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Learner’s worksheet

–A job

Catalina Narvaez Morales 2328203-3340

Worksheet 1

• What can you see in the pictures?
• Write useful words in the boxes below each picture.
• Think about the job interview process. Put the pictures into the best order.

a. APPLY(3)


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Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job

d. HIRE (5) e. CREATE (2)

Worksheet 2

Task 2 – Comprehension
• Look at sentences 1-7 in the table below. Write TRUE or FALSE in the boxes below.


1. She emailed her application FALSE. She sent everything in the

form and CV. post.

2. She got a telephone call to FALSE, she received an email.

invite her for an interview.

3. She wanted to look clean, tidy False, she wanted to seem smart.
and stylish for the interview.

4. She wanted the people at the True, she wanted to make a good
interview to have a good impression.
opinion of her.

5. They asked her about the False, they asked you about your
things she can do well. work experience and skills.
© British
Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job

6. She had to do some writing True, she had to complete

(e.g. forms) at the interview. paperwork.

7. She is not excited about False, she waits to be called.

hearing from the interviewers
in the future.

Worksheet 3

Task 3 - Read the transcript of the video called – ‘A job interview’.

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Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job

1 A few weeks ago, I saw an advert in a newspaper for a job I

2 really wanted. I filled out the application form, wrote my CV

3 and sent everything off in the post. A few days later I

4 received an email to invite me for an interview. I was so

5 excited, but very nervous.

6 I wanted to look really smart for the interview. I wore a

smart suit with a white shirt and my shiny, red shoes. I
wanted to make a good impression. At the interview they
8 asked me lots of questions. They asked me about my
9 previous work experience and skills that I've got for the
job. I also had to fill out some paperwork. I was
wellprepared, so I think it went well. Afterwards, the
11 interviewers shook my hand and said, “We’ll be in touch.” I
am looking forward to hearing from them!



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Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job
Worksheet 4

Task 4 – Vocabulary

• Complete the table below with words and phrases from Worksheet 3.

Words and phrases which mean the

(words in bold)

1. next Afterwards

2. ready for the situation prepared

3. jacket and trousers/ skirt suit

4. worried nervous

5. contact you get in touch

6. past jobs previous work experience

7. completed filled out

8. a notice/ announcement advertisement

9. Curriculum Vitae resume

© British
Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job

Worksheet 5
Task 5 – Grammar
• Write down the past tense of the verbs provided – you can find all the answers in the
transcript on Worksheet 2

1. wanted
2. filled out
3. wrote
4. sent
5. received
6. wore
7. asked
8. had to
9. went
10. shook hands

© British
Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job

Task 5a - Past simple writing practice

• Work with a partner to write a short story using all 10 verbs.

• Use the past simple tense.

Sarah clutched the envelope, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs.
Inside, a crisp letter held her future. Weeks ago, she had wanted (want) nothing
more than to escape her dead-end retail job. So, with a surge of determination, she
had filled out (fill out) an application for a graphic design internship at a local

© British
Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job
marketing agency. She had carefully written (write) a cover letter, highlighting her
design skills honed through countless late nights. Finally, she had sent (send) it off,
hope battling with a knot of anxiety in her stomach.

Days bled into weeks, and Sarah started to believe her dream had vanished without a
trace. Then, yesterday, she had received (receive) the email. An interview! Relief
washed over her, quickly replaced by a fresh wave of nerves. Today was the day.

She had worn (wear) her lucky charm necklace, a silver star pendant her grandmother
had gifted her. Taking a deep breath, she entered the sleek office building. The
receptionist, a woman with a kind smile, directed her to the conference room. Sarah
took a seat, fiddling with the strap of her bag.

The door opened, and two people entered. One, a man with a friendly demeanor,
introduced himself as Mr. Jones, the creative director. The other, a young woman
with bright eyes, was Sarah's potential supervisor, Emily.

The interview flew by in a whirlwind of questions and answers. Sarah asked (ask)
insightful questions about the agency's work, showcasing her genuine interest. Mr.
Jones seemed impressed, and Emily's smile widened with each of Sarah's responses.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the interview ended (end).

Mr. Jones shook hands (shake hands) with Sarah and said, "Thank you for coming in.
We'll be in touch." Sarah left the building, a mix of emotions swirling within her. But
this time, there was a flicker of hope, brighter than any star.
Worksheet 6

Task 6 – Conversation at a job interview

• Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions someone could
ask you in a job interview.

© British
Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job

a. nice/ Good afternoon,/ to/ you./ meet/

Good afternoon, nice to meet you.

b. in touch./ Thank you/ We’ll be/ for coming today.

Thank you for coming today. We'll be in touch.

c. got/ any questions?/ Have you

Have you got any questions?

d. your/ tell us/ you/ previous work experience, /Can/ about/ please.
Can you tell us about your previous work experience, please?

e. in a team?/ you/ Do / work well

Do you work well in a team?

f. start?/ could/ When / you

When could you start?

g. this job?/ you want/ Why/ do

Why do you want this job?

h. a few questions./ would/ to ask/ We/ you/ like

We would like to ask you a few questions.

i. have you got/ help you/ What skills/ that/ in this job?/ would
What skills do you have that would help you in this job?

j. £10.50 per hour/ Sundays. / and work / Wednesdays to / You'll get

You'll get £10.50 per hour and work Wednesdays to Sundays.

Worksheet 7

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Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job
Task 7
• Complete the job interview conversation.
• Write the interviewer's questions from Worksheet 6 (a-i) in the correct places.

Interviewer: Good afternoon, nice to meet you.

Interviewee: Hello. Nice to meet you, too.
Interviewer: We would like to ask you a few questions.
Interviewee: Ok, great. I’ll do my best to answer them.
Interviewer: Can you tell us about your previous work experience, please?
Interviewee: Yes, of course. I am unemployed at the moment, but my last job was at
a supermarket. I worked there for 18 months. Before that, I worked as
a cleaner at a school.
Interviewer: What skills do you have that would help you in this job?
Interviewee: I’m very organised and always on time. I have good people skills and I
am polite. I can cook and I have a certificate in food safety.
Interviewer: Why do you want this job?
Interviewee: I would like the job because this is a good organisation to work for. I
like meeting people and talking to customers. Also, I can work at lunch
times and in the evenings – the hours are good for me.
Interviewer: Do you work well in a team?
Interviewee: Yes. I like working together with other people.
Interviewer: Have you got any questions?
Interviewee: Straight away!
Interviewer: When could you start?
Interviewee: Yes. How much will I get paid per hour? Which days will I have to
Interviewer: You'll get £10.50 per hour and work Wednesdays to Sundays.

Interviewee: Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Council 2014
Learner’s worksheet
–A job
Interviewer: Thank you for coming today. We'll be in touch.

• What job do you think the interview is for?

For a cook.

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Council 2014

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