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principally driven by resource acquisition

Interaction Competition Consumption Cooperation

Cost/benefit Cost to both species Benefit to consumer Benefit to both

cost to consumed or at least no cost to one

Type Herbivory Predation Parasitism/ Symbiosis Commensalism

Pathogens (facilitation)

Model Lotka-Volterra Tilman Lotka- SI Models

Volterra of infectious disease

Principal Interspecific > Each species Plant defences Periodic Size of S

Indication Intraspecific limited by a solution relative to
for different resource threshold
competitive allows density (ST)
exclusion coexistence


Missing Effect of other species Effect of other prey, predators;

Detail (predators, parasites), time; Numerical and functional responses
Cannot explain prevalence of –satiation, handling times.
coexistence in some ecosystems Animal defences.

Realized and fundamental niches Optimal foraging theory

character displacement

All examples of co-evolution

© Oxford University Press, 2012. All rights reserved.

Ch. 5 Interactions between Species

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