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Effective date: August 8th, 2023

End date: December 30th, 2023


1. Complete "The complete 2023 Web Development bootcamp"

by Angela Yu - Conditions as follows:

1. Complete all the courses

2. Complete all the projects and save them
3. Projects must be working fully without any coding errors

2. Complete Daily Calories (800 cal per day)

Failure to fulfill condition #1 will be penalized for below:

1. If one of us fail to complete, whoever fails will be E-

transferring $1000 at the end of December 30th, 2023

2. If both of us fail, both have to walk 20KM. (Needs to be

tracked with apple watch)

Failure to fulfill condition #2 Will be penalized for below;

1. Whoever completes the least will have to run half marathon


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