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Subject Description: The course introduces students to basic concepts, subjects, and methods of inquiry in the disciplines that comprise the Social Sciences. It
then discusses influential thinkers and ideas in these disciplines, and relates these ideas to the Philippine setting and current global trends.

This point, the teacher will determine the level of achieved knowledge and skills of the learners in this lesson by making a slogan, poster, poem, song,
video, vlogging , and etc. on how you emphasize your concerns in today’s society by using different concepts of the three major social science theories. Do the
activity on a separate bond paper. This is the rubrics for your poem and song.
GOAL: Using various ideas from the three main social science theories, students are to create a slogan, poster, poem, song, film, vlog, or any other creative
media that highlights issues in today's society in order to exhibit the knowledge and abilities they have learned in the lesson.
ROLE: Students/writers/artist
AUDIENCE: The instructor
SITUATION: Students are expected to demonstrate how well they comprehend social science theories and how they apply them to contemporary societal
concerns. On a different piece of bond paper, they will design a creative project (slogan, poster, poem, song, movie, vlogging, etc.) that uses ideas from the three
main social science theories to emphasize societal issues (e.g., functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism).
PROCESS: An artistic endeavor displayed on a distinct piece of paper.

Focused on assigned topic The entire poem is related to Most of the poem is related to Some of the poem is related No attempt has been made to
the assigned topic and allows the assigned topic. The poem to the assigned topic, but a relate the poem to the
the reader to understand wanders off at one point, but reader does not learn much assigned topic.
much more about the topic. the reader can still learn about the topic.
something about the topic.
Creativity The poem contains many The poem contains a few The poem contains a few There is little evidence of
creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or creativity in the poem. The
descriptions that contribute to descriptions that contribute to
descriptions, but they distract author does not seem to have
the reader's enjoyment. The the reader's enjoyment. The from the poem. The author used much imagination
author has really used his author has used This has tried to use his
imagination. imagination imagination
Spelling and punctuation There are no spelling or There is one spelling or There are 2-3 spelling and The final draft has more than
punctuation errors in the final punctuation error in the finalpunctuation errors in the final 3 spelling and punctuation
draft. draft. draft errors.
Title Title is creative, sparks Title is related to the poem Title is present but does not No title.
interest and is related to the and topic. appear to be related to the
poem and topic. poem and topic.
Imagery Many vivid, descriptive words Some vivid. descriptive words The reader can figure out The reader has trouble
are used. The reader can are used. The reader can what to picture in the poem, figuring out what imagery the
picture the imagery in the somewhat picture the imagery but didn’t supply much poem is using and what the
poem. in the poem. details. author wants him/her to



CONTENT Highest Thinking Skills to

CONTENT The learners Learning Assessment Teaching
demonstrate an The learners Activity Task Strategies
understanding shall be able
of… to…
1. define Social Essay
EMERGENCE OF THE Sciences as the Quiz
SOCIAL SCIENCES study of society Discussion and
2. distinguish video
1. Defining Social Sciences Social and presentation Class
as the study of The emergence Connect the Natural Interaction
society of the disciplines Sciences and and
2. Introducing the Social Sciences with their Humanities Participation
disciplines within the and the historical and 3. compare and
Social Sciences different social contrast the Class activity
2.1. Anthropology disciplines foundations various Social
2.2. Economics Science Representation
2.3. Geography disciplines and Discussion Recitation Communication
2.4. History their fields, main
2.5. Linguistics areas of inquiry, Quarterly
2.6. Political Science and methods exam
2.7. Psychology 4. trace the
2.8. Sociology and historical
Demography foundations and
3. Historical context of the social contexts
emergence of each that led to the
discipline development of
each discipline
The students must write an essay about violation of rights and dignity

GOAL: To write an essay on the violation of rights and dignity providing some evidence and examples.
ROLE: Student/writer
AUDIENCE: Teacher and classmates
SITUATIONS: The student must write an essay that contain a real world examples and analyzation about violation of rights and dignity.
PROCESS: The essay must be a well constructed in a organized and have some evidence and examples regarding to the topic.

