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Practice unit 3

Teacher: Franklin Perez

Name: _______________________________Number:
Shailin Estevez Chalas ___________Date:
A00106390 ___________

I-Put in (What, Where, why, When, How) into the gaps and form meaningful questions.

Example: ____ often do you play volleyball?

Answer: How often do you play volleyball?

1) _____________do
What you like best?

2) ______________does Bill get up in the morning?

3) ______________don't
Why you go by bus, Max?

4) ______________hobbies
What does Andrew have?

5) ______________do
Where they go to every week?

6) ______________old
How is Mike?

7) ______________is
When Susan's birthday?

8) _____________are
Where my exercise books?

9) _____________are
What you doing at the moment, Sally?

10) ______________do
Where the Robinsons

II- Choose the correct alternative.

Where are my keys?

1) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

What is the problem?

2) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

Who is your favorite singer?

3) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

When is your birthday?

4) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

How old are you?
5) ................ I'm ten years old.

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

What is your telephone number?

6) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

Where are you from?

7) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

Who is your best friend?

8) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

What is your e-mail?

9) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

10) ................
How are you? I'm fine, thanks.

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

When is your graduation? Next week.

11) ................

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

Why is she crying?

12) ................ Because she is sad.

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

What is your last name?

13) ................ Gonzalez.

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

Who is your favorite actor?

14) ................ Anthony Hopkins.

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

How old is your cat?

15) ................ Two years old.

What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

III- Use (DO or DOES) to complete the following present tense questions.

1. Where__________John
Does live?

2. What time__________
Does the plane leave?

3. Where__________
Do you hang your hat and coat during the lesson?

4. Where__________
Do they live?

5. What___________
Do these girls generally do over the weekend?

6. How__________
Does that child go to school?

7. Who_________
Does Helen help at home?

8. When__________
Do we eat lunch in the cafeteria?

9. What___________
Do the children eat there?

11. Where__________
Does George live?

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