Society Ethics Tecnology LEC-2

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Professional ethics:

Professional ethics is defined as the personal and corporate rules that govern behavior within
the context of a particular professional ethics is the American Bar Association’s set of ethical
rules that govern an attorney’s moral obligations and usage example.

Professional ethics encompass the personal and corporate standards of behaviour expected by

Professionals and those working in acknowledged professions exercise specialist knowledge

and skill. How the use of this knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the
public can be considered a moral issue and is termed professional ethics.

It is capable of making judgments, applying their skills, and reaching informed decisions in
situations that the general public cannot because they have not attained the necessary
knowledge and skills.[4] One of the earliest examples of professional ethics is the Hippocratic
oath to which medical doctors still adhere to this day.

What are the codes of professional ethics?

A code of ethics and professional conduct outline the ethical principles that govern decisions
and behaviors at a company or organization. They give general outlines of how employees
should behave, as well as specific guidance for handling issues like harassment, safety, and
conflicts of interest.

Codes of conduct help professions in many ways. They can build public confidence in the
profession’s trustworthiness, ensure greater transparency with clients, make challenging ethical
decisions easier for those in the profession, create a unified understanding of acceptable
practices by everyone in the field and make it easier for others working with the profession to
know what to expect.

A code of ethics is a guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct business

honestly and with integrity. A code of ethics also referred to as an "ethical code," may
encompass areas such as business ethics, a code of professional practice and an employee code
of conduct
Engineering’s Ethical Code
After hearing about scandals like apple intentionally designing product to fail after the warranty
expires, it’s no wonder that The National Society of Professional Engineers has their own code
of ethics. The organization created this code in an attempt to promote the principles of
honesty, impartiality, fairness and equity to best product the public health, safety and welfare.
As such, engineers are asked perform services in the areas of their competence, issue public
statements only in a truthful and objection manner and to avoid deceptive acts. Like many
professional organizations, the NSPE requires its members to conduct themselves honorably,
responsibly, ethically and lawfully to maintain the reputation and honor of the profession.

Codes of engineering ethics identify a specific precedence with respect to the engineer's
consideration for the public, clients, employers, and the profession.
Many engineering professional societies have prepared codes of ethics. Some date to the early
decades of the twentieth century. These have been incorporated to a greater or lesser degree
into the regulatory laws of several jurisdictions. While these statements of general principles
served as a guide, engineers still require sound judgment to interpret how the code would
apply to specific circumstances.
The general principles of the codes of ethics are largely similar across the various engineering
societies and chartering authorities of the world, which further extend the code and publish
specific guidance. The following is an example from the American Society of Civil Engineers:
1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall strive to
comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their professional
2. Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or
trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not
compete unfairly with others.
6. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honour, integrity, and
dignity of the engineering profession and shall act with zero-tolerance for bribery, fraud, and
7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shall
provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their
Engineers shall, in all matters related to their profession, treat all persons fairly and encourage
equitable participation without regard to gender or gender identity, race, national origin,
ethnicity, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, or family, marital, or economic status.
Judicial and Legal Ethics
Those operating in the legal field must balance their responsibility to defend their client or
prosecute criminals with their ethical obligations to be truthful and uphold the law. While they
have a responsibility to advocate zealously on behalf clients, they should never strive win at all
costs. They also have an ethical obligation to maintain confidentiality and to avoid conflicts of
interest. These all must be balanced against one another, and the legal field is full of difficult
ethical decisions. An attorney, for example, must uphold the law, so if they know a client
intends to lie on the stand, they may ask to recuse themselves from the case rather than aid
someone in committing perjury.

Ethnics also detail how an attorney may get paid, though not precisely how much. For example,
while a lawyer who handles accident lawsuits may agree their client can pay on contingency
and only pay if he wins, a divorce attorney can not make such an agreement with her client
based on a prospective alimony payment.

Medical Code of Ethnics

While the Hippocratic Oath at be the most famous ethical code, it is far form the only ethical
standard of the medical field. American Medical Association first created their code of Medical
Ethics in 1847 at the founding meeting the association. Among other ethical guidelines, doctors
and nurses maintain patient confidentiality, respect the patent's dignity, are honest in all
professional intersections and respect all human rights. Sometimes, one of these principles may
contradict another, for example, when a patient with a terminal disease wishes to prematurely
end her life rather than suffer. While ending a life can be seen as a form of harm, so can letting
a patient suffer and when the patient believes her dignity will be lost through suffering, a
doctor may to aid her or he may feel comfortable helping anyone end their life for any reason.

