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Jellyn Fetalvero

Pinamalayan Cluster

Module 1- Lesson 1


For you, what is the importance of technology in teaching and learning?

Today's Technology has become increasingly important in teaching and learning, as it offers a wide
range of benefits to both educators and students, Improved access to information: With the rise of the
internet and digital devices, students can now access vast amounts of information on virtually any topic,
anytime, anywhere. Enhanced engagement: Interactive multimedia content, such as videos, animations,
and simulations, can help to make learning more engaging and interactive. Personalized learning:
Technology has enabled the development of personalized learning platforms that can tailor learning
experiences to individual students’ needs.. Improved collaboration: Technology has made it easier for
students to collaborate and work together on projects, even if they are located in different parts of the
world. Enhanced assessment and feedback: Technology has enabled the development of more
sophisticated assessment and feedback tools, which can provide students with more accurate and
timely feedback on their performance.

ACTIVITY # 2 (What I have learned)

In this lesson,

Teaching and Learning with Technology:

I learned that technology can enhance the learning experience and provide access to a wealth of
information and resources. It can make learning more interactive and engaging for students.

I felt that integrating technology into teaching is essential in today's digital age. It can help address
diverse learning styles and make education more inclusive and accessible.

I developed my skills in using various educational technology tools and platforms to create interactive
and effective learning experiences for students.

Module 1 Lesson 2:

Compare the way of living between the old and new ones. How did technology change the world?
Cite advantages and disadvantages.

Comparing the way of living between the old and new generations, we can see significant differences
influenced by technology. In the past, people relied more on manual labor and traditional methods for
daily tasks, while now, technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of life.

Advantages of technology

1. Improved Communication: Technology has made it easier to stay connected with people worldwide
through instant messaging, video calls, and social media platforms.

2. Efficiency and Productivity: Automation and digital tools have streamlined processes in various
industries, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

3. Access to Information: The internet provides access to a vast amount of information, making learning
and research more accessible to everyone.

4. Medical Advancements: Technology has led to significant advancements in medical treatments,

diagnosis, and healthcare services, improving the quality of life and increasing life expectancy.

Disadvantages of technology

1. Social Isolation: Overreliance on technology can lead to reduced face-to-face interactions and social

2. Privacy Concerns: The digital age has raised concerns about data privacy and security, leading to
potential risks of personal information exposure.

3. Job Displacement: Automation and AI technologies have eliminated some traditional jobs, leading to
unemployment and the need for reskilling.

4. Environmental Impact: Increased use of technology has contributed to environmental issues such as
electronic waste and carbon emissions from data centers.


From this lesson, I learned that

From this lesson on Understanding the Basic Concepts in ICT, I learned that Information and
Communication Technology encompasses a wide range of technologies used to manage and
communicate information. It includes hardware, software, networks, and digital communication tools
that play a crucial role in today's digital world.
I also learned about the importance of digital literacy and understanding fundamental ICT concepts to
effectively navigate and utilize technology in various personal and professional settings. Having a solid
foundation in ICT helps in enhancing productivity, communication, and problem-solving skills in the
digital age.

Module 1-Lesson 3


Write a paragraph about your personal experience on how technology has influenced your life as a
learner from elementary, high school and college.

How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner

Technology has played a significant role in shaping my learning journey from elementary school to
college. In elementary school, I was introduced to basic computer skills and educational software that
made learning interactive and engaging. As I progressed to high school, the internet became a valuable
resource for research and information gathering, allowing me to access a wealth of knowledge at my
fingertips. In college, technology continued to enhance my learning experience through online courses,
virtual lectures, and collaborative tools that facilitated group projects and discussions. Overall,
technology has revolutionized the way I learn, providing me with endless opportunities to expand my
knowledge and skills.


Write a paragraph on how you are going to use technology when you become a teacher?

How will I use Technology When I Become a Teacher

When I transition into a teaching role, I plan to leverage technology to enhance the learning experience
for my students. I will incorporate various digital tools and resources to create interactive and engaging
lessons that cater to diverse learning styles. Utilizing educational apps, online platforms, and multimedia
content, I aim to make complex concepts more accessible and facilitate active participation in the
classroom. Additionally, I will encourage collaboration and communication among students through
virtual discussions, group projects, and peer feedback mechanisms. By integrating technology into my
teaching practices, I aspire to create a learning skills.

Module 2- Lesson 1

Assume yourself as an investigator who would like to inform your learners and co-teachers about the
current issues on technology use.

What to do: Search the web and find out articles or cases about:

Freedom of Expression and Censorship

Internet Censorship and Freedom of Expression: A Critical Appraisal of the Regulation of Hate Speech
on the Internet.

Privacy and Security

Security, privacy, and confidentiality issues on the Internet

Surveillance and Data Retention

Surveillance and Data Protection Rights: Data Retention and Access to Telecommunications Data

e-pollutants from e-waste

E-Waste: A Global Hazard

Choose only one or two articles or cases that you will work on. Use the template below to answer.
Try to do this in a separate sheet.

Title of the Issue: Internet Censorship and Freedom of Expression: A Critical Appraisal of the
Regulation of Hate Speech on the Internet.

Title of the Article: Internet Censorship and Freedom of Expression: A Critical Appraisal of the
Regulation of Hate Speech on the Internet.

Source: British and Irish Law Education Technology

Author: Ronald Kakungulu-Mayambala**. Email:

Summary Narrative:

Internet censorship and freedom of expression are crucial topics that require a critical appraisal of the
regulation of hate speech on the internet. Various countries have implemented measures to regulate
hate speech online, aiming to curb its harmful effects on society. However, the balance between
regulating hate speech and protecting freedom of expression remains a contentious issue.

