Midterm Exam Contract Law

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Chapter 1

Choice of venue
Choice of venue means to decide where to hold court. This is the physical location to
settle a dispute based on the level of power a court will have. After deciding, a venue clause will
be released stating the name and location of the venue to hold the trial. The trial may be held
where the parties reside or wherever the incident happened. For example, If the state court of
Georgia has jurisdiction, that will most likely be where the venue will be, in the state of Georgia.
For example, a Georgian client wants to sue for $5,000 regarding the damages that were inflicted
on them in a car accident. The accident took place in Wisconsin. The contract however, states
that any lawsuit must be brought in the state of Georgia. If the client still attempts to sue in the
wrong state this results in breach of contract. The client will be held liable and will be required to
remedy the breach.

Choice of venue sample clauses: 677 samples. Law Insider. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18,

2023, from https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/choice-of-venue

Chapter 2
The offer
When it comes to a contract an offer needs to be made. That is the main purpose for a contract. This
establishes an agreement that both parties will exchange an item for another. The offeror is the person
making the offer. The offeree is the one who is receiving the offer. For example, Gerion promises to pay
Hayden $2,000 for detailing his car. To accept the offer properly, Hayden must act upon detailing
Gerion’s car. This is a Bilateral Contract. It has two people in agreement to carry out an offer.
The importance
An offer is important in a contract because it is the first step in the formation process. Without an offer,
how can a contract be developed? It would be impossible. As long a contract meets the legal
requirements, it will remain valid. If the contract violates a legal rule, this will jeopardize the contract and
can lead to breach of contract.
Breach of contract
Breach of contract is when one party or the other does not fulfill their side of the bargain. There are four
types of contract breach. Anticipatory, Actual, Minor, and Material. Anticipatory breach occurs when the
offeror or offeree informs in advance that they cannot keep their side of the bargain. John agreed to pay
Shion $300 for transporting him to Tallahassee. Three days later before Shion is supposed to pick up
John, John calls Shion and cancels plans. This is an example of Anticipatory breach. Actual breach is
when he/she refuses to fulfill their side of the bargain.For example, Mr. Soul formed a contract with a
babysitter named Ms. Chop so she could watch his children while on vacation. Mr. Soul offered her $400.
Ms. Chop babysits the whole weekend, but when Monday arrived, Mr. Soul refused to compensate her
simply because he thought the payment was too much. Minor breach, sometimes called a partial breach, is
when the bargain was fulfilled but there was a small portion of the contract uncomplete. For example,
Susie asks George to wash her car by Tuesday. George decides until Friday to wash Susie’s car. The last
type of breach is material. This occurs when one of the parties receives an alternative for what was
specified in the contract. To give an instance, Finn promised Marceline that he would grant her a gift of
$8,000 as a graduation gift. Instead, he gives her a goldfish. This is an example of material breach.

Person. (2022, September 24). Crash course: Four types of contract breaches. Rocket Lawyer.

Retrieved February 18, 2023, from



ere%20are%20four,%2C%20actual%2C%20minor%20and%20 material.

Chapter 3
What is a Contract?
A contract is a settlement between two parties, growing mutual tasks that are enforceable by way
of law. The simple factors required for the settlement to be a legally enforceable contract are:
mutual assent, expressed by means of a legitimate provide and acceptance; enough
consideration; capacity; and legality. In some states, factors of consideration can be cozy via a
legitimate substitute. Possible redress for breach of contract encompass common damages,
consequential damages, reliance damages, and unique performance.
Contracts are guarantees that the regulation will enforce. Contract regulation is commonly ruled
through kingdom frequent law, and whilst widespread general contract regulation is frequent all
through the country. Some unique courtroom interpretations of a specific component of the
contract may also fluctuate between the states.

If a promise is breached, the regulation affords redress to the harmed party, regularly in the shape
of economic damages, or in constrained circumstances, in the shape of particular overall
performance of the promise made.


Legal Information Institute. (n.d.). Contract. Legal Information Institute. Retrieved February 18,

2023, from


atisfied%20by%20a%20valid%20 substitute.

