LogView 2003 - Lp8EB7

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2221 East Street Phone: 303-278-3534

PanGalactic Golden, Co 80401 USA FAX: 303-278-4099

Resources, Inc.
Log ID: Stanton Field #27b

Total Depth: 610.0 Meters

Real-Time Satellite-Transmitted Log

Location: SE SW Sec. 12, T17N R48W,
Latitude: 42° 28' 46" N (approximate)
Longitude: 112° 30' 45" W (approximate)
Hole Diameter: 12 & 5/8 Inches
Elevation (Ground Surface):717.9 m
Drilling Date: Started November 5, 1996, Completed January 17th, 1997
Drilled By: Buryl Binkley & Sons
Lithology Logged By: A. J. Pitt III, C. Lyell, C. Huxley & J. Powell
Geophysical Log Operator:HiTech Logging Company

Caliper Resistivity
Depth (Meters)

Depth (meters)
5 8
Lithology 25 75
Neutron Natural Gamma
0 SP

100 200




60-350-340-330-320-310-300-290-280-270-260-250-240-230-220-210-200-190-180-170-160-150-140-130-120-110-100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

60-350-340-330-320-310-300-290-280-270-260-250-240-230-220-210-200-190-180-170-160-150-140-130-120-110-100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

GRAVEL: unit; residual basalt clasts perhaps slightly

more altered than underlying basalt unit. Lower contact
of unit uncertain, because reworked volcanic material
grades downward into intact basalt unit.~ 276/:

BASALT: Upper portion of unit appears to consist

completely of reworked basalt, while portion at lower
contact appears to be a rubble zone.~ 454/:

MUDSTONE: 61.0 m. Minor disseminated ash

suggested by local biotite-rich zones. Contact with
underlying unit is gradational.~ 130/:

SERPENTINE: calcite crystals present. Sand content

generally increases downward through unit. Contact
with underlying unit is gradational.~ 232/:

MUDSTONE: rounded, medium to fine quartz and

tuffaceous sand (0.4-0.1 mm) in matrix of silty
calcareous mud. Some grains are subhedral to
euhedral calcite crystals.~ 384/:

RHYODACITE: downward through the unit. Gradual

downward change in color also occurs, with mud matrix
becoming more gray or light gray-green toward base.~

SANDY LIMESTONE: Gray, white, very fine grained,

well sorted, firm to brittle, blocky to sub-platy, salt and
pepper, glauconitic, pink fluorescence.

ANDESITE: [176.8-182.9 m] Tuffaceous sandy

andesite. Light gray to light gray-green, moderately
indurated, consisting of subrounded to rounded,
medium-grained quartz and tuffaceous sand, in matrix
of silty calcareous mud.~ 384/:

SANDSTONE: [182.9-185.9 m] Caliche (?) Hard,

orange-buff to red-brown muddy calcareous sandstone,
consisting of medium to fine, subrounded to rounded
quartz grains with minor gray limestone grains, in matrix
of salty calcareous mud.~ 462/:

MUDSTONE: (halite?) present. Minor local ash

suggested by disseminated biotite grains. White
mudstone laminae increase from 243.8-268.2 m.~

SANDSTONE: White, orthoquartzite, very well rounded,

poorly cemented, frosted, minor FeOx staining along

MUDSTONE: dolomitic calcareous mudstone,

interbedded (?) with lighter gray, slightly silty,
calcareous to dolomitic mudstone. Local lenses or
veins of white calcite present.~ 038/:

SALT: white to buff slightly silty dolomitic calcareous

mudstone. Abundant calcite crystals and minor salt
(halite?) present. Minor local ash suggested by
disseminated biotite grains.~ 038/:

COAL: [310.9-313.9 m] Silty coal. White, well sorted,

moderately indurated, fissle, and calcareous.~ 318/:

RHYOLITE: [313.9-320.0 m] Fine grained, pink

rhyolite. Chilled margins at top and bottom of interval.
274.3-310.9 m. 038/:

MUDSTONE: dolomitic mudstone. Minor sand intervals

present. Minor local thin intervals of calcareous mud.
Minor local ash suggested by disseminated biotite
grains.~ 038/:


ANHYDRITE: mm) with white to buff slightly silty
dolomitic calcareous mudstone; minor calcite crystals
present. Minor local ash suggested by disseminated
biotite grains. Carbonate content of mud gradually
increases below about 393.2 m.~ 038/:

DOLOSTONE: cross-bedding, climbing cross-bedding,

planar cross-bedding, irregular bedding, graded
bedding, nodular bedding, massive bedding, flaser

DOLOMITE: moderate white calcareous fissle

mudstone cuttings, possibly interbeds, alternately
suggests that unit is in place.~ 484/:

MUDSTONE: present. Minor local ash suggested by

disseminated biotite grains. Better indurated intervals
are mainly calcite.~ 038/:

BRYOZOAN LIMESTONE: Tan, brown, buff, gray,

finely crystalline, finely oolitic, pyritic, finely sucrosic,
GOOD POROSITY (oolicastic, good interparticle
porosity), GOOD SHOW (bright yellow, white
fluorescence, excellent cut, good ring).


disseminated PYRITE, abundant ADULARIA within
vugs, sand grains display PHYLLIC alteration. Small
quartz 1/8" vein at 16762 contains bornite, pyrite,
chalcopyrite, galena (bent), barite, manganese, and

OOLITIC LIMESTONE: Tan, brown, buff, gray, finely

crystalline to sucrosic, pyritic, FAIR POROSITY
(oolicastic to good inter- particle), FAIR SHOW (bright
yellow, white fluorescence, good cut, good ring).

TUFF: Quartz and andesite fragments, slightly altered

to bentonite.

GRANITE: Pink, graphic, large phenocrysts of feldspar

in quartz matrix, with minor (<10%) biotite.

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