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fabricio: Hello guys, how are you?

Camila: Very good Fabrizio and you?

Fabrizio: Very good, and you, Berner?
Berner: more or less, a little tired with the faculty
fabrizio: Speaking of faculties, how about psychology, Camila? I know you study at the
Technological University of Peru
camila: Well, very good, I study from Monday to Thursday morning and I always try to
get good grades.
Berner: I'm glad about that, Camila, she always tries to improve in everything. Is there
a course that you like in particular?
camila: There aren't many, but for now I really like descriptive statistics, the teacher
teaches well and in high school I liked mathematics. And you, Fabrizio, how are you
doing in law school?
Fabrizio: I'm not doing too badly, some teachers are somewhat demanding, but in
understanding and writing texts it is the course in which I perform best
Berner: What university do you study at?
fabrizio: I study in San Luis Gonzaga, from Monday to Friday, on weekends I go to
Palpa to visit my family, and what can you tell me about yourself, Berner?
berner: Well, medicine is quite heavy, I study from Monday to Friday and on Saturdays
I have virtual, that's how heavy San Juan Bautista is.
camila: And what do you do in your free time?
berner: Well, I don't have much time, but in the general anatomy class the teacher
energizes us so that we don't feel so tense and sometimes he gives us breaks so we
can have a snack. On the other hand, in general chemistry the teacher is very harsh
and if you don't do it as he asks, he will lower your points, some students are already
failing his course based on his criteria.
camila: That sounds bad, but you always have to try to move forward and not stay
behind, when I have doubts I ask my teacher, but hey, I have to go guys, bye.
Fabricio: Goodbye.

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