Physicians are also expected to follow the law and seek changes in laws that are considered
contrary to the benefit to their patients. This is why many doctors often advocate on behalf of
end of life legislation or against laws allowing insurers to exclude coverage of certain

Medical Code of Ethics this document establishing the ethical rules of behaviour of physicians
and dental practitioners, defining the priorities of their professional work, showing the
principles in the relations with patients, other physicians and the rest of community .

Ethnics and the Media

A free press is a cornerstone of the American Construction, but the value of a free press able to
expose governmental and institutional corruption is greatly reduced when the public doesn't
trust the media. While some publications and journalists ignore these ethical standards to earn
more money through sensationalist or even outright dishonest reporting, the majority of
publications attempt to uphold public trust in the media through ethical reporting.

The Society of Professional journalists says that an ethical journalist will always act with
integrity. The group bases their Code of Ethics on the following principles: "Seek Truth and
Report It," "Minimize Harm," "Act independently “and "Be Accountable and Transparent."
Sometimes, reporters must balance one of these principles against another to make the right
ethical decision in their reporting. For example, if someone is accused to bombing a building, a
reporter may write about the person in am attempt to seek truth and report it. But she could
be harming then individual at the same time, particularly given that a wrongly accused person
could have his life destroyed by such reporting even if he is later proven to be innocent.

Even if reporters are not part of the SPJ, many news organizations such as the New York Times
and Washington Post have their own similar standards of ethics that staff reporters and
contracted freelancers are required to adhere to while on behalf the company.

The Ethics of Realtors

The National Association of Realtors seeks to eliminate practices that may damage the public or
bring to the real estate industry. As such, their Code of ethics and Standard Practices seeks to
prevent fraud, misappropriation of funds and discrimination. In addition, the code urges
Realtors to avoid gaining an unfair advantage over competitors and to refrain from making
unsolicited comments about one another.

Other Professional Organizations

It is always a good idea to know the commonly accepted ethical practices of a profession or
company for whom you work. Most profession organizations and many larger companies have
their own code of ethics. These can usually be found by searching for the profession,
organization or company's name, followed by the words “code of ethics."

1) Professional ethics code of ethics provides legal guidelines for the profession's members
follow while practicing. Code of ethics creates legal and ethical standards of conducts for the

2) The process of contracting with the client.

Both client and counsellors need to be aware about these ethics. If the member fails to follow
to these ethics, they can be permanently expelled from the profession. Code of ethics and
practice includes nature of counselling, work culture, confidentiality and publicity. Code of
ethics focuses on virtues and values of profession.

Competence: Educational degrees, licenses from govt. Certificates of appreciation from

professional bodies convey their levels of competence to the public. Competence in
specialisation is difficult to determine.

Welfare of client as primary responsibility: Counsellor is highly influential and they must not
break the trust of clients. The clients must be treated with utmost dignity and he/she must be
given freedom of choice regarding their participation in counselling sessions. Client growth and
development is centre of focus for the counsellor.

Contracting with the client: The duration and frequency of sessions, appointment of sessions,
contacting each other outside appointment times, client's access to records, payment
procedures, expected outcomes of the session, treatment strategies, cansent forms and
qualifications of counsellor.

Personal qualities:
1) Humility: The counsellor may achieve lot of success in the profession of counselling, but
he/she must maintain the modesty and humbleness. The counsellor must accept his/her
strengths and weaknesses. This quality helps the counsellor to have long run career.

2) Courage: Holding a capacity to deal with any kind of case in spite of knows risks, fears and
uncertainty. The counsellor, bring in a profession which deals with different types of individuals,
having deferent kinds of problems must have courage to deal with them.

3) Resilience: Client comes to the practitioners with different varieties of problems. That might
have strong effect on the counselor also. But counselor must have capacity to recover from
difficulties as quickly as possible.