Chapter 4
Breach of contract
Any form of contract may additionally be viewed as damaged ("breached") as soon as one party
unconditionally refuses to operate beneath the contract as promised, regardless of when overall
performance is supposed to take place. This unconditional refusal is acknowledged as a
"repudiation" of a contract.

Once one party to a contract indicates--either through phrases or actions--that it is now not going
to operate its contract obligations, the different party can straight away declare a breach of
contract (failure to function underneath the contract) and are seeking for treatments such as
payment. This is occasionally known as an anticipatory breach of contract.


Richard Stim, A. (2019, August 13). Breach of contract: Anticipatory breach (repudiation).

www.nolo.com. Retrieved February 18, 2023, from



Chapter 5
When Does Repudiation Occur?
Courts commonly apprehend three kinds of repudiation when it comes to contract law:

An advantageous and unconditional refusal is made to the different parties ("express

repudiation"). The different party should inform you, in essence, "I'm no longer going through
with the deal." It's no longer ample to make a certified or ambiguous refusal. (For example,
"Unless this drought breaks, I may not be in a position to supply the apples.") The repudiation
has to be clear, straightforward, and directed at the different parties. (For example, "I will now
not be handing over the apples as promised.")

A motion makes it impossible for the different parties to perform. When it comes to repudiation,
moves communicate as loudly as words. For example, let's say a couple was once supposed to
repay two loans from the earnings of their business. Instead, the couple ran the enterprise into the
ground, incurring loads of different money owed and making it not possible to pay back their
unique loans. Their reckless, voluntary moves counted as a repudiation of the unique mortgage

The property that is the challenge of the deal is transferred to anyone else. If the contract is for
the sale of property, repudiation takes place when one party transfers (or makes a deal to
transfer) the property to a 1/3 party. For example, if you have to purchase a residence and you
study that the different party has in consequence bought it to his brother, your income contract
has been repudiated (even if you by no means heard a phrase about it from the different party).

Contracts for Sale of Goods -- Special Rules

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)--legal policies governing the sale of goods--prescribes a
technique for dealing with anticipatory breach. If you have cause to consider that the different
party is now not going to fulfill its obligations, you have a right to demand "adequate assurance
of performance" of the contract. You can droop your personal overall performance beneath the
contract till the assurance is provided. If, after 30 days, the different party fails to comply with
your request for assurances, the contract is formally over ("repudiated").

Richard Stim, A. (2019, August 13). Breach of contract: Anticipatory breach (repudiation).

www.nolo.com. Retrieved February 18, 2023, from



Chapter 6

If you ever appoint a lawyer, you will be requested to sign an engagement settlement that
unites the attorneys’ prices and expenses you will be required to pay. But what’s the
distinction between costs and attorney costs?

Simply put, expenses refer to the cash you pay to a legal professional for their time working on
your case. If you appoint your attorney on an hourly basis, then the attorneys’ prices would be
the hourly price your attorney charges. If the legal professional costs $600 per hour, that’s the
attorneys’ expenses part.

If you appoint your legal professional on a contingency rate basis, the place the legal
professional receives a proportion of any recovery, then the costs will be the legal professionals
contingency rate percentage. Most contingency expenses are around 40%. So if your attorney
recovers $100,000 for you, then the prices will be 40% of $100,000; or $40,000.

Costs, on the other hand, are all of the out-of-pocket fees your attorney can pay to prosecute your
case. For example, when you file your lawsuit in court, the court docket desires you to pay a rate
for every party acting in the action. If you and your brother are each suing to overturn a Trust,
then you would want to pay two filing fees, which can be around $500 per person.

Costs are additionally incurred for taking depositions (where you need to appoint a courtroom
reporter to file the deposition), making copies of documents, hiring specialist witnesses, any
invoice paid to an outdoor party is a fee of your case.

Clients are commonly anticipated to reimburse the legal professional for all challenging charges
the legal professional will pay on your case. That may also fluctuate with contingency price
agreements, the place fees are solely reimbursed if the attorney is profitable in convalescing cash
for you. But in any event, the charges will be paid by using any one in the course of the lifestyles
of your case.

13, D. (2018, November 21). Time and money: The difference between attorney's fees and

costs. Albertson & Davidson LLP. Retrieved February 18, 2023, from



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