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Energi Bersih – Energi Baru dan


Nama Matakuliah : Mesin Konversi Energi

Kode : MSN1.62.4007
Pertemuan ke : Empat Belas & Lima Belas
Dosen Pengampu : Remon Lapisa

Program Studi S-1 Teknik Mesin

Jurusan Teknik Mesin – FT Universitas Negeri Padang
Capaian Pembelajaran Sub- Materi

• Mhs mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar Renewable Energi (EBT)

• Mhs mampu menjelaskan teknologi konversi EBT


• Konsep dasar Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT)

• Teknologi Konversi Energi EBT
• Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bio Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave
Energy, Geothermal
Apa itu Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that comes from
resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight,
wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat.
Wind, solar, and biomass are three emerging renewable sources of energy.
Renewable VS Nonrenewable

Renewable Nonrenewable
 Renewable energy berasal dari sumber  Terbentuk di bawah tanah dari pelapukan
yang tidak bisa habis makhluk hidup (hewan, tumbuhan)
Sumber Renewable energy : Non-renewable energy sources are:
• Matahari • Batu bara
• Angin • Gas alam
• Gelombang dan pasang surut • Minyak (petroleum),
(hydropower energy) • Energi Nuklir
• Panas alami dibawah permukaan tanah  Supply terbatas
• Biomassa :tumbuh-tumbuhan, kayu,  Membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama
limbah. untuk memperbaharui / daur ulang
 Supply (persediaan)yang conrinu (selalu  Menimbulkan polusi : global warming,
ada) acid rain
 Bisa diperbaharui (didaur ulang)  Tidak tersedia disembarang tempat
 Tidak menimbulkan polusi
 Tersedia bebas di alam
Renewable VS Nonrenewable

Renewable Nonrenewable
 Biaya operasional murah  Biaya produksi murah
 Bersih  Pemakaian efisien
 Tidak merusak lingkungan  Bisa menghasilkan energi yang besar
 Mungkin menimbulkan kebisingan dalam waktu singkat
 Produksi energi tidak besar  Kotor
Challenges to world energy development

Resource Constraint Climate Change

187 Trillion m3
For 54 Years

891.5 Billion Ton

For 100 Years

Oil 52%

239.8 Billion Ton

For 53 Years

Source: Global Energy Interconnection: From

Internet to Interconnection, Paper by GEIDCO; Source: Source:
Global Renewable Scenario
Other (Bio Energy, Geo
Total Installed RE Hydro Wind Solar
Thermal, Marine
Capacity 2017 GW 1096 GW 487GW 303 GW 131 GW
Renewables consumption by region Renewables share of power generation by region
Million tonnes oil equivalent Percentage

9% The highest ever growth rate in RE capacity additions during 2016

62% Renewable Energy as part of Net additions to global power generating capacity

161 GW Total increase in global RE capacity in 2016 despite 23% less investment
47% Share of Solar PV in newly installed renewable power capacity in 2016
Challenges and solutions for Renewable energy

Distributed • Advanced planning for

matching Infrastructure
Bi-directional flow of • Flexibility in Generation:
Power AGC, Lower Technical
Minimum for thermal units,
Intermittent, Uncertain Standby Gas / Hydro Power
and Variable plants
• Energy Storage Systems:
Partially Predictable Pumped Hydro, BESS
• Increased Balancing Areas
Location Specific • Forecasting of Renewables
• Ancillary Service Market
Short Gestation period • Flexibility in Load
Renewable Electric Ca[acity Worldwide
A. Solar Energy

• Solar energy adalah Sumber energi cahaya dan Panas abadi

dari matahari.

• Solar Cells : mengkonversi radiasi matahari secara langsung

menghasilkan listrik.

• Solar heat energy dapat dikumpulkan dan disatukan

menggunakan kaca atau reflektor untuk memanaskan air
menjadi uap. Uap digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi
• Solar heat energy dapat digunakan langsung untuk
memanaskan air atau ruangan seperti rumah dan

Solar Energy
Energi termal surya dipergunakan untuk:
• Pemanas air untuk kebutuhan domestik, bangunan gedung,
dan kolam renang
• Sumber panas pasif pada bangunan di daerah dingin (green
• Memanaskan fluida pada temperatur tinggi untuk power
• Sumber energi listrik (efek photovoltaic, solar cell)
Solar energy apllication

