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Content Modelling &

Content Aggregation

■ Introduction to Content Modelling

■ Basics of Content Modeling
■ Components of Content Modeling
■ Implementing Content Models
■ Challenges and Solutions
■ Best Practices
What’s Content

Content = Data + Metadata

Data can be everything, files, videos, music, etc

Metadata: data/information about data

Static HTMLs



Page Page Page Page

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Static HTMLs (contd.)


Page Page
n n
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Page Page Page

n n Page n
Page n
Static HTMLs (contd.)




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1 2 Page 3 1 n
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Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems (contd.)

Content Management Systems (contd.)


Content Management Systems (contd.)


Input Print &
Content CSS

Content Management Systems (contd.)


Content Design

Input Template
Content Design
Database WML Database

Content Management Systems (contd.)

Input Design
Forms Forms
Staff Input
Forms Content Design

Faculty Template
Content Design
Database WML Database

User-driven Input
Syndicated News
What is Content Modelling?

 Content modelling is a crucial aspect of web development that involves defining and
organising the structure of content within a website or web application.
 It serves as a blueprint for how information is stored, managed, and presented on a
 The goal is to create a systematic and well-organised framework that allows
developers and content creators to work efficiently and ensures a consistent and
cohesive user experience.
The significance of content modelling

 Ensures consistency and quality across content

• Content modelling ensures a consistent structure across the website,
maintaining a unified look and feel.
• This consistency is essential for a positive user experience.
 Scalability
• A well-designed content model allows for easy expansion and modification of
the website.
• As the site grows or requirements change, developers can add new content
types or modify existing ones without disrupting the overall structure.
The significance of content modelling (cont…)

 Facilitates collaboration and teamwork

• Content modelling facilitates collaboration between developers, designers, and content creators.
• It provides a common language and framework for discussing and implementing content-related
 Flexibility:
• A solid content model enables flexibility in how content is presented.
• It allows for the adaptation of content to different devices, platforms, and user scenarios.
 Scalability:
• Content modelling supports scalability as websites or applications grow.
• It allows for the addition of new content types and fields without disrupting the existing
The significance of content modelling (cont…)

 Structured Content
• It helps in structuring content in a way that makes it easy to manage and retrieve.
• This structured approach enhances content reuse and reduces redundancy.
 Adaptability to Various Devices
• Content models enable developers to create flexible designs that can adapt to different devices and screen
sizes, providing a seamless experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
 Optimises content for search engine optimisation (SEO) and marketing
• A well-organised content structure can positively impact SEO by making it easier for search engines to
crawl and index the content.
• Properly structured content can improve search engine rankings.
 Consistent User Experience
• Content modelling ensures a consistent and coherent user experience by defining how information is
organised and presented across various pages or sections of a website.
The significance of content modelling (cont…)

 Enhanced Maintenance
• A well-defined content model makes website maintenance more straightforward.
• When updates or changes are required, developers can make modifications without affecting the overall
structure of the site.
 Future-Proofing
• Content modelling allows for future enhancements and modifications without major overhauls.
• It ensures that the website can evolve to meet changing business requirements and technological
 Personalization and Targeting:
• Content models support personalisation efforts by providing a structured framework for organising user
• This enables targeted content delivery based on user preferences, behaviours, or demographics.
The significance of content modelling (cont…)

 Speed and Performance

• Well-organized content models contribute to faster load times and better overall performance.
• This is particularly important for user satisfaction and SEO rankings.
 Compliance and Accessibility
• Content models can be designed to ensure compliance with accessibility standards, making the
website more inclusive and user-friendly for individuals with disabilities.
 Data Portability:
• A clear content model makes it easier to migrate content between platforms or systems,
supporting data portability initiatives and reducing vendor lock-in.
Basics of Content Modeling

 Content modelling is crucial in web development for several reasons.

 It serves as the foundation for:
 organising,
 structuring, and
 managing digital content on websites or applications.
Key Concepts in Content Modeling

 Content Types: Identifying different categories of content (e.g., blog posts, product
pages, case studies)
 Fields: Defining the building blocks of each content type (e.g., title, body text, images,
 Relationships: Connecting content types to each other (e.g., related articles, product
 Governance: Establishing rules and guidelines for content creation and maintenance
Building a Content Model

 Step 1: Analsze your audience and goals

• Who are you creating content for?
• What do you want to achieve with your content?
 Step 2: Inventory your existing content
• What types of content do you already have?
• How is it currently structured?
 Step 3: Define your content types
• Identify the key categories of content you need (articles, products, events, or user profiles).
• Determine the essential fields and attributes for each type
• Defining the specific pieces of information (fields) associated with each content type. For
example, a product content type may include fields like name, description, price, and image.
Building a Content Model

