in brackets. Then work in pairs and answer the
trousers, long dresses, boots or gloves, questions.
but black is the first choice of colour.
1 W h y d o you think people w an t (be) fashionable?
5 You can find some great
2 Have you ever chosen (wear) som ething in order to
goth clothes in vintage shops. I loved
goth culture as a teenager - it’s perfect shock people?
tor those times when life seem s sad and 3 Can you im agine e v e r .................. (dress) like your parents?
serious. The goth style seem s to be more 4 Do you think you'll n e e d .................. (change) the w ay you dress
and more popular these days, especially
w h e n you start work?
with all the interest in vampire books and
5 Are there any colours you avoid (wear)?
movies.' Gemma, the goth
6 Have you ever tried (have) your hair longer or shorter?
7 W h e re d o you m ost e n jo y .................. (shop) for clothes?
8 W h ich item o f clothing d o you most regret.................. (buy)?

Vocabulary bank Clothes page 134 The way we are 11

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