Solar home

solar heat
Solar power application

 Solar Cars

 Solar Calculators

 Solar Lights

 Solar Homes

 Greenhouses

 Solar Toys

 Solar Hot Water

Available Solar Energy on Earth

At under 0.5%, the Solar

technology is massively under
penetrated in the existing
electricity domain.
Passive solar system

• Pencahayaan alami
• Gain Panas alami 
(daerah dingin)
Active solar system: Converting solar energy into electricity
Effect discovered
by this guy in 1875

Modern silicon PV
cell invented by
these guys at Bell
Labs in the 50’s
Hubungan P-N Dioda
• P-N junction diode: If we apply voltage, Vd across diode terminal,
forward current flow from p-side to n-side. If diode in reverse direction,
only a very small (≈10-12 A/cm2) reverse saturation current, I0 will flow.
• V-I characteristic curve for p-n junction diode is described by the
following Shockley diode equation:

I d  I 0 (e qVd / kT
 1)
• Where Id is diode current in the direction of the arrow, Vd is voltage
across diode terminal from p to n-side, I0 is reverse saturation current, q
is electron charge (1.602 x 10-19C), k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.381 x 10-
23 J/K) and T is the junction temperature (K).

• A junction temperature of 25oC is often used as a standard, so diode

equation becomes:

I d  I 0 (e 38.9Vd  1) at 25 o C
Sel Photocoltaic
• Simplest equivalent circuit for a photovoltaic cell
– Consists of diode parallel with ideal current source. Ideal current source
delivers current in proportion to solar flux to which it is exposed.

A simple equivalent circuit for a PV cell consists of a current

source driven by sunlight in parallel with a real diode.
Solar Panels - Photovoltaic
Technology for photovoltaic
• First generation:
Crystalline Silicon ~ 90% market share
 Emerging technologies
(third generation)

 Second generation
Thin Film ~ 10% market share

Off-Grid system – on Grid untuk energi surya

Off grid

Solar Thermal  hot waters
Flat plates - Less efficient so more panels are needed, but
cheaper than

Flat plate panels are basically an insulated box with a glass cover; copper
or aluminum fins collect the heat, which is delivered to the storage tank
by circulating fluids.
Solar Thermal  hot waters
Vacuum tube panels - More efficient so not as many panels are
needed. More expensive than flat plates
Evacuated tube technology is the most efficient, able to gain higher
temperatures and still have good heat production under light to
moderate cloudy conditions. A typical house with 4 people would
require 1 30-tube panel. No water goes through the tubes themselves.
Aplikasi Solar thermal
1. Radiant floor heat: Concrete
floors provide an excellent
storage medium, so a large
solar storage tank is not
2. hot water for household use:
create hot water for showers
for visitors to the campground
at Snow Canyon State Park.
3. Swimming pools/hot tubs
4. Snowmelt
Keunggulan dan kelemahan energi surya

Keunggulan utama solar energy

• Sistem tidak menghasilkan polusi udara dan carbon dioxide
• Sistem mengahasilkan dampak yang minimal terhadap

Kelemahan utama solar energy

• Intensitas radiasi matahari yang tidak konstan . Radiasi
matahari tergantung pada lokasi, waktu, dan iklim
• Energi radiasi matahari yang sampai kepermukaan bumi relatif
kecil. Sehingga membutuhkan permukaan yang luas untuk
mengahasilkan energi yang cukup besar
B. Wind Energy
Apa yang menyebabkan adanya angin ?

Sumber: ESP
Pola pergerakan angin di bumi

Sumber: ESP
Turbin angin
Turbin angin bekerja dengan prinsip yang sederhana. Energi yang
terkandung dalam pergerakan angin akan memutar sudu-
suduyang meneruskannya ke rotor. Rotor tersambung ke main
shaft yang akan memutar generator yang akan menghasilkan
• Keunggulan Energi angin
– Bersih (zero emission: Nox, SO2, CO,CO2)
– Dapat diperbaharui
– Biasa operasional rendah
– Berpotensi besar
• Kelemahan energi angin
– Ketersedian angin yang tidak sepanjang masa
– Ancaman terhadap satwa liar
– Berisik dan merusak estetika
Turbin angin
0.55 MW to 3.6 MW

Wind Turbine components

Classification of wind turbines
• Berdasarkan arah dari rotornya, Turbines dapat diklasifikasi
kedalam dua jenis
– Vertical-axis turbine
– Horizontal-axis turbine
Vertical-Axis turbines

