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Present Condition of Matungkas Village Street

Present Condition Present Condition of

Matungkas Village Street
Too many holes on the Street

Too dark, because of there are lot

of trees

There is no waterway when the

downpour happen

There is no street light in the night

Specific Trackable

Design of Street Lighting at

Matungkas Village Across 2 KM
That is Safely Applicable and
Energy Efficient at the End of
Accepted Acceptance has to be discussed with Head of Matungkas Village

Realistic Funded by Village Fund Program for Matungkas Village

Specific Trackable

Desain Penerangan Jalan di Desa

Matungkas Sepanjang 2 KM
yang Aman digunakan dan
Hemat Energi pada Akhir Tahun
Accepted Diterima oleh Kepala Desa Matungkas

Realistic Didanai oleh Program Dana Desa Matungkas

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