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Unidad Didáctica:

Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

Actividad: Semana 13

Nombres y apellidos: __________________________________________________

Turno: ____________________ Aula: ____________ Fecha: ___/___/__

Indicaciones generales
Responda correctamente el cuestionario.
Al terminar, guarde el archivo en PDF. como ACT13_NombrePrimerApellido.pdf.
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1. question 1: Complete the sentences using “this”, “that”, “these” or “those”.

_____ ___ ___ black t-shirt

_____ ___ orange carrots.

_____ ___ ___ white pillow.

_____ ___ ___ blue jacket.

Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

Now, write the sentences before into singular or plural





2. question 2: Complete the questions and answer about the pictures.

A: What ____________________? A: What _______________________?

B: __________________________ B: _____________________________
Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

A: What ____________________? A: Are _________ your ___________?

B: __________________________ B: No, __________________________

A: Is ________ your ___________? A: Are _________ your ___________?

B: No, _______________________ B: Yes, __________________________

3. Question 3: Look at the conversations and make a circle the correct option.

A: This is / are a photo of my house in Romania.
B: Where it is / is it ? It’s / Is it in Brasov?
A: No, it is / it isn’t. It’s / Is it in Zalau.

A: These are my friends, Mili and Jana. They is / are from Slovakia.
B: They are / Are they doctors?
A: No, they are / aren’t. Jana is / are a nurse and Mili is / are a teacher.
Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

A: What’s this / these in English?
B: It’s a / an notepad.
A: And what are that / those ?
B: It’s / They’re pens.

A: What’s in the bag?
B: A laptop / laptops, two book / books, a wallet and a / an umbrella.

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