Indonesia Strategy22042024

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Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Indonesia Strategy
1Q24F results preview: potentially among the
weakest results since 2022
■ We believe the overall 1Q24F results will be slightly below expectations,
dragged down by the commodity, cement, and auto sectors.
■ Large banks, which have been stable with occasional positive surprises, are
also less likely to report above-forecast results for 1Q24F, in our view.
■ The positives are likely to come from the minimarket names due to the
election uplift. Our top picks are BMRI, BBCA, PWON, and CTRA.
Potentially among the weakest results season since 2022
We expect the overall 1Q24F results of select 44 Indonesian companies (see Figs 6, 7) to
be slightly below Bloomberg consensus expectations, with only a few companies beating
expectations. Although most of the companies may still post in-line results, the proportion
of companies missing expectations may be higher than in the last four quarters, in our view.
Banks, which used to consistently deliver solid results, may report weaker performances
for 1Q24F in comparison with 2023. Although BBCA posted 1Q24 results that were in line
with Bloomberg consensus forecast, we believe BBRI faced a higher asset quality risk in
1Q24F than in 2023, while BBNI’s yoy growth in net interest margin (NIM) could be soft in
1Q24F due to rising cost of fund.

Mining and cement sectors might post below-expectation results

We believe among the potential underperformers are the metal and coal mining sectors
(due to weak commodity prices), the cement sector (weak volumes due to the elections
and rainy season), GOTO (potential temporary swing back to adjusted EBITDA negative
due to the seasonally soft on-demand service revenues), and UNVR (post anti-Israel
boycotts sales may not have fully normalised). Potential positive results may come from
several mass market consumer names, such as the minimarket names, MIDI and AMRT
(due to election uplift), in addition to SIDO (good herbal sales during the rainy season).

BMRI, BBCA, PWON, and CTRA are our top picks

Indonesia is currently facing volatile external factors, with rising oil prices and a strong US$
being the biggest concerns, in our view. Aside from hurting portfolio flows, the two factors
may also increase raw material prices for manufacturing and consumer companies if they
stay high for too long. Given these, coupled with potentially weak 1Q24F results, we believe
it may be prudent to adopt a more defensive stance. We remove BFIN from our high-
conviction pick list due to higher cost of funds and asset quality risks given the more
unstable macro conditions. Our top picks now are BMRI, BBCA, PWON, and CTRA. BMRI
and BBCA may continue to offer the best combination of earnings growth and dividend
yields in the large-cap space despite the slowing economy, in our view. Meanwhile, PWON
and CTRA have the potential to offer some of the highest near-term earnings growth in our
coverage, due to their aggressive expansion and cash-rich balance sheets.
Figure 1: NPAT achievement vs. Bloomberg consensus expectations

T (62) 21 3006 1720
Reynanda A. PURWOKO
T (62) 21 3006 1734
T (62) 21 3006 1721

Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Figure 2: Our top picks

Bloomberg Price Market Cap Core P/E (x) 2-year EPS P/BV (x) Recurring ROE (%) Dividend Yield (%)
Company Recom. Price
Ticker (US$ m) CAGR (%)
(local curr) (local curr) CY24F CY25F CY24F CY25F CY24F CY25F CY24F CY25F
Bank Mandiri BMRI IJ ADD 6,725 8,000 38,602 10.7 9.8 7.6% 2.41 2.19 21.5% 21.2% 5.6% 6.1%
Bank Central Asia BBCA IJ ADD 9,350 10,900 70,887 21.8 20.0 7.3% 4.76 4.02 20.2% 19.3% 3.0% 3.3%
Simple average 16.22 14.92 7.4% 3.58 3.10 20.9% 20.3% 4.3% 4.7%