Keunggulan Kelemahan
• Segala arah • Rotors secara umum dekat
dengan tanah, dimana
• Mampu menangkap angin dari arah kecepatan angin rendah
mana saja
• Tekanan pada sudu akibat
• Komponen bisa dipasang pada gaya sentrifugal
permukaan tanah (rendah) • Kemampuan rendah dalam
• Mudah di servis
• Membutuhkan alat
• Tower yang lebih ringan pemegang pada permukaan
atas rotot turbine
• Secara teoritis, bisa
• Seluruh rotor harus dibuka
menggunakan lebih sedikit pada saat penggantian
material untuk menghasilkan bearing
energi yang sama • Secara umum, performance
lebih rendah
Contoh Vertical-Axis turbines
Horizontal-Axis turbines
Intermediate(10-250 kW)
• Village Power
Small (<10 kW)
• Hybrid Systems
• Homes
• Distributed Power
• Farms
• Remote Applications
(e.g., water pumping,
Telecom sites, ice

Large (250 kW-2+ MW)

• Central Station Wind Farms
• Distributed Power
• Schools
Komponen Turbin Angin
Turbine Aerodynamics Sumber: ESP
Wind turbines instalation

Sumber: ESP
Noise by wind turbines
Energy conversion in wind turbines
(mechanical Electricity
(kinetic energy)

Power = 𝟏 × 𝒎 × 𝑽𝟐 𝟏
𝟐 × 𝝆𝑨 × 𝑽𝟑
of wind 𝟐

𝝆×𝑨×𝑽 Proportional to
Density  Swept area
Wind speed of air  Cube of wind speed

Double wind speed

Power increased by 8 times

Sumber: UPPSALA Universitet
Wind power equation (P)

P=ρπr2v3 ● P=1/2*air densidty

● v=Wind speed
ρ=air density ● Cp=Power Coefficient
r=rotor blade radius ● A (Area swept by rotator)=πr2
v=wind speed
C. Bio Energy
Apa itu bio energy ?
• Material biologi yang bersumber dari makhluk hidup
• Yang paling banyak digunakan adalah tumbuh-tumbuhan

Sumber Biomassa
1. Hutan dan sisa pohon-pohonan

• Thinning residues
• Urban wood waste (pallets, crate
discards, wood yard trimmings)
• Wood chips
Apa itu bio energy ?
2. Limbah pertanian 3. Limbah makanan
• Kotoran hewan • Sisa peternakan
– Sapi, Kuda, • Sisa makanan
kambing – Institutions e.g.
• Unggas schools dining halls,
restaurants, hospitals
– Ayam potong,
Kalkun – Grocery stores
• Limbah tanaman • Post consumer
– Jelai, Jagung, – Institutions
Gandum, Beras

4. Municipal waste
• Municipal wastewater
• Garbage - households
Sumber bio energy ?
Komponen bio massa ?

• - framework substance, 30-60 %

• - matrix substance, 20-35 %

• - strengthening component, 15-30
Kenapa menggunakan Bio Energy ?

• Scalable
• Synergies with fossil fuels
• Synergies with wind and solar
• Synergies with sustainable development
• Perhaps better to ask “How?”
Pengolahan biomass
Biomassa perlu dikumpulkan dan dibawa ke pusat biorefinery
In-field hauling
Distances to
gather material

Satellite storage

Hauling to biorefinery
processing center
Alur Pemanfaatan Kayu
Teknologi Biorefinery
 Thermo chemical processes
Direct combustion

 Biochemical processes
Anaerobic digestion

 Mechanical processes

 Chemical processes
Supercritical water conversion
Teknologi Biorefinery

Thermo chemical processes

At high temperature ( >700 ˚C ) whit low oxygen levels to produce
Syngas can produce fuels ( Dimethyl ether , ethanol , Isobutene ,…) or
chemicals ( Alcohols , organic acids , ammonia , methanol and so on )
At intermediate temperatures ( 300-600 ˚C ) in the absence of oxygen
to convert the feedstock in to liquid pyrolytic oil (or bio-oil ) , solid
charcoal and syngas
Direct combustion
Teknologi Biorefinery
Biochemical processes
Microbial and enzymatic process
At lower temperature and reaction rate than Thermo. Process
To convert a fermentable substrate into recoverable products ( Alcohols
or organic acids) whit microorganisms or enzymes
(Ethanol , hydrogen , methanol , succinic acid , …)
Anaerobic digestion
Bacterial breakdown of biodegradable organic material in the absence
of oxygen ( 30-65 ˚C )
Bio gas is the main product (A gas mixture made of methane , CO2 and
other impurities )
Teknologi Biorefinery