Internet censorship can limit the dissemination of harmful content but may also infringe on individuals'
rights to express their opinions freely. Governments and online platforms are tasked with addressing
hate speech while upholding democratic values and human rights. Striking a balance between
combating hate speech and safeguarding freedom of expression is key to maintaining a healthy online
What lesson have you learned?

One lesson learned is the importance of having clear and updated ICT policies in place to guide the
integration of technology in education effectively. These policies should address issues such as digital
literacy, cybersecurity, data privacy, and access to technology to ensure a safe and conducive learning

Some suggestions I can offer include:

1. Continuous professional development: Educators should receive training on using ICT tools
effectively to enhance teaching methods and engage students in the learning process.

2. Digital citizenship education: Teaching students how to use technology responsibly and ethically,
including addressing issues such as online safety, digital footprints, and cyberbullying.

3. Equity in access: Ensuring that all students have equal access to technology resources to prevent the
digital divide and promote inclusive learning environments.

4. Regular evaluation and update of ICT policies: Keeping abreast of emerging digital trends and
revising policies accordingly to address new challenges and opportunities in the digital age.



These policies play a crucial role in guiding educators on how to effectively utilize technology to
enhance their teaching methods and engage students in the learning process.

Moreover, I realize the significance of digital literacy and cybersecurity education for both educators
and students. Promoting responsible use of technology, addressing digital citizenship, and ensuring
equitable access to ICT resources are key factors in fostering an inclusive and equitable learning
environment. I have also gained insights into the importance of regularly evaluating and updating ICT
policies to keep pace with the evolving digital landscape. By staying informed about emerging digital
trends and revising policies accordingly, educational institutions can adapt to new challenges and
opportunities presented by technology. Overall, this reflection has reinforced the importance of
integrating ICT thoughtfully and responsibly in education to maximize its benefits while mitigating
potential risks. It has inspired me to advocate for comprehensive ICT policies that prioritize student well-
being, digital literacy, and equitable access to technology in educational settings.

Module 2-Lesson 2


Task 1- Reflection

1. What have I learned?

I learned about safety issues related to the use of ICT, including e-safety rules. It's crucial to prioritize
online safety by being cautious with personal information, avoiding suspicious links, using secure
passwords, and being aware of cyber threats. Remember to stay informed about the latest e-safety
guidelines to protect yourself while using technology.

2. What I want to know more?

I am curious to delve deeper into safety issues concerning the use of ICT, including e-safety rules. It's
important to understand the risks associated with technology use, such as cybersecurity threats, data
privacy concerns, online scams, and social media safety. By learning more about e-safety rules and best
practices, I can enhance my digital safety and protect myself online.

3. What will I do with what I learned? (Use separate sheet)

With the knowledge I acquired about safety issues regarding the use of ICT, including e-safety rules, I
can take proactive steps to enhance my digital safety and protect myself online. This includes
implementing security measures like using strong passwords, being cautious of phishing attempts,
staying updated on cybersecurity threats, and educating others on e-safety practices. By applying what
I've learned, I can navigate the digital world with greater awareness and safeguard online presence

Module 3-Lesson 1


Discuss the importance of instructional materials such as flipchart, wall display, chalk board, diorama
and nature board in the teaching-learning process.

Flipcharts provide visual aids that cater to different learning styles, making complex concepts easier to
grasp. Wall displays create a stimulating environment, reinforcing key information and encouraging
student participation. Chalkboards facilitate real-time interaction, enabling teachers to illustrate ideas
dynamically. Dioramas offer tactile learning experiences, enhancing retention through hands-on
exploration. Nature boards bring the outdoors into the classroom, fostering a deeper connection to the
environment and promoting curiosity and exploration among students.

What is the difference between Non-Digital and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology-
Enhanced Lessons?

Non-digital skills and tools involve traditional methods of teaching that do not rely on technology, such
as verbal communication, physical textbooks, and writing on chalkboards. In contrast, digital skills and
tools utilize technology to enhance the learning experience, including online resources, interactive
whiteboards, educational apps, and multimedia presentations.

When delivering technology-enhanced lessons, non-digital skills focus on effective communication,

classroom management, and pedagogical expertise. Teachers need to engage students actively, create a
conducive learning environment, and facilitate discussions to ensure understanding.

On the other hand, digital skills involve proficiency in using technology tools to enhance lesson delivery.
Educators must be adept at navigating digital platforms, creating multimedia content, and integrating
interactive elements to cater to diverse learning styles and enhance student engagement.


“Non-digital instructional materials are still relevant in 21st century teaching and learning.”

I strongly AGREE that non-digital instructional materials are still relevant in 21st-century teaching and
learning. While digital tools have significantly transformed the educational landscape, traditional
materials such as textbooks, manipulatives, visual aids, and hands-on activities continue to play a vital
role in the learning process.

Non-digital instructional materials offer several advantages. They provide tangible and tactile
experiences that cater to different learning styles, promoting better comprehension and retention of
information. These materials also encourage creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
through hands-on exploration. Furthermore, not all students have access to digital resources outside
the classroom. By incorporating non-digital materials, educators can ensure inclusivity and equity in
learning environments, catering to the diverse needs of all learners. Incorporating a mix of non-digital
and digital instructional materials allows for a balanced and comprehensive approach to teaching,
harnessing the benefits of both traditional and modern tools to enhance the overall educational

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