Computer Architecture & Assembly Language (Notes)

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Page Of Date ——__L tompuler —Bachitectore —arel. Mppenbly logge L VG7FdIebea SY SPO OY OT > eae = ae b__ppttol __memar )_—_pdosrting _uunvifg oz a oe computer. Tyee Ca 5 arg agg greta aly p01 png alata. > - >A regia tee shaulel_ be od buds lingth fora tl la agi Mp » the ___prrncesay __disign nel _dhppugge tule. —_____ i dabaictan ip. 2 computer are__sosec! in memary. Q. a 72) and __tinplemntted om after __analher__at _ tim. __Tha__ function of the antral unit __p- tp __febeh a |_| tremargy $0967 ° 7 ¢ Tarte AR LU > Is" - * [a es s PR ie 6 Ws ua = 7 7 Ab. : 76 7 (ype. IMPR— Be folliwing table shou He aeytter ane! Yur function. Reader 2ambel! slumber of bits Rgnicter_plams : Lunchan* QUTR g Ou |__0lt halle —ouclpud character. INPR a Th Tt helo input chavocter- oe fd) Prog peam counter ' LH hale th cackrogs of the —tnetructin. AR 12 Adress cxegipdey | A _haloh Or_acbhreg, rere eres aaigs fc. i Accumulator 67 1K ue deste ctian regi fal anon TR Il Feaypaitry rege chenparoyy dasha Date Page 0.3 oo # a oo purpype. ang ster “not. ' Srecall aegytter —_anre segerved. marche Hot - sh spear gent bf by #4 compile ; Thait___poninopy ule _jp. th _phre—_tnfermatan produce _—thrnyh —_specifee™” par featrrres Lach puch paragon hon ize! nome, nd! must __ nat __be further : alntel uth ip ty pragrom: at censrall creggier be nogpeter Ba are pryeat th___ CPL, which jp tne pt Mer __rumary __aoharyp, ovr chta___ushinever. netobel i. fox _—_exmpll + ptenang curcrent __xegpider kK F Page 04. Date But} — Vila lala —_Loanfer— snare ian —_pnacgp to amputee ___trechiitecterre 2 = — —Aata___bransfer___inutuction transfer fh —elata —_tedween _memary rol. processor pit 7 pra cago. —appste anol 7/0. —tleviees anal ___ fram __ont__prracess ,__te another + —Toe____ave__epphf _ cacao eel elt —_hronsfer___seatructzar Lich tnsbuchin je —xgptaantel by 0 mnuronie_gymbo. | thud _agypecdive __mmnementi__symbo fp —________— Dato Banifer vhuctin ia amt Mnemanu symbol. Load LD = L Stove ST | Mov frou. Exchange CH Tiput i Oudaut our Push PUSH. Pop POP LL a Ly chon can bi abscrtbeol. as___ Alloa. eee igs ‘gal _tnatruction jp teal’ to transfer ee Re kg lata cos cngigler uthich is wasially an Oc Date Page 0.5 Shore 2a plese — tnlruction —brarufex— dat —feom-, prep, #4 = opp ter = —to__mymnagy, a a ee ae aepyster fe__memoyy 0 msmayy te __prougpar. ray —0r —_betueen __prmogysor___rygfetear — 7 # 6 7 Th ex traleuction —pulops. ia ofanathe Oe ie? ua__regyeter OY. bedueeh 2 apy ter and. a__mumaxy arol- A Sead = Ta Thpul——thntasedon —Pracsfe— dla the procegsor —_1gjider anol te ep nid 4 Outut > Th ufput — thrtructa transfer___data __betureen te poraegpime —appjpter ane! dia up devairal # Push anc! pop The wh —and_pop —_tetructions transfer: chto betulten A pratyspor. reg joler and Date aoa.