Chemical processes
• To depolymerise polysaccharides and proteins in to sugars(e.g. glucose
from cellulose) or chemicals(e.g. levulinic acid from glucose)

 Acid hydrolysis
 Hydrothermal (by use of hot water or supercritical methods)
 Enzymatic hydrolysis

 Attack to chains more efficiently

 High yields of fermentable sugars
 Operation under mild pH & temperature conditions
 Do not create the harsh environment
Pyrolysis: konversi energi biomass

• Konversi termal dari material Feedstock

organik dengan proses oksidasi (Biomass)

• Menghasilkan dekomposisi
(penguraian) thermochemical Drying and size reduction
dari material organik menjadi
campuran (compound)

Cooling, Separation

Char Liquid Gases

Biogass from Biomass
Feedstock 90% less odor
Manure (dairy, swine) Reduce P & K (separation)
N – form bioavailable to plants
On-farm use and/or sold
Water Quality (e.g. reduction in
TECHNOLOGY pathogens, leaching of N)

Locally Made

Farm Power
Power to Grid
REC & Carbon Credits
Other Credits
Tipping Fees

90% less odor
P and K reduced
Adjusted N - better
form, then reduced
Jenis konversi energi Bio ?

• Many different biomass

• Most common residential
application is direct
combustion system
• Direct combustion systems
• Fireplaces
• Heating Stoves
• Air and Air Duct pellet
• Water Boilers

• The two most common types of biofuels

are ethanol and biodiesel.

– Ethanol is an alcohol.
– Ethanol is mostly used as a fuel additive to cut
down a vehicle's carbon monoxide and other
smog-causing emissions.

• Advantages
– Easy to source
– Renewable
– Reduces greenhouse gases
– Reduced dependence on foreign energy
• Disadvantages
– Higher cost of production (lower supply than gasoline)
– Monoculture
– Shortage of food
– Water Use
Efek samping Bio Energy ?
– Air Pollution (Boiler, Fermenter, Storage, etc.)
– Wastewater (Distillation/Dehydration, Air Pollution Control, Cooling Tower)
– Solid Waste (Unreacted solids, Ash, etc.)

(National Academies, 2008)

D. Tidal Energy

• Tides are caused mostly by gravitational forces exerted by the

moon (partially by the sun – 45% of moon)
– There should be two high tides, and two low per day, but what
actually occurs is impacted by land masses
– Also there is also monthly variation caused by the lunar cycle
• Tidal heights can variety quite widely with the region
with Bay of Fundy in
Canada have tides of
16.3 m; other places
have tides of less than
one meter; quite predictable and reliable
Tidal Energy

• Tidal Stream Generator

– Menggunakan energi kinetik dari perubahan pergerakan air yang
menggerakan turbin,
• Tidal Barrage
– Menggunakan energi potensial dari beda ketinggian antara saat
pasang dan saat surut
Tidal Power, Stream Turbin

• Tidal stream generators (TSGs) function much like underwater

wind turbines, but since water is 800 times denser than water,
they are obviously not as large.
• If the turbine is open (not in a duct) then there is no pressure
change, and the Betz limit applies; with enclosed hydro there is a
duct and an associated pressure drop, so efficiency is much higher
than 59.3%
• Commercial solutions are now becoming available, including the
Alstom Oceade18 1.4 MW, 3 blade machine with an 18 m rotor
• Four of these are
being installed for a test
project in France,
operational in 2017
Tidal Energy

• Advantages
– Clean fuel source compared to fossil fuels
– Domestic source of energy
• Disadvantages
– Tidal power can have effects on marine life.
• The turbines can accidentally kill swimming sea life with the
rotating blades.
• Some fish may no longer utilize the area if threatened with a
constant rotating or noise-making object.
• Installing a barrage may change the shoreline within the
bay or estuary, affecting a large ecosystem that depends on tidal
E. Wave energy

