WEEK 4 - Jobs and Occupations

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Curso : INGLES

Profesor Titular del Curso : Roxana Shirley Malqui

Nombre de la actividad : Jobs and Occupations

Semana : WEEK 4
Código de la Clase : 14830



CÓDIGO : U21221603


• Leer las indicaciones antes de realizar tu trabajo.

• Revisar las penalidades para evitar inconvenientes.
Week 04 - Task: Assignment – Jobs and Occupations

Good afternoon, today is my first day of English classes at a school in New York. I felt a

little nervous since being new I didn't know anyone. I started my class and it was quite

interesting, the teacher did several very fun dynamics to socialize with our classmates

and that helped me become friends with 3 of my classmates, the first is called Javier

Hidalgo, he is Colombian and is 21 years old, he works half time, with that she pays for

her architecture degree, the second is called Pierina Galvez, she is Spanish and is 20

years old, she works in a physiotherapy office since she is doing her internship and

goes to school, she is very close to finishing, the third is called Estefany Cornejo, She is

Mexican and is 19 years old, she works in a textile store, that helps her pay for her

studies in obstetrics and she takes care of her younger sister. My classmates are very

kind and friendly, we share experiences while we study. I'm glad to see them known.

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