®2®oa Page (6 = —s Tus, 72 pu ty be famthian’ uu lh__varadits alepiy SP Dee Pars tune __effereni! _anembly Language —— program —_fe’—@ Lemputer main. Due an ume: atl w- ge talk 0 copy 0) only dh sg te mn infecmatin er __prnpram tech shared iD, haniing th ___dhim__ re 9tu' bh Loca: cata within rte . tol prouih ib he __Cr__fax___procypping, E Mk | wa bbbdbdddad Y—_Memary tadefacgy —— Flemary — ji an inkyral : au es ft ——miwconpucke ys There are pasa main — fps — of —__tasintry. a “Renal — ly —manany Ceara) =p tle nan —snhinhe—ip— i fh Oe fi’ r—eadlh, pitt The svat oe e askieys b; wa ten ay 2. rPD or 1 ~ 2 areanee b3 ee ouisg b+ | ote ah beh 1 Ay O% ps6 = aS © gars — (tr tke 7G = = ms —s PE fare aR TF ars__Jnatruchan " Faxbaietaa = inhi a ad it - “aperation —canly andl = operands that -mangge urd the operation cody nebuctitn femal support __ths ___obpypn__of rfp 7 ———2a unshuctian 72 contain ta tncluolrg —qpceds — ssc and ad caging mmdh. = _ Hh Siniteietbars Lipth 4 generally properved_ ins multinlye af tee dinints Ligh _wtich yp 6 bile author the tna Lrvetian Length a peveral bit ox awgnid < te opeods am and asbheypin, mach ul —B—fanckian of —allecabyy bd — sn — the trabion ta be tatexprre led! —# -canmsicertng Hs _fallousing el lumber ___af adtuepsir made _ # umber of opr # number of CPU sregitder. # number of ——xegigter Acts Th figure —dbpplayeo! ths __ Generel a ~ 2_U Tate _Brachitects -a “hit _tnutruction__-fermat > 7H) =je) Je the. tnshwetion _ femal that Tp mal —_aidey rp thy instruchon ——fermat___tnalucle fou efit 5 —_adbabaca mocs__fielals_, ae a a hae ee bate Poge f0 tt Iter __ format _ — [apd fey eh] trad ~Diyplocanand | “Innudab| en a ye Oat yf im byt gH for df Thy —_abbrpsing ae fields — includ: ay ot — byte ios young —__maale field. whiten. rated —_orlly ons =e tf rt et tet -cnly ——ont___regyster_te_ —gentrade tht __effectiue address of ah pearl. Te fiell tat ghrectl, fall ths —_achhrey veping mache. fill thy ahypbbeorant—fald . Ff a ofiebaa ee ee —— computer using — dhe iphenet value, #hen it tee ether —ant___av__feurr___lyteg fe ented 5 1f an operanel fe an rnd vole 1 then st yp shacatee! th ty _ sme cliate fuclely ancl st appear ether a. or___eurr___ bye. Date Page Li — : Sepa. clayeclerip gp of. _ _fpredl in ucdons. tu ola, ore bp 4 dy — yon tion of how fe. A "pig 2 rf Lf pink separ /raaiida Te a ee P batnal — aed fete bint — - canting agli: i —il, y—tloay pimp language — ee eee yf Ahra uederglandng of — ths echnical aspect. a) fibility —__fo_ empathize with the __veeeiver. ae Lagical pi jyplenabe. pregentation of asks: a rind ge hyp oi cbrect- OO are le” dnd The pate Buns) ft) tathal yy “general agile = orgniaahon + = —A_argistey jp a __umipur__high cel plow ea in —— th a, “tly —tnclache — an citar taf atmpliment bate — —— Praceping = Ths infmation 4 — aha — abfind tn a sregister. Lefere as Te —regiiter__ppeal yp ths — ee of prepram Reygles —innplamand tua j rrlan! — trinity 2. ——_opevatton ove an == ve HB con supper. 