Wave energy (or wave power) is the transport and capture of

energy by ocean surface waves. The energy captured is then used
for all different kinds of useful work, including electricity generation,
water desalination, and pumping of water. Wave energy is also a
type of renewable energy and is the largest estimated global
resource form of ocean energy.
Wave energy
• Advantages
– Clean fuel source compared to fossil fuels
– Domestic source of energy
• Disadvantages
– Tidal power can have effects on marine life.
• The turbines can accidentally kill swimming sea life with the
rotating blades.
• Some fish may no longer utilize the area if threatened with a
constant rotating or noise-making object.
• Installing a barrage may change the shoreline within the
bay or estuary, affecting a large ecosystem that depends on tidal
Wave energy
• Advantages
– Renewable
– Environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuel energy
– Variety of designs to use
– Less energy dependence from foreign governments
• Disadvantages
– Can affect the marine environment
– May disturb private or commercial shipping
– Dependent on wavelength for best operation
– Poor performance in rough weather
– Visual/noise issues
Wave energy

Energy Transfer In Ocean Waves Is Similar To Wind Waves

• The kinetic energy of an ocean wave (transverse wave) turns a

turbine attached to a generator, which produces electricity.
• The kinetic energy of a wind wave (transverse and longitudinal wave)
turns a turbine attached to a generator, which produces electricity.
• Waves can travel (or “propagate”) long distances across the open
oceans with very little loss in energy.
• Wave energy converts the movement of the ocean waves into
electricity by placing equipment on the surface of the oceans
• The equipment uses motion of the waves to convert the mechanical
energy into electricity by using a generator.
Parts of The ocean wave device

• Amplitude of an ocean wave depends on the weather conditions,

the amplitude of a smooth wave, or swell, will be small in calm
weather but much larger in stormy weather.
• The wave period (T) is the distance between each successive crest,
or trough. The period is the time in seconds between each crest of
the wave.
• The reciprocal of this time ( 1/T ) gives us the fundamental
frequency of the ocean wave.
Technology of ocean wave conversion

1. Point Absorbers
• Small vertical devices
that absorb the waves
energy from all
• Convert the up-and-
down pitching motion
of the waves into
rotary, or oscillatory,
movements in a
variety of devices to
generate electricity.
Technology of ocean wave conversion

2. Wave Attenuators (also known as

“linear absorbers”)
• Long horizontal semi-submerged snake-
like devices that are parallel to the
direction of the waves.
• Wave motion of the device is used to
move a hydraulic piston, called a ram,
forcing high pressure oil through a
hydraulic turbine generator producing
Technology of ocean wave conversion
3. Oscillating Water Column
• A partly submerged
chamber fixed directly at
the shoreline which
converts wave energy into
air pressure.
• Waves enter and exit the
chamber pushing the air
above the surface of the
water back and forth.
• The air movement is
channeled through a wind
turbine generator to
produce electricity.
Technology of ocean wave conversion
4. Overtopping Devices (also
known as “spill-over” devices)
• Fixed or floating structures
that use ramps and tapered
sides positioned
perpendicular to the waves.
• The sea waves are driven up
the ramp and over the sides
filling-up a small reservoir
which is located above sea
• The water inside the reservoir
is then returned back to the
sea through a turbine
generator to produce
F. Geothermal energy

(geo = earth and thermal = heat),

geothermal energy comes from heat
produced by the Earth.

• Direct geothermal energy can be accessed in areas where hot

springs/geothermal reservoirs are near the surface of the
• Geothermal heat pumps utilizes a series of underground
pipes, an electric compressor and a heat exchanger to absorb
and transfer heat.
• Geothermal power plants also harness the heat of the Earth
through hot water and steam. In these plants, heat is used to
generate electricity.
Geothermal energy
• Advantages
– Renewable energy
– Cleaner than burning fossil fuels
• Disadvantages
– Cost of drilling, researching proper areas
– Requires a suitable location
Geothermal Power

• Most electricity is generated by converting heat into mechanical

energy to electricity
– Coal, gas, nuclear, solar thermal, geothermal
• Thermal efficiency is defined as
Net work output W
 
Total heat input QH
• Net work output is difference
between heat in and heat out
QH  W  QC
Q  QC Q
 H  1 C
Geothermal Power Technologies
• Various technologies are used for moving the heat from
underground to the surface; there are few locations in which dry
steam is available
– Dry steam has no micro drops of liquid water in it
Sistem Instalasi (Grid)

Historical Grid  “Smart” Grid 75

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