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Mujiburrahim Bin Hayudin

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of


Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies


January 2024

I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is my own except for quotations and summaries
which have been duly acknowledged.

Date: 11 January 2024 Signature :

Name : Mujiburrahim Bin
Matric No : 1213270
Address : Jalan Masjid,
Kampung Getah,
91207, Kunak, Sabah


‫ نبينا حممد وعلى آله وصحبه‬، ‫احلمد هللا رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على أشرف األنبياء واملرسلني‬
:‫ أما بعد‬،‫أمجعني‬

Thanks to Allah (SWT) through his love and guidance, I have completed this
research as one of my contributions to Islamic society. May Allah (SWT) bless this work
and make it beneficial to ummah.
My highest appreciation and gratitude go to my main supervisor for this research
project, Ustaz Muhammad Toriq Bin Yaacob, who gave great commitment, guidance,
teaching, tolerance, and continuous support that enabled me to complete my research
successfully. My gratitude is also extended for his encouragement, advice, criticism, and
guidance. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Dean, the faculty of Quranic and
Sunnah Studies, and the lecturers who have assisted me in my studies at USIM.
I would like to thank my parents, Mr. Hayudin bin Mende and Mrs. Siti Fatonah
binti Wagijo, for their endless support in various aspects. Not to be forgotten is my gratitude
towards all my close friends and also the extended family members that have continuously
supported me. Lastly, I wish to extend my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has
given their cooperation and has assisted me directly or indirectly in the success of this
research. Thank you very much. Only Allah could repay your kindness. May Allah bless
all of you.


Alam sekitar serta semua komponen-komponen yang berada di dalam bumi ini seperti
udara, air, tanah, organisma-organisma dan lain-lain adalah salah satu anugerah tuhan.
Anugerah yang sangat besar nilainya ini telah menjadi sebuah keperluan kepada setiap
umat manusia. Hal ini kerana manusia sangat bergantung harap dan menggunakan sumber
alam sekitar dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Namun begitu, sumber alam sekitar yang
digunakan ini bukanlah bersifat kekal, bahkan semakin berkurangan dan tidak mampu
menampung kegunaan orang ramai di seluruh pelusuk dunia akibat aktiviti-aktiviti manusia
yang merosakkan alam sekitar. Kepentingan alam sekitar amat dititik beratkan di kehidupan
generasi hari ini. Begitu juga menurut pandangan dan ajaran agama Islam yang sangat
mementingkan alam sekitar. Objektif utrama kajian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan
perbandingan diantara sudut pandang agama Islam tentang perlindungan alam sekitar
dengan dasar-dasar dan strategi-strategi pelindungan alam sekitar. Kajian ini adalah kajian
kualitatif. Semasa proses pengumpulan data, teknik kajian yang telah digunakan sepanjang
tempoh kajian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Beberapa kaedah yang digunakan dalam proses
mengumpul maklumat tentang kajian, seperti analisis dokumen menggunakan manual,
Google Scholar, dan Mendeley. Seterusnya, data kajian dapat dikumpul menggunakan
kaedah kajian perpustakaan. Hasil kajian yang didapati adalah sudut pandang Islam
berkenaan perlindungan alam sekitar dengan strategi-strategi dan dasar-dasar perlindungan
alam sekitar amat berkait rapat dan mirip antara satu sama yang lain. Namun, dapat
dibezakan dua komponen ini hanya pada faktor asal-usul, Sejarah, dan tujuan pelaksanaan.
Implikasi kajian ini akan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kepentingan perlidungan alam
sekitar menurut sudut pandang Islam, strategi-strategi serta dasar-dasar perlindungan alam


The environment and all the components that are on this earth, such as air, water, soil,
organisms, and others, are one of the gifts of God. This very valuable gift has become a
necessity for every human being. This is because humans are very dependent on and use
environmental resources in their daily lives. However, the environmental resources that are
used are not permanent; they are even decreasing and are not able to support the use of
people in every corner of the world due to human activities that damage the environment.
The importance of the environment is emphasised in the lives of today's generation.
Likewise, the same goes according to the views and teachings of the Islamic religion, which
is very concerned about the environment. The main objective of this study is to obtain a
comparison between the Islamic religious point of view on environmental protection and
the policies and strategies of environmental protection. This is a qualitative study. During
the data collection process, the research technique that has been used throughout the period
of this study is descriptive analysis. Some of the methods used in the process of collecting
information about the study are document analysis using manuals, Google Scholar, and
Mendeley. All the research data that has been collected uses library research methods. The
results of the study found that the Islamic point of view regarding environmental protection
and the strategies and policies of environmental protection are closely related and similar
to each other. However, these two components can be distinguished only by the factors of
origin, history, and purpose of implementation. The implications of this study will increase
the understanding of the importance of environmental protection according to the Islamic
point of view, strategies, and environmental protection policies.


‫إن البيئة ومجيع املكوانت املوجودة على هذه األرض من اهلواء واملاء والرتبة والكائنات احلية وغريها هي من‬
‫عطااي هللا‪ .‬هذه اهلدية القيمة جدا أصبحت ضرورة لكل إنسان‪ .‬وذلك ألن البشر يعتمدون بشكل كبري على‬
‫املوارد البيئية ويستخدموهنا يف حياهتم اليومية‪ .‬ومع ذلك‪ ،‬فإن املوارد البيئية املستخدمة ليست دائمة؛ بل إهنا‬
‫تتناقص وغري قادرة على دعم استخدام الناس يف كل ركن من أركان العامل بسبب األنشطة البشرية اليت تضر‬
‫ابلبيئة‪ .‬يتم التأكيد على أ مهية البيئة يف حياة جيل اليوم‪ .‬وكذلك احلال ابلنسبة آلراء وتعاليم الدين اإلسالمي‬
‫الذي يهتم كثرياً ابلبيئة‪ .‬اهلدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة هو احلصول على مقارنة بني وجهة النظر الدينية‬
‫اإلسالمية بشأن محاية البيئة وسياسات واسرتاتيجيات محاية البيئة‪ .‬هذه دراسة نوعية‪ .‬أثناء عملية مجع البياانت‪،‬‬
‫فإن أسلوب البحث الذي مت استخدامه طوال فرتة هذه الدراسة هو التحليل الوصفي‪ .‬ومن األساليب املستخدمة‬
‫يف عملية مجع املعلومات حول الدراسة حتليل املستندات ابستخدام األدلة‪ ،‬و ‪،Google Scholar‬‬
‫و‪ .Mendeley‬مجيع بياانت البحث اليت مت مجعها تستخدم أساليب البحث املكتيب‪ .‬وتوصلت نتائج‬
‫الدراسة إىل أن وجهة النظر اإلسالمية فيما يتعلق حبماية البيئة واسرتاتيجيات وسياسات محاية البيئة ترتبط‬
‫ارتباطا وثيقا وتتشابه مع بعضها البعض‪ .‬ومع ذلك‪ ،‬ال ميكن التمييز بني هذين املكونني إال من خالل عوامل‬
‫املنشأ والتاريخ والغرض من التنفيذ‪ .‬ومن شأن مضامني هذه الدراسة أن تزيد من فهم أمهية محاية البيئة وفقا‬
‫لوجهة النظر اإلسالمية واالسرتاتيجيات وسياسات محاية البيئة‪.‬‬


AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ............................................................................................ 1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. 2
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 4
AL-MULAKHKHAS .......................................................................................................... 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 8
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Background of the Study .......................................................................................... 11
1.3 Problem Statement ................................................................................................... 14
1.4 Research Question .................................................................................................... 16
1.5 Objective of the Study .............................................................................................. 17
1.6 The Significance of the Study .................................................................................. 17
1.7 Scope of the Study.................................................................................................... 19
1.8 Operational Definitions ............................................................................................ 20
1.8.1 Environmental protection .................................................................................. 20
1.8.2 Environmental protection strategy and policy ................................................... 20
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................... 22
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 22
2.2 The Environmental Protection Policies and Strategies ............................................ 22
2.3 People's Awareness of Environmental Protection .................................................... 26
2.4 The Role of Law in Reinforcing Environmental Protection Act .............................. 28
2.5 Islamic View in Environmental Protection .............................................................. 30
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 34
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 34
3.2 Research Approach and Design ................................................................................ 35
3.3 Data Collection and Procedure ................................................................................. 36
3.4 Methods of Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 38
3.5 Trustworthiness ........................................................................................................ 39
CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS.................................................................................................. 42
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 42
4.2 Quranic Verses and Prophetic Traditions on Environmental Protection .................. 42
4.3 The Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies ............................................ 53
4.3.1 Environmental Protection Strategies. ................................................................ 54
4.3.2 Environmental Protection Policies .................................................................... 60
4.4 Comparison of Environmental Protection from an Islamic Perspective to
Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies.......................................................... 62
4.4.1 Origin ................................................................................................................. 63
4.4.2 History ............................................................................................................... 64
4.4.3 Purposes ............................................................................................................ 67
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS ................................................................... 72
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 72
5.2 Summary and Discussions of Findings ................................................................... 72
5.2.1 Islamic Views Based on Quranic Verses and the Hadith of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) Regarding Environmental Protection ....................................... 73
5.2.2 Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies ............................................. 74
5.2.3 Comparison of the Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies to the
Islamic Views of Environmental Protection. .............................................................. 77
5.3 Implication of the Study ........................................................................................... 78
5.3.1 Implication to the Body of Knowledge ............................................................. 79
5.3.2 Implications of the Act on Environmental Protection ....................................... 79
5.4 Recommendations of the Study................................................................................ 80
5.5 Conclussions............................................................................................................. 81



1.1 Introduction

The earth provided humans with a great deal of support and fulfilment during their

time here. People usually rely on their surroundings to provide for their needs. This means

that the environment provides us with the necessities for survival. The environment is very

sourceful to humans indefinitely, given the food, habitat, water, and other necessities

available in the environment. The natural environment is the thin layer of life and life

supports, called the biosphere, that contains the earth's air, soil, water, and living


The image that typically comes to mind when the word "environment" is used is

one of meadows, streams, hills, forests, and seashores with little to no human presence.

That's undoubtedly part of what was intended by the word "environment," which refers to

the uncultivated areas that are left to the laws of nature that humans enter only as visitors.

But the term environment also encompasses city streets, farms, factories, parks, mines,

office buildings, and houses, among other things2. Environment refers to what is around us.

The term "environment" refers to the environment and surroundings in which living

Institute of Medicine (US) Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine;
Frumkin H, Jackson RJ, Coussens CM, editors. Health and the Environment in the Southeastern United
States. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2002. 4, Human Health and the Natural
Phil Rabinowitz, Carson, Rachel, “chapter 26, Section 9. Protecting Environmental Quality”, Community
Tool Box, University of Kansas

organisms, including humans, exist and interact. The natural environment or natural world

includes all living and non-living things that occur in nature. The natural environment

encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not

artificial3. It includes everything, both man-made and natural that shapes our lives and

affects our well-being. Therefore, understanding the meaning of the "environment" will

help us to realize how the environment is related to human life.

As far as the word "natural environment" is concerned, it is obvious that this is a

gift from God that every person capable of rational thought ought to value and cherish. It's

clear how important the natural environment is. Our ability to survive on Earth depends

mostly on the natural environment, which also has a profound impact on our wellbeing.

Humans are benefiting from nature on all levels. It has been proven that even just being in

contact with environments improves our physical and mental well-being4. Furthermore,

research has shown that allowing people, particularly kids, to enjoy local natural areas may

lessen behavioural, emotional, and social problems. Moreover, positive cognitive effects

have been observed after exposure to natural and green environments5.

As nature provides us with essentials, it falls on our shoulders to do the deed to

maintain sustainability and to keep these sources through the work of preservation. This is

referred to as environmental protection. Environmental protection is the practice of

Garrett Rieck, Justin Lundin, Health Education, 13.1: Intro to Environmental Health, College of the Canyons
Health Education, 269
Alexia Barrable (2019), The Case for Nature Connectedness as a Distinct Goal of Early Childhood
Education, The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6(2), p. 61
Elizabeth A. Richardson, Jamie Pearce, Niamh K. Shortt, Richard Mitchell (2017), The role of public and
private natural space in children's social, emotional and behavioural development in Scotland: A longitudinal
study, Environmental Research, Volume 158

protecting the natural environment by maintaining the quality of the air, water, land, or

ecosystem as the key to the future use and management of finite world resources 6. In

addition, this act is to preserve the health of the community and its members with clean air,

water, and soil, adequate open space, abundant resources, as well as other environmental

factors, ensure the health of individuals, and contribute to building a healthy community7.

This issue is also very important, according to Islamic teachings. Islam is a religion

of peace that does not discriminate against anybody or anything, not even nature, as far as

is known. Especially since humans themselves are created from one of the elements of

nature, which is soil8. This has already been repeatedly demonstrated at every age. In light

of that, it is fascinating to examine this argument in further detail in addition to examining

the modern worldview. It is becoming increasingly evident that Islam is extremely

concerned with the environment as more research is done on this subject. In the Islamic

faith, faith in the environment is on par to good faith towards humanity and indeed God,

since Muslims believe He created all9.

Abdul Malik, Mashihur Rahman, Mohd Ikram Ansari, Farhana Masood and Elisabeth Grohmann,
Environmental Protection Strategies: An Overview, Chapter 1, p 3
Phil Rabinowitz, Carson, Rachel, “chapter 26, Section 9. Protecting Environmental Quality”, Community
Tool Box, University of Kansas
Mohd Takiyuddin Ibrahim, Huzaimah Hj Ismail, Ahmad Jamil Jaafar, Mohd Shahrudin Mohmud (2021),
“Al-Quran and Environmental Preservation: A Specific Study on Water Conservation”
Dr. O.M. Ashtankar, “Islamic perspectives on environmental protection”, International Journal of Applied
Research, 2016; 2 (1): 439.