4) Empathy: The counsellor need not emphasise with the client to an extent where he/she hugs
the client upon meeting them nor they can meet for a coffee, nor would the therapist pop into
visit at the client’s home. The counsellor must set up boundaries to the professional

5) Sincerity: Follow the rules and guidelines with sincerity are crucial in counseling practice.

6) Beneficence: The prime responsibility of the counsellor is to accept the responsibility of

boosting the activities that are beneficial for the client with the expectation that client’s
problem can solve.
7) Non maleficence (doing no harm): Any word or actions that course conflict of interests
between counsellor and client must be avoided. The counsellor must not deteriorate the
client's condition. This may harm client both emotionally and physically.

8) Autonomy: It is the responsibility of the counsellor to encourage the client to think

independently and render professional support to the client while the/she is making decisions.

9) Justice: Age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, cultures disability, socio-economic status. The
counsellor can not deprive service just because client belongs to a particular group

10) Fidelity: The counsellor must be honest in solving in the clients problem and at the same
time client should honour the commitment of counsellor.

Student ethics
As attending college after high school graduation becomes a standard in the lives of young
people, colleges and universities are becoming more business-like in their expectations of the
students. Although people have differing opinions about if it is effective, surveys state that it is
the overall goal of the university administrators. Setting up a business-like atmosphere helps
students get adjusted from a more relaxed nature, like high school, towards what will be
expected of them in the business world upon graduating from College .

Why you need ethics being a student?

It has been observed, students claims that they are giving maximum time to studies and
fulfilling all the formalities to get marks but they are not getting satisfactory results. Some
claims that they were brilliant in studies and had maximum marks as compared to others but in
race of life, they are lagging.

Actually, we have forgotten that our actions have major impact on the results of our life. Our
attitude towards elders and with all our relations, our honesty/dishonesty in our workplace and
life, how we cooperate with others and apply all other moral values has specific impact in our

It’s a well-known saying, If you want to get success in life, you need to respect your teachers.
We have disregarded all these moral values and then claims that nature is doing wrong with us.
We have become dishonest, selfish, unkind and scornful, we neither know about compassion
nor rights of others, and even we have forgotten the teachings of Islam on moralities.

So, let’s start learning the key ingredients of success, some important points of Ethics and
moral values.
1. Honesty:

“Honesty is to do the right thing in the right way at the time.”

Some students cheats to pass their exams, they use all the wrong and unethical resources to
get good marks and eventually passed with good marks. Temporarily, it seems to them that
they are very smart, they didn’t worked hard but got marks easily, they nourish a
misconception and think that their life will be pass away by this.

But it has been observed that such person fails in his life as he adopts the habit of truancy from
study, which leads them to the caves of failure. After this habit, they try to cheat in their life,
relation and workplace but in fact they are cheating with themselves. And one day nature let
them taste the failure of life.

2. Hard Work:

“Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard then succeed on purpose.”

You are a human being, a creature not a creator. You need to take actions in order to get
something or do something. Suppose, you want to drink water and there is nobody in your
home, what do you do? Do you think that the water will automatically come into your mouth
and you don’t even need to open your mouth? That’s wrong. You need to go to kitchen, get the
glass, open the tap, put some water in it, close the tap and then lift your hand towards your
mouth. Story doesn’t end here; you still need to intake water into your stomach. After all, you
drink water and overcome your thirst.

It’s a simplest example of life. Just imagine, if you can’t even drink a glass of water without any
action, how do you think that the success will come in front of your door without any action or
work? Certainly, you need to work in fact hard work, depending on your goals and desires.

Your parents invest their money and time; full fill your all desires and formalities of life.
Teachers get paid but they invest their time and knowledge, give you moral support, so that
you can flourish in life but what do you do? You still have time to change your life.

3. Respect:

“Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talked people the way you want to talk to.
Respect is earned not given.”

Respect is most important moral value for students. It is common saying that a student who
doesn’t respect his teachers cannot become successful in life. If you want that always nature
will fair enough with you and there will blessings of Allah Almighty on you and in your life, then
you need to be a respectful person and student.
I my-self have seen many students who had been brilliant in their academics and other
activities but failed in life because they were disobedient to their teachers. Sometimes wealth
emphasizes students to disgrace their teachers and often it’s excess of knowledge than teacher.
Both of these acts lead towards darkness in life and eventually, students fall in life with so
called no known reason.

