Individual Report

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Lei Angielin R.


Engr. Ernest Paul Y. Sison May 29, 2024

Individual Report

My On-The-Job Training (OJT) experience at Toyota Lucena City, Inc.

provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the automotive industry,

particularly in the service operations. Throughout my internship, I was tasked with

responsibilities aimed at enhancing operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and

overall service quality.

A significant part of my internship involved encoding vital information essential

to the service department. I recorded data in forms such as the Body and Paint

Update Monitoring Form and the BP Lead Time Monitoring Form. These tasks

required careful attention to detail as they involved tracking BP Maintenance

Reminder and Appointment (MRS) updates, communicating with customers,

monitoring lead times, and ensuring adherence to promised release dates for units. I

also encoded Workshop Data for General Service, facilitating technicians in tracking

their tasks and incentives effectively.

I also conducted time study in the car wash process. On the first and second

day of my internship, I conducted a time study of the car wash process for 10 units.

During this study, I observed the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures

(SOPs) and analyzed if the designated takt time of 12 minutes was being met.

During the latter part of my internship, I did a follow-up time study where they had

reduced the manpower. Originally, they had 3 workers in the car wash process but

had to reduce it to 2 workers only due to insufficient manpower. I observed the

process and proposed alterations to the sequence.

In addition to operational tasks, I provided support in administrative functions

within the service department. This included sorting and filing essential documents

such as service receiving slips, diagnostic forms, vehicle passes, and gate passes.

By ensuring the systematic organization of these documents, I contributed to

maintaining efficiency and facilitating seamless workflow within the department.

I was also assigned to assist in the service reception on several occasions,

where I received training on customer interaction and assistance protocols. I learned

how to effectively receive customers, address their inquiries, and assist them with

their needs. Additionally, I was also taught on how to use the queuing system and

updating monitoring sheets they use.

As part of Toyota's commitment to continuous improvement, there were

instances when the service department engaged in 5S activities. During these

initiatives, I actively participated in organizing workspaces, promoting cleanliness,

and standardizing procedures.

My On-The-Job Training at Toyota Lucena City, Inc. was an enriching

experience that allowed me to contribute to various aspects of service operations.

From encoding essential data to conducting time studies, providing administrative

support, assisting in service reception, and participating in 5S activities, each

responsibility provided valuable insights and skills crucial for my professional


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