Property developer
Pakuwon Jati PWON IJ ADD 400 530 1,185 9.33 7.80 5.0% 1.01 0.92 10.6% 11.3% 1.8% 1.8%
Ciputra Development CTRA IJ ADD 1,115 1,380 1,271 10.55 9.34 8.0% 1.03 0.95 9.5% 9.8% 1.8% 2.1%
Simple average 9.94 8.57 6.5% 1.02 0.94 10.0% 10.5% 1.8% 1.9%

Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Figure 3: Quarterly revenue trend Figure 4: Quarterly net profit trend


Figure 5: Sector yearly net profit growth

YoY growth 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 Comments
Financials 31% 16% 12% 27% Solid FY23 and 4Q23 results, stay alert on cost of fund.
Consumer Staples 1% 48% 10% 0% Consumption growth decelerated further in 4Q23.
Property 65% 16% 7% -34% Lower than expected margin for few names.
Coal Mining -1% -49% -60% -21% Sales volume and lower cost drove 4Q23 beat.
Cement 36% 43% -6% -28% Jump in production cost and higher tax rate for SMGR.
Oil & Gas -3% -58% 8% 23% Lifetd by PGAS, which experienced a higher distribution spread.
Telco -18% 11% 28% -11% Higher than expected opex offset the positive impact from ARPU increases.
Tower -7% -1% 12% -7% Results in-line, but investors are cautious on Fed's higher than longer narrative.
Toll Roads 22% 90% 628% n.a Increased tariffs for 21 toll section in 2023, stay alert on cost of debt.
Auto 26% 6% 19% 6% Solid result from auto and heavy equipment segments.
Tobacco 39% 193% 54% 2% Weaker than expected volume due to downtrading.
Poultry -101% -15% 97% n.a Higher input cost and lower broiler prices dragged some to net loss.
Metals (Nickel) 44% -19% -31% -53% Higher than expected costs.
Overall 18% 5% 5% 14%
Overal ex-tech -18% -73% -70% -78%
Overall ex-commod 6% -48% -50% -18%
Overall ex-banks 31% 16% 12% 27%
Overall ex-tech, commod, banks 27% -2% -6% 23%

Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Figure 6: 4Q23 result recap and 1Q24F results preview

3M23A core 6M23A core 9M23A core FY23A core 1Q24F core 1Q24F
Ticker Commentary on 1Q24F results
(above, in- (above, in- (above, in- (above, in- in-line, or as % of
line, or below) line, or below) line, or below) line, or below) below) FY24F

Strongest loan growth but NIM might be soft due to rising cost of fund. However, the credit
BMRI Above Above Above Above In-line 25%
cost should be well-managed.
BBRI Above In-line In-line In-line In-line 23% There are risks of rising credit cost and cost of fund.
BBNI In-line Below In-line In-line Below 22% Weak NIM due to rising cost of fund and a soft yoy loan growth.
BBCA* In-line In-line In-line In-line In-line 24% Solid result due to strong loan growth in 1Q24 and resilient NIM.
BFIN In-line Below Below Above In-line 25%
ARTO Below Below Below Above Below 22% Potentially softening NIM.
Potentially rising cost of fund and credit cost. Increasing employee acquisition cost might
BTPS N/A N/A N/A Below Below 16%
also lead to higher opex to income ratio.
BBTN N/A N/A Below Above In-line 25%
BRIS N/A N/A N/A In-line In-line 26% Strong loan growth may offset the rising cost of fund.

WIIM Above Above Above Below Below 21% Rise in its SKT segment tiering could lower margin.
Seasonally weak demand due to the fasting period. In addition, consumer downtrading to
GGRM Above Above Below Below Below 20%
cheaper cigarettes may also depress volume.
Seasonally weak demand due to the fasting period. In addition, consumer downtrading to
HMSP In-line Below In-line In-line Below 20% cheaper cigarettes may also depress volume. HMSP might fare better than GGRM due to
its higher SKT exposure.
The election and recovering export market may help support 1Q24F results, offsetting the
raw material cost increase from the rising cocoa price. The impact from other raw material
MYOR Above In-line Above Above In-line 24%
price increases, such as coffee, may only become apparent in 2Q24F and onward due to
the restocking schedule.
1Q is typically the strongest quarter in terms of seasonality, however, the negative effect
UNVR In-line In-line In-line Below Below 22%
from the boycott post the Middle-East conflict may still weigh on growth.
High rainfall in 1Q24, which followed a longer than expected dry season, may contribute to
SIDO Below In-line Below Above Above 28%
higher herbal consumption, boosting sales.
Sales may still grow at double digit yoy, with improving margin due to declining dairy cost.
CMRY N/A N/A In-line In-line In-line 26%
Though, this could still be in-line with consensus FY24F forecast.
Consensus expectation is already modest, so despite the lack of a noodle price increase,
ICBP Above Above In-line Above In-line 25%
numbers could still be in-line.
Consensus expectation is already modest, so despite the lack of a noodle price increase,
INDF N/A N/A In-line Above In-line 25%
numbers could still be in-line.

In-line, based on historical seasonality due to Lebaran demand pick-up. 1Q24F results
CPIN Below Below Below Below In-line 30% likely to improve from 4Q23. Corn input prices have trailed lower and the broiler prices
have improved.
In-line based on historical seasonality due to Lebaran demand pick-up. 1Q24F results
JPFA N/A N/A N/A Below In-line 26% likely to improve from 4Q23. Corn input prices have trailed lower and the broiler prices
have improved.

1Q24 blended ASP was flat qoq, but sales volume might be lower qoq. Its subsidiary
ADRO Above Above Above Above Below 23%
ADMR's higher than expected ASP may help offset the weakness to some extent.
Weaker than expected sales volume despite a relatively flattish ASP. Cost may also be
PTBA Below Below Below Above Below 21%
higher than expected due to 1Q seaonally high prestripping activities.
Both benchmark prices for nickel and coal dropped by -8% and -2% qoq, respectively.
HRUM N/A N/A Below Above Below 23% Coal sales volume might also be slightly lower qoq. Also, the new smelter WMI (new
smelter) will only start commissioning in 2Q24.
Higher than expected 1Q24 sales volume due to some sales carryover from 4Q23.
ITMG N/A N/A Below Below Below 20%
However, this may be offset by a declining ASP qoq.

Oil and Gas

Seasonally low quarter in petroleum volume and spread with no booking of industrial land
AKRA In-line Below In-line In-line Below 18%
sales. But may rebound once industrial land sales come through.
Seasonally low gas distribution spread. In addition, the gas distribution volume still facing
PGAS In-line Below Below Above Below 22%
supply issues.
MEDC N/A N/A N/A In-line Below 21% Lower production in Amman may be partially offset by a higher-than-expected oil price.

ASII In-line Above Above In-line Below 23% Weak 4W and 2W sales.

Metal mining
Actual ASP may be above expectation. 1Q24 actual benchmark price was US$335/t (11%
ADMR In-line Above In-line Above Above 27%
higher than consensus expectation of US$300/t).
1Q24 ASP dropped 4% qoq following the decline in LME price. We expect slightly lower
INCO Above Above Above In-line Below 23%
volume qoq due to the delay in RKAB budgeting.
Delayed RKAB budgeting means that the nickel ore production had only started partially
ANTM Above Above Above Below Below 10%
in March. Higher FeNi cost might also impact margin negatively.
1Q24F margin might may be dragged by the High Grade Matte segment. A lower cash
MBMA N/A N/A N/A Below Below 10% cost may be offset by a lower than expected ASP. Despite the potentially below results,
numbers may recover in 2Q.
NCKL N/A N/A N/A In-line Below 18% No new additional capacity in 1Q24.

Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Figure 7: 4Q23 results recap and 1Q24F results preview (cont.)

