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Reff. : 007/KOB-SVC/BJM/V/2024
Date : 17 Mei 2024

To Customer Name : PT. WIRA BHUMI SEJATI

Location / Site : ASAM - ASAM

Subject : Penawaran R&I 1x Control Valve And Part Partial

Dears, Along with this Quotation letter we fulfill your company's request to bid with details as follows
Dengan Hormat, Bersamaan dengan surat Penawaran ini kami memenuhi permintaan penawaran perusahaan Anda dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

Machine Model : DX800LC

Machine Serial Number : CECEK-010085
Unit Code :
Hours Meters :
Job Description :
Penawaran R&I 1x Control Valve And Part Partial

Cost Estimation / Estimasi Biaya

1. Cost Of Services
• Labor Of Service : 13.750.000
Discount Of Labor 0,0% : -
Total : 13.750.000

• Acomodation, Transportation & Miscellaneous ( COGO ) : 4.000.000

• : -
Total : 4.000.000

Total Cost Of Service : 17.750.000

0,0% : -
Total Cost Of Service after Discount (a) : 17.750.000

2 Cost Of Material
• Spare Part : 207.099.243
• Comex Component : -
• Surcharge Part : -
Total Cost Of Material : 207.099.243
Discount Of Material 0,0% : -
Total Cost Of Material after Discount (b) : 207.099.243

Total Of Cost (a+b) : 224.849.243

Vat 11% : 24.733.417
Grand Total : 249.582.660

Term Of this Quotation letter / Keterntuan atas penawaran ini :

• Price is Valid For / Harga Berlaku sampai : 14 Days
• Estimation durationn of job / Perkiraan lama pengerjaan : 5 Days, After Completed Part
• Term Of Payment / Ketentuan pembayaran : 30 Days, After Invoice is sent

Transaction Record/ Catatan Transakasi :

• This offer is valid for 14 working days from the time this offer is submitted.
Penawaran ini berlaku selama 14 (empat belas) hari kerja sejak penawaran ini diserahkan.
• All accommodation, transportation & miscellaneous are borne by the customer
Semua Akomodasi, transportasi & Miscellaneous ditanggung oleh customer
• The costs of the above offer are inclusive of 11% VAT
Biaya atas penawaran di atas sudah termaksud PPN 11 %
• If there is a need for additional parts, Kobexindo will issue a separate offer
Jika terdapat kebutuhan Addition Part maka Kobexindo akan menerbitkan penawaran terpisah

Thus we convey this offer. We thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Demikian penawaran ini kami sampaikan, Atas perhatian serta kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Best Regard / Hormat kami Aproved / Disetujui

Sign / Tanda tangan : Sign / Tanda tangan :

Name / Nama : Reza Pradana Name / Nama : PT. WIRA BHUMI SEJATI
Position / Jabatan : Service Dept Head Position / Jabatan :
Reff. : 007/KOB-SVC/BJM/V/2024
Date : 17 Mei 2024

To Customer Name : PT. WIRA BHUMI SEJATI

Location / Site : ASAM - ASAM

Subject : Penawaran R&I 1x Control Valve And Part Partial

Attachment to labor requirements / lampiran kebutuhan tenaga kerja

Currency (IDR)
No. Description Qty Unit Remaks
Unit Price Amount
1 LABOR ( R&I 1x Control Valve & Rebuil Component ) 5 Package Rp 2.750.000 Rp 13.750.000,00
Rp - Rp -
5 Subtotal 13.750.000

Attacment to spare parts requirements / lampiran kebutuhan suku cadang

Currency (IDR)
No. Part Number Description Qty Unit Remaks
Unit Price Amount
1 401107-02365 Seal Kit;Main Control Valve 9 EA Rp 1.066.211 Rp 9.595.899 BJM / SMD
2 401107-02366 Seal Kit;Main Control Valve 2 EA Rp 1.045.114 Rp 2.090.228 BJM / SMD
3 2180-1217D66 RING,O 3 EA Rp 202.623 Rp 607.869 BJM
4 410127-00763 Valve,Relief;Anti Cavi 1 EA Rp 35.019.116 Rp 35.019.116 BJM
5 410127-00557 Valve,Relief;Anti Cavi 8 EA Rp 14.777.952 Rp 118.223.616 BJM & INDENT ( 6 EA )
6 410127-00558 Valve,Relief 1 EA Rp 37.915.306 Rp 37.915.306 INDENT
7 401002-01216 Ring Kit,O 1 EA Rp 3.647.209 Rp 3.647.209 BJM / JKT
Subtotal 207.099.243

Attachment to comex component requirements / lampiran kebutuhan komponen comex

Currency (IDR)
No. Part Number Description Qty Unit Remaks
Unit Price Amount
1 -
2 -
Subtotal -

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