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Letter writed in year 2070

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Document paru dans la revue Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww
"Crónica de los Tiempos"
d’avril 2002.

Ria Slides
We are in year.
I‘m 50 years old, but i look like
I have many problems
because I don’t drink enough
I think i dont have to much
time left.
Today I am one of the oldest
person in my society.

Ria Slides
I remember when I was 5.
Everithing was diferent.

In parks were many trees, houses had beautiful gardens and I could stay under
shower even an hour.

Now we use towels with mineral oil to clean oneself.

Ria Slides
Before, women show their beautiful hair
Today they have to shave their head to
keep it clean without water.

Before, my fother washed the car with

the water hose.

Today the law stricly forbid such


Ria Slides
I remember that there were many
tables writing ”ATTENTION TO
WATER”, but nobody was giving
attention to them. People believed
water inexhausible.

Today, all rivers, streams, lakes and

underground waters are irremediable
contaminated and dried.

Ria Slides
All the surroundings is a deser without end.

Gastrointestinal infections, cutaneous desease and urinari infections are the

main causes of decease.
Ria Slides
Industry paralysed and the percentage of unemployment got to dramatic
The factorys that unsalinise sea water are the main domain of production. They
give workers water instead of salary.

Ria Slides
Atacs for a can with water are usual on wild roads.

Food is in proportion of 80% sintetic.

Ria Slides
Before they recomanded to drink
8 glasses of water every day.

Today I dont have the right to drink but a half a glass.

Ria Slides
Because we can’t wash our clothes, we throw it, witch increases the already
enormous mountains of garbage.
We came back to use the latrines like centuris ago, because underground
sewerage systems can’t run without water.

Ria Slides
People stand in front of each other with fear: their bodies are asthenic,
wrinkled by dehydration, wounded by infra-red radiations that atmosphere can’t
filter anymore because the ozone hole.

Ria Slides
Because of cutaneous dehydration, a 20 years woman looks like she’s 40.

Scientists do researces, but no solution

We can’t fabricate water.

The percentage of oxygen reduced because of lack of

vegetation, which led to the diminution of IQs on new

Ria Slides
Many man spermatozoon morphology changed …

…which led to birth of babis –

victimes, with mutations and

Ria Slides
Government oblige us to pay the air that we breathe:
137 m3/persn/day.

Those who can’t pay are dryved away

from “airy regions”, with huge
mechanical lungs, that run with solar

Air has not so good quality, but at least we can breathe.

Life media is 35 years.

Ria Slides
Few countries have succeed to conserve
Islands of vegetation with dry flowing water.
These areas are severely supervised by army.

Water becamed a rare good, an

inestimable treasure, much
more valuable than gold and

Ria Slides
Here are no trees, because almost never rains.
And when starts raining, is acid rain.

There’s no seasons because climate

changes (greenhouse fenomenon) owe
to people activities from XX century,
which poluted the environment.

And we foreso that we have to conserve the environment, but nobody did

Ria Slides
When my daughter asks me to tell her how was when I was young, I tell her
that forests were beautiful.

I talk to her about rain, about flowers,

about the pleasure to swim and to fish
in streams and lakes and to drink as
much water you want.

And about the good health of people.

Ria Slides
She asks:
-Father! Why doesn’t exist anymore water?

I get a node in my neck….

Ria Slides
I can’t stop consider myself guilty,
because I belong to the generation that
finished the destruction of nature, not
taking serious the warnings.

I belong to the last generation which

could have change the courseof the
things, but which decided otherwhise.

Ria Slides
Today, our cildren pay hard for

Ria Slides
I honestly believe that life on this Earth will not be posible from now on,
because the destruction of the environment got to a point without return.

Ria Slides
How I’de wish I could retorn and somehow do something the entire
mankind to understand the situation …

... In the moment when we still could do something to save our olanet!

Ria Slides
Send that letter to all your acquaintances,
will not be but a small alarm signal for
awake the universale conscience.
Water must be saved.
Is not a game, is already our reality. Do this
for your kids. Let’s not let them the
Hell...let’s let them life!

Auteur : Ria Ellwanger, en collaboration avec Lopez Chavez Ariel Alahin,
Texte : revue "Crónica de los Tiempos“, d’avril 2002.
Musique: Chopin - Tristesse
Images : Getty Images
Slides française “maison”: Eva Sagasti

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