Nutriton Charts

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DESIRED OUTCOME: Improved blood glucose control in individuals with Type II Diabetes
Proposed constituent Type of Evidence Dose Indication
Human RCT,
Hypoglycemic agent,
Chromium Observational, 200 – 1000 µg
1 human study,
Gymnema 200 – 400 mg
Lots of animal (Look at alt med review monograph on
pub med)
Human trials,
Bittermelon 100 g/day (food)
animal, in vitro
Glucose management,
peripheral neuropathy,
2 human RCT, 600 mg
α lipoic acid macular degeneration
4 in vitro 300 – 1200 mg
(preliminary vision
3 human trials ↓ blood glucose, ↑ HDL,
Cinnamon 1 – 6 g (powdered)
Lot of rat ↓TG, ↓cholesterol

DESIRED OUTCOME: Benefit to symptoms of BPH, Reduce risk of prostate cancer, Improve outcome
in prostate cancer.
Proposed constituent Type of Evidence Dose Indication
85-95% FA plant
1 meta-analysis,
Saw palmetto sterols, 320 mg/day Moderate BPH Sx
Human intervention
at least 3 months
2 cups sauce, cooked
Lycopene (need to cook tomatoes (whole std. Tomato - ↓ tumor, ↓PSA, ↓
5 human clinical tom. to lycopene), 1 can
tomato to make tomato paste,
trials, 1 rat study
bioavailable) encapsulated GMO Lycopene – nothing!
tomato extract
1:2 ratio fluid Used for cancer/chemo
In vitro, animals, 1
Pau D’arco extract tincture, May have RISK associated
human (n=9)
5-10 ml with use.
Human DB RCT ↑flow rate, ↓urinary
Nettle (620ppl over 6 4000 – 6000 mg/day retention, use in BPH,
months) safe, no SE
(75 IU) RDA = 15 IU,
32% ↓ incidence of CA
50 mg α tocopherol
Vitamin E Human (Std 400-800 IU)
41% ↓ rate of death from
1 mg = 1.5 IU prostate CA
200 µg/day (selenized 63% ↓ prostate CA (LU,
Selenium 3 human yeast 5-10% Se) LIV)
500 mg 3x/day ↓CHOL,
Plant sterols 2 review, 4 RCT-DB 300 mg/day prostate CA
Pygeum Africanum intervention, meta- 75 – 200 mg BPH ↓ Sx
analysis, 18 human
Observational 2 -3 hrs/week
Exercise / Weight Loss ↓ risk of CA
studies (walking)

DESIRED OUTCOME: Stabilize and / or improve mood in depression prone individuals or individuals
with depression. Symptomatic improvement for symptoms of anxiety.
Proposed constituent Type of Evidence Dose Indication
Fish Oil 1000 mg of EPA
Human trials, decent
St. John’s Wort 900 – 1800 mg ↓ SE, as good as drugs
300 mg/day,
DB Clinical Trials, Anxiety, mood, Sx,
5 HTP 900mg/day wt loss
meta analysis efficacy = modest
Tryptophan (in turkey and Banned  eosinophillia
2000 – 4000 mg/day
pumpkin) myalgia syndrome
Powder / capsule
2000 mg (put
Glycine conversion to Calms you down, relaxes
directly under your
GABA in the brain
Passionflower Know that it is used in depression / anxiety
Combo w/ St John’s
more effective,
Insomnia (sleep aid) 
Valarian 1 study (no placebo) 100mg/day up to
900mg/day not for long term use
Zinc 1 human trial 25 mg/day 40% reduction in anxiety

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