0 _denporory plage —healian fer At ____tunnert __ th, belly —tirpalrminting prog hth ‘ae fait AR te tf angered #72 can pave he pads — of te PU and) abet about the elf” inplanercting ing _prapram Erample = Addrys of dhe __nixt ___p jnrtruction orale ad fom the externa) lie’ ond 7 are eae sare! jnnlualng aiff dita + poved inthe teat ber. 7 Ya pe ——srelliohs poms 7H hy. thrrefere—_a_ comin bus__can Link thage __eegipter_-“h ae organization of peven CP) _repitter _iy te ths figure. _ Date on terra __trfanization CC — — Tr — f= J —t | {ee} a eel {if = UL 4 ART ; a = 1 moe cee z. ~ Srv = at =p ae tore er ee Kun 1. a a avanaies GA bus —Ayptem yb managed Ay dhe control unit if ' _ahta kh trough ths Al by — chaoging the function __¢f te AL aid Conypam the - 7 z fallouing axe : -_ —implemndedl __tuithin__4he___¢PU — mut A Selectoy (th 0) = 72 can _plbce 9 tn tab A. @. — flu aperalin celcles l0pR) > 0 can —_qnlbee 80° ir — ha pehel — Me —aribhnelie —adbiten Codd) Bucscly Dip tration Seleter Corie) + 2 an Pranfr te ould in__te__} 7 — ~h___ mul bplixe ft eptah Gaby ame performed ear Hs aes Th plat ef 19 bitmy _pebrctan — tiyputh — He corboll werd ~ Hh hit cortied ward cae ea —= operation: —__________ are aoe 7 ai _pebelian fill 11 pprer fired : in__the__ - SS ee Le bi Cf Rig ter Selictian —fiilel. — 7 _ . | Binoy coo | _Srt_a StL 8 _StL_D | Ono Tnpul Trout slne ed Rt Rt ft | oo. fo Rel Re. OL RZ {__ RI = kz 100 Re J RE Rt ot ro Bo Ro- —| us RL Ro Re CB ty Date____ Page _/s~ a veral mera — _qoenations are ing laranded by — te has of ths eperatin _tinplaented by th — Alu ont diyplayed — inte toh. tealy af ata gerin Ope _telul Operadion Symbol —{ona00 7 Aangfer_A —TsA___| doaad_ Tocremnt A____|___ 7vea__|___ ooosa_ | Reb nt 9 ADD 00104 Subtrad 2-8 SUB. out __ Accremint A |__ prep | 04000 AbD Nand 2 AND O1D1¢ OR 1 and § oR rt buee | to onl ) Lotta Complimrd 2 | _ cera 10000 Sift argh A SHEA 11000 | tuft hi 7A SHLAA Tie ope fl mon —=gperatiiny ere shousn. i th tabh- in Riera | RK? | eg | et sup Ri < ey veo Re &- Rt | OR | Ri + RE 4 et = fe £1 INCA fy + ey _ fi. ee TSLR | Ouluk < ps fob =| phn | een | Quiput <-Yoput | dopuf | - | nln | 700 Ree sh( bt | pe = Fe SLA. eos eo RS }D10 | AN “por sttt en | yor | tee arare I it _|_000. He, Q00e1 i coi | oor | su {A000 |. tio | 000 | O06 [el | Cad | 00n | Coe {01000 |, Ine | O60 | 400 \11000 = ate age tJ ets) lin fcr gipeatais gpl alpie—of ee —éxplain__ stack, ppanization tlt —alpositl >—_—_ __platk fll____and___emply. “A plack jp an andereel linearly in — uhich alll >» _tovertiont andl ___defrtions __ave — ar a re Sp callcl fap. TA UAL, at _tn__firgt_ auth r6o) _aceyp aretha ahi jp the get popular. acegys. raat of dh OL my 4 _2egyeter mer ta store aalaegs. Lh. = tpmet __elerun “ is__ptach 1 , Anausn 2s my — flack poinder (se) became the unl alu j aft ty op item in the —_ptock_++ Zh Ay = wo ——Lrparye a operating =0 ex feral on ___ptack, Lush main tua _opevotan that are pec fermi on tr operat of dha __ acl, ane __push and pop: —= + Puth operation — Th op vatan 0; inserting on__ thm on fo Lop —_dperalisn.