1.2 Background of the Study

Given the proximity of nature and its integration into the lives of humans, the

mutual dependence of the two makes it obvious that a major tragedy would result from

their separation. However, the likelihood that it will occur soon is unquestionably becoming

more likely and concerning these days. Environmental protection is an integral part of

today’s society, but many people lack even basic knowledge on what they can do to help

protect our environment. The destruction of the environment and the depletion of natural

resources are significant issues that are ever-present. Fortunately, there are many

authoritative bodies that know the importance of nature and have stepped up to protect

these natural resources.

The development and implementation of environmental policies is one of the

measures taken to preserve the environment. Environmental policy is any measure by a

government, corporation, or other public or private organisation regarding the effects of

human activities on the environment, particularly those measures that are designed to

prevent or reduce the harmful effects of human activities on ecosystems10. More recently,

environmental policy and management have been constructed as a broader project,

requiring the direct involvement of communities, individuals, nongovernment

organisations, and the corporate sector11. Take the Environmental Quality Act 1974, for

instance. One of the policies being used in Malaysia is this one, which aims to oversee

Bueren, Ellen van. "Environmental policy". Encyclopedia Britannica, 21 Nov. 2023,
( Accessed 11 December 2023)
Chris Cocklin, Katie Moon (2020), “Environmental Policy”, International Encyclopedia of Human
Geography (Second Edition), Elsevier

industrial activities for the purposes of monitoring and directing assessments of the

environmental impact, suitability of the site, pollution control, and compliance with self-


Other than that, the use of renewable energy sources is getting more famous, with

positive reviews all over the globe. The use of this source has a big impact on prioritising

the sustainability of nature. That is because renewable technologies are considered clean

sources of energy, and optimal use of these resources minimises environmental impacts,

produces minimum secondary waste, and is sustainable based on current and future

economic and social societal needs13. This approach has encouraged the utilisation of these

renewable resources in many different places throughout the world. As well as Malaysia,

which is transforming its energy supply and fostering energy efficiency by utilising solar,

natural gas, and low-carbon emissions. This has a calculated benefit: even at the 26th UN

Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), in 2021, the global goal was to limit

temperature increases to 1.5°C. Malaysia was among the more than 100 countries that

committed to achieving net-zero emissions by the year 2050, along with the US, Australia,

and Europe14.

Sustainable development has as its goal the improvement of the negative effects of

environmental pollution, having in mind the need to satisfy the needs of the present

Malaysian Investment Development Authority, “Enviromental Management”, Chapter 8
N.L. Panwar, S.C. Kaushik, Surendra Kothari (2011), “Role of renewable energy sources in environmental
protection: A review”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 3
Bernama News (2023), “Malaysia’s Approach Towards Renewable Energy”

generation while ensuring the longevity of environmental factors for future generations and

to allow the satisfaction of each individual's own needs. It is known that this is important

to human beings, as these sources are limited. Thus, their protection is required. Although

the scientific and environmentalist sectors generally understand the concept of ecosystem

services, one study found that it’s not necessarily common knowledge amongst the public.

Thus, there are people who are still clueless about this15.

On Islamic side, Islamic doctrine also demonstrates the ethics of protecting nature

through the preservation of natural resources, land reclamation, and environmental

cleanliness. Since the Prophet Muhammad forbade extravagant consumerism or any other

type of luxury, condemnation of overconsumption encourages sustainable behaviour16. He

urged moderation in all aspects of life and led by example, and this is what the Qur’an

emphasises. The emphasis on these teachings, may increase Muslim populations'

understanding of and willingness to uphold environmental sustainability as a fundamental

moral ideal17.

Jessica Leigh Thompson, Alina Kaiser, Eric L. Sparks, Michael Shelton, Eric Brunden, Julia A. Cherry,
Just Cebrian (2016), “Ecosystem – What? Public Understanding and Trust in Conservation Science and
Ecosystem Services”
Biplob Hossain, Md. Faruk Abdullah (2021), "The Concept of Wasatiyyah in Consumption: An Analysis
from Islamic Financial Jurisprudence"
Labeeb Bsoul, Amani Omer, Lejla Kucukalic and Ricardo H. Archbold (2022), “Islam’s Perspective on
Environmental Sustainability: A Conceptual Analysis”, Social Sciences 11: 228, 2.

1.3 Problem Statement

Today's culture places a high value on environmental protection, but many

individuals are ignorant and lack even basic knowledge on what they can do to help protect

our environment. The destruction of the environment and the depletion of natural resources

are significant issues that are ever-present. Changes in daily life during the COVID-19

pandemic have increased human consumption and waste production18. Thus, it shows that

people take it easy and are ignorant about this topic.

The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) was created as one of the tools used

to monitor this activity. The EPI offers a scorecard that highlights leaders and laggards in

environmental performance and provides practical guidance for countries that aspire to

move towards a sustainable future. The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) for

Malaysia has dropped from a score of 47.9 and a rank of 68 in the year 2020 to a score of

35 and a rank of 130 in the year 202219. Therefore, people need to react promptly to change

their values, norms, and beliefs in the hope of turning the table, which is essential to shaping

environmental sustainability.

Unquestionably, a large number of people did, in fact, take part in the action. There

is even a great deal of debate over it on a global scale, with numerous laws and acts that

are approved to be enforced globally. An environmental policy is a measure taken by a

Siew-Fong Lai, Wan-Leng Lim, and Guan-Khai Kho (2023) “Employees’ Green Value Creation in the Post
Covid-19 Pandemic Through GreenManagement Practices”
Wolf, M. J., Emerson, J. W., Esty, D. C., de Sherbinin, A., Wendling, Z. A., et al. (2022). 2022
Environmental Performance Index.

government, corporation, or other public or private organisation regarding the effects of

human activities on the environment to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of human

activities on ecosystems20. However, in order to find long-term solutions that safeguard the

environment and the public's health, new scientific methods and instruments are required

due to the complexity of today's environmental issues21.

From an Islamic perspective, comprehending the environment begins with an

awareness of the fitra, the fundamental state of humanity in balance with the natural world.

It is an essential component of life, a manifestation of being in accordance with the natural

order of creation and in submission to the will of the Creator. The concept of "conserving

the environment" in its current sense is very new, having come into being as a human

concern. This is seen as a reaction to human excess, which is increasingly threatening the

balance established by Allah. The main reason for this is that the earth, once considered

sacred by humankind, has now been reduced to an exploitable resource22.

It is known that Islam is an environmentally friendly religion that discourages all

reckless activities towards environmental resources. Islam is a religion that offers a justified

and ethical worldview. Although Islam emphasises life after the dead, it does not refute life

in this world, or duniyah. In Islam, every individual action, whether an act of worship or of

daily affairs, should follow the concept of moderation, as Islam disallows stinginess and

Bueren, Ellen van (21 Nov. 2023). "Environmental policy". Encyclopedia Britannica
homas A. Burke, Wayne E. Cascio et al (2017), “Rethinking Environmental Protection: Meeting the
Challenges of a Changing World”, Environmental Health Perspectives
Khalid, F. M. (2004). Islamic basis for environmental protection. Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, ed.
Bron R Taylor, 1.

extravagance23. Nonetheless, a number of the world's most pressing environmental issues,

such as forest destruction, drying of lakes, depletion of groundwater resources, and hasty

depletion of gas and petroleum resources, are taking place in Muslim countries24. This

shows that there is a lack of awareness of this, even among Muslims.

Islam is deeply concerned with maintaining the natural order of things, including

people, religion, and even the environment. Muslims who practice true Islam are taught to

be environmentally conscious. Nonetheless, environmental protection and conservation are

very distant issues, and Islamic religious organisations in Islamic countries are not leading

the action. According to one study, it's intriguing that secular organisations are stepping up

to address the issue of environmental change in Muslim nations. The author also noted that

this is to be expected, given that the issue isn't typically perceived as one that concerns


1.4 Research Question

1. What are the relevant Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions that provide guidance

on environmental protection?

2. What are these environmental protection strategies and policies?

Hossain, Biplob Abdullah, Md. Faruk (2021), The Concept of Wasatiyyah in Consumption: An Analysis
from Islamic Financial Jurisprudence
Erhun, K. U. L. A. (2014). Islamic ethics towards environmental protection. Afro Eurasian Studies, 3(1),
Khalid, F. M. (2002). Islam and the Environment. Encyclopedia of global environmental change, 5(1), 332-

3. Are there any similarities or differences between the environmental protection

strategies or policies and the Islamic perspective?

1.5 Objective of the Study

1. To examine relevant Quranic verses and prophetic traditions that provide guidance

on environmental protection.

2. To figure out what the environmental protection strategies and policies are.

3. To distinguish any similarities or differences between the environmental protection

strategies or policies and the Islamic perspective

1.6 The Significance of the Study

The proposed research issue is crucial for assessing the viewpoint in a few unique

areas, namely environmental protection strategies and policies, which is a long-term

strategy to enhance or maintain environmental quality in the community over time. It might,

for instance, involve protecting areas that aren’t currently threatened, or work on

persuading community officials to offer incentives to developers who agree to adhere to

environmentally responsible building principles and to get laws passed that protect

environmental quality. Plus, it is with the intention of waking people up and giving some

awareness about the discussed topic.

Furthermore, this study will reveal the correlation between these topics and the

Islamic views from different perspectives. This will lead to comparative studies that will

reveal even many more points that will help clarify the Quranic and Sunni definitions of

the religious consequences and decisions. The significance of this research can help

Muslims understand the Islamic position on this issue by providing advice. This study also

expand the knowledge of Islamic law by addressing contemporary issues of environmental

protection and revealing the connection between Islamic perspective and modern

worldviews. Additionally, it helps clarify Islamic perspectives on environmental protection,

eradicating misunderstandings, and fostering accurate understanding among Muslims and

non-Muslims alike. The research can promote debate and improve interfaith and

intercultural understanding by publishing result.

Unquestionably, a lot of research has been done on this subject, encompassing the

Islamic perspective; nevertheless, particular research has not yet been uncovered about the

relationship between the Islamic perspective and the modern world's view. Therefore, this

research is mainly focused on the comparison of Islamic and modern world views on

environmental protection, or, to be more specific, the terms that are used are environmental

protection strategies and policies. The goal should be to ascertain whether these two major

compositions are comparable or different and to create a concise equation that may be

emphasised throughout the course of the study. This research review's purpose is to help

the reader gain a better understanding of every facet of environmental protection in Islam

as well as the issues that will be covered in this study. Individuals will be able to make

knowledgeable judgements, match their practises with Islamic teachings, and negotiate the

complexity of these issues within an Islamic framework thanks to the research findings.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The research scope of the proposed study may include several important areas. The

research will analyse the verses of the Quran related to environmental protection and

explore the interpretation of the text. This is because of the importance of the Qur'an as the

main source of reference in Islam. It also contains various laws that state the importance of

the environment. Plus, the prophet's hadiths, which are the second reference after the

Qur'an. The study will examine Hadith literature to identify any references to the

environmental protection to helping explaining the Islamic perspective on this topic.

This study will also look at environmental policies and strategies from the

perspectives of authoritative organisations and the modern world. Eventually, it will present

a thorough, comprehensive, and satisfying explanation of the subject matter in addition to

going into further detail and providing readers with an easy-to-read explanation.

Furthermore, it will also include an understanding of related correlations. This study

will investigate comparisons and similarities based on the two main components that have

been discussed. that is, from the point of view of the modern world, through strategy and

policy. while studying with him the point of view of Islam regarding the topic.

Then, the research will explore the interpretation of the method conveyed from the

Islamic and modern world's perspectives and the application suggested by both parties in

various aspects. It will examine the capacity of both resources to derive relevant and

important points for being the main reference in the legislation on environmental


1.8 Operational Definitions

1.8.1 Environmental protection

Environmental protection can be defined as the prevention of unwanted changes to

ecosystems and their constituent parts26. Environmental Protection includes programs and

services that are aimed at reducing risks to the environment from contaminants such as

hazardous materials and wastes, fuels, and oils27. Sometimes referred to as "environmental

preservation", includes programs and services that are aimed at reducing risks to the

environment from contaminants such as hazardous materials and wastes, fuels, and oils.

1.8.2 Environmental protection strategy and policy

Environmental strategy and policy are straight-forward in their meaning. Strategy is

the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities 28. On

C. Hamilton, A. Macintosh (2008), Environmental Protection and Ecology, Encyclopedia of Ecology,
Academic Press
Environmental Health and Safety, Pennsylvania State University
Michael E. Porter (1996), What is Strategy?, Harvard Business Review

the other hand, policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or

voluntary practice of governments and other institutions29. Environmental strategy and

policy play a major role in preventing and reducing environmental pollution by focusing

on how to manage the relationship between humans and the natural environment in a way

that benefits both parties30.


Overall, this chapter only discusses the introduction to the study topic, research

background, problems statement, research questions, research interest objectives,

significant of the study, the research scope and definitions of each term. The goal is to

comprehend and identify the connection between the two primary points of view. The rest

of the study will be explained in the coming chapters.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), Office of Policy, Performance, and Evaluation
Abdul Malik, Elisabeth Grohmann (2012), Environmental Protection Strategies for Sustainable



2.1 Introduction

The natural world, or environment, is made up of all living and non-living beings. This

term is most commonly used with reference to earth or certain regions of it. Environmental

protection is the practice of individuals, organizations, and governments preserving the

environment31. Its goals is to preserve natural resources and the current natural

environment, as well as to repair harm and reversal trends where practical. Regarding this

section, the research will present previous studies conducted on the subject and a few

connected topics.

2.2 The Environmental Protection Policies and Strategies

Numerous studies have been conducted on this subject, covering environmental

protection strategies and policies. Unquestionably, different studies have reached different

conclusions. Since everyone has a different opinion on this matter, a few people have

agreed with one another. The strategy that is good for the environment is the use of green

industrial policies, which are gaining popularity as governments search for low-carbon

Asmawati Muhamad, Abdul Halim Syihab & Abdul Halim Ibrahim (2020), Preserving Human–Nature’s
Interaction for Sustainability: Quran and Sunnah Perspective

solutions through production techniques that economise on exhaustible resources and emit

fewer greenhouse gases32. The results of the previous research done on this subject support

the application of these tactics. The market for new environmental goods, such as low-

carbon technology, whose downstream use results in external benefits like lower emissions,

is taken into consideration by the researcher33.

Another researcher added a little twist to the previously suggested strategies,

agreeing that increasing investments in special transfer payments for environmental

protection, expanding the scale of the emissions trading market, and improving the benefits

of emission reduction can encourage polluting enterprises to reduce their emissions and

local governments to carry out their duties34.

A different strategy that has been discussed in earlier studies is the application of

renewable energy sources. The use of this source has a big impact on prioritising the

sustainability of nature. This approach has encouraged the utilisation of these renewable

resources in many different places throughout the world. As well as Malaysia, which is

transforming its energy supply and fostering energy efficiency by utilising solar, natural

gas, and low-carbon emissions. This has a calculated benefit: even at the 26th UN Climate

Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), in 2021, the global goal was to limit

Altenburg, T., & Assmann, C. (2017). Green industrial policy. Concept, Policies, Country Expe-riences.
Geneva, Bonn: UN Environment.
Fischer, C. (2017). Environmental protection for sale: strategic green industrial policy and climate
finance. Environmental and Resource Economics.
Chong, D., & Sun, N. (2020). Explore emission reduction strategy and evolutionary mechanism under
central environmental protection inspection system for multi-agent based on evolutionary game
theory. Computer Communications, 156, 77-90.

temperature increases to 1.5°C. Malaysia was among the more than 100 countries that

committed to achieving net-zero emissions by the year 2050, along with the US, Australia,

and Europe35. This fact alone is enough of a statement that this strategy has succeeded.

Environmental policy is any measure by a government, corporation, or other public

or private organisation regarding the effects of human activities on the environment,

particularly those measures that are designed to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of

human activities on ecosystems36. One study stated that more recently, environmental

policy and management have been constructed as a broader project, requiring the direct

involvement of communities, individuals, nongovernment organisations, and the corporate


Another view of the research conducted on this subject is that policymakers should

carefully choose the most effective combinations of regulatory instruments in order to

provide a wider range of regulatory solutions. Not all combinations of regulatory

instruments are created equal38. Plus, the researcher recognises that not all will necessarily

agree with the precise conclusions; however, by providing a prescriptive outline of potential

instrument interactions, the intention is to move the debate forward.

Bernama News (2023), “Malaysia’s Approach Towards Renewable Energy”
Bueren, Ellen van. "Environmental policy". Encyclopedia Britannica, 21 Nov. 2023,
( Accessed 11 December 2023)
Chris Cocklin, Katie Moon (2020), “Environmental Policy”, International Encyclopedia of Human
Geography (Second Edition), Elsevier
Gunningham, N., & Sinclair, D. (2019). Regulatory pluralism: Designing policy mixes for environmental
protection. In Environmental Law. Routledge.

The same conclusion has been reached by another researcher, as previously

reported. The choice of environmental strategies that materialise in a dynamic process of

ongoing modification and optimisation is covered by the statement. Furthermore, under

specific circumstances, the entire evolutionary game system may converge on a perfect


Another strategy mentioned in the previous study that is most important is the

integration of environmental protection education into the curriculum, which is essential

for promoting awareness of environmental protection in societies. Sustainable development

is of great importance, and education for sustainable development is critical for raising the

environmental awareness of all groups of people in society, especially the young. It is

because it helps people in general and students in particular establish behaviours that

contribute to creating a greener habitat.

The addition of environmental protection education to the curriculum, which is

essential to raising public awareness of environmental protection in societies, is another

important strategy that was highlighted in the earlier study. The necessity of sustainable

development cannot be overstated, and raising environmental awareness among all societal

groups, especially the youth, requires education for sustainable development. The reason

Chong, D., & Sun, N. (2020). Explore emission reduction strategy and evolutionary mechanism under
central environmental protection inspection system for multi-agent based on evolutionary game
theory. Computer Communications, 156, 77-90.

for this is that it assists individuals in general and students specifically in developing

behaviours that support the development of a greener environment.

2.3 People's Awareness of Environmental Protection

Through a few previous studies on the subject, the goal of this section is to observe

and understand a few parameters of people's awareness and knowledge of environmental

protection. According to one analysis of qualitative data analysed using statistical tools to

assess the multiple objectives of the survey, obtained from a tailored online survey

involving either students from a selected group of Italian high schools or volunteer

respondents from the students' acquaintances, the findings indicate a more negative

assessment of the risks associated with environmental crises. The positive aspects of the

findings show that younger people are more conscious of the state of the environment and

are dedicated to restoring it through the adoption of "good ecological practices" and "active

ecological behaviours"40.

Using the Rasch model in the questionnaire, another investigation on current

environmental issues, such as protected areas, ecological connectedness, and wildlife,

focuses on the Julian Prealps Natural Park area in the northeastern Italian province of Friuli

Venezia Giulia. The findings indicate that individuals are aware of a number of issues,

Calculli, C., D'Uggento, A. M., Labarile, A., & Ribecco, N. (2021). Evaluating people's awareness about
climate changes and environmental issues: A case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 129244.

including the connection between wellbeing and greener spaces and the possibility of

making changes to address environmental problems. Furthermore, the study discovered

that, maybe as a result of ignorance, people tend to agree more easily on items that deal

with the environment as a whole than on more specific topics41. Thus, it demonstrates

clearly that although there is some knowledge about this subject among individuals, it is

quite limited and still needs to be improved.

Other than that, another study is found on the same track and agrees with the

previous statement that people's knowledge on this topic is very limited. Although the

scientific and environmentalist sectors generally understand the concept of ecosystem

services, one study found that it’s not necessarily common knowledge amongst the public.

Thus, there are people who are still clueless about this42.

Another research project was carried out using survey data from pupils and students

in Poland's southeast region. The study's later section suggested steps to increase young

people's understanding of environmental issues and highlighted areas that needed

improvement. Furthermore, the investigation showed that only 20% of respondents were

aware of the objectives of sustainable development, which include protecting the

Bassi, I., Gori, E., & Iseppi, L. (2019). Assessing environmental awareness towards protection of the Alps:
a case study. Land Use Policy, 87, 104028.
Jessica Leigh Thompson, Alina Kaiser, Eric L. Sparks, Michael Shelton, Eric Brunden, Julia A. Cherry,
Just Cebrian (2016), “Ecosystem – What? Public Understanding and Trust in Conservation Science and
Ecosystem Services”.

environment, and that very few had taken part in such projects 43. The results make it

extremely clear that young people have very little knowledge of this topic.

2.4 The Role of Law in Reinforcing Environmental Protection Act

The environment is a very important aspect of human life, and the act of protecting

it is a must and is already well known around the world. However, this act is more often

than not forgotten and ignored by many. Therefore, one of the most important strategies for

protecting the environment is regulation. This regulation and law are to keep ignorant

humans in check for any inappropriate behaviour towards nature. This regulation is the

responsibility of every individual, even though some people are just normal citizens.

Everyone plays a big part in enforcing environmental protection. This statement could be

seen as in agreement with one of the studies done before. It states that federal officials, state

employees, citizens, including individuals, environmental nongovernmental organisations,

or NGOs, and regulated parties are the four main groups of actors in the field of

environmental enforcement44.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that the current law is effective in educating people

about the Environmental Protection Act, it still has a flaw and is insufficient to address this

Czajkowska, A., & Ingaldi, M. (2023). Analysis of the survey results on the pro-ecological awareness of
young people in the aspect of sustainable development. Management Systems in Production
Engineering, 31(3), 312-321.
Glicksman, R. L., Buzbee, W. W., Mandelker, D. R., Hammond, E., & Camacho, A. (2023). Environmental
protection: law and policy. Aspen Publishing.

issue. Numerous studies support this statement. According to one of those studies, the

current regulatory framework is frequently insufficient. Over-reliance on "sinkle

instrument" approaches is improper because all instruments have shortcomings in addition

to strengths, and none are flexible and resilient enough to handle every environmental issue

in every situation45.

In agreement with that, an additional study was included regarding China's

increasing environmental pollution, and this led to the creation of a number of

environmental regulation policies. Conventional environmental regulation has failed

because local governments have been forced to balance the needs of economic development

and environmental protection during the implementation of environmental regulations due

to political centralization and economic decentralisation. Thus, the study's findings showed

that, in certain cases, merely increasing the political penalties for local governments is

insufficient to encourage them to carry out their responsibilities46.

Another study on the punishment of environmental offenders conducted in

Louisiana, USA, between 2004 and 2014 makes it very evident that the findings support

claims that environmental punishment is uncommon, that penalties in a small number of

cases significantly skew the results, and that criminal punishments for environmental

Gunningham, N., & Sinclair, D. (2019). Regulatory pluralism: Designing policy mixes for environmental
protection. In Environmental Law (pp. 463-490). Routledge.
Chong, D., & Sun, N. (2020). Explore emission reduction strategy and evolutionary mechanism under
central environmental protection inspection system for multi-agent based on evolutionary game
theory. Computer Communications, 156, 77-90.

offences are lenient when severe punishments are omitted in comparison with the possible

negative impacts of those offences47.

Similar results were reported in a different study on the sentencing trends for

environmental crimes in courts. It was discovered that when an environmental crime

involves an ecological system, the penalties are more lenient than those given to similar

non-environmental offences, but when an environmental crime involves animals, the

penalties are occasionally more severe. Thus, it is very clear that this law for environmental

protection still has loopholes that could be improved in the future48.

2.5 Islamic View in Environmental Protection

The main goal of environmental protection is to preserve the destruction of the

natural environment due to population growth, technology, and excessive consumerism49.

This issue is also very important, from Islamic teachings. Islam is considered as a religion

of peace and love. Therefore, Islam focuses on environmental issues. According to the

Islamic viewpoint, which uses the Quran as the ultimate reference, environmental

destruction can actually be avoided if each person is aware of his or her reliability or

Lynch, M. J. (2022). Punishing environmental offenders: criminal environmental sentencing in Louisiana,
2004-2014. Journal of Crime and Justice, 45(2), 171-188.
Cochran, J. C., Lynch, M. J., Toman, E. L., & Shields, R. T. (2018). Court sentencing patterns for
environmental crimes: Is there a “green” gap in punishment?. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 34, 37-
A Amouei, H.A Asgharnia, A. Khodadadi, Comparative study of organic compost fertilizer manufacturing
technology according to holy quran and environmental scientists, 2013

responsibility the caliph in this universe. But for some of these people, their vision is

clouded by greed, making it difficult for them to recognize the lasting effects of their

actions. Plus, human activity is to blame for the environmental damage done to the earth50.

This is in accordance with what is mentioned in the Quran:

﴾ ‫ض ٱلَّ ىذى َع ىملُوا لَ َعلَّ ُه ْم يَ ْرىجعُو َن‬ ‫﴿ ظَهر ٱلْ َفساد ىِف ٱلْ ىب وٱلْبح ىر ىِبا َكسبت أَي ىدى ٱلن ى ى ى‬
َ ‫َّاس ليُذي َق ُهم بَ ْع‬ ْ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ‫َ َ َ ُ َر‬

“Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of

people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have

done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].”

Islam also places a strong emphasis on environmental protection. A quranic verse

that urges people to care for the environment makes this clear. This is especially true

consider that humans themselves are created from one of the elements of nature, which is

soil52. According to Islam, the environment is God's creation, and to protect it is to preserve

its values as a sign of the Creator53. Thus, it is indeed stated in the Islamic teachings that

nature must be protected by humans. In this instance, it was noted in the research that Abu

Sa'id Al-Khudri reported the Prophet Muhammad said that :

Akhir, N. S. M., & Halim, I. A. (2017). Preservation of the Environment according to the Quran and the
Analysis of Environmental Issues in Malaysia.
Al-Qur’an. Ar-Rum 30:41
Mohd Takiyuddin Ibrahim, Huzaimah Hj Ismail, Ahmad Jamil Jaafar, Mohd Shahrudin Mohmud, Al-Quran
and Environmental Preservation: A Specific Study on Water Conservation, 2021
Dr. Haleema Sadia Mian & Dr. Ata ur Rahman, “Environmental Ethics of Islam”, Hazara Islamicus, 2017,

‫ فَإى َّن أ ََّوَل‬،َ‫ فَاتَّ ُقوا الدُّنْيَا َواتَّ ُقوا النرى َساء‬،‫ف تَ ْع َملُو َن‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ى‬
َ ‫ فَيَ ْنظُُر َكْي‬،‫ َوإى َّن هللاَ ُم ْستَ ْخل ُف ُك ْم ف َيها‬،ٌ‫إى َّن الدُّنْيَا ُحلْ َوةٌ َخضَرة‬
54 ‫ى ى ى‬ ‫ى ى ى ى‬
‫ت يف النر َساء‬ ْ َ‫يل َكان‬َ ‫فْت نَة بَىِن إ ْسَرائ‬
“The life of the world is sweet and green. Allah makes you generations succeeding one

another so that He may try you in respect of your actions. So beware of the beguilements

of the world and those of women. The first trial of Banu Israel was through women"

In addition to that, Islamic doctrine also demonstrates the ethics of protecting nature

through the preservation of natural resources, land reclamation, and environmental

cleanliness. Since the Prophet Muhammad forbade extravagant consumerism or any other

type of luxury, condemnation of overconsumption encourages sustainable behaviour. He

urged moderation in all aspects of life and led by example, and this is what the Qur’an

emphasises. The emphasis on these teachings, may increase Muslim populations'

understanding of and willingness to uphold environmental sustainability as a fundamental

moral ideal55.

Furthermore, Allah is the actual owner of all resources. Thus, humans are required

to use them in the right way56. After the acquisition, that person is supposed to act as a

trustee and receive benefits according to the terms of trust. In any case, the resources should

not be wasted. As custodians of the natural world, humans have a sacred responsibility to

Sohih Muslim. Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Darul Kitab 'Ilmiyah-Birut. Kitab Ar-Roqoq. Book 49 #12.
(All Hadith translations in this writing are based on Sunnah.Com Website. ( Translation
from other sources will be cited accordingly)
Labeeb Bsoul, Amani Omer, Lejla Kucukalic and Ricardo H. Archbold (2022), “Islam’s Perspective on
Environmental Sustainability: A Conceptual Analysis”, Social Sciences 11: 228, 2.
Dr. O.M. Ashtankar (2016), “Islamic perspectives on environmental protection”, International Journal of
Applied Research; 2 (1): 439.

protect nature and protect it against environmental damage of all kinds. Everything was

created by Allah, and nothing was done in vain. In the universe, there is a precise amount

of environmental resources that corresponds to the overall demand for those resources. This

suggests that the natural ecosystem has an environmental equilibrium. Therefore, Islam

views the environment in terms of balance. This demonstrates that everything is in a state

of balance. It is evident that Islam places a great value on the environment as a result of its


Many people today don't respect nature and do not care about the environment at

all. In addition, they are willing to sabotage and ruin these freely given resources that God

has placed at their disposal to satisfy their own desires. Despite the fact that humans are

allowed to live in this universe and use its resources, everything in it does not actually

belong to humans but rather to the creator of the universe. The low morality of humans in

interacting with nature is due to the poor quality of morality to the Creator of the universe.

Religion and environmental education have been split apart, which frequently ignores

environmental issues57. Religious morality towards the environment becomes devoid of

spiritual values. This problem could be solved if people started understanding and

following the Islamic teaching.

Yusuf, M., & Marjuni, K. N. (2022). Environmental Ethics from Perspective Of The Quran And
Sunnah. Religia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu KeIslaman.



3.1 Introduction

The systematic investigation of materials and sources with the goal of establishing

facts and reaching new insights is known as research. In addition, it is a systematic process

of inquiry that requires the collection of data, the documentation of important details, the

analysis and comprehension of that data. This can involve bringing together and analysing

earlier research to the point that it produces new and inventive results. On the other hand,

a methodology is a collection of steps used to accomplish, guide, or conduct a study.

Research methodology is a way of explaining how a researcher intends to carry out their

research, and it also refers to the methodical and structured approach that researchers apply

to plan, carry out, and evaluate their investigations. It's a methodical, logical strategy to

address a research issue. A methodology describes how a researcher will conduct their study

in order to get accurate, trustworthy data that meets their goals and objectives.

The objective of this research methodology is to comprehensively analyse and

critically examine Islamic teachings and views regarding the protection of the environment.

With the aim of explaining the ethical frameworks, moral guidance, and practical

applications inherent within the Quranic texts and their interpretations, it will cover the

principles and teachings of the Quran as well as the hadith of the prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him) about being ethical towards the environment as the caliph of the earth.

This will help to promote greater awareness and sensitivity towards the treatment of nature

and a deeper understanding of Islam's stance on environmental protection. Furthermore, it

is to investigate the policies and strategies to protect the environment in order to make a

just comparison of the Islamic views to the policies and strategies. This chapter will cover

the research design, data collection and analysis techniques, and data collection methods

used in this study. Finally, a conclusion concludes this chapter.

3.2 Research Approach and Design

In short, the research methodology applied here can be characterised as a qualitative

study. This work was done using library research as the methodology. Information from

previously published theses, book reviews, journals, articles, online databases, and other

sources is the basis for the analysis. A comprehensive discussion of the research strategy

and methodology could be found in the following discussion. There are many different

types of qualitative research such as ethnography, grounded theory, interpretative

phenomenological analysis, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, content analysis,

narrative analysis and others.

The primary form of qualitative research conducted in the study is comparative

analysis. The case is not seen in its entirety and complexity but rather as a variety of cases

pertaining to key passages that highlight the unique expertise of several persons or

biographies regarding a particular event58. This section will provide sufficient information

to identify and measure the correlations between two or more variables. This is in line with

Klopper, H. (2008). The qualitative research proposal. Curationis, 31(4).

the research's objective, which is to educate individuals on how to create enhanced

environmental preservation while being aware of Islamic perspectives. It aims to inform

and inspire people to uphold moral standards that are in line with Islamic teachings.

Furthermore, it will examine the same content from a different perspective, which is the

strategies and policies of the modern world.

3.3 Data Collection and Procedure

This study uses a document analysis design. Document analysis is the most suitable

approach for this study. In contrast to other qualitative data sources, document-based data

collection is entirely invisible to study participants and requires their assistance to a

minimum59. This research will focus on environmental protection and preservation in the

Quran based on interpretations from online resources,, and other past studies

that explain the interpretation of certain verses and how to apply these values in our lives

as human beings. Plus, the Hadith from the nine main source books of Hadith, which is

Jami' Kutub Tis'ah. The research method used is qualitative, which leads to the explanation

of the descriptive analysis model. Some of the methods used in the process of collecting

information about the study, such as document analysis using manuals, Google Scholar,

and Mendeley. This study investigated any argument pertaining to the protection and

significance of the environment using verses from the Quran and the Jami' Kutub Tis'ah,

or collection of nine hadith books, which is recognised as a reliable source of hadith from

Fetterman, D.M. 1989. Ethnography: Step by Step. Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 17.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage

the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This article applies the deductive method to obtain

related Quranic verses and hadiths about the environment and appropriate facts from other

studies that provide interpretation material. The descriptive method is applied to describe

the content and then analysed to get the right understanding of the environment.

Furthermore, similar to other qualitative research analysis approaches, document

analysis requires data examination and interpretation to provide context and enable

comprehension of the study and the development of empirical knowledge. This method's

process involves several steps, including the subject search, which includes searching for

books or journals using specific phrases before looking for the most recent scientific

publications. A search for relevant citations in published scholarly sources and

bibliographies will also be made. Lastly, systematic browsing is the arrangement of books

by subject, with similar books kept together to facilitate the research process.

These data are gathered using library methods. According to George (2008), library

research is a technique for gathering primary data through reading and comprehending

information from books, theories, and documents that is closely relevant to the issues 60 .

This method's process involves several steps, including the subject search, which includes

searching for books or journals using specific phrases before looking for the most recent

scientific publications. A search for relevant citations in published scholarly sources and

George, M. W. (2008). The elements of library research: What every student needs to know. Princeton
University Press.

bibliographies will also be made. Lastly, systematic browsing is the arrangement of books

by subject, with similar books kept together to facilitate the research process.

This research uses thematic analysis, which is a method to analyse qualitative data

that involves reading through a set of data and looking for patterns in the meaning of the

data to find a theme. It is an active process of reflexivity in which the researcher's subjective

experience resides centrally in understanding data.

3.4 Methods of Data Analysis

After the required data was collected, the next step was analysing the data using

thematic analysis. The data consisted of a few selected studies, articles, books, theories,

documents, citations in published scholarly sources, and bibliographies for the strategies

and policies, using the verses of the Quran and hadiths that related to environmental

protection for Islamic views. After that, the chosen content is prepared for the next stage.

This study will analyse the data using a few procedures suggested by Braun and Clarke61.

Familiarising oneself with the data is a necessary step in this investigation. In order

to comprehend the textual and contextual features of a citation from any source, including

Quran verses, hadith, books, journals, and others. It basically takes several readings of the

data in order to determine what the information is about, why it is referenced, and who was

engaged in the process.

Clarke, V. and Braun, V. (2013) Teaching thematic analysis: Overcoming challenges and developing
strategies for effective learning. The Psychologist, 26 (2). ISSN 0952-8229 (

Then, writing is the next step in the theme analysis process. This entails combining

past and present ideas and theories, extracting information to tell the reader a compelling

story about the results of the study, and placing it within a context that is understandable

and clear to the reader. Then, the last phase of this study was to analyse and come up with

a comparison of the two main subjects of discussion throughout the study, which are

environmental protection strategies and policies in comparison to Islamic views on

environmental protection.

3.5 Trustworthiness

The concept of reliability and accuracy in qualitative research is always questioned

by positivists, who argue that it cannot be approached in the same manner as naturalistic

work. Using the participants and the context of the research, the truth value establishes

whether or not the study has created confidence in the accuracy of the findings62. Internal

validity is one of the key standards for confirming that the study's tests or measures what

was first hypothesised, and positivist researchers addressed it. Triangulation is used in the

verification process to promote validity in research by incorporating many approaches and

viewpoints. From the point of view of the social sciences, triangulation refers to the mixture

of two or more theories, methods, investigators, data sources, or the study of a single

phenomenon to reach a conclusion63.

Klopper, H. (2008). The qualitative research proposal. Curationis, 31(4).
Sabina Yeasmin & Khan Ferdousour Rahman. 2012. “'Triangulation' Research Method as the Tool of Social
Science Research”. Bup Journal. Vol. 1.

This chapter explores ethical environmental importance from Islamic viewpoints

and offers policies and strategies from other research to ensure the validity and consistency

of the research. Clear descriptions and abundant details encourage transferability. Reflexive

processes, peer debriefing, and consistent data procedures with an audit trail to ensure

dependability all contribute to confirmability. This chapter establishes the framework for a

study that seeks to produce trustworthy findings and significantly advance the discussion

in this part. Qualitative researchers need to demonstrate the following four key criteria:

credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. In order to ensure that the

study's conclusions are trustworthy.

The meticulous measures taken in this research approach to conclude the research

on trustworthiness improved the study's reliability. By using exacting methods, it was

possible to ensure the authenticity and correctness of the findings. This dedication to

reliability highlights the commitment to making meaningful and substantial contributions

to understanding and coming up with environmental protection policies and strategies, as

well as environmental protection from Islamic perspectives.

3.6 Conclusion
To wrap things up, the research study that was conducted was detailed in this

chapter, and it used the content analysis method in qualitative research. The research

approach employed in this study offers a structured framework that is intended to manage

the topic's complexity. Both offline and internet sources were employed to gather the data

for this investigation. The data was subjected to thematic analysis in order to extract more




4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the focus is to answer all the questions in this research, and this study

will cover a list of relevant Quranic verses and prophetic traditions that provide guidance

on environmental protection. Furthermore, this section also discusses how to figure out

what the environmental protection strategies and policies are. Finally, it is to distinguish

any similarities or differences between environmental protection strategies or policies and

the Islamic perspective.

4.2 Quranic Verses and Prophetic Traditions on Environmental Protection

There are many Quranic verses and hadiths of Prophet Muhammad that are used as

guides in implementing the act of environmental protection. The teachings of the prophetic

traditions covered a wide range of environmental topics, including protecting the

environment's cleanliness, reclaiming land, and conserving natural resources. The same

goes for Quranic verses. In this section of the research, it will be demonstrated and


Based on the Islamic perspective, the environment is created and owned by the

Almighty God. Even though humans inhabit this universe and are given the freedom to use

the natural resources, it is important for human beings to be aware that everything that is

available in this universe is not explicitly theirs but belongs to the Creator of this universe.

This fact was mentioned in the Quran:

ُ ‫ِن ٱ ْحلَ ىم‬ َّ ‫ض ۗ َوإى َّن‬ ‫ٱلسمٰ ٰو ى‬

‫ت َوَما ىِف ْٱأل َْر ى‬ ‫َّ ى‬
ُّ ‫ٱَّللَ َهلَُو ٱلْغَى‬
﴾ ‫يد‬ َ َ َّ ‫﴿ لهُۥ َما ِف‬

Which means: “To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.

Allah ˹alone˺ is truly the Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.”65

Furthermore, nature is a "gift of God." The Quran has more than 750 verses that

discuss nature66. It is stated that all living things on earth, including humans, exist because

of nature, which is actually a gift from Allah.

﴾ ۚ ُ‫مج ًًۭيعا ىرمْنه‬
‫ض َى‬ ‫ٱلسمٰ ٰو ى‬
‫ت َوَما ىِف ْٱأل َْر ى‬ ‫ى‬
َ َ َّ ‫﴿ َو َس َّخَر لَ ُكم َّما ِف‬

Which means: “He ˹also˺ subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on

the earth—all by His grace”.

Humans are then entrusted with the duty of protecting the planet. The trusteeship of

resources is the cause. All resources truly belong to Allah. It is necessary for humans to use

them appropriately. Humans are meant to behave as trustees when they are acquired,

reaping the benefits in accordance with the conditions of the trust.

Al-Quran. Al-Maidah. 5:64.
Al-Quran. Al-Maidah. 5:64. (All Quranic translation in this writing are based on Dr. Mustafa Khattab. ( Translation from other sources will be cited accordingly)
Sule, M. M., & Musa, S. A. (2019). Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an: Science and Technology as a Model.
Al-Quran. Al-Jathiyah. 45:13.

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ت وٱ ْألَر ى ى‬ ‫ضنَا ٱ ْألَمانَةَ علَى ٱ َّ ى‬
‫نسٰ ُن إىنَّهُۥ‬ ‫ى‬ َ َْ‫ض َوٱ ْْلبَ ىال فَأَب‬
َ ‫ني أَن ََْيملْنَ َها َوأَ ْش َف ْق َن مْن َها َو َمحَلَ َها ٱ ْإل‬ ْ َ ‫لس َمٰ َٰو‬ َ َ ْ ‫﴿ إى َّان َعَر‬
﴾ ‫وما َج ُه ًًۭوال‬
ًًۭ ُ‫َكا َن ظَل‬
Which means: “Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains,

but they ˹all˺ declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity assumed it, ˹for˺ they are

truly wrongful ˹to themselves˺ and ignorant ˹of the consequences˺”

It is humankind's sacred obligation as the caretakers of the natural world to preserve

it and guard against environmental deterioration of any type. Everything was created by

Allah, and nothing was made in vain. Within the Quran, it is mentioned:

﴾ ‫ض َوَما بَْي نَ ُه َما بَٰ ىط ًًۭال‬
َ ‫لس َمآءَ َوٱ ْأل َْر‬
َّ ‫﴿ َوَما َخلَ ْقنَا ٱ‬

“We have not created the heavens and earth and everything in between without purpose”

Islam is deeply rooted in sustainability, and as man is responsible for protecting the

natural world, he must live in harmony with all other living things. As a result, everyone

on Earth needs to appreciate, protect, and preserve the environment. The Qur'an frequently

depicts misuse of natural resources and clearly defines it as corruption. Almighty God

detests people who abuse natural resources, such as through over-exploitation of the

environment, which leads to industrial pollution, ecosystem harm, recklessness, and poor

resource management. This could be seen in Quranic verses that mention this corruption:

Al-Quran. Al-Ahzab. 33:72
Al-Quran. Sad. 38:27

﴾ ‫ين‬ ‫ىى‬ ُّ ‫ٱَّللُ َال ُىَي‬ ‫﴿ َويَ ْس َع ْو َن ىِف ْٱأل َْر ى‬
َ ‫ب ٱلْ ُم ْفسد‬ َّ ‫ض فَ َس ًًۭادا ۚ َو‬

Which means: “And they strive to spread corruption in the land. And Allah does not like


﴾ ‫ين‬ ‫ىى‬ ُّ ‫ٱَّللَ َال ُىَي‬
َّ ‫ض إى َّن‬
‫﴿ َوَال تَ ْب ىغ ٱلْ َف َس َاد ىِف ْٱأل َْر ى‬
َ ‫ب ٱلْ ُم ْفسد‬

Which means: “Do not seek to spread corruption in the land, for Allah certainly does not

like the corruptors.”

۟ ۟ ‫﴿ فَأَوفُو۟ا ٱلْ َكيل وٱلْ ى‬

‫صلَٰ ىح َها ۚ ٰذَلى ُك ْم َخ ْ ًۭريٌ لَّ ُك ْم‬ ‫َّاس أَ ْشيَآءَ ُه ْم َوَال تُ ْف ىس ُدوا ىِف ْٱأل َْر ى‬
ْ ‫ض بَ ْع َد إى‬ َ ‫ن‬ ‫ٱل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫و‬ ‫س‬ ‫خ‬‫ب‬ ‫ت‬
َ ‫ال‬
َ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ا‬
ُ َْ َ َ َ َْ ‫م‬ ْ
َ ‫إىن ُكنتُم ُّم ْؤمن‬
﴾ ‫ني‬
Which means: “So give just measure and weight, do not defraud people of their property,

nor spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order. This is for your own good, if

you are ˹truly˺ believers.”

In addition, preservation of the environment can be realised through the

implementation of grace. This is based on the Qur'anic verse:

‫ى ى‬
َ ‫ك إىَّال َر ْمحَ ًۭةً لرلْ َعٰلَم‬
﴾ ‫ني‬ َ َٰ‫﴿ َوَمآ أ َْر َسلْن‬

Which means: “We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a mercy for the whole world.”

Al-Quran. Al-Maidah. 5:64
Al-Quran. Al-Qasas. 28:77
Al-Quran. Al-A’raf. 7:85
Al-Quran. Al-Anbiya. 21:107

This verse is about the prophet Muhammad, who is appointed as a prophet and is a

grace for the whole world. Grace, or rahmat, is a word that carries the meaning of pleasant

goodness74. When grace is discussed as a concept, it leads to an understanding of the

concept of mercy-specific pity, and some are general, depending on the act of kindness

someone wants to implement75. This act of kindness then has different views from various

Islamic scholars. One of the famous Islamic scholars, Imam Al-Tabari, believed that the

target of Islamic kindness, or rahmat, is everything that has been created by Allah; the same

goes for the environment76. This is also apparent in the life of the Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH), who has shown great environmental concern and care. Therefore, as a Muslim

who believes in and has faith in the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it is a great teaching of

Islam to follow the ways of the Prophet.

Another teaching that is given a big priority in Islam is to have a well-balanced way

of life. This includes the act of avoiding any waste in life. In the Quran, it is stated that:

﴾ ‫ني‬‫ب ٱلْمس ىرفى‬
ُّ ‫ند ُك ىل مس ىج ٍۢد وُكلُو۟ا وٱ ْشربو۟ا وَال تُس ىرفُو۟ا ۚ إىنَّهۥ َال ُى‬
‫َي‬ َ ‫﴿ يٰب ىِن ءادم خ ُذو۟ا ىزينَ تَ ُكم عى‬
َ ُْ ُ ٓ ْ َ َُ َ َ ْ َ ‫ر‬ ْ ُ َ َ َ ٓ ََ

Which means: O Children of Adam! Dress properly whenever you are at worship. Eat and

drink, but do not waste. Surely He does not like the wasteful.

Ibn Manzur. (1999). Lisan al-’Arab, Beirut: Dar Ihya’ al-Turath, volume 6
Al-Asfahani. (2009). al-Mufradat fi Gharib al-Qur’an, Makkah: Maktabah Nizar Mustafa al-Baz
Isa, M. Y. A. M. (2019). Konsep Umum Rahmat Terhadap Alam Sekitar Menurut Perspektif Pentafsiran
Al-Ra’yi: The General Concept of Mercy to The Environment: A Study on The Perspective f Al-Ra’yi
Interpretations. Maʿālim al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah
Al-Quran. Al-A’raf. 7:31

ٍۢ ‫﴿ وهو ٱلَّ ىذى أَنشأَ جنَّ ٍۢت معروش ٍۢت وغري معر‬
ُّ ‫ع ُمُْتَلى ًفا أُ ُكلُهُۥ َوٱلَّزيْتُو َن َو‬
‫ٱلرَّما َن ُمتَ َشٰبى ًًۭها‬ َ ‫ٱلزْر‬
َّ ‫َّخ َل َو‬
ْ ‫وشٰت َوٱلن‬
َ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َٰ ُ ْ َّ ٰ َ َ ٓ َ ُ َ

﴾ ‫ني‬‫ب ٱلْمس ىرفى‬
ُّ ‫وغَري متَ َشٰبى ٍۢه ۚ ُكلُو۟ا ىمن ََثَىرهىٓۦ إىذَآ أََْثَر وءاتُو۟ا حقَّهۥ ي وم حص ىادهىۦ وَال تُس ىرفُ ۟وا ۚ إىنَّهۥ َال ُى‬
َ ُْ ُ ٓ ْ َ َ َ َ َْ ُ َ َ َ َ ُ َْ َ

Which means: “He is the One Who produces gardens—both cultivated and wild—and palm

trees, crops of different flavours, olives, and pomegranates—similar ˹in shape˺, but

dissimilar ˹in taste˺. Eat of the fruit they bear and pay the dues at harvest, but do not waste.

Surely He does not like the wasteful.”

Islam has debated and highlighted the hazards of wasteful consumer habits and

irresponsible attitudes and habits as a religion. Islam urged moderation in all aspects of life

and led by example, and this is what the Qur’an emphasises. The emphasis on these

teachings may increase Muslim populations' understanding of and willingness to uphold

environmental sustainability as a fundamental moral ideal. It is for this reason that

protecting natural resources is essential for human survival. For instance, the Holy Qur'an

describes water as a purifying agent and the source of life for all living things:

‫ٱلريٰح ب ْش ٍۢرا بني يدى ر ْمحتى ىهۦ ۚ وأَنزلْنا ىمن َّ ى‬ ‫ى‬

َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َْ ً ُ َ َ‫ى أ َْر َس َل رى‬ ٓ ‫﴿ َوُه َو ٱلَّذ‬
﴾ ‫ورا‬
ًًۭ ‫ٱلس َمآء َما ًۭٓءً طَ ُه‬

Which means: “And He is the One Who sends the winds ushering in His mercy, and We

send down pure rain from the sky”

Al-Quran. Al-An’am. 6:141
Al-Quran. Al-Furqan. 25:48

Islam places a high priority on protecting the environment. The verses in the Quran

that instruct people to care for the environment reflect this. This is particularly true when

humans themselves are created from one of the elements of nature, which is soil. For

instance, Allah states in the Quran:

ًٌۭ ‫ٱستَ ْغ ىف ُروهُ ُُثَّ تُوبُٓوا إىلَْي ىه ۚ إى َّن َرىرّب قَ ىر‬
ًٌۭ ‫يب ُّىّم‬ ‫ى‬ ‫َنشأَ ُكم ىرم َن ْٱأل َْر ى‬
﴾ ‫يب‬ ْ َ‫ٱستَ ْع َمَرُك ْم ف َيها ف‬
ْ ‫ض َو‬ َ ‫﴿ ُه َو أ‬

Which means: “He ˹is the One Who˺ produced you from the earth and settled you on it. So

seek His forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. Surely my Lord is Ever Near, All-

Responsive ˹to prayers˺.”

Furthermore, Islamic philosophy teaches and demonstrates the virtues of preserving

the natural world. This could be demonstrated by both land reclamation and the

preservation of natural resources. Islam additionally believes that a clean environment is

important. It is also of the utmost significance for maintaining human health. Since Islam

considers purification to be half-faith, pollution is an unpleasant and harmful impurity that

people must purge themselves from. Pollution is a dangerous product of unsustainable

activity that people are required to avoid at all costs. The Almighty said:

‫ى‬ ُّ ‫ني َوُىَي‬

َ ‫ب ٱلْ ُمتَطَ ره ىر‬ َ ‫َّوبى‬ ُّ ‫ٱَّللَ ُىَي‬
َّٰ ‫ب ٱلت‬ َّ ‫﴿ إى َّن‬
﴾ ‫ين‬

Which means: “Indeed, Allāh loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those

who purify themselves.”

Al-Quran. Al-Hud. 11:16
Al-Quran. Al-Baqarah. 2:222

The concepts of cleanliness of the body and safety of the environment appear

frequently in Islamic teachings. An example of a religious practice that calls for moderation

in the use of water and whose regulations should be more widely disseminated is ablution,

one of the fundamental Islamic purification rituals. Prophet Muhammad is promoting and

cultivating reasonable consumption habits and reasonable attitudes through his teachings

on behaviour82. For instance, what was reported in the hadith:

َّ ‫اَّللى صلى هللا عليه وسلم َم َّر بى َس ْعد َو ُه َو يَتَ َو‬

َ ‫ضأُ فَ َق‬
‫ال " َما َه َذا‬ َّ ‫ول‬
َ ‫َن َر ُس‬ َّ ‫عَ ْن عَبْ ىد‬
َّ ‫ أ‬،‫اَّللى بْ ىن عَ ْمرو‬
‫ال أىَيف الْوض ى‬
"83‫ت عَلَى َهنَر َجار‬ َ ْ‫ال " نَعَ ْم َوإى ْن ُكن‬ ٌ ‫وء إى ْس َر‬
َ َ‫اف ق‬ ُُ َ ‫ فَ َق‬. " ‫ف‬ ُ ‫الس َر‬
Which means: The Messenger of Allah passed by Sa'd when he was performing ablution,

and he said: 'What is this extravagance?' He said: 'Can there be any extravagance in

ablution?' He said: “Yes, even if you are on the bank of a flowing river.”84

In addition to preserving the balance of nature, conservation attempts have the

potential to save ecosystems and animal habitats. The practice of the Prophet s.a.w. with

regard to conserving our resources can be seen through prophetic narrations. As narrated in

a hadith, Anas ibn Malik r.a. reported:

Lawson, T. (2020). Muhammad as Educator, Islam as Enlightenment, and the Quran as Sacred Epic.
In Knowledge and Education in Classical Islam: Religious Learning between Continuity and Change (2 vols).
Sunan Ibnu Majah, Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Kitab Thoharoh Wa Sunanuha. Bab Ma Ja’a Fi Al-
Qosdi Fi Al-Wudhu'i Wakarohiyati At-Ta'addi Fiihi. Book 1. #159.
Sunan Ibnu Majah, Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Kitab Thoharoh Wa Sunanuha. Bab Ma Ja’a Fi Al-
Qosdi Fi Al-Wudhu'i Wakarohiyati At-Ta'addi Fiihi. Book 1. #159. (All Hadith translations in this writing are
based on Sunnah.Com Website. ( Translation from other sources will be cited

َّ ‫ضأُ ىابلْ ُم رىد َويَغْتَ ىسلُ ىاب‬
‫لصا ىع إى َىل َخَْ َس ىة أ َْم َداد‬ َّ ‫اَّللُ عَلَيْ ىه َو َسلَّ َم يَتَ َو‬
َّ ‫صلَّى‬ ُّ ‫َكا َن النى‬
َ ‫َّيب‬

Which means: The Prophet s.a.w. would perform ablution (wudhu) with one mudd (half a

litre) and would perform a ritual bath with one sa’ (about two litres), up to five mudd (two

and a half litres).”

According to Islam, the environment is God's creation, and to protect it is to

preserve its values as a sign of the Creator . Thus, it is indeed stated in the Islamic teachings

that nature must be protected by humans. In this instance, it was noted in the research that

Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri reported the Prophet Muhammad said that:

‫ف تَ ْع َملُو َن فَاتَّ ُقوا الدُّنْيَا َواتَّ ُقوا النرى َساءَ فَإى َّن أ ََّو َل‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫إى َّن الدُّنْيا حلْوةٌ خ ى‬
َّ ‫ض َرةٌ َوإى َّن‬
َ ْ‫اَّللَ ُم ْستَ ْخل ُف ُك ْم ف َيها فَيَ نْظُُر َكي‬ َ َُ َ
‫ى‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ى ى ى‬
َ ْ‫ َوىيف َحديث ابْ ىن بَشَّار " ليَ نْظَُر َكي‬. " ‫ت ىيف النر َساء‬ َ ‫فتْ نَة بَىِن إ ْس َرائ‬
" ‫ف تَ ْع َملُو َن‬ ْ َ‫يل َكان‬
Which means: “The world is sweet and green (alluring) and verily Allah is going to install

you as vicegerent in it in order to see how you act. So avoid the allurement of women:

verily, the first trial for the people of Isra'il was caused by women. And in the hadith

transmitted on the authority of Ibn Bashshar the words are:" So that He should see how you


Waste has a negative impact on the environment and has the potential to seriously

harm both the planet and its people. Therefore, minimising waste will be made easier by

conserving what we can. From the previous hadith mentioned, the lesson that could be

Sohih Muslim. Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Darul Kitab 'Ilmiyah-Birut. Kitab Al-Haid. Book 3. #59
Sohih Muslim. Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Darul Kitab 'Ilmiyah-Birut. Kitab Ar-Roqoq. Book 49 #12

found is that this might also be applied to how much food we eat on a daily basis and how

much electricity we use for all of our equipment. These initiatives are a crucial component

of climate change plans aimed at lowering greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major

cause of global warming.

Islam places great importance on protecting natural resources, human-animal

relationships, sustainable land cultivation, and environmental protection in general.

Maintaining the availability of natural resources requires protection in addition to growth

promotion. Planting trees is a good thing that supports the ecosystem on many levels and

contributes to environmental protection and preservation. Because they absorb pollutants,

release oxygen into the atmosphere, and lessen ozone depletion, trees are recognised as

enhancing the quality of both the air and the water. Tree gardening was encouraged by the

Prophet (peace be upon him). According to a hadith given by Anas ibn Malik, the Prophet

(peace be upon him) said:

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬

َ ‫ إىالَّ َكا َن لَهُ بىه‬،ٌ‫يمة‬ ‫ى‬
َ ‫ فَيَأْ ُكلُ منْهُ طَْريٌ أ َْو إنْ َسا ٌن أ َْو ََب‬،‫س غَ ْر ًسا‬ ‫ى‬
ٌ‫ص َدقَة‬ ُ ‫ أ َْو يَغْر‬،‫َما م ْن ُم ْسلم يَ ْزَرعُ َزْرعًا‬

Which means: “There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and

then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift.”

The previously mentioned hadiths show that everyone who performs good deeds

and works hard will receive a certain amount of compensation and reward. These are a few

Sohih Muslim. Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Darul Kitab 'Ilmiyah-Birut. Kitab Al-Musaqoh. Juz 22 #12

instances of impactful actions. Even though it appears to be just one planting act to the

naked eye, it brings benefits to many in the long run.

Other than that, animals are among the essential elements and inhabitants of Earth,

aside from humans. Every animal in the wild has a vital function to perform within the

ecosystem. Given that animals carry out their responsibilities to preserve and protect the

earth, it is only fitting that we, as stewards of the planet, contribute to environmental

preservation. Taking care of Allah's creations and animals is one method that we could use

to achieve this goal. It has been brought to light by the Prophet (peace be upon him), as

narrated in a hadith. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked

about the rewards of serving animals. The Prophet (peace be upon him) then replied:

ْ ‫ىيف ُك ىلر ذات َكبىد َرطْبَة أ‬

‫َج ٌر‬

Which means: “There is a reward for serving any living being”.

The previously mentioned hadith tells us how important it is to serve and care for

the living beings on Earth, animals included. This can be justified by the clarification of the

Prophet (peace be upon him) on the reward for doing such noble deeds.

To guarantee that the resources we still have can be preserved and used to the fullest

extent feasible, conservation is an important process. Environmental exploitation that is

both unethical and excessive is prohibited by Islamic beliefs. Even during times of battles

and wars, Prophet Muhammad, as the Messenger of God, always summoned his followers

Al-Bukhāriyy, Muhammad ibn Ismail. Ilmiyah Bayrūt. Kitab Al-Adab. Book 78. #40

in any final congregation before going into battle to remind Muslims not to breach the

Islamic ethic of war, including the ban on destroying the natural environment. This could

be seen in the following hadith:

َّ‫صبىيًّا َوالَ َكبى ًريا َه ىرًما َوالَ تَ ْقطَ َع َّن َش َجًرا ُمثْ ىمًرا َوالَ ُُتَرىربَ َّن َع ىامًرا َوالَ تَ ْع ىقَر َّن َشاةً َوالَ بَعى ًريا إىال‬
َ َ‫الَ تَ ْقتُلَ َّن ْامَرأَةً َوال‬
ْ ُ ‫ل َمأْ ُكلَة َوالَ َْحت ىرقَ َّن ََْنالً َوالَ تُ َفرىرقَنَّهُ َوالَ تَ ْغلُ ْل َوالَ َْت‬
Which means: “Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down

fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels

except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and

do not be cowardly.”

One of the many lessons that we may draw from this hadith is that the Prophet

(peace be upon him) displayed great concern and care for the environment and aimed at

caring for and protecting it wholeheartedly.

4.3 The Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies

Environment protection and sustainability are harmonious, and sustainability can

be achieved by protecting our natural resources. Fortunately, there are numerous

approaches that have been recommended by numerous credible experts to help solve this

never-ending issue. Some useful advances in environmental protection strategies and

policies will be highlighted in this section of the study.

Muwatta' Imam Malik. Muhammad Fuad Al-Baqiyy. Kitab Al-Jihad. Book 21. #971

4.3.1 Environmental Protection Strategies.

Protection of the environment strategies are those that humans can implement to try and

preserve nature for future generations. The strategies for environmental protection that will

be discussed are based on a number of ideas and recommendations from different research

projects related to this subject. The following are the strategies:

i. Consume less

The natural resources that humans depend on for survival are finite and getting

harder to come by every day. Food, wood, gasoline, and other resources are limited.

Thus, the more we use, the less we can preserve for future generations. In a finite world,

the global economy cannot expand indefinitely. Future generations at all income levels

will suffer as a result of rising prices brought on by the depletion of natural resources

demanded by growing economies and populations.

In 1994, delegates from around the world gathered in Cairo for the International

Conference on Population and Development. A representative from Antigua reaffirmed

the claim that the wealthiest 20 percent of the world's population consumes 80% of the

products and services produced by the natural resources of the world 90. This statistic

alone is enough of a claim that the human population is overconsuming the earth's

Sagoff, M. (2000). Do we consume too much?. The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics, 2, 53-

natural resources, which could cause harm in the future. Therefore, reducing

consumption may contribute to environmental preservation and the protection of the

planet's natural resources.

ii. Compost

The organic matter that is naturally recycled into a beneficial fertiliser that can

improve soil and plants is called compost. Examples of this material include leaves and

food scraps. Furthermore, composting just accelerates the process by giving bacteria,

fungi, and other decomposing organisms the perfect habitat in which to work91. There

are many benefits to composting garden trash and leftover food scraps. It creates free,

rich soil that can be used for gardening, among other things, and it keeps an amazing

amount of rubbish out of the waste stream. Composting systems recycle organic waste

from landfills, increase produce sales, and replace the use of fertilisers, among other

advantages that help achieve sustainability.

In addition to locking carbon and nutrients in the soil, applying compost to the

garden can eliminate the need for fertilisers, which lowers every category of

environmental impact that was examined at92. Therefore, by lowering human waste, it

Shelia Hu, “What is Composting?”, NRDC. (
Mu, D., Horowitz, N., Casey, M., & Jones, K. (2017). Environmental and economic analysis of an in-vessel
food waste composting system at Kean University in the US. Waste management, 59, 476-486.

helps to eliminate a few major causes that contribute to environmental destruction and

establish a healthier way of living.

iii. Choose reusable over single-use

Each day, there could be thousands, even millions, of people drinking beverages

from disposable cups or disposable bottles, sipping from disposable straws, carrying

disposable grocery bags, eating from disposable plates or containers, and using

disposable utensils. All that single-use plastic has to go somewhere, and it’s had a

devastating effect on soils, oceans, and marine life. For instance, it has been proven that

a significant amount of environmental contamination comes from single-use plastic

shopping bags93.

A global treaty is required to address the issue of single-use products damaging the

environment. This treaty should not only target plastic shopping bags but also take into

account the environmental effects of all plastic products, including straws, foamed

plastics, plastic bottles, and caps94. Due to that, it is absolutely required to switch to

reusable items and make a commitment to use them as often as possible. This will

undeniably result in less trash piling up at residential areas' curbs, and it’ll be helping

to protect the environment in a major way.

Xanthos, D., & Walker, T. R. (2017). International policies to reduce plastic marine pollution from single-
use plastics (plastic bags and microbeads): A review. Marine pollution bulletin, 118(1-2).
Muposhi, A., Mpinganjira, M., & Wait, M. (2022). Considerations, benefits and unintended consequences
of banning plastic shopping bags for environmental sustainability: A systematic literature review. Waste
Management & Research, 40(3), 248-261.

iv. Reduce the use of air-polluting vehicles.

The use of automobiles and other forms of transportation may be considered

essential in today's culture. However, a major cause of air pollution is the tonnes of

carbon dioxide that are released into the atmosphere by gasoline-powered vehicles,

such as cars and motorcycles. About 4.6 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide are released

annually by a typical passenger car, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA)95. The attempt to reduce the effects of global warming through the

lowering of carbon dioxide emissions has attracted international attention. Reducing

carbon dioxide emissions should require the implementation of drastic policies and the

removal of several barriers in markets and institutions, even for the most developed

nations such as the US, EU, and Japan. For instance, in the Tokyo metropolitan region,

the concentration of nitrogen dioxide is still rising and exceeding the permissible limit,

with the primary factor contributing to the development of the urban environment being

the growing number of cars in this region96.

As a result, in order to minimise this kind of vehicle's impact on contributing to air

pollution and environmental destruction, it is necessary to minimise its use. Any amount

that may be reduced will be beneficial. For example, for short excursions, consider

Martinez, S. (2022). Vehicles and Emissions.
Saitoh, T. S., Hoshi, A., Ando, D., Kurata, K., & Yamada, N. (1970). Energy-efficient Vehicle To Reduce
Urban Warming, Air Pollution And CO% Emissions In Urban Areas. WIT Transactions on The Built
Environment, 36.

biking or walking. If walking or bicycling aren't an option, consider carpooling to a

similar location with a friend, neighbour, or coworker. Arrange errands on the most

efficient route to minimise time and mileage if driving is still necessary in the worst-

case scenario. This approach might even somewhat benefit the environment.

v. Use less water

One of the primary elements of natural resources is water. Water is vital to the

survival of the human population as well as other animals, plants, and bacteria around

the world. It also helps to maintain an appropriate food supply and a productive

environment. The demand for freshwater has been rising significantly worldwide as

economies and human populations rise97. This limited supply, therefore, is insufficient

to meet the need for continuous human growth. In numerous locations, there are

existing water shortages, and over a billion people lack access to clean drinking water.

Additionally, contaminated water is the primary source of 90% of infectious diseases

in developing countries98.

The lack of water could be detrimental to the environment. In addition, water

scarcity significantly lowers biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems,

Ingraham Jr, W. J., Ebbesmeyer, C. C., & Hinrichsen, R. A. (1998). Imminent climate and circulation shift
in Northeast Pacific Ocean could have major impact on marine resources. Eos, Transactions American
Geophysical Union
Pimentel, D., Berger, B., Filiberto, D., Newton, M., Wolfe, B., Karabinakis, E., ... & Nandagopal, S. (2004).
Water resources: agricultural and environmental issues. BioScience, 54(10).

endangering human food supplies99. Water pollution also lowers water quality and

promotes the spread of dangerous human diseases. Thus, in order to preserve the water

supply, people must use less water in their daily lives. That is, only as much as is

required for specific tasks. For instance, cut the length of the shower time by a few

minutes, gather and use rainwater for plants, and switch off the water when brushing

the teeth. Water scarcity is less likely to occur in the future when it is used wisely, as

less water will be wasted.

vi. Conserve electricity.

One of the main things that harms the environment is electricity. This is particularly

true when it comes to fossil fuel-fired power plants' usage of energy. In actuality, this

power plant is highly helpful in accelerating the growth of a developing nation. On the

other hand, it causes a great deal of environmental harm. In 1990, fossil fuel-fired power

plants in Europe cost the US economy over 70 billion dollars in environmental harm100.

Some of the waste from fossil fuel-powered power plants is the cause of this. For

instance, carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and

particulate matter with a diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10) produced by fossil fuel-

fired power plants contribute to the damage to human health and global warming101. In

Postel, S. L., Daily, G. C., & Ehrlich, P. R. (1996). Human appropriation of renewable fresh
water. Science, 271(5250).
Krewitt, W., Heck, T., Trukenmüller, A., & Friedrich, R. (1999). Environmental damage costs from fossil
electricity generation in Germany and Europe. Energy Policy, 27(3).
Zhang, Q. Y., Wei, Y. M., Chen, Y. X., & Guo, H. (2007). Environmental damage costs from fossil
electricity generation in China, 2000∼ 2003. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 8, 1816-1825.

order to lessen the harm done to the environment, it is advised that all possible steps be

made to limit the usage of power.

4.3.2 Environmental Protection Policies

Environmental policy is any measure by a government, co-orporation, or other

public or private organisation regarding the effects of human activities on the environment,

particularly those measures that are designed to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of

human activities on ecosystems102.

Environmental policy is a very new policy subject, having only been around since

the early 1970s. Prior to that point, environmental regulations were quite spread out, mostly

focused on protecting human health, and created on the spur of the moment. The massive

increase in public interest in environmental issues in the late 1960s provided the drive for

environmental policy103.

This suggests that, when it comes to the environment and its preservation, law and

policy are connected. Environmental values are frequently not taken into consideration

when making decisions within organisations, which is why regulations regarding the

environment are necessary. The purpose of these laws and policies is to prevent people from

taking any actions that can endanger the environment. for example, the international

environmental policy that addresses a variety of topics such as the preservation of

Bueren, E. van (2023, December 26). environmental policy. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Jordan, A. (2001). Environmental policy: protection and regulation. International Encyclopaedia of the
Social and Behavioural Sciences, 7.

biological diversity, the conservation of forests, oceans, and soils, as well as the control of

climate change. Plus, desertification, sustainable waste management, and safety against

dangerous substances are further linked subjects104.

At the local, regional, national, and worldwide levels, there has been a rise in public

and state concern in recent years over environmental issues and the effects of certain

environmental harms such pollution, toxic waste, and illegal logging. But compared to

more conventional types of crime and violence, environmental factors have typically

received far less attention from criminologists. But this is beginning to change now that

environmental law and policy are involved, as shown by a number of recent studies and

academic conversations that focus on various facets of the emerging field of "green


Environmental crime prevention is a further example of environmental law,

encompassing several substantive factors. It has to address activities that are already illegal

and forbidden, such as illegal fishing and the dumping of toxic waste. It must also address

incidents that have not yet been formally classified as "harmful" but which appear to be

displaying possibly negative effects. Preventing environmental crimes also involves

negotiating various forms of harm, since they impact not only non-human creatures but

also local and global surroundings, as well as humans106.

Federal Ministry For The Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety And Consumer Protection,
What Is International Environmental Policy About?. (
Beirne, P., & South, N. (Eds.). (2013). Issues in green criminology. Routledge.
Brisman, A. (2015). Environmental harm as deviance and crime. The Handbook of Deviance.

Unfortunately, environmental issues don't care much about political affiliation. In

essence, there are three categories of worldwide problems. The first occurs when a state's

lawful actions have worldwide consequences. for example, is global warming. Then there

are international debt and trade, two global activities with an impact on the environment.

The issue of how to protect resources that are valued by all people but are found in only

one region of the planet, such as rainforests and regional oceans, comes last. Olson's theory

of collective action sheds light on the challenges of fostering cooperation, but this time, it's

between governments as opposed to people. Regional agreements, like those established

by the European Union, offer the clearest illustration of effective global diplomacy107.

4.4 Comparison of Environmental Protection from an Islamic Perspective to

Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies

Environment protection and sustainability are harmonious, and sustainability can

be achieved by protecting our natural resources. As nature provides us with essentials, it

falls on our shoulders to do the deed to maintain sustainability and to keep these sources

through the work of preservation. This is referred to as environmental protection. Then,

strategies and policies to help achieve the sustainability of the environment were a great

achievement that humanity obtained for a better future. Furthermore, the conditions

necessary for living an environmentally sustainable life are closely aligned with the

teachings of the Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah, or practices, as explained in the previous

Jordan, A. (2001). Environmental policy: protection and regulation. International Encyclopaedia of the
Social and Behavioural Sciences, 7.

argument. In accordance with the Qur'an, protecting the environment is not a question of

choice; rather, it is both a social and religious duty.

There is a great connection between the Islamic view on this topic and the strategies

and policies provided by the modern world regarding the protection of the environment. In

this part, the connection will be explained by comparing these two elements to find if there

are any similarities or even differences that are clear or hidden for better understanding.

These comparisons will be broken down into several parts.

4.4.1 Origin

One may define a grand strategy as the most detailed planning method used by a

nation to achieve a long-term goal. A comprehensive evaluation of the state's resources, the

designation of a national goal, and the highly organised deployment of those resources are

all necessary for the development and implementation of a grand strategy108. Protection of

the environment strategies are those that humans can implement to try and preserve nature

for future generations. Strategies for environmental protection ideas and recommendations

from different sources could be found in any study or trusted sources like government ads.

As for environmental policy, it is any measure by a government, corporation, or

other public or private organisation regarding the effects of human activities on the

Sibii, R. (2017, January 30). grand strategy. Encyclopedia Britannica.

environment, particularly those measures that are designed to prevent or reduce the harmful

effects of human activities on ecosystems109.

On the other hand, the Islamic view regarding environmental protection originates

from Islamic beliefs and teachings. Then, those beliefs and teachings originated from the

four fundamentals of Islamic jurisprudence, which are the Quran, the actual word of God,

which was revealed to Muhammad (PBUH) through the Archangel Jibril, and it was

revealed to him for 23 years at irregular intervals from July 609 CE, during the month of

Ramadan, when Muhammad (PBUH) was 40 years old and meditating in the Cave of Hira

on the mountain of Makkah, and ended a few months before he passed away. Secondly,

sunnah, all that the Prophet (PBUH) said, did, or approved was eventually gathered and

recorded in many different books of the Sunnah. Thirdly, Ijma', which is defined as the

consensus of all qualified jurists following the Prophet's (PBUH) passing away in terms of

law. Lastly, Qiyas which means analogy and syllogism110.

4.4.2 History

Strategies are improved and change over time. It is what comes out of humans

finding ways to overcome the problems faced regarding nature. On the other hand, public

policies aimed at environmental protection date back to ancient times. This is according to

Bueren, E. van (2023, December 26). environmental policy. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Al-Bar, M. A., Chamsi-Pasha, H., Al-Bar, M. A., & Chamsi-Pasha, H. (2015). The origins of Islamic
morality and ethics. Contemporary Bioethics: Islamic Perspective.

a study by Bueren, E. van, from 2023111. The first sewers were built in ancient Rome (the

Roman Empire) and Mohenjo-daro (the Indus, or Harappan) civilizations, which are

roughly 4,500 and 2,700 years old, respectively. Environmental laws were enacted by other

civilizations. Approximately 2,300 years ago, the city-states of ancient Greece formulated

laws governing the harvesting of forests. By 1000 CE, mediaeval European civilizations

had formed hunting preserves, restricting the hunting of animals and timber to the nobility

and averting overexploitation. In the seventeenth century, the city of Paris constructed the

first extensive sewer system in Europe. Governments created additional rules and

regulations for urban hygiene, sewage, sanitation, and housing, as well as the first laws

devoted to protecting natural landscapes and wildlife such as the establishment of

Yellowstone National Park, the world's first national park, in 1872. These developments

came about as the effects of industrialization and urbanisation grew during the late 19th

and early 20th centuries and threatened human health. Rich people and private foundations,

like the National Audubon Society (established in 1905) and the Sierra Club (formed in

1892), also made significant contributions to the conservation of animals and natural


In the 1950s and 1960s, people started to learn about the negative consequences of

emissions, the use of chemicals in industry, and the use of pesticides and any toxic

substances used to kill animals, fungi, or plants that cause economic damage to crops or

ornamental plants or are hazardous to the health of domestic animals or humans in

Bueren, E. van (2023, December 26). environmental policy. Encyclopedia Britannica.

agriculture112. The 1956 Minamata disease outbreak in Japan, caused by nearby chemical

companies' mercury leaks, and American biologist Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent

Spring, which brought attention to the perils of pollution, raised public awareness of

environmental issues and resulted in extensive regulatory frameworks in many developed


On the Islamic side, it could be said that Islamic views on the environment were

founded at the time of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which was the glory days of the

rise of Islam. It is because, as explained before, the Islamic views originated from the

Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence. It is also affected by Islamic law. According to a

book by Coulson in 2011113, the year saw the establishment of the Muslim community in

Medina. With a few temporary exceptions, the Arab tribes and sub-tribes recognised

Muhammad as the prophet or spokesperson of God and saw themselves and his Meccan

followers as members of a new kind of people whose shared religious beliefs went beyond

tribal lines. In many ways, tribal custom gave way to the will of God as revealed to the

community through the Prophet Muhammad's transmission of the Qur'anic revelations,

even as the Prophet Muhammad's position gradually evolved into one of political and legal


As a result, the Qur'anic "legal matter" is essentially a collection of general and

wide assertions about the goals and objectives of Muslim society. It is the essence of the

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023, December 27). pesticide. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Coulson, N. J. (2011). A history of Islamic law. AldineTransaction.

Islamic religious ethic reduced to its most basic form. As a result, once the Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) passed away, his followers carried on with this teaching, which was

then picked up by other scholars and presented as Islamic doctrine.

4.4.3 Purposes

There are several perspectives on the goals of environmental protection strategies

and policies. An iconic illustration of a nonexcludable or "public" asset, according to

economists, is environmental quality. Therefore, most residents profit from environmental

quality, if not all of them do. To put it another way, society as a whole bears the costs of

deterioration rather than simply the polluter. This observation, which may seem obvious,

has significant implications for the scope of environmental policy 114. Furthermore, those

who defend the welfare of natural things or the "public" interest do not always act in a way

that serves their own or their group's self-interests. According to a study, people are

motivated to "free ride" by consuming environmental quality in the hopes that society or

some other party will bear the associated costs115.

The other purpose is because of the need for regulation. Because environmental

damage originates from otherwise socially legitimate activities like energy and food

production, the state is frequently compelled to regulate the use of public goods by capping

Jordan, A. (2001). Environmental policy: protection and regulation. International Encyclopaedia of the
Social and Behavioural Sciences, 7.
Olson, M. (2012). The logic of collective action [1965]. Contemporary Sociological Theory.

the harm that a certain segment of the population can inflict on others. Because of this,

environmental policy is fundamentally regulatory, even if regulation always has

distributive and redistributive effects116.

It also has to do with managing complexity and uncertainty. Environmental

resources have the potential to collapse and perish forever when human expansion

surpasses the planet's ability for self-healing. While it is true that certain natural resources

and amenities, like individual trees that can be planted again or water that can be moved,

are replaceable or repairable, many others, like the delicate ecosystem of wetland habitat,

cannot. Making environmental policy is more difficult because of irreversible factors,

which set it apart from more easily addressed sectors like tax or social affairs. The concept

of irreversibility suggests that policies that anticipate issues and systematically solve them

should be replaced with fragmented approaches.

The Islamic perspective holds that, like policies and strategies, their goal is to

safeguard the environment's interests and guarantee the security of this finite resource so

that it will stay around and can be utilised by future generations. However, as the servant

of Allah, what's more important is to obey the commandment of God. This is because it is

believed in Islam that preserving and protecting nature is a must, as the Quran always

depicts the importance and priority of nature. Furthermore, nature is a "gift of God." The

Lowi, T. J. (1972). Four systems of policy, politics, and choice. Public administration review, 32(4).

Quran has more than 750 verses that discuss nature. It is stated that all living things on

earth, including humans, exist because of nature, which is actually a gift from Allah.

﴾ ۚ ُ‫مج ًًۭيعا ىرمْنه‬
‫ض َى‬ ‫ٱلسمٰ ٰو ى‬
‫ت َوَما ىِف ْٱأل َْر ى‬ ‫ى‬
َ َ َّ ‫﴿ َو َس َّخَر لَ ُكم َّما ِف‬

“He ˹also˺ subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth—all

by His grace118”.

Therefore, as a sign of appreciation for the gift given by God, people, especially

Muslims, need to appreciate the gift. This is also one of the main goals of environmental

protection, in line with the efforts of Muslims to maintain a relationship with God, the

creator of nature. The responsibility of protecting the environment then falls into the hands

of humans. Muslims have faith that the true owner of all resources is Allah. Thus, it is a

sacred and essential act or obligation that people use them properly. When they are

obtained, humans are meant to act as trustees, reaping the advantages that correspond with

the terms of the trust. In another verse, God stated:

‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ت وٱ ْألَر ى ى‬ ‫ضنَا ٱ ْألَمانَةَ علَى ٱ َّ ى‬

‫نسٰ ُن إىنَّهُۥ‬ ‫ى‬ َ َْ‫ض َوٱ ْْلبَ ىال فَأَب‬
َ ‫ني أَن ََْيملْنَ َها َوأَ ْش َف ْق َن منْ َها َو َمحَلَ َها ٱ ْإل‬ ْ َ ‫لس َمٰ َٰو‬ َ َ ْ ‫﴿ إى َّان َعَر‬
﴾ ‫وما َج ُه ًًۭوال‬ًًۭ ُ‫َكا َن ظَل‬

Al-Quran. Al-Jathiyah. 45:13.
Dr. Mustafa Khattab. (
Al-Quran. Al-Ahzab. 33:72

Which means: “Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains,

but they ˹all˺ declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity assumed it, ˹for˺ they are

truly wrongful ˹to themselves˺ and ignorant ˹of the consequences˺”

According to Islam, the environment is God's creation, and to protect it is to

preserve its values as a sign of the Creator. Thus, it is indeed stated in the Islamic teachings

that nature must be protected by humans. In this instance, it was noted in the research that

Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri reported the Prophet Muhammad said that:

‫ف تَ ْع َملُو َن فَاتَّ ُقوا الدُّنْيَا َواتَّ ُقوا النرى َساءَ فَإى َّن أ ََّو َل‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫إى َّن الدُّنْيا حلْوةٌ خ ى‬
َّ ‫ض َرةٌ َوإى َّن‬
َ ْ‫اَّللَ ُم ْستَ ْخل ُف ُك ْم ف َيها فَيَ نْظُُر َكي‬ َ َُ َ
‫ى‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ى ى ى‬
َ ْ‫ َوىيف َحديث ابْ ىن بَشَّار " ليَ نْظَُر َكي‬. " ‫ت ىيف النر َساء‬ َ ‫فتْ نَة بَىِن إ ْس َرائ‬
" ‫ف تَ ْع َملُو َن‬ ْ َ‫يل َكان‬
“The world is sweet and green (alluring) and verily Allah is going to install you as

vicegerent in it in order to see how you act. So avoid the allurement of women: verily, the

first trial for the people of Isra'il was caused by women. And in the hadith transmitted on

the authority of Ibn Bashshar the words are:" So that He should see how you act."