 Step 4: Establish relationships between content types

• How can different types of content connect and enhance each other?
• Establishing connections and relationships between different content types.
• This helps create a more interconnected and dynamic content structure.
• For instance, linking a blog post to an author or associating products with
Choosing the Right Tools and Techniques

 Content Modeling Tools

• Content management systems (CMS), Diagramming software, and Collaborative
platforms (e.g., Figma,Visio etc..)
 Wireframing and Prototyping
• Visualizing the content structure and user experience (e.g.,
 Documentation and Governance
• Creating clear guidelines and maintaining consistency
 Version Control and Revision Tracking
• Managing changes and ensuring accuracy
Content Modeling for Different Platforms

■ Different platforms, such as websites, mobile apps, or content management systems

(CMS), may have unique requirements for content modelling based on their specific
goals and functionalities

On websites, content modeling involves determining the types of pages,

posts, or content elements that will be present.

Each page may have various components like text, images, videos, forms,
etc., and content modelling helps in organising these elements logically.

It's important to consider the hierarchy and relationships between different

types of content, such as parent-child relationships between pages or
Mobile Apps

Mobile apps often have a more focused and streamlined user

experience compared to websites.

Content modelling for mobile apps involves structuring content in

a way that suits the smaller screens and touch-based interactions.

Consideration should be given to how content is presented within

the app's navigation structure and how users can easily access and
interact with different types of content.
Content Management Systems (CMS)

CMS platforms are designed to manage, organise, and publish

digital content.

Content modelling in CMS involves defining content types, fields,

and taxonomies. Content types may include articles, images,
videos, etc.

Fields represent the various pieces of information associated with

a content type (e.g., title, body text, author, publication date).

Taxonomies help classify and organise content, making it easier

to find and navigate.
E-commerce Platforms

E-commerce platforms require a unique content model that

includes product information, categories, pricing, and inventory

Attributes like product variations, customer reviews, and related

products need to be considered.

The content model should support a seamless shopping experience

and effective product discovery.
Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms involve user-generated content

and interactions.

Content modelling includes defining the structure for

user profiles, posts, comments, likes, and shares.

Relationships between users, privacy settings, and

content moderation features are also part of the
content model.
Learning Management Systems (LMS)

In educational platforms, content modelling involves defining

courses, lessons, quizzes, and other learning resources.

Hierarchies and dependencies between different types of

content, such as prerequisites for courses, need to be

User roles, such as students and instructors, also play a

crucial role in content modelling.
Dynamic Content Modeling

 Implement content models that allow for dynamic content updates based
on user behaviour, preferences, or external data sources.

 Dynamic content models may involve personalisation algorithms,

recommendation engines, or integration with real-time data to deliver
content that is tailored to individual users
Content Fragmentation and Microservices Architecture

 Break down large content models into smaller, manageable fragments.

This aligns with the principles of microservices architecture, where each

microservice handles a specific functionality.

Content fragmentation facilitates scalability, agility, and easier maintenance,

especially in large and complex systems.
Content Relationships and Linked Data

 Define explicit relationships between different pieces of content to create

a linked data model.
 This allows for more sophisticated querying and traversal of content
based on these relationships.
 Linked data models enable richer content discovery and can be
particularly useful in applications like knowledge graphs.
Multi-Channel Content Delivery

 Design content models that can adapt to various delivery channels

 This involves considering how content is presented on websites, mobile
apps, social media, email, or other channels.
 Responsive and adaptive content models ensure a consistent user
experience across diverse platforms and devices.
Schema-less Content Modeling

 In some scenarios, a schema-less or schema-flexible approach may be

 This allows for more agility in content modelling, accommodating
changes and additions without strict adherence to predefined
 Schema-less content models are often associated with NoSQL
databases and are suitable for scenarios where content requirements
evolve rapidly.
Content Governance and Workflow Integration

 Integrate content governance mechanisms into the content model to

enforce editorial workflows, approval processes, and content quality

 Workflow integration ensures that content is created, reviewed, and

published according to established guidelines.
Content Analytics and User Behavior Modeling

 Integrate content analytics and user behaviour tracking into the

content model.
 This involves capturing data on how users interact with content and
using it to refine and optimise the content model over time.
 Analysing user behaviour helps in making informed decisions about
content placement, personalisation, and improvements to the overall
user experience.
Changing Content Requirements

 Challenge: Content requirements may change over time due to evolving business
needs, user feedback, or industry trends.