Category Very Good Good Fair

5 points 4 points 1 point
The paper answers all the questions The paper answers several of the The paper does not
Addressing the Issue provided. The author cites specific questions provided. The author answer the questions
references to the primary sources. makes one or two references to the provided. The author
primary sources. makes no references to
the primary resources.
The author has a clear voice in this The paper is hard to follow at times The paper is disorganized
essay. The paper is well organized and the author seems unclear. The and hard to follow. The
Style and focused. The author uses author uses limited sentence and writing lacks any variety.
sentences and word variety. The word variety. The title has a The author does not title
paper also has a specific and unique generalized title. the paper.
The author makes no spelling or The author makes some spelling or The author makes several
Mechanics grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes. spelling or grammar


CONTENT Highest Thinking Skills to

The learners COMPETENCY Teaching
demonstrate an The learners Learning Assessment Strategies
understanding shall be able Activity Task
of… to…
1. Structural-
DOMINANT 1.1. Structuralism Discussion Learner
APPROACHES AND 1.2. determine Oral centered
IDEAS Part 1 Interpret personal manifest and Recitation
Key concepts and latent Communicate
and social functions and Quiz
1. Structural-Functionalism approaches in experiences dysfunctions of
2. Marxism the Social using sociocultural Class
3. Symbolic Interactionism Sciences relevant phenomena Interaction
4. Psychoanalysis approaches in the 2. Marxism and
Social Sciences analyze social Participation
inequalities in
terms of class Class activity
Evaluate the conflict
strengths and 3. Symbolic
weaknesses of Interactionism Discussion Quarterly
the appraise the exam Reading
approach meanings that materials or
people attach to Essay PowerPoint
everyday forms of
interaction in order Questioning
to explain social
4. Psychoanalysis Recitation
analyze the
of the
personality in
terms of Id, Ego,
and Superego

5. Rational Choice
predict the social Sharing
DOMINANT consequences of Discussion
APPROACHES AND decision making PowerPoint
IDEAS Part 2 Key concepts Interpret personal based on scarcity
and approaches and social 6. Institutionalism Reading
6. Rational Choice in the Social experiences using examine the Questioning materials
7. Institutionalism Sciences relevant constitutive nature
8. Feminist Theory approaches in the of informal and
9. Hermeneutical Social Sciences formal institutions Essay
Phenomenology and
10. Human-Environment Evaluate the their actors and
Systems strengths and how it constrains Oral
weaknesses of the social behavior Recitation
approach 7. Feminist Theory
determine the
gender ideology
and gender
8. Hermeneutical
analyze Written
significance of exercise
data ( answering
9. Human- the guide
Environment questions ) Video clip
Systems analysis
9.1. distinguish the Writing essay PowerPoint
ways by which
human- Poems
interactions Problem
shape cultural and solving
9.2. interpret
thematic and
mental maps
to understand
changes and an
individual’s sense
of place
9.3. explain
environmental and
social issues
through the
analysis of spatial
distributions and
spatial processes

Your task is to give your point of view on the following instances: Write a “Reflection Paper” on one (1) topic. Choose only one. Submit it in print/encoded in
a scrapbook/folder/portfolio. Create your own title.
A) Importance of Pantayong Pananaw in teaching/learning Social Science subjects/courses.
B) Significance of the Filipino language in Filipino Psychology.
C) Maintaining our Filipino psychological thoughts in our daily living, promoting the common good, protecting the disadvantaged or unrepresented group,
patriotism, nationality, and freedom.
GOAL: the students will write a reflection paper to give their point of view regarding to the topic they choose.
ROLE: Student/writer
AUDIENCE: The teacher
SITUATION: The students will create their own topic base on the instances above and write a reflection paper about it.
PROCESS: The reflection paper must explained the topic, discuss, and use a critical thinking when writing a reflection paper.


