Coronation Night Script

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OLIVER: Calling the all the candidates to please come now and be prepared for

In a short while these grand ceremonies will be started. Thank you very much.
Before we start, may I request everyone to please observe silence while the program is going on in
respect and to maintain our program's solemnity. Reserve your hoos and hurray for
the latter part of the coronation. Thank you very much for your full cooperation.

NATASSJA: Our distinguished guests, our crowning guests, respected parents, beautiful and
hansome candidates, SAPATCA Officers, faculty and staff,students, friends, ladies and gentlemen,


NATASSJA: Welcome to the much awaited SASMA FROLICS 2022 Coronation Night — a night
Of elegance, glamour, and the most generous beauty of all. With the theme “Strengthening Andreans
Unity and Camaraderie through Sports” let's watch as the fateful crowns land on their rightful heirs,
the very epitome of a world brought as one in love, amity, and candor. Join us in welcoming our
Majesty King and Majesty Queen of tonight.
Making this prestigious night to be remembered of your Valuable contribution of your soon
to be called Alma Mater.

OLIVER: To formally start this momentous event, may | ask everyone to please rise to give honor
to our heavenly father to be led by Mr. Eric Acierto, followed by the entrance of the SASMA Colors,
the Singing of the Philippine National Anthem and SASMA HYM.

NATASSJA: And now, Let us all witness the entrance of the Faculty and Staff of San Andres School
of Masinloc, Inc.

OLIVER: At this point. Let us be all ears and be sure to keep eyes open for we are about to proceed
with the entrance of the Candidates.

NATASSJA: It’s clear to see that everybody is excited for the program! So, let’s not prolong the agony of
waiting -- to formally welcome everyone of tonight’s event, none of this would have been possible without her
support and dedication. Help me in welcoming our Principal, the woman of perseverance and with stand, Mrs.
Marilou M. Elaugos. Let's give her a resounding applause.

OLIVER: Thank you so much, Ma’am, for that heart-warming welcome address. The excitement never
stops. Here’s to give us a showcase of their talent, ladies and gentlemen, don't close eyes, feel the
rhythm, feel the beat, here they are, the talented MR & MS FROLICS Candidates in their
PRODUCTION NUMBER.. Let's give them a resounding applause.

NATASSJA: Wow! Now this year has surely got it in for us. As we witness our astonishing and mesmerizing
candidates for this year’s MR & MS. FROLICS. I believe it will be a hard time selecting who will take home the
minor awards.

To start with. May I call__________________

Congratulations dear Candidates!

As the highest rulers of this kingdom march to their thrones, it is but proper to
welcome them with love, harmony and sincerity. Ladies and
Gentlemen, amaze and mesmerize...

And so with this, without further ado, our MR. & MS. FROLICS CANDIDATES for tonight will be given
an honorary awards.

Leis a traditional flower necklace given as a sign of welcoming and to show affection and
sincerity; flower bouquet symbolizes love. admiration, appreciation and respect: sash and trophy
symbolizes rank or status and victory.

To start with may I call on Mr. Frolics 4th Runner Up

To do the honor in giving the lei/bouquet to our Mr. Frolics 4th Runner Up, may I call
And to pin his sash of honor, may I call on _______________
To award his trophy may I call on_________________
To award the certificate________________________
To do the honor in giving the gift/token________________________

At this juncture, let’s witness an intermission number from SASMA SPG. Let’s give it up for D NEXT STEP

Thank you for the energetic performance SASMA SPG.

We now come to the most awaited part of the ceremonies... the crowning of the reigning MR. & MS.

A crown is a traditional symbolic form of headgear worn by a monarch or by a deity. The crown traditionally
represents power, legitimacy, victory, triumph, honor, and glory, as well as immortality, righteousness, and
resurrection. Ladies and gentlemen, the Crowning!

Capes were common in medieval Europe, especially when combined with a hood in the chaperon, and have
had periodic returns to fashion, these are worn for formal events and symbolizes supernatural powers. Ladies
and gentlemen, the donning of Cape!

A scepter is a symbolic ornamental staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or
imperial insignia. Figuratively, it means royal or imperial authority or sovereignty… Dear friends, the giving of

To begin with, may I call on our LITTLE MR. FROLICS 2022________________________

And to do the honor of crowning our third runner up. may I call on __________________
(Down to the First Prince)

Farewell Walk

At this juncture, Let us all welcome our LITTLE Mr. FROLICS 2019__________________ as he takes
his final walk.

Farewell Message (Voice Over)

To don the cape to our reigning King. may | call on _________________________________

To hand the scepter to our Majesty King, may I call on__________________________

Crowning the King

All kings deserve the crown of integrity. It & indeed deserves of our new king as he sets a
good example to all, for he showed affection, sincerity. triumph and most especially
bounteousness. May | request everyone to please rise to give honor. Ladies and gentlemen, our MR.
FROLICS 2022 Majesty King __________________________

Crowning the Queen

Analyn: The crown is the highest honor bestowed to a queen, so let the crowning of Her Majesty
Queen begins... May 1 request everyone to please rise to give honor. Ladies and gentlemen, MS.
FROLICS 2022 Majesty King __________________________

May I call on _______________________________ to crown our 2017 Majesty Queen.

The San Andres School of Masinloc, Inc. Family express our heartfelt gratitude to our Mr. & Ms.
FROLICS 2022 and most especially to their respected parents for their great help and contribution of
this coronation ceremonies, For without them, this event will not be successful and same to all
who have been a part of this.

Before we end up, We want to have an inspiring quote “The ATTRIBUTES OF

LEADERSHIP are universal and are often about finding ways about encouraging people to
combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm, and inspiration to work

I am Mrs. Natassja Alcazar and;

L am Mr. Oliver Ejaus, your Masters of Ceremonies.
Thank you very much and God bless us all!

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