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Patient’s ID & Sex 232154, M Patient’s Name ANDREW KITUU MUTUNGA, 073Y

Accession No undefined Referred By DR NDONYE

Study Date 24-May-2024 Reporting Date 24-May-2024
Examination CR CHEST
Technique PA view

Comparison: No available studies for comparison.


• Cardiomegaly is noted, with bilateral prominent vascular markings, for further assessment.
• No focal lesions. Normal tracheobronchial tree.
• Mediastinum: Central. No hilar lymphadenopathy.
• Pleural spaces: Clear both costophrenic angles.
• The Diaphragm: Normal position and configuration of both diaphragmatic copulae.
• Osseous structures: Normal bony thorax.


• Cardiomegaly is noted, with bilateral prominent vascular markings, for further assessment.

Dr. Marwa Elsayed Abd-Allah, MSc

Validated by:
Dr.Jackton Henry Odongo Wanga.
Consultant Radiologist
Reg no: A2321

This Report is provided by Rology Medical Kenya Ltd – Page pageNumber
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Patient’s ID & Sex 232154, M Patient’s Name ANDREW KITUU MUTUNGA, 073Y
Accession No undefined Referred By DR NDONYE
Study Date 24-May-2024 Reporting Date 24-May-2024
Technique AP view in standing position.

Comparison: No available studies for comparison.


• Bowel gas pattern:

◦ Multiple dilated bowel loops, suspecting intestinal obstruction, for further assessment.
◦ No free air noted within the abdomen.

• Bones: Normal osseous features of the lumbar spine.

• No abnormal para-vertebral soft tissue shadows.


• Multiple dilated bowel loops, suspecting intestinal obstruction, for further assessment.

Dr. Marwa Elsayed Abd-Allah, MSc

Validated by:
Dr.Jackton Henry Odongo Wanga.
Consultant Radiologist
Reg no: A2321

This Report is provided by Rology Medical Kenya Ltd – Page pageNumber
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