(98-100 Points) (94-97 Points) (85- 93 Points) (80-84 Points)

When all the possible ideas/concepts When there are 80% of the possible When there are 50% of the possible When there are 50% of the possible
were evident, explained, and properly ideas/concepts were evident/properly ideas/concepts that were evident but ideas/concepts that were evident but
discussed; analysis or critical thinking discussed/analyzed/critical thinking of not discussed/analyzed/critical not discussed/analyzed/critical
of the learner was applied. the learner was applied. thinking was not so applied by the thinking was not so applied by the
learner. learner.


CONTENT Highest Thinking Skills to

The learners Learning Assessment Teaching
demonstrate an The learners Activity Task Strategies
understanding shall be able
of… to…
1. examine the
INDIGENIZING THE social ideas of
SOCIAL SCIENCES Filipino PowerPoint
Carry out an thinkers starting presentation
1. Filipino Social Thinkers Key concepts in exploration of from Isabelo de Creating a
2. Institute of Philippine the Social personal and Los Reyes, project Communication
Culture’s study on Sciences rooted social Jose Rizal, and portfolio
Philippine values in Filipino experiences other Filipino Discussion
3. Sikolohiyang Pilipino language/s and using indigenous intellectuals Oral recitation
4. Pantayong Pananaw experiences concepts 2. value the role Asking
of interpersonal
relations in Internalizing
Philippine the
culture importance of
3. evaluate the
person’s indigenous
personality values
using the and concepts
core values of relating with
Sikolohiyang fellow
Pilipino Filipinos
4. explain the
significance of Quiz
using a
language for Class
discourse Interaction
5. critique and
dominant Participation
using Class activity
perspectives Write a


Use a long bond paper in making your poster, poem or jingle composition.
1. Cite an example of a social problem in your community
2. Describe it through poster, poem or through a jingle (just choose one).
3. Be guided by the rubric below for this activity.

GOAL: The students will make a poem, poster, or jingle composition in the long bond paper.
ROLE: writer
AUDIENCE: the students and the teacher
SITUATION: the students will choose one of what they are prefer poem, jingle, or poster for them to cite some examples the social problem in their community.
PROCESS: they will choose one on how can they show the social problems in the community. It must be organized and the content of the topic is clear to the
readers. Their work is guided by the rubrics below.

Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning

(5pts) (4pts) Proficiency (2pts) (1pt)
Content Content surmounts Content reaches Content is near the Content is beyond the Content is very basic
anticipation. Treatment expected result. expected result. expected result. Details and lacks in-depth
of details is advanced Treatment of details is Treatment of details are in the developing analysis.
and in depth. of good quality. with some shallow phase and very shallow.
Organization and Style The structure of the The structure of the The structure of the The structure of the Structure are
poster, poem and jingle poster, poem and jingle poster, poem and jingle poster, poem and jingle unorganized and not
writing are highly writing are somewhat writing are somewhat writing not too coherent with the topic.
organized and shows organized and coherent organized and coherent. organized and coherent. There are no variety in
coherence. There are are obvious. There are There are somehow a There are little variety in structure and subject
variety in style which variety in style which variety in style which structure and subject. matter.
makes the poster, poem makes the poster, poem makes the poster, poem
and jingle writing very and jingle writing and jingle writing good.
impressive. impressive.
Grammar There are no spelling There are 1-3 errors in There are 4-6 errors in There are 7-10 errors in There are more than 10
errors in the theme. spelling. spelling. spelling. errors in spelling.


Highest Thinking Skills to

The learners Learning Assessment Strategies
demonstrate an The learners shall Activity Task
understanding be able
of… to…
SOCIAL SCIENCES IN 1. determine how
THE REAL WORLD Social Science
can be used Quiz PowerPoint
1. Professions Illustrate situations to address social
2. Applications and The role of and concerns Discussion Lecture materials
intersections of the Social Science contexts in which 2. recognize multi Class
approaches in addressing in the real world Social disciplinarity Presenting a Interaction
social problems Science can be and/or video and
applied interdisciplinarity Participation
as an approach
to looking at Class
society activity
3. generate an
analysis of a
social Recitation
using at least two Quarterly
approaches from exam
the Social

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