Materi Firman - Keynote Speech IAPI - ICAEW

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Keynote Speech

Head of Finance Profession Supervisory Center

Firmansyah N. Nazaroedin
IAPI – ICAEW Joint Panel Discussion,
Feb 2nd 2021

“Improving Audit Quality and

Culture During Covid-19 and
The cost of handling the impact of covid-19 is prepared through the National Economic
Recovery (PEN) program of IDR 695,2 trillion or 4.2% of GDP

Business Incentives
as reported by 1 February 2021 IDR 120,61 billion
Ministries/agencies and
local governments 5
1,07 million IDR 106,11 billion
Total cases Cooperative Financing
IDR 53,57 billion
863 thousand MSMEs
Recovered 3
IDR 123,46 billion
Social Protection
29,72 thousand 2
IDR 203,90 billion

Deaths Health
IDR 87,55 billion

‘’The momentum for ongoing economic improvement needs to be maintained and continue
including vaccination programs, social assistance, and national economic recovery’’

Source: press conference of 2020 State Budget Realization & KPC PEN
PPPK Response to covid-19 for The Accounting Professions

Before After Before After Online Learning

PPPK has also provided

online learning through
webinars that are
routinely held live on the
PPPK YouTube channel

Providing online services to displace face-to-face The inspection now switched to using telephone, We always try our best to ensure
service and restricting a hard copy canalization, email, video conference, using e-signatures and that this pandemic situation
so the licensing submission or other utilities can other electronic media while still referring to the makes PPPK perform more
be carried out properly applicable laws and regulations, inspecting effectively and efficiently
guidelines and standard operating procedures
governing the inspection of accounting profession
The Accounting Profession Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

Accountant Practices

• Press Release - The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of PSAK 68 Fair
Value Measurement;
• Press Release - The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of PSAK 8
Events after the Reporting Period and PSAK 71 Financial Instruments;
• Press Release - The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Implementation of ISAK 102
Impairment of Murabahah Receivables2; and
• In terms of audit implementation by Public Accountants, IAPI has published a Technical News
Flash: Auditor Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, it is stated that there are several things
that need to be considered during an audit during a pandemic period.

‘’Accounting professions always be responsive and agile in the

face of changes that will always come to pass’’
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent
that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
-Charles Darwin-

Thank You

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