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- Create an engaging topic to base the specific purpose and central topic.
- Providing credibility and preview of the body.
- Ensuring a clean transition into the body of the presentation.


- Body Paragraph 1
o Body paragraph 1 sub-point 1
o Body paragraph 1 sub-point 2
 Keep it short, simple, and interactive so that the audience is engaged.
- Body Paragraph 2
o Body paragraph 2 sub-point 1
o Body paragraph 2 sub-point 2
 Progressing into body paragraph 2 should keep the audience engaged and


- Slowly transition into the conclusion and point out the main objectives of the presentation and
what was delivered through the presentation.
- The final line should reinforce the idea that the presentation was trying to communicate to its


- Should list all the sources that were used to create the presentation.
- Should follow the MLA format.

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