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Caged or free - Should animals be kept in zoo?

Zoos are popular tourist locations where animals are kept in captivity for the entertainment of
people. A lot of animals have been captured out of the wild and away from their natural habitat and
put into tiny cages. Some of the zoos have wild animals kept in cages that can be 8 feet cubed or 2.4
metres cubed. How would you like it if you got shoved into a cage and got stared at all day? A lot of
you will argue saying they are only animals, but why should we treat them any differently to us?
Although a lot of zoos do good things such as try to help endangered species and help rehabilitate
badly injured animals, the way the animals are treated should be illegal.

A lot of zoos have really good rehabilitation centres where they bring injured animals back to the
wild or where they try to salvage endangered animal species but there is no reason that they can’t
still do that when zoos get banned. The government can provide big areas and good rehab areas in
some national parks this way the animals don’t have to be shoved in tiny little cages for their whole

A lot of the time there are multiple animals shoved into one cage and a lot of the time its more then
one species. The cages are sometimes so small that the animals have no space to mark their territory
and they fight because of it especially if they are two males. The fights can get so gruesome that
they animals can die or get left with permanent disabilities. If they were in the wild, they could easily
run away from fights but because they are in small cages they have nowhere to go.

The animals get extremely mistreated in the zoos as well a lot of them get no affection or attention
and are left alone in cages only seeing interacting with other people or animals to get fed. This can
cause the animals to behave very differently and makes them have behavioural lash outs which they
would never have in the world.

In conclusion having animals in zoos should be illegal as animals can be rehabilitated somewhere
else, they are shoved in tiny cages causing them to fight sometimes to the death and they are poorly

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