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ПРИЛОЗИ, Одд. мед.

науки, XXXVI 1, 2015 МАНУ


10.1515/prilozi-2015-0030 ISSN 1857-9345

UDC: 615.


Zorica Naumovska1, Aleksandra K. Nesterovska1, Ana Filipce2, Zoran Sterjev1, Katerina

Brezovska1, Aleksandar Dimovski1, Ljubica Suturkova1
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Institute, Pharmacy Faculty, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University,
Skopje, R. Macedonia
University Psychiatry Clinic, Medical Faculty, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,
R. Macedonia

Corresponding Author: Zorica Naumovska, Pharmacy Faculty, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,
Mother Theresa 17, 1000 Skopje, R. Macedonia; Tel: + 389 (0)2 3 12 60 32; + 389 (0)2 075 49 77 51;


Antipsychotic drugs are widely used in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychotic disorder. The
lack of antipsychotic response and treatment-induced side-effects, such as neuroleptic syndrome,
polydipsia, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, extrapyramidal symptoms, tardive dyskinesia or pro-
lactin increase, are the two main reasons for non-compliance and increased morbidity in schi-
zophrenic patients. During the past decades intensive research has been done in order to determine
the influence of genetic variations on antipsychotics dosage, treatment efficacy and safety. The pre-
sent work reviews the molecular basis of treatment response of schizophrenia. It highlights the most
important findings about the impact of functional polymorphisms in genes coding the CYP450 me-
tabolizing enzymes, ABCB1 transporter gene, dopaminergic and serotonergic drug targets (DRD2,
DRD3, DRD4, 5-HT1, 5HT-2A, 5HT-2C, 5HT6) as well as genes responsible for metabolism of
neurotransmitters and G signalling pathways (5-HTTLPR, BDNF, COMT, RGS4) and points their
role as potential biomarkers in everyday clinical practice. Pharmacogenetic testing has predictive
power in the selection of antipsychotic drugs and doses tailored according to the patient’s genetic
profile. In this perception pharmacogenetics could help in the improvement of treatment response by
using different medicinal approaches that would avoid potential adverse effects, reduce stabilization
time and will advance the prognosis of schizophrenic patients.

Key words: Pharmacogenetics, antipsychotics, schizophrenia, biomarkers, CYP450, P-glycoprotein, seroto-

nergic receptors, dopaminergic receptors, COMT, BDNF.

Background 30–50% of patients not responding to pharma-

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disor- cological treatment. The field of schizophre-
der with an annual incidence of 0.23 per 1000 nia is redefining optimal outcome, moving be-
persons and a prevalence rate over life of 1% yond clinical remission to a more comprehens-
[1]. According to the World Health Organiza- ive model including functional recovery and
tion and the World Bank, schizophrenia is the improved subjective well-being. A current the-
9th most important cause of disability in per- rapeutic controversy in the treatment of schi-
sons aged 15 to 44 worldwide, and 4th in deve- zophrenia is the relative merit of using different
loped countries [2]. The treatment of schizo- antipsychotic medications [3]. Antipsychotic
phrenia is still far from satisfactory with up to drug use is usually accompanied by a number

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54 Zorica Naumovska, et al.