Through the hadith, it can be understood that the world that has been created has

been made the responsibility of humans, and the actions humans will take against it will be

evaluated and counted as a test in life. Therefore, it is the priority of Muslims to take care

of the environment to maintain the sweetness and beauty of nature, as mentioned by the

prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This will be understood as Muslims acting on environmental

Sohih Muslim. Muhammad Fu'ad Abdul Baqiy. Darul Kitab 'Ilmiyah-Birut. Kitab Ar-Roqoq. Book 49 #12

protection as an effort to obey and follow God's order and the teachings of the prophet

Muhammad (PBUH).

4.5 Conclussion

This chapter answered all the research questions, which are the Quranic and hadith

verses regarding environmental protection, the strategies and policies of environmental

protection, and the comparison of the two main parts of the study. Furthermore, this chapter

also discussed related topics that needed to be explained to make a clear statement regarding

environmental protection.



5.1 Introduction

Environmental protection is an integral part of today’s society as the earth provided

humans with a great deal of support and fulfilment during their time here. The environment

is very valuable to humans indefinitely. Therefore, it is calling for this study to be done in

the hope that it will help in protecting these valuable resources. In this chapter, this study

will highlight the summary of findings in this study and discuss its contribution. Conclusion

will be drawn based on the problem statements, research objectives and results of the study.

Finally, the suggestions for future research will also be discussed in this chapter.

5.2 Summary and Discussions of Findings

The focus of this study was to explore the three main objectives, which are the

explanation of environmental protection strategies and policies, the Islamic views based on

Quranic verses and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding environmental

protection, and lastly, to highlight a significant comparison of the environmental protection

strategies and policies to the Islamic views of environmental protection.

5.2.1 Islamic Views Based on Quranic Verses and the Hadith of the Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) Regarding Environmental Protection

From this research, the focus on the Islamic view regarding the protection of the

environment found that there are many Quranic verses and hadiths of Prophet Muhammad

that are used as guides in implementing the act of environmental protection. The teachings

of the prophetic traditions covered a wide range of environmental topics, including

protecting the environment's cleanliness, reclaiming land, and conserving natural resources.

The same goes for Quranic verses. Through the study done, the Quran has more than 750

verses that discuss nature121.

Islamic environmentalism is centred on maintaining nature and safeguarding the

environment from harm of all types. Islam believed that the Almighty God created and

owned everything that existed. Therefore, it is a great deed of worship to preserve and

safeguard the environment. It is our responsibility as the trustees of the natural world to

ensure the sustainability of the environment. This fact was mentioned in the Quran:

The environment, in the Islamic worldview, is a ‘gift of God’ to mankind. Islam is

a universal religion, and its concern for the environment is a universal one, cutting across

national, religious, and geographical barriers. Its major commandments are directed not to

the Muslims alone but to the human race. Hence, in the question of conserving natural

resources, Almighty Allah’s decree is enforced upon ‘people’ rather than on Arabs or

Sule, M. M., & Musa, S. A. (2019). Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an: Science and Technology as a Model.

Muslims alone. The environmental worldview in Islam is a holistic one. These Islamic

values can be very helpful for ensuring environmental protection.

Furthermore, Islamic teaching demonstrates the morality of conserving the

environment by preserving natural resources, rehabilitating land, and maintaining a clean

environment. Since extravagant consumerism and all forms of luxury were forbidden by

the Prophet Muhammad, criticising excessive spending promotes sustainable behaviour.

The rationalisation of consumption through moderation, cautiousness in all actions, and

sustainability are essential to the Islamic perspective on environmental preservation.

5.2.2 Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies

Protection of the environment strategies are those that humans can implement to try

and preserve nature for future generations. Several reputable experts have suggested

environmental protection solutions that draw on ideas and recommendations from other

connected research initiatives to help resolve this never-ending problem.

Cutting back on consumption is one of the strategies. Embracing a lifestyle of

mindful consumption is pivotal to mitigating the depletion of natural resources. By

consciously reducing our consumption, we can alleviate the strain on the Earth's finite

reserves and contribute to the preservation of our planet. This involves making informed

choices about the products we purchase, opting for items with minimal environmental

impact and a longer lifespan. Prioritising the reuse and repurposing of goods, as well as

recycling materials, further lessens the demand for new resources.

Then, do a composting system with left-overs. It creates free, rich soil that can be

used for gardening, among other things, and it keeps an amazing amount of rubbish out of

the waste stream. Composting systems recycle organic waste from landfills, increase

produce sales, and replace the use of fertilisers122. among other advantages that help achieve

sustainability. Plus, make the switch to reusable things and commit to using them as often

as possible. Reusable items will undoubtedly result in less waste piling up at residential

area curbs and will significantly contribute to environmental protection.

Other than that, as gasoline-powered vehicles release tonnes of carbon dioxide into

the atmosphere, it is important to drive fewer air-polluting automobiles to lessen the effects

of global warming through reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Plus, it is advised to conserve

and use less water, as the demand for freshwater has been rising significantly worldwide as

economies and human populations rise123. It is to maintain the limited source of water, as

water is vital to the survival of the human population as well as other animals, plants, and

bacteria around the world. It also helps to maintain an appropriate food supply and a

productive environment. For electricity, it causes a great deal of environmental harm. For

instance, carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and

particulate matter with a diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10) produced by fossil fuel-fired

power plants contribute to the damage to human health and global warming124.

Shelia Hu, “What is Composting?”, NRDC. (
Ingraham Jr, W. J., Ebbesmeyer, C. C., & Hinrichsen, R. A. (1998). Imminent climate and circulation shift
in Northeast Pacific Ocean could have major impact on marine resources. Eos, Transactions American
Geophysical Union
Zhang, Q. Y., Wei, Y. M., Chen, Y. X., & Guo, H. (2007). Environmental damage costs from fossil
electricity generation in China, 2000∼ 2003. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 8, 1816-1825.

As for environmental policy, it is any measure by a government, co-orporation, or

other public or private organisation regarding the effects of human activities on the

environment, particularly those measures that are designed to prevent or reduce the harmful

effects of human activities on ecosystems125. Environmental policy is a very new policy

subject, having only been around since the early 1970s. Prior to that point, environmental

regulations were quite spread out, mostly focused on protecting human health, and created

on the spur of the moment. The massive increase in public interest in environmental issues

in the late 1960s provided the drive for environmental policy126.

Environmental values are frequently not taken into consideration when making

decisions within organisations, which is why regulations regarding the environment are

necessary. The purpose of these laws and policies is to prevent people from taking any

actions that can endanger the environment. for example, the international environmental

policy that addresses a variety of topics such as the preservation of biological diversity, the

conservation of forests, oceans, and soils, as well as the control of climate change. Plus,

desertification, sustainable waste management, and safety against dangerous substances are

further linked subjects127.

Bueren, E. van (2023, December 26). environmental policy. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Jordan, A. (2001). Environmental policy: protection and regulation. International Encyclopaedia of the
Social and Behavioural Sciences, 7.
Federal Ministry For The Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety And Consumer Protection,
What Is International Environmental Policy About?. (

5.2.3 Comparison of the Environmental Protection Strategies and Policies to the
Islamic Views of Environmental Protection.

The comparison of these two components could be seen from a few perspectives,

such as the origin, history, and purposes. Strategies and policies could be seen as human

ways of solving issues they faced in the best way they could. Strategies for environmental

protection ideas and recommendations from different sources could be found in any study

or trusted sources like government ads. As for environmental policy, it is any measure by a

government, corporation, or other public or private organisation regarding the effects of

human activities on the environment, particularly those measures that are designed to

prevent or reduce the harmful effects of human activities on ecosystems128. As for Islamic

views, they are purely what came from God through the teachings of the prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). It could be found in the Quran and hadiths. In other words, it is a command or obligation

from God to his servant, as the trustee of the earth.

Strategies are improved and change over time. It is what comes out of humans

finding ways to overcome the problems faced regarding nature. On the other hand, public

policies aimed at environmental protection date back to ancient times. This is according to

a study by Bueren, E. van, from 2023129. On the Islamic side, it could be said that Islamic

views on the environment were founded at the time of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH),

which was the glory days of the rise of Islam. It is because, as explained before, the Islamic

Bueren, E. van (2023, December 26). environmental policy. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Bueren, E. van (2023, December 26). environmental policy. Encyclopedia Britannica.

views originated from the Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence. It is also affected by

Islamic law. According to a book by Coulson in 2011130, the year 622 saw the establishment

of the Muslim community in Medina.

For the purpose, it is because of the need for regulation. Because environmental

damage originates from otherwise socially legitimate activities like energy and food

production, the state is frequently compelled to regulate the use of public goods by capping

the harm that a certain segment of the population can inflict on others. Because of this,

environmental policy is fundamentally regulatory, even if regulation always has distributive

and redistributive effects131. Compared to that, the Islamic side holds a few purposes, such

as safeguarding the environment's interests and guaranteeing the security of this finite

resource. Plus, it is to obey the commandment of God. This is because it is believed in

Islam that preserving and protecting nature is a must, as the Quran always depicts the

importance and priority of nature.

5.3 Implication of the Study

Based on the findings and discussions, some implications of the study were

generally formed as follows:

Coulson, N. J. (2011). A history of Islamic law. AldineTransaction.
Lowi, T. J. (1972). Four systems of policy, politics, and choice. Public administration review, 32(4).

5.3.1 Implication to the Body of Knowledge

This research has absolutely introduced a new insight and understanding into

environmental protection from a few sides, such as the strategy and policy sides, as well as

the Islamic perspective. Many scholars and researchers have focused on both sides of views

on environmental protection. However, close to none of the researchers have done their

research focusing on comparing these two components. Hence, this research has focused

on environmental protection strategies and policies in comparison to Islamic views of

environmental protection to enrich the literature in the areas of the act of preventing harm

to nature and the literature in Islamic research according to the Quran and Hadith.

5.3.2 Implications of the Act on Environmental Protection

This research does not only contribute to the content but also to the Act on

Environmental Protection. This is especially for Muslims. As the servant of Allah, what's

more important is to obey the commandment of God. This is because it is believed in Islam

that preserving and protecting nature is a must, as the Quran always depicts the importance

and priority of nature. Furthermore, nature is a "gift of God." The Quran has more than 750

verses that discuss nature. It is stated that all living things on earth, including humans, exist

because of nature, which is actually a gift from Allah.

Furthermore, it will also serve as literature for improving strategies and policies of

environmental protection all over the world. This is because this study has reviewed much

other research in trying to find the best and most credible strategy for nature preservation.

Plus, the policies stated in the study could help the readers understand the long-lasting

effects of the Environment Protection Act in the long run and gain great knowledge about

understanding the law regarding environmental protection.

5.4 Recommendations of the Study

Numerous things can be improved, changed, and produced based on this research

to strengthen this context. Since it would take a long time to go through every verse in the

Quran and every hadith relevant to environmental protection, many different adaptations

have been postponed for the future. The same applies for both the strategies and policies.

Future research focuses on in-depth examination, fresh suggestions to attempt alternative

approaches, or just general curiosity. These are a few research techniques from this paper

that require further investigation.

Firstly, the research could still be expanded by using the quantitative method. The

incorporation of the theory of reflected appraisal into the quantitative component of this

study suggests a number of new routes. It would be interesting to examine deeper how

accurate Muslims are in understanding the act of environmental protection according to

Islamic views, especially in any Islamic university, college, or school. It would also be

interesting to determine whether and how one's understanding of this topic can impact the

act of nature preservation.

Finally, another suggestion is that this study could be done focusing on the Tahfiz

student. This is to see their understanding of the Quran verses they memorise. This could

also help in pinpointing any loopholes or lack in the silibus or the way of teaching in Islamic

schools, especially the tahfiz-based schools. Following the results of this study, another

area of interest for the application of this thesis is examining the relationships between the

effectiveness of Islamic education and environmental protection and preservation.

5.5 Conclussions

To conclude, the research questions have already been answered and solved by

obtaining the research findings. This thesis is also a valuable resource for individuals who

are interested in this area because it adds to the previously limited literature on

environmental protection strategies and policies in comparison to environmental protection

from an Islamic viewpoint. The research implications of this study focus on the body of

knowledge and the act of environmental protection. Future work proposals have been stated

for the purpose of strengthening and enhancing the literature in the area of nature

preservation. Finally, this study has helped in solving the research problems that were stated

during the first phase of writing.


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