4. Cooperation: The competition we have been boasting in our schools, colleges and
universities and you have been listening since very long is in fact a disgrace of our selves. It’s
true that competition is vital to progress but do you exactly know the side effects of this
competition? Students start leg pulling, flourish jealousy, become selfish and start comparing
their life, success, abilities and even relations with others. Many get pressurized to go for
unwilling study fields because you have a competition with your cousins and friends.

In a result, you awake stress and depression, you start hating your life by comparing with
others. You think that if you will not become first in this life competition then you will be
finished in life. Most of you become enemy of your friends because you want to get more than
him and sometimes you cheat on him.

We have forgotten that no one is comparable with other. Almighty Allah has gifted you with
different face, eyes, finger prints, voice signals, fate and brain. We all have different mind and
we all are made for different purpose. Just imagine that how a singer can compete with a
football player. It doesn’t make sense; similarly if you are made to be a good doctor then
maybe your friend is made for debating. So, there is no competition between a debater and a
doctor. We just need to find our purpose and need to help each other to achieve our purpose.

5. Compassion: “If you want others to be happy practice compassion. If you want to be happy
practice compassion.” (Dalai Lama)

“Compassion is an action words with no boundaries. Compassion also known as “Kindness”.

Being a student, you need to be compassionate for other students and for everyone. This will
automatically lead you towards greatness and success. It has been observed that those who
help other students, in term of studies and personal issues are more successful than those who
are selfish in sharing their knowledge and don’t have any pain for other students. Eventually,
when the time comes on hardhearted and uncompassionate students, they are alone, and
suffer all the miseries and pains by them-self.

6. Forgiveness: Forgiveness is also a very important ethical point for students and plays a vital
role in the success of students. You may face different clashes or disputes in your student or
personal life. Remember one thing, forgiveness is the best revenge. I admit that sometimes it is
very harsh to overcome your anger, and the hate inside you is at its peak, but this is the time
you can defeat the evil by forgiving other.
In the way of success, you will interact with different communities and personalities, you will
have bad or good experiences, situations will be against your expectation and might some
people and decisions hurt you, but if you keep the level of your politeness high and forgive
others, success will add on in your life, not deduced from yourself. Some people say that by
having too much polite nature, we may face hard time and maybe world eat ourselves, but you
just believe in Allah and forgive others. In reward, the boons of Almighty Allah will be waiting
for you.

Industrial Revolution - From Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0

1st Industrial Revolution:

The First Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century through the use of steam power and
mechanisation of production. What before produced threads on simple spinning wheels, the
mechanised version achieved eight times the volume in the same time. Steam power was
already known. The use of it for industrial purposes was the greatest breakthrough for
increasing human productivity. Instead of weaving looms powered by muscle, steam-engines
could be used for power. Developments such as the steamship or (some 100 years later) the
steam-powered locomotive brought about further massive changes because humans and goods
could move great distances in fewer hours.

2nd Industrial Revolution

The Second Industrial Revolution began in the 19th century through the discovery of electricity
and assembly line production. Henry Ford (1863-1947) took the idea of mass production from a
slaughterhouse in Chicago: The pigs hung from conveyor belts and each butcher performed
only a part of the task of butchering the animal. Henry Ford carried over these principles into
automobile production and drastically altered it in the process. While before one station
assembled an entire automobile, now the vehicles were produced in partial steps on the
conveyor belt - significantly faster and at lower cost.

3rd Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution began in the ’70s in the 20th century through partial
automation using memory-programmable controls and computers. Since the introduction of
these technologies, we are now able to automate an entire production process - without
human assistance. Known examples of this are robots that perform programmed sequences
without human intervention.
4th Industrial Revolution

We are currently implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is characterised by the
application of information and communication technologies to industry and is also known as
"Industry 4.0". It builds on the developments of the Third Industrial Revolution. Production
systems that already have computer technology are expanded by a network connection and
have a digital twin on the Internet so to speak. These allow communication with other facilities
and the output of information about themselves. This is the next step in production
automation. The networking of all systems leads to "cyber-physical production systems" and
therefore smart factories, in which production systems, components and people communicate
via a network and production is nearly autonomous.

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