Confidentail Social Studies G9 2015 Marking Key

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Social Studies 502/1/2015


1 B 21 C 41 B
2 B 22 A 42 B
3 A 23 B 43 B
4 B 24 D 44 D
5 C 25 D 45 D
6 D 26 B 46 A

7 A 27 B 47 C
8 C 28 B 48 B
9 A 29 B 49 A
10 D 30 A 50 A
11 D 31 A 51 A
12 C 32 C 52 C
13 D 33 C 53 A
14 C 34 B 54 A
15 D 35 C 55 B
16 B 36 D 56 B
17 C 37 A 57 C
18 A 38 B 58 A
19 C 39 B 59 C
20 A 40 A 60 B

Social Studies 502/1/2015

1. A
 Poultry farming
 Pigs rearing
 Sheep rearing
 Cattle rearing
 Dairy farming [2]

 Along the line of


 Mkushi farm block

 Near the urban areas e.g. Lusaka, Kabwe,

 Chipata, Kitwe, Ndola, Chisamba, Chibombo and Mumbwe [2]

 Friesians

 Swiss brown

 Aryshires

 Guensey [2]

 High demand due to urban population
 Good network of roads and a railway
 Electricity for lighting and breading
 Availability of drugs
 Availability of stock feed
 It is an income generating activity
 Availability of veterinary medicines and services [2]

 pests and diseases, e.g. foot and mouth, anthrax, corridor, east
cost fever,e.t.c.

 Shortage of pasture

 Stiff competition from imported products

Social Studies 502/1/2015
 High costs of production

 High fuel and transport costs.

 Cattle rustling/ stealing/ theft.

 Fluctuation of the local currency. [2]

[10 marks]

2. A Ingombe Ilede [1]

B Salt [1]
C Cape Mdear [1]
D Free Church of Scotland {!]
E Nachikufu . [1]
F Naturalistic [1]
G Kalonga [1]
H Mano [1]
I Makewana
J Henry Morton Stanley [1]
[Total: 10 marks]

3. A Fish Eagle [1]

B The National Flag and the Coat of Arms /W- [2]

C "Like our noble eagle in its flight." [1]

 Singing the National Anthem on official occasions
 Saluting the flag of Zambia
 Standing still when singing the National Anthem
 Showing the Coat of Arms on the television screen before
president speaks to the nation.
Any three [3]
 Citizens of a country enjoy certain rights or benefits
 Citizens share a feeling of belonging together
 Citizens show love and pride in their country
Any two [2]
F The eagle symbolizes the freedom that we have in Zambia and
our ability to solve our own problems. [1]
[Total: 10 marks]

Social Studies 502/1/2015

1. (a) Explain the differences between indigenous and exotic
vegetation in Zambia.
 Indigenous forests consist of hardwood trees white exotic
forest have softwood.
 Indigenous forest occur naturally white exotic forests are planted.
Indigenous forest not in pure stands, exotic forests in pure stands.
 Indigenous forests take a longtime to mature while exotic
forests take a shorter time.
 Indigenous forests contain trees which have bend (twisted)
trunks, exotic forest have straighter trunks.
 Indigenous forests contain tree species mukwa, mubanga, mukuni etc,
while exotic tree species contain Ginelina, Pine, Eucalyptus
Credit fully developed point 1 mark = 3 marks [3]

(b) State the uses of forests and woodlands in Zambia.

 Provide scenic beauty
 Provide habitat for wildlife
 Provide construction materials for homes and public
buildings e.g. schools, hospitals
 Source of timber for railway
sleepers poles
 Firewood for cooking and heating
 Protection of catchment areas from soil erosion
 Tourist attraction
 Provides raw materials for buildings
 Source of grass and fibres for making ropes, mats, baskets
and building houses
 Source of medicine
 Source of fruits, e.g. masuku and imfungo
Credit any relevant developed point at 1 mark = 3 marks [3]

(c) What are the measures of conserving vegetation in Zambia?

 Control of fire outbreak
 Restricting species and types of trees to be cut
 Use of renewable sources of energy
 Afforestation and reafforestation programmes
 Educating communities on the importance of forests and woodlands
 Practicing agro-forestry
Social Studies 502/1/2015
 Avoid deforestation
 Employ forest rangers
 Introduction of licenses to charcoal burners. '
Credit any relevant fully developed point at 1 = 4 marks
[Total: 10]

2. With reference to mining in Zambia,

. (a) Name two towns where copper is mined on the Copperbelt.
 Copper - Mufulira, Luanshya, Chililabombwe, Chingola, Kitwe [2]
(b) Describe the methods of mining used in North-Western Province.
 Removal of overburden by bulldozers
 Ore mined by excavators
 Ore transported by trucks to conveyor belts
 Or taken for milling
Credit at 1 mark each step
1 open mining = 3 marks [4]
Reject shaft or underground mining

(c) Explain the effects of mining industry on the environment in

North western Province
 Displacement of people
 Destruction of vegetation due to clearance
 Loss of habitat for wildlife
 Causes air pollution, land pollution and water pollution, noise pollution
 Impact of blasting by using explosives causes cracks on buildings
 Land is disfigured due to hollow
 Loss of land for agriculture and settlement
 Compaction of the soil due to use of heavy machinery [4]
Credit fully developed points at 1 mark = 4 marks
[Total: 10 marks]

3. (a) State different types of population migration which take place in

Rural to urban migration
 This involves movement of people from rural areas to urban
areas in search of paid employment and better social
 Some people are forced to leave rural areas to towns due
to drought and famines, family conflicts and poverty.
Urban to rural migration
 This migration involves the movement of people from urban areas to
rural areas.
Social Studies 502/1/2015
 Some people are forced to leave urban areas due to loss of
employment, retirements, retrenchment, high cost of living in urban
areas and to take up farming in rural areas.

Rural to rural migration

 This is the movement of people from one rural area to another in
search of land, water resources
Urban to urban migration
 This movement involves the migration of people from one town to
another through transfers, loss of employment or to take up business
Credit at one fully developed point at 1
mark 1 mark for each migration type
[4 marks]

(b) What are the effects of HIV and AIDS in Zambia?

 Reduced productivity in agriculture, industry and service provision
 Increase in mortality rates
 Increased in child headed homes.
 A lot of time spent on nursing the sick and attending burials
 Huge budget of government spent on purchasing drugs such as ARVs
 Emergence of NGOs dealing in HIV and AIDs and home based care
 Increase in the number of orphans, widows, widowers and vulnerable
 Increase in number of street kids.
 Attracted international donor funding from agencies and governments
Research in the search for the cure of HIV and AIDs is ongoing.
Credit any relevant fully developed point. [6]
[Total: 10 marks]
1. With reference to civilization, write briefly on the following;
(a) Origin,
 Started in the Middle East from Shanider in Northern Iraq 10,000 years
 Knowledge of farming and pastoralism
 Spread to Greece and Rome in Europe, India and China in Asia, the North
West and Egypt in Africa
 Two rivers were important in the development of farming in the
Middle East. These were the Tigris and Euphrates because of fertile
crescent soils
 It reached North Africa in Egypt along the banks of the Nile 7000 years

Social Studies 502/1/2015

 Later Egyptians conquered and spread civilization to Kush (Sudan) and
Axum (Ethiopia) [3]
(b) Why it took long to spread
 Remote places
 Jungles, swamps
 Climatic differences
 Reached Zambia 2000 years ago through Tanzania and North-west
through the Congo. [3]
(c) Early settlement in Zambia
In Zambia it spread quickly over the whole land but mainly in Southern
Province because:-
 there was plenty rainfall
 there was plenty of pasture
 there was fertile land
 there were no tsetse flies [2]
(d) The knowledge it brought
 Iron smelting/metal working
 Pottery [2]
[Total: 10 marks]

2. Give an account of the Lunda Kingdom of Mwata Kazembe

under the following subheadings:
(a) Origin
 Came from Mwata Yamvo kingdom
 Mwata Yamvo was in the process of expansion so he
sent Mutande Yembe Yembe and Chinyanta
 He conquered the area that was rich in salt and
copper and then proved disloyal to his master
 He was later replaced by Nganda Bilonda who became the first
Kazembe [2]
(b) Expansion
 Nganda Bilonda conquered surrounding areas
 He was succeeded by Kanyembo as Kazembe II. He continued to
 By 1760, Ilunga Lukwesa succeeded the throne
 Several factors led to the expansion of the kingdom.
 Natural resources
 Long distance trade
 Conquest of weaker tribes
 The visit of Delacerda influenced other explorers to come
 Good leadership by reigning Kazembes
 Tribute collection
Social Studies 502/1/2015
 loyalty of subordinates
 use of middlemen - Bisa and imbangala
 Trade monopoly
 well organized militarily [4]
(c) Decline
 After 1850 the kingdom due to:
(i) Loss of long distance trade through the Bisa middlemen who
were attacked by the Bemba
(ii) The visit of tip-tip who interfered with the Western trade route
(iii) Disloyalty of the junior chiefs
(iv) Succession wars (1840's - 1880's)
(v) Activities of Msiri of the Yeke
(vi) Final blow came in 1890 with the BSA Company rule [4]
[Total: 10 marks]
3. Write the following on the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland:
(a) Reasons for the Federation
 Settlers in Southern Rhodesia wanted to control copper
in Northern Rhodesia
 Settlers in Northern Rhodesia wanted to get rid of
African Paramouncy
 To achieve economic inter-dependence as each territory
depended on one source of economy.
 Africans in Southern Rhodesia preferred to put the policy of
Partnership into Practice rather than racial segregation. [4]

(b) Reasons against the Federation

 Africans in Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland did not want racial
policy of segregation
 Some settlers in Southern Rhodesia wanted the policy of segregation
to continue
 Opposition labour and liberal parties in Britain did not want to force
Africans into Federation [3]
(c) Why the Federation broke up
 Little or no African support for the Federation
 Africans not consulted hence strong opposition from the start
 Fear amongst Africans that partnership would stop political
advance and strengthen white domination
 Africans not interested in obvious economic advantages of Federation
because they were confined to manual work and lower grades of
public service
 Federation seemed to retard prospect of independence so
independence movements regarded it as their prime target.
Any three [3]

Social Studies 502/1/2015

[10 marks]
1. (a) What are the qualifications for one to be the Republican
President in Zambia?
The President of Zambia is elected during General Elections
which take place every after five years. One can only qualify for
election as President if he or she:-
- is a citizen of Zambia
- is thirty five years of age and above
- is of good character
- is supported by a political party
- is literate and conversant with the official language
- has both parents as Zambians by birth or descent
- has been living in Zambia for at least twenty years [4]
Any 4
(b) Functions of the Zambian President
The President of Zambia:
- Is the Head of State, this means that he or she represents the
- Is head of government; this means that he or she represents
- Gives instructions to all ministers and civil servants
- Is the commander in chief of the armed forces
- Can appoint the commanders of security forces
- Can nominate up to eight members of parliament
- Can declare a state of emergency
- Can dissolve parliament
- Opens the first session of the National Assembly each year
- Gives awards to those who have served the nation well
- Can appoint or dismiss senior government officials
- Can sometimes exercise the prerogative of mercy; this means that
he or she can pardon criminals or reduce their sentences. [ 6 ]
[Total: 10 marks]
2. (a) Explain what a family budget is.
A family budget is one usually made by the father and mother
 The expenditure of the budget depends on the income of the family
 The money that remains is savings used to buy cars and television
 It is also important for national development
Social Studies 502/1/2015
 A family which makes poor decisions may fail to meet its
basic needs
 A good budget must have a surplus
 A good family budget carters for the basic needs of the family [4]
(b) The national budget is passed by the National Assembly after
it has been presented by the Minister of Finance [6]
The parts of the national budget are:
- Revenue: it is money that government receives every year from
sources such as taxes
- Recruitment expenditure: it is money which government spends every
year on salaries and wages of government workers and mainter=-:e
of facilities like buildings.
- Capital expenditure: It is money which is spent on new projects such
as constructing roads or building schools.
- A national budget can either have surplus or deficit. The ideal situation
is that the budget must balance.
[Total: 10 marks]
3. What are the qualities of money?
(a) Qualities of money [6]
Money is anything of value that is generally accepted and makes the
exchange of goods and services easy. The common forms of money
are coins and bank notes. Money has certain characteristics which are
described as follows:-
- Acceptability: for any object to be used as money, it must be
accepted. This means that people agree to use that object.
- Portability: money must easily be carried about
- Divisibility: money should be easily divided into smaller units. This
of money helps us to buy goods and services of different value.
- Recognizable: Coins and bank notes should have features which
them easy to recognize; e.g. the eagle is a prominent feature on
bank notes. However, bank notes and coins must be difficult to
copy or forge.
- Scarcity: Money should be difficult to obtain. A person must
engage in a productive activity in order to earn money. A productive
activity is any useful activity which benefits members of a
- Durability: Money must last for a long time. It must not wear out
(b) The law of supply and demand
 Demand refers to the willingness and ability of people to pay for goods and
services. Supply is the availability of goods and services. Supply is the
availability of goods and services on the market. These goods and services
are made available by business people.
Social Studies 502/1/2015
 The price of goods and services can be influenced by demand and
supply. When demand for certain goods and services rises, the price
is likely to rise. On the other hand, when the supply of goods and
provision of services is high, the price is likely to fall.
 When the supply of goods and provision of services is low, the demand
is high and the prize rises.
 A rise in the price of goods and services may lead to low demand,
while the fall (drop) in the price of goods or services may lead to high
 The law of supply and demand can be summarized as follows:
High demand + low supply = high price
Low demand + high supply = low price
 However, when the price of goods remains constant or favourable to both
buyers and sellers, it is called an equilibrium price. [4]
[Total: 10 marks]

Social Studies 502/1/2015

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