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History of my name

Good morning ladies and gentleman.

First of all let me introduce my self,my name is Teuku Arvris Gunawan but you can
call me Arfiz,let’s us thanks to god who has been giving us blessing so we can
attend and gather In this good place in happy condition
Secondly, I never forget to say thank you who has give me the opportunity to
deliver my speech in front of you all.

Ladies and gentleman

I want tell you all about my names,before I am use name “Arfiz” my friends
always call me with different name like “Apis”,”Hafiz”,”Teuku”,”Tengku” and
name make me sad is “Aruris”,because it sound bad like it’s not my name and also
to convolutod and has always been the subject of ridicule by people as “Arak
Frestea”. and You know one of my friend said “your name is too hard to
remember and very strange” hearing that I just kept quiet.
From elementary school to 2nd grade of junior high I was confused when someone
asked my name.
Someday I meet new friends in my junior highscool,his name is “Agisna” but I am
call he “Kak Agis”.Kak Agis have friends his name “Queen” they are my close
friends, we often exchange ideas and chat to find solutions to each of our
problems I also told him how difficult it was to make friends because my name
was difficult for people to call, They also help me and often listen to my problems,
but I also do the same for both of them.
when Eid al-Adha arrives Kak Agis want me join he go to Queen house, I initially
refused because it was far, but Kak Agis forced me to come. after arriving there
me and Kak Agis inside Quen house.Queen introduced me to her friend she
After leaving the queen's house, Fiza invited us to her house. In the middle of the
journey, Fiza had an accident which damaged her motorbike and she cried, I also
took him home Fiza thanked me and since then we have become close,it’s not
uncommon for her to make food when we visit her house,Fiza is a good cooking
the food he always makes is very delicious. While eating, one of our friends
choked while eating, Queen then called Fiza who was in the kitchen "Fiz, please
drink".I thought Queen called me because the word Pis was at the end of my
name, but it turned out to be the wrong call.
I then thought for a moment, what if my name and Fiza were combined?.
Ladies and Gentleman, I want to ask, why can I think like that?.
Yes, because at that time my hobby was making stories, I combined the names of
the characters with the names of people I met with famous film and game
At first I didn't intend to combine the names, but one day we were assigned to
lead MPLS and Queen was asked to make a name tag. Out of nowhere, Queen
seemed to read my mind, she typed my name with the letters "Arfiz".
Story my life,Queen a good friend for me her knows what's on my mind but I
don't have time to say it.
And since then my name is easy to remember and easy for people to call
me,every person who want to get to know me I’m no longer embarrassed “hi
what’s your name?” “my name is Arfiz”.

Ladies and Gentleman finally we realize that history of my name, a name that
used to be difficult for people to remember and call is now no longer thanks to
my friends who are kind, friendly and also smart.

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