 Solution:
• Implement a flexible content model that can adapt to changes.
• Use modular content components and a version control system to manage
revisions effectively.
Consistency Across Platforms

 Challenge: Maintaining consistency in content presentation across

different platforms (web, mobile, social media) can be challenging.
 Solution:
• Adopt responsive and adaptive content models.
• Use a single source of truth for content and ensure proper testing and
validation across various platforms.
Content Governance and Workflow

 Challenge: Enforcing content governance, editorial workflows, and

ensuring content quality can be complex, especially in collaborative
 Solution:
• Integrate workflow management tools into the content model.
• Define clear roles and responsibilities, implement approval processes,
and leverage automation where possible.
Scalability Issues

 Challenge: As the volume of content grows, scalability becomes a

concern, impacting performance and maintenance.
 Solution:
• Design a scalable content model by considering content
fragmentation, microservices architecture, and efficient
database structures.
• Optimise queries and use caching mechanisms to improve
User Experience and Personalisation
 Challenge: Creating a personalised user experience requires a
dynamic and adaptable content model.

 Solution:
• Implement dynamic content modelling techniques, such as
personalisation algorithms, recommendation engines, and user
behavior tracking.
• Utilise flexible content structures to accommodate personalised
content delivery.
Multilingual and Multiregional Content
 Challenge: Managing content for multiple languages and regions can be
complex, leading to potential inconsistencies.

 Solution:
• Implement a robust multilingual content model with support for translation
• Use a content delivery infrastructure that can handle localisation and region-
specific content variations.
Search and Retrieval Challenges

 Challenge: Retrieving relevant content efficiently, especially in

large datasets, can be a challenge.

 Solution: Implement advanced search capabilities and consider

incorporating technologies like full-text search engines, faceted
search, or even machine learning algorithms to improve content
Data Security and Compliance

 Challenge: Ensuring the security of sensitive content and

compliance with data protection regulations is crucial.

 Solution: Implement access controls, encryption, and auditing

mechanisms in the content model. Stay informed about data
protection laws and ensure compliance.
The Future of Content Modeling

 As search engines and AI-driven applications become more sophisticated,

adopting semantic content models will likely become a standard practice.
 This can enhance content discoverability, support voice search, and contribute
to the development of knowledge graphs.
 Content models will likely evolve to incorporate more AI-driven
personalisation, recommendation engines, and automated content creation.
 This can lead to more dynamic and adaptive content ecosystems that respond
to user needs and preferences in real-time.
The Future of Content Modeling(cont…)
 Real-time content models can facilitate live updates, personalised content
delivery, and dynamic adjustments based on external factors, such as social trends
or real-time user engagement.
 Decentralised content models can enhance content security, reduce the risk of
data manipulation, and enable more transparent content workflows, particularly
in scenarios where multiple stakeholders collaborate on content creation and
 Content models will likely need to support richer media types, spatial
relationships, and interactivity to provide engaging 3D and immersive
 This is particularly relevant in industries like gaming, education, and e-commerce.
The Future of Content Modeling(cont…)
 Content models may incorporate strategies for optimising data
storage, reducing unnecessary data transfer, and promoting
sustainable content creation practices.
 This aligns with broader efforts towards environmentally conscious
digital practices.
 Content models may involve the creation of conversation flows,
structured data for chatbot interactions, and support for multi-
modal conversations that include text, images, and possibly voice.
How CMS works

Basic information flow

1. Template is designed
2. Content is entered as plain-text or HTML into
3. Content is placed in a template for display to the
end user
Page Page
Content Template
How CMS works (contd.)

Application HTML
Server Templates

How CMS works (contd.)
User Research Business Strategy

Publishing Process Info Architecture Content

Research Definition Audit


Authoring Presentation
Templates Templates

Content Presentation

Web Pages
Data Modelling

 CMSs are usually built on top of a relational database.

 Almost every CMS has a database underneath it where it stores much of its
Separating Content and Presentation

 Content has been combined with presentational information, converted to

HTML tags—and published to a specific location.
 These publication locations (email, web, Facebook, etc.) are often called
channels. The
 Media that is published to a channel might be referred to as a rendition or a
presentation of content in a particular channel.
 One piece of content can result in many presentations.
Defining a Content Model

 A content model is defined by three things:

 Types
 Attributes
 Relationships
 These three things, used in combination, can define an almost infinite variety
of content.
Attributes and Datatypes

 Contents have attributes.

 Each attribute will be assigned a datatype, which limits the information that
can be stored within it. Common basic datatypes are:
 Text (of varying length)
 Number
 Date
 Image or file
 Reference to other content
 Depending on the CMS, there might be dozens of possible datatypes you can
use to describe your content types, and you might even be able to create
your own datatypes, which are specific to your content model
Built-in Attributes

 Most CMSs will have a handful of built-in attributes that automatically exist in
every content type and don’t have to be explicitly added to the content
 These include:
 ID
 Title or Name
 Body
 Teaser or Summary
Attribute Validation

 To ensure information is entered correctly, it needs to be validated, which

means rejecting it unless it exhibits the correct format or value for its
 Basic validation is enforced via the datatype.
 Additional validations such as range check of a numeric value can be
Content Type Inheritance
Partial type composition
Content Aggregation

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