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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) focuses on the human side of interactions with computer systems so

that we have the best possible experience when "communicating" with machines.

What is Human-Computer Interaction?

Human-Computer Interaction studies the interaction between people and computers, as well as the
design theories and techniques used to make a system interactive.

HCI is based on knowledge of computers and humans. Also, the relationship between these components
is extremely relevant since computers have almost infinite applications, and there are numerous
possibilities for "dialogue" between users and computers.

The human side

When humans interact with computers, everything they have learned before, their experiences, and
current knowledge, will influence this interaction. Designers should keep this in mind when creating UIs
or products.

Therefore, there are some factors that Human-Computer Interaction should always consider:

√ users' wants and needs;

√ the user's abilities or possible physical limitations;

√ how the user's perception system works—clues that our perceptual system picks up from the
environment and that lead us to action;

√ what users find attractive or pleasant when interacting with computers.

The machine side

The information a computer contains and the operations it performs are represented in a form that we
cannot observe directly. What a computer shows externally does not naturally reflect what happens

So any feedback that the user may need must be explicitly planned and programmed.
Interactions between users and computers happen at the interface, so the design of UIs has a direct
impact on the effectiveness of those interaction.

8 golden rules for successful Human-Computer interactions:

Strive for Consistency

Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts

Offer Informative Feedback

Design Dialog to Yield Closure

Offer Simple Error Handling

Permit Easy Reversal of Actions

Support Internal Locus of Control

Reduce Short-Term Memory Load

1) Strive for Consistency

The same sequences of actions should be requested in similar situations within the system.

So use all the elements in your application consistently. A certain style of button should always do the
same thing, or the navigation should work logically, deepening the hierarchy.

Jakob Nielsen, the co-founder of Nielsen Norman Group, says that people spend most of their time using
digital products other than their own, and their experiences with these products define their


Don't confuse your user: keep words and actions consistent;

Follow established industry conventions: conform to market or competitive practices.

consistência interface IHC

2) Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts

The design should cater to both new and recurrent users. This can be done by using shortcuts, which can
be hidden from novice users.

In this way, the inexperienced user can speed up the interaction with the experienced user, and the
design can simultaneously serve both the new and recurring users.

So make the processes flexible so they can be executed differently.

As such, good Human-Computer Interaction allow users to customize frequent actions.


Abbreviations, function keys, hidden commands, and macro features are very useful for an experienced

Customize content and functionality for individual users;

Enable personalization so that users can make selections about how they use the product;

Automate frequently used operations.

3) Offer Informative Feedback

The system should offer some kind of feedback for each user action. The response can be discrete for
frequent or secondary actions; the response should be more attention-grabbing for not-so-common or
important actions.
The interface should always keep the user informed about what is happening. Don't leave users guessing
– tell them what is happening. Do this by providing appropriate feedback within a reasonable period of

When users know the system's current status, they learn the outcome of their previous interactions and
determine the next steps. Predictable interactions build trust in the product and brand.


Every action with consequences should generate information to users;

Present feedback as soon as possible, preferably immediately;

Feedback must be relevant, understandable, and meaningful;

Make this communication clear to build trust.

4) Design Dialog to Yield Closure

Sequences of actions should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end. Informative
feedback upon task completion gives users the satisfaction of getting work done, indicates that their
goal was successfully achieved and prepares them for the next group of actions when needed.

Remember: the system should speak the language of your target audience.

To improve Human-Computer Interaction, you should always use words, phrases, and concepts familiar
to them, rather than internal jargon. The less the users have to guess, the better. So use universal terms
and try to sound as natural as possible; this will facilitate understanding.

Keep your specific user in mind (known through user research) when designing UIs. Terms, concepts,
icons, and images that seem clear to you as a professional may be foreign or confusing to your users.
When a process is complete, always display a notification message, letting the user know that they have
done everything necessary.


Simplify language to ensure that users can understand terms and words without having to look up

Know your product persona: apply user research to discover users' familiarity with terminology and

Provide users with well-defined options for the next step.

Reading tip: UX in Game Design: A Player-Centric Approach

linguagem usada em interfaces

5) Offer Simple Error Handling

Nobody likes the feeling of doing something wrong, so caution is required when designing actions or
tasks within the system that may lead the user to errors.

So whenever possible, design the system so that the user does not fall into serious errors. One way to
avoid this is by presenting a confirmation option before they follow through with a particular action,
such as, "Exit without saving?"

Error messages are important, but the best designs carefully guide the user to prevent this from

Note also that there are two types of errors: mistakes and errors. Mistakes are unconscious and usually
caused by a lack of attention, like when making a typo. On the other hand, mistakes are conscious and
based on an incompatibility between the user's mental model and the design.

Remember: conduct user research to know your target audience in-depth. Knowing how users behave
makes it easier to design the system in such a way that interactions become more intuitive for them,
thus preventing them from making serious mistakes.

Prioritize: avoid significant errors first, then minor frustrations;

Provide constraints on actions and maintain a logic of standardization to avoid mistakes;

Offer solutions to problems.

6) Permit Easy Reversal of Actions

By allowing users to quit a process or undo an action, designers empower the users and provide them
freedom and confidence.

It's a simple action that helps relieve anxiety because they know that an action can be easily undone if
they make a mistake. This gives the user security and allows them to explore unknown options and,
consequently, learn about the system.

Another common situation, as mentioned before, is actions performed by mistake. When this occurs, we
need an "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted activity without going through an extensive process.

Exits allow users to remain in control of the system without getting stuck or frustrated at a certain point
in the interaction.


Promote Undo and Redo;

Show a clear way out of the current interaction, such as a Cancel button;

Undo options such as single action undo or action history.

7) Support Internal Locus of Control

Experienced users don't want surprises or changes in an already familiar behavior and are annoyed by
unnecessary repetition and difficulty getting information or help.

Thus, it is important to keep the interface to the bare essentials so as not to diminish the visibility of
some key elements. Each extra piece of information in the interface competes with other information
that may be more relevant.


Simplify interfaces by removing unnecessary elements or content that do not support the user's tasks;

Don't let unnecessary elements distract users from the most relevant information;

Prioritize content and features to support the main objectives.

8) Reduce Short-Term Memory Load

People have limited short-term memory, so remember that recognizing something is always easier than
remembering it.

Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions and options available; the user should not
have to remember information from one part of the dialog to another. Instructions should be visible.

Use iconography and other visual aids, such as thematic colors and consistent placement of items, to
help users find functionality. Interfaces that promote recognition reduce the amount of cognitive effort
required of users and are more successful.


Offer contextual help rather than a long tutorial to memorize;

Reduce the information that users need to remember;

Use visual aids to assist users.

Disciplines of HCI
The field of HCI covers a variety of disciplines, and its development has relied on contributions from
many fields, like:

Computer Science;

Cognitive Psychology

Social Psychology;

Ergonomics/Human Factors;


Artificial Intelligence;

Philosophy, Sociology, and Anthropology;

Engineering and Design.

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