3M23A core 6M23A core 9M23A core FY23A core 1Q24F core 1Q24F
Ticker Commentary on 1Q24F results
(above, in- (above, in- (above, in- (above, in- in-line, or as % of
line, or below) line, or below) line, or below) line, or below) below) FY24F

BUKA In-line Above Above Below In-line N/A Still at core net loss, but adj.EBITDA may improve qoq.
GOTO N/A N/A Below Above Below N/A Adj. EBITDA may revert to negative due to a soft on-demand segment.

Building material
INTP Below Below Below In-line Below 11% Domestic volume may be weak in 1Q24 due to the election and rainy season.
SMGR Below Below Below Below Below 13% Domestic volume may be weak in 1Q24 due to the election and rainy season.

Toll road operator

JSMR N/A N/A Above In-line In-line 26%

Telco and tower

High data traffic during election and the 2023 price increase carryover (3 times in 2023)
ISAT Above Above Above Above In-line 25%
should support top line growth in 1Q24.
TLKM* In-line Below In-line Below In-line 23%
High data traffic during election and the 2023 price increase carryover (3 times in 2023)
EXCL In-line In-line In-line In-line In-line 24%
should support top line growth in 1Q24.
TOWR In-line In-line Above In-line In-line 24% A stable new tower and tenant addition, in addition to a stable interest rate.
MTEL* In-line In-line Below In-line In-line 25% A stable new tower and tenant addition, in addition to a stable interest rate.
TBIG In-line In-line In-line In-line In-line 24% A stable new tower and tenant addition, in addition to a stable interest rate.

Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

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Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

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Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Corporate Governance Report (CGR): (Thai CGR and Anti-Corruption of Thai Listed Companies - Click here)
The disclosure of the survey result of the Thai Institute of Directors Association (“IOD”) regarding corporate governance is made pursuant to the policy of the Office of
the Securities and Exchange Commission. The survey of the IOD is based on the information of a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Market
for Alternative Investment disclosed to the public and able to be accessed by a general public investor. The result, therefore, is from the perspective of a third party. It
is not an evaluation of operation and is not based on inside information.
The survey result is as of the date appearing in the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies. As a result, the survey result may be changed after that
date. CGS TH does not confirm nor certify the accuracy of such survey result.
Score Range: 90 - 100 80 – 89 70 - 79 Below 70 No Survey Result
Description: Excellent Very Good Good N/A N/A

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Strategy Note | April 22, 2024

Distribution of stock ratings and inv estment banking clients for quarter ended on 31 March 2024
634 companies under cov erage for quarter ended on 31 March 2024
Rating Distribution (%) Inv estment Banking clients (%)
Add 65.5% 1.3%
Hold 24.1% 0.2%
Reduce 10.4% 0.3%

Recommendation Framework
Stock Ratings Definition:
Add The stock’s total return is expected to exceed 10% over the next 12 months.
Hold The stock’s total return is expected to be between 0% and positive 10% over the next 12 months.
Reduce The stock’s total return is expected to fall below 0% or more over the next 12 months.
The total expected return of a stock is defined as the sum of the: (i) percentage difference between the target price and the current price and (ii) the forward net
dividend yields of the stock. Stock price targets have an investment horizon of 12 months.
Sector Ratings Definition:
Overweight An Overweight rating means stocks in the sector have, on a market cap-weighted basis, a positive absolute recommendation.
Neutral A Neutral rating means stocks in the sector have, on a market cap-weighted basis, a neutral absolute recommendation.
Underweight An Underweight rating means stocks in the sector have, on a market cap-weighted basis, a negative absolute recommendation.
Country Ratings Definition:
Overweight An Overweight rating means investors should be positioned with an above-market weight in this country relative to benchmark.
Neutral A Neutral rating means investors should be positioned with a neutral weight in this country relative to benchmark.
Underweight An Underweight rating means investors should be positioned with a below-market weight in this country relative to benchmark.



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