Criminal Procedure

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Chapter 2 terms

1. Terry Frisk-A Terry frisk is a limited search for weapons that is conducted when a police officer
has reasonable suspicion that a person is armed and dangerous. The search is limited to the
outer clothing of the person or the visible portions of a car. The officer cannot reach under the
person's clothing or in their pockets unless they feel contraband.
2. Fruits of a crime-Fruits of a crime refer to the things that a criminal gains from committing a
crime. This can include money, property, or other valuable items that were obtained illegally.
3. Inventory- Inventory is a list of a business's goods and materials that are ready to sell, along with
the raw materials used to produce them.
4. Contraband- Contraband is a noun that refers to goods that are illegal to own, trade, carry,
produce, or possess. Contraband can also refer to items that are banned from a facility.
5. Search warrant- A search warrant is a court order that allows law enforcement to search a
person, location, or vehicle for evidence of a crime. The warrant is signed by a judge or
magistrate. The warrant authorizes the police to search at a specific time and location for
certain objects or materials, such as illegal drugs or firearms. The police can confiscate any
evidence they find.
6. Evidence- Evidence an item or information proffered to make the existence of a fact more or
less probable. Evidence can take the form of testimony, documents, photographs, videos, voice
recordings, DNA testing, or other tangible objects.
7. Affidavit- An affidavit is a written statement made under oath or affirmation. The person making
the affidavit, called an affiant, swears that the information in the document is true and correct
to the best of their knowledge. Affidavits are typically used in legal proceedings and are often
collected in preparation for a trial.
8. Probable Cause-Probable cause is a legal term that means there is a fair chance that a search
will uncover evidence of a crime. It's a higher standard of evidence than reasonable suspicion,
but lower than what's needed to secure a criminal conviction.
9. Scope of a search-The scope of a search is the limitations stated in a search warrant or consent
to search form. The scope of a search is the location that a search should look in.
10. Motion to suppress evidence-A motion to suppress is a motion that revolves around the
exclusion of evidence from trial. In the United States, a motion to suppress is a request made by
a criminal defendant in advance of a criminal trial asking the court to exclude certain evidence
from the trial.
11. Documentary evidence-Documentary evidence is any evidence that is, or can be, introduced at a
trial in the form of documents, as distinguished from oral testimony.

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