+ th peradin of eli — an ip So aaa ee oo —pplicaln = # finluatin natal —egrcpioa ae wing — “fuege — Poh — hh. a 237 a aes a ward __ ise wtord 4 plu __ pushed 7 by later = ancl ten pipe ies letters oe he ped —H- eal p split all harp : -_Thy 4 faclebracking _f—a om, to fat Pa z =e Lent . rea raceglay ei races, Jooplommundscl by ting stock. # Support _ for. nrecurp ion: 4 - 4 at dus__types pla:l, _trgonitadan abi ae, uver) in dh compiler bavdhaare. Panyley lack = Wp tuilt __tuing apy fe en. . ‘tereeay pfork - = Lh a os dh a perkins gers purer Jimplement- bate Poge 14 Ean fey lock Fe Add-copp fae lea — Bo fe be [ 3 |__C_ ht A oR Le Date Page an ¢€ ee ey Pn elf TE le pepe The sacs a —achhyy — Wane ae —__________—_—_ Bada. tj th shill part of RAL i da ee tpl ore = The olatn jection adeno og rr __ “i —_frem____fo00- cade from 4000. oe tock “zt wa - ; of Rbrt used. p. inlocae au eae "able plo ama aod- Cag 4004+ _ 7 2 aii : 7 zi A — of PUSH operabion = bet @ eee & being _prroceclune __pugh + plack «dada: e t if __pdack tp ful —_ «. oehren null a a i fa ee aE a e top +- tap ce a @ tock [top] < oafe fn fd potoceclure. Ss 2 . = ® ~Bvampls t- foie __puph Lint data) —______________¢ t fa 8 UY prullto)_f : = aay eS ae, i = clades : $ 2 the lap pil 4 aes Date Page tl: —Agenithin of Pop gperation —— actin null —tadif slita = thaeh Hep] wp + Ap-7 attrin alate | dare sxompl = a ——tat__peplint data) a | LL jempdy (1) £ | asc ae ReeceS ty = top 1) EE eal mck cpl mag ca | 3 | 3 : Page ats bug) ad | Auton / Mower yon = sy ~Aiut)—_Frplrin —Poathy a oo : —Baath algorithm give, a ce cede fi mui ing _hinry inkeyers ai pip a i combs rernt sonetie —tiee- ier a wa Ab number 2f_ addons. ee yl ae phi of 0 i ipliew Tu eno __abd:tien ee ut phibly pLriy Of 1"'4 sn fa _s i PAK (eet) fe thm inal = ily rae 7 ae sepuutres examiing a 4, Ly er) Pugx te ta sliflig te mublpl — may he able dy ths partial = pubstra teal from ths _pacrtial, —paoduet or left a7 snchonged_ = au to fy Casing : 1) Te rnullphieand yp lag a a ich gpon. noountert fgl pli a 2 sting am Ls nullaiee 7 of oe Lg i ig” fn a brits 1 Date Page JZ: _ r ; ~ feral _Lyplrmantatian of Booth p= ______——— ee ee ee ria nm Ay___eyye ter. configuration phase ae r feoth 's — Myeritin — Flowchart = | 2 and 4. fic _._OR 0d Se pel po mutltin (ier awyipter__@R-_fln__extra aa Brat ip =o fa to doribate 0 ft on o; Mo mulhjalier Th flouehort far the booth alparithin ffl shaun below. [ttllpbied in be) in oa) a BR is 14 complement af OR Ao TH 0 Any a TT, YI I.7,7°7 AG < AG +8R AGC ACE BRIT [outer (ae_ae) | SC SC -7 oe eee 4, lot epuall toa. Equal_& 0 Date Page 2 ¥-__ . A — and — Ya afltadl putes Qt oe al fopl—clareal fo ___0 Me pucespsin 0p pel_h_ 0 tau h vnteed tthe __ rune f ——_patiecep. Zs t 4 null ler = a 4 Ls Te parts of — the _mulbpller th 810d nh a sevieuseal, : ‘ a — x +n off chance that the __fuua__compontnfp__aar al, 4 it sinpliy do! __ fly 4 pbaey. “ Aor it plin _ dhad on Leal p__a_.be__¢ in ae: Aas 4 spertenced js. ompuliy th _expaniting of rrulbplicand! Ja ___the : 2, 2 cea Hepa _ushen Ha 2 cpuuivale 3 5 = woseovee: _ P= 000011000: _ ek re P= onedtooe. ead Page _If7 fw) i glo Janes Date Ai) _teplhin loading pind —ruunber with ex maphe 2. — Asis —_purbine A er__which can plore 0 cbuinall paint —Mp__4___0 num o =. we wie dys __fer__every type of be any scounclty exvenp: _tbulever abispu means td = ubies May bb: jex_alt Stecing Floating posal ~ lady point tumbeys can't __be plore _eeactly Lhe shkeger numbers ave-__Te__jigus _j_ dha __tp__0 ahcimal place — so _uthat __n the —_frgt _rumbey ie torte i D4 0-04 0-004 G:0004 Pagewudie i: oe cach umber. we be __evetricteal to ___dhad- be abl toon decade dvd. dcand +" te —ahandy this Saja 7 that we — pie phaliy-g point ~turnbeyy hte pplid pa number —tnte Aare expontat ancl at tn “th 7 alg rng — Balf ——fs —d— _ dan ee —. i e Eleating aint ovine (£2) —— ’ Th computiry fleating point __antthmebe (FP) 1 arthenuteg that __-reprizpend_ r /__rusmbeys f , —on tegen wt fixed! preci Ys pip nifian go ee 8245 can be represented ao base floating point sport = [9-2Ue = (024s jae = —Hgnificard bar —Th_prracte__ayst vali poind _jyphom tae bau tua comman- Ty___ term Aloating port __vefeyp__fo the fact that He nunkeg di polnd on “flecE” ayaa ca Date Page _-P7- loft night___or___heruecn he piguificard. oliyit of tha : a Le bythe __expory Nef — teat —_paiat_" ean be tamil 2 form. a peicalgit notation. ae ne pleating paint mon be use! __s repxeper ets __a "fixed are of —_digrt +-taumnbey Tae we alfertnt oy of mpg nitude — puck as fs nude . of rekon between Gpaberies or bedueen proten th. wh Heel — to alls very pial "analy xe uy Te ee 228, = __iinatoo, = 111004, y 4, Aleating pout firdbmehe — Th pater popibhe floating pace onibbanhe goeratia . unbeys af aepuire, fast Pratepping —— dimape > 52 bit Looting = Paint slumber - > the foal point representation ry the decimal) > number walig a y= Ay convert if, chomel number tints binary! r - - Lh i) Floating point Beloliian ii) —fllsaling paint Fultinli cation ty) fila Hing point: Divipion 5 Date _ Page 19 fu. g) Byline | __— —== ain dy 7 fies) RISC onl ——07s¢ with _oxehidechne ——_____—_ Eee ee co ee —LRdlucee! — Tratruchen— “pt Archikechne Hi a “hha kebied typ pp by nak —heralue, ——by uring an inthuction ge __campaped! __¢f 0 ip (ef foe va loading _. eval arg —arel phat, pel ‘ ea hed edie eee pet Packs feohre) ~ avid Date Page _-$9- aaa — prey — — oon wing arb ~ slngunge nto! tas fell to___ make —_fortuedion_ sle___mere. 7 becayse __p1oq-.ammu tn —apombly way - decliut nel j evar. mere dashich gi Sa envolved but sith __4he___upripe__a/ SS ng i o Sens -asembly- __redued kr My trchitechone prevail - > : om ae el pa t) Seal inciuction —. hance pimple ___tnubmscthan deadly. {ons z ae thu a tingle ch A fpet_cxouh ~s Mexe {general — purpose aiegi shee = if me Simpl adelriging mad mp! fiwer olate —typst: yA spell an__b, a f ja = Ley Att a §C_= =p! Pomplox__inatuclion ___hnce complex ___instuuetian —ohcading. my! Turret are Somer than ont utond —__gine. me 5)\_Thstnichon __may __sake__mare__dhan a _pirgll’ abck cycle me — th. ad executed: mo} —Smaley ooldast ging Todss. wo —') ioe _dafa_ ype uppope we hove to td! cha = bid number > > q Date Page 7/. — y— fu) Leplain iS Depen— of —Or1n___in__beaef_/ Dein 5 can DMA eS { Biveet Memory Acecge ) y Ott __cordraller 0 hardutare —_lovice 4 o_ p——thuite __to _ “amet Oeceps __ memory an ai y— tf te procyyor _Dt2n _tontralley resto the pars” -—* Wp Of an thterJawe fe eammunseate uth y — the CO ated ypu {dufput __olosresg. —cemmunitce ith th cpu. sgh alex s ane! “tanta = > Through th___use owing thy OMA an I : ogee | fe is 7 faite within the 9, y—by dh CPL ep a we ove ta wey inpufe. d ortn___Cenbaadley _-vegis be — pe Dr1a__tentredlsr tar __fhee__aegys = ea Altres egphy — Ft contain the alah Le__ppecty Hix tiie! — has Te nai. ey Were! court _-reqpter— 4 contains dhe number th ae, be___traniferred. we Conducd)__aryivbr —t _speothin the —tearyhr mal r >— — , , r , } } ; ; ‘ i) Date __ Page _sfet-__ ' _ — Le = - - 7 4 Aled: Al) _cipgiphey ip fhe __on__appeay __do_fhe__CPU_s__ ——tft__inderfoce__neginhey - Merefore Hr CPU can beth __ teal ard) unite nt th LI4f —aiyphap wich program central sua the ola bu = Rare a ~ \ uy, = oo a a _ a _ 4 ——fata Ou <—<——~J ade 1 athrys bur tua | —____ : — 2 ; t | Adehrs ty | preayebi—Jos | == 5 Rigttr sebed —Aps | ——— Read #——1 pp tence? rr eS ———————__ -— ee | nk + 2 | be rnchal rg er | 1 Bu _atguy? “—l ge LID veyugt a te eP_fachroutloel é ane = [ _orann nye _te Za clivee 4 tier up| ——— = . (Beck Exato} \ = * \lotking oi Contino 0 ‘ rR cay r—hox_fo shore the bss pores Y [eee dae a a ae ee “ tu at (fiven—tire jp eal tur matters» hen a ——daonafer from dlavite ts th —Mamery ef. oT verge har tebe ads __ the __prrscagan —freculion of dhe cureverd aver lata aver “packer, Es pda ran geld ral +t 7 —tvty__thy addr: bu. of ih ein st t | eh —h__attn_tentrellr yp pw 7 rapes te condral! a m4 Lg from th, _pocesser fy rating die bus t Date Page _ 72 —aeguyt ipnal Procepjor — Grant te. bur fo the canbe. tp dis bus mater he __panegpter__ ini Haye ths 0006 —centrodlre— by fending th msmery asl rgyer tumrber tf heh of tht — he “be —_tratferxe! and shrek tf data __drantfor_» =— a —— Ba Cey | RAT = ———= CI | a [1 ral teataat T] — r | tt a Ble - ee Adthry—Pus I [dcr peled | Ba a Si ti ' Te "i =——ies q : Se | | 8 (pete ag a 70 device ry Fs r iy Date = Ee Olas} qm dato of Yet anoclyp _ ahh nlc —_g Allowing — Greed — = @_Burpd Todds 2 fs thy mac 9 farcdaver__th buys feu nly afer aumplition of — tuhele “alta. shonifer. _Ptean—wtile fH) oop aepurrn the hn thats play lal anol att far ohn dronifr- _ 2 @ Gels _phallng Lads ae a ae piven. —contrl of bun 4 Coy afer trail _0f even bye Ht inline ye apg fam Hines make dhs drone ont — — byte are! __acdnn___th __, fn é Pranyporzat. tal tere orth___¢ranify __clato wk cpu fp axceuding He __tavbuctin —udich, bet rot___3purre. 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