of severe and long-lasting side effects. Typically, schizophrenia, a NIMH-funded project that cost
first generation antipsychotics (FGA) have a over 40 million dollars. The CATIE trial found
strong affinity for dopaminergic receptors and that antipsychotic drug treatments are generally
they block the D2 receptors in the mesolimbic effective overall but have various limitations as
pathway. As a result of blockade of other do- reflected by high rates of discontinuation due to
pamine pathways and a decrease of dopamine both efficacy and tolerability problems [6]. In
in these zones, they cause many consequent addition, the trial found that conventional
side effects. Extrapyramidal symptoms (i.e. agents with intermediate potency were compa-
Parkinsonism, dystonia, akathisias and dyskine- rably effective with atypical agents. Moreover,
sias) appear as a result of increase of acetylcho- although numerous studies have evaluated sub-
line in the basal ganglia, caused by blockade of jective outcomes within the domain of subjec-
D2 receptors in the nigrostitial pathway which tive quality of life in patients with schizophre-
may remain after treatment withdrawal. EPS nia, less is known about global evaluations of
are mostly correlated with the dosage. Ame- subjective well-being. Recent studies suggests
norrhea and other disorders due to an increase that, despite antipsychotic medications being
of prolactin caused by blockade of the tubero- effective for symptom-based psychopathology,
infundibular pathway and the deficit syndrome such clinical effectiveness does not necessarily
(negative and cognitive symptoms) due to the translate to improved general satisfaction with
blockade in the mesocortical pathway are also life. Clinicians should be aware that these two
common side effects in antipsychotic treatment domains are not inextricably linked [7]. Phar-
[1]. Second generation or atypical antipsycho- macogenetic studies are focused on determina-
tics (SGA) have a different mechanism of ac- tion of inter-individual variations in DNA se-
tion. Besides being dopamine antagonists they quence related to drug response. In recent ye-
are also antagonists of serotonergic receptors, ars, high expectations are given to the capabili-
and even of the cholinergic, histaminergic and ties of pharmacogenetics in tailoring persona-
adrenergic receptors. SGA have a lower inci- lized psychotropic treatment for each patient
dence of EPS, but cause other severe side ef- according to their genetic profile. The polyge-
fects such as metabolic syndrome (weight gain, netic and multifactorial etiology of schizophre-
diabetes, hypertension, obesity and dyslipidae- nia, as well as the polygenetic profile of antip-
mia), sexual dysfunction and, in the case of sychotic treatment response which integrate
clozapine, late onset of agranulocytosis. Accor- both the genes involved in the pharmacokine-
ding to the World Association of Psychiatry, tics (basically CYPs) and in the pharmacodyna-
the atypical antipsychotics are as effective as mics (receptors), have to be taken into account
the typical ones in the treatment of positive when tailoring the antipsychotic treatment. The
symptoms [4], but superior in the treatment of following review will summarize the most sig-
negative, cognitive and depressive symptoms, nificant pharmacogenetic findings and will give
with a lower risk of EPS. That is the reason an overview of their potential clinical applica-
why the atypical antipsychotics are considered tion.
as the first line treatment for schizophrenia in
all the relevant clinical guidelines. Treatment Pharmacogenetics of drug metabolism
failure and side effects are caused by a combi- and transport
nation of clinical, environmental and genetic
Cytochrome P450 genes
factors. Early treatment response and signifi-
Functional polymorphisms in genes co-
cant weight gain are signs of a good prognosis.
On the other hand, early age onset of disease ding the phase I metabolic enzymes had a bre-
and the presence of EPS are linked with a poor akthrough in the 1950s, when it was determi-
pharmacological treatment response [5]. A high ned that CYP2D6 polymorphism effects the de-
percentage of patients with schizophrenia res- brisoquine metabolism. The enzymes of the
pond poorly to antipsychotic treatment, or pre- CYP superfamily catalyse some oxidation reac-
sent refractory schizophrenia. tions of different substrates to increase their hy-
Recently reported are the results of all the dro-solubility and to enable their biotransfor-
randomized phases of the Clinical Antipsychotic mation and excretion. Approximately 18% of
Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) for neuroleptics are major substrates of CYP1A2

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Pharmacogenetics and antipsychotic treatment response 55

enzymes, 40% of CYP2D6 and 23% of with CYP1A2 ultrarapid phenotypes are known
CYP3A4/5 enzymes [8]. Most CYP enzymes to experience delay or lack of response to these
exhibit ontogenic, age, sex, circadian and eth- two antipsychotics [16].
nic differences [9] and these variants result in
different metabolism of the drugs according to Cytochrome CYP2D6
the genetic profile/expression which enables Cytochrome CYP2D6 is the first metabo-
some extent of prediction of treatment res- lizing enzyme documented as polymorphic [17,
ponse. A dedicated web page for the compi- 18]. CYP2D6 is a gene with nine exons located
lation and description of variants detected in in the long arm of chromosome 22 in region
CYP enzymes has been created (http: 22q13 and is highly polymorphic. Currently,
// about 90 mutations have been described and
some of them have up to 13 subtypes [19].
Cytochrome CYP1A2 CYP2D6 plays a significant role in metabolic
The CYP1A2 gene is located in the long transformation of aripiprazole, chlorpromazine,
arm of chromosome 15, in region 15q24, and haloperidol, perphenazine, quetiapine, risperido-
has 7 exons, the first of which is non-coding. ne and olanzapine (Table 1). Unlike CYP1A2,
CYP1A2 accounts for approximately 15% of the CYP2D6 activity is not inducible. A number of
CYP enzymes. This enzyme is involved in meta- functional genetic variants that determine the
bolic transformation of the following antipsy- metabolic activity of enzymes as extensive (EM),
chotics: haloperidol, pherphenazine, thioridazine, intermediate (IM), poor (PM) and ultra-rapid
olanzapine, clozapine and chlorpromazine (Table (UM) phenotype metabolizers are identified.
1). The CYP1A2 gene, located on chromosome They are characterized by normal, intermedi-
15, is highly polymorphic. A few common ate, decreased and multiplied ability to metabo-
CYP1A2 polymorphisms have been studied in- lise the enzyme’s substrates respectively.
tensively. However, the impact of these poly- CYP2D6*3, CYP2D6*4, CYP2D6*5 and
morphisms on enzyme activity is still not totally CYP2D6*6 variants are associated with com-
clear. Caffeine consumption inhibits its activity, plete lack of enzyme activity, leading to PM
whereas smoking induces CYP1A2 activity, phenotype, whereas CYP2D6*1XN, *2XN and
especially of the variants containing the -3860G/A *35XN, the duplication or multiplication of a
(CYP1A2*1C) and -3860G/A (CYP1A2*1C) al- functional CYP2D6 gene causes extremely
leles. The influence of -2467delT (CYP1A2*1D) high CYP2D6 activity and leads to UM pheno-
polymorphism on the enzyme activity is still not type. Poor metabolizers (PMs) are characteri-
clearly exposed. On the other hand, CYP1A2*1K zed by 10–200 slower metabolism of CYP2D6
(-163A, -739G, -729T) haplotype is related to re- substrates in comparison to EMs. Among heal-
duced CYP1A2 activity compared to CYP1A2*1A thy individuals, extensive metabolizers (EMs)
(wild type) and CYP1A2*1F (-163A) or account for 55.71% of the population, interme-
CYP1A2*1J (-163A, -739G) haplotypes in non- diate metabolizers (IMs) for 34.7%, poor meta-
smoker volunteers [10–14]. The influence of bolizers (PMs) for 2.28%, and ultra-rapid meta-
external factors on the activity of CYP1A2 is bolizers (UMs) 7.31%. It has been reported that
important, since the co-administration of anti- the frequencies of UMs may be 1% in Sweden
psychotics competing for the same enzyme and 7% to 10% in Southern Europe [20]. This
leads to its inhibition, reduced treatment effi- percentage refers to subjects with CYP2D6 dup-
cacy and increased side effects. The CYP1A2 lications, but some of the duplicated alleles of
enzyme accounts for up to 70% of clozapine CYP2D6 may be without activity or have de-
metabolism, so that its variation has been re- creased activity [21, 22]. When the UMs are
lated to drug clearance [15]. Olanzapine uses defined strictly as subjects with at least three
approximately 60% of the CYP1A2 pathway active alleles the frequency is lowered and is
for formation of its principle metabolites. Con- approximately 1.5%. Remarkable interethnic
sidering these facts, pharmacogenetic testing of differences exist in the frequency of PM and
CYP1A2 is more than justified in patients trea- UM phenotypes and may explain the differen-
ted with clozapine and olanzapine. Individuals ces in treatment response observed between po-

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56 Zorica Naumovska, et al.

pulations. On average 6.28% of the world po- ted with risperodine have a three times greater
pulation are poor metabolizers [1]. Frequencies risk of developing adverse reactions in compa-
are the subject of geographic variations, with rison with EM or IM patients. It was also
7–10% PMs in the Caucasian population and shown that PMs have a six times greater risk of
1–2% in Asians. Different phenotypes are di- treatment failure than EMs [27]. As well as in
rectly related to drug clearance, with PM vari- the liver, CYP2D6 is expressed in the brain
ants associated with higher plasma levels and where it probably plays a significant role in the
the UM forms with rapid clearance and lower metabolism of endogenous substances and ne-
plasma concentration of drugs and their meta- urotransmitters such as dopamine. Neuroleptic
bolites [8]. Poor metabolizers treated with anti- malignant syndrome (NMS) has been investi-
psychotics with narrow dose ranges are more gated in the Japanese population in association
likely to develop adverse reactions to the treat- with CYP2D6, and it was confirmed that car-
ment, whereas ultra-rapid metabolizers will fail riers of CYP2D6*5 have a higher risk of deve-
to respond to standard doses of antipsychotics. loping NMS [28]. In addition to the genetic
Several studies have investigated the role of variability, external factors can influence the
genetic polymorphism of the CYP2D6 gene in metabolic activity of CYP2D6, such as the con-
the occurrence of adverse effects, especially comitant use of common drugs with inhibitory
EPS, during antipsychotic treatment [23–25]. activity to the gene, such fluoxetine and paro-
Bork et al. [26] showed that PM patients trea- xetine.

Table 1

Summary of most commonly used antipsychotics and their main metabolic pathways

Antipsychotic Type Main metabolic pathway

Aripiprazole SGA CYP2D6, CYP3A
Chlorpromazine FGA1 CYP2D6, CYP1A2
Clozapine SGA2 CYP1A2
Haloperidol FGA1 CYP2D6, CYP3A, CYP1A2
Olanzepine SGA2 CYP2D6, CYP1A2
Perphenazine FGA1 CYP2D6, CYP1A2, CYP3A4
Quetiapine SGA2 CYP3A, CYP2D6
Risperidone SGA2 CYP2D6, CYP3A
Thioridazine FGA1 CYP2D6, CYP1A2
1 FGA First Generation Antipsychotics; 2 SGA Second Generation Antipsychotics

Cytochrome CYP3A bryonic, foetal and newborn infants [29, 30]

The CYP3A family is involved in the me- and it is slightly expressed in the adult liver
tabolism of 45–60% of all known drugs. Among and intestine [31]. CYP3A4 is the predominant
the antipsychotic drugs, it is important for meta- hepatic form, but CYP3A5 contributes signi-
bolic transformation of aripirprazole, haloperi- ficantly to the total liver CYP3A activity.
dol, perphenazine and risperidone (Table 1). CYP3A4 is the most abundant CYP isoform in
The interindividual differences in CYP3A en- the human liver with large interidividual varia-
zyme expression influence the oral bioavaila- bility in its expression. About 347 SNPs have
bility and systemic clearance of its substrates. been identified in the CYP3A4 (CYP3A4*1A:
The CYP3A gene family consists of four genes wild type) and 25 of them are of clinical rele-
(CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP3A7 and CYP3A43). vance. Only CYP3A4*17 and *18A display
They are located in the long arm of chromo- functional variability with decreased or increa-
some 7 in the region q21-q22.1 in the tandem sed activity, respectively [32]. No significant
structure of 220kb. The most relevant isoforms response association of these polymorphisms
in adults are CYