Speaking and Writing Topics For The Final Exam

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1. Speaking
Topic 1: Talk about one type of pollution in Lao Cai province and give solutions
to the problem.
Nowadays, pollution is a popular term with everyone in the world and air pollution
is the most serious type of pollution, especially in big cities. Air pollution is the
phenomenon of harmful compounds in the form of gases and fine particles being let
into the air thus polluting it. Up to the present time, Lao Cai City where I live is
affected by air contamination. There are some main reasons which cause air
contamination such as the burning of fossil fuels, exhaust from factories, vehicular
traffic, and indoor air pollution. Air pollution always has bad effects on our life.
Harmful gases, dust, and smoke enter the atmosphere and make it difficult for
plants, animals, and humans to survive. These pollutants can have serious negative
effects on our health, including heart disease, and lung cancer. Additionally, air
pollution has detrimental effects on the environment, including the depletion of the
ozone layer and climate change. To reduce air pollution, it is important to take
actions such as using clean energy, reducing the use of personal vehicles, and
planting more trees. By reducing air pollution, we can protect our health and the
health of our planet.
2. Writing
Topic 1: It is said that recent advances in science and technology have negative
effects on students’ studying. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write
a passage (about 140-160 words) to support your ideas.
Nowadays, we can’t deny that science and technology improvements have
surpassed our expectations. There’s an idea that recent advances in science and
technology negatively affect students’ studying. From my point of view, I disagree
with this statement. First and foremost, distance learning is becoming a common
feature of academic schooling. Not only does it enable learners to study in a
flexible way but it also boosts their self-learning. For example, students can make
their own decisions about the time and place to study, which is both time-saving
and money-saving. Additionally, interpersonal communication is improved thanks
to technology. To be more precise, people use various communication channels
such as emailing or making free video calls help them to keep in touch with
relatives and friends who live far away from them. To summarize, there is no doubt
that science & technology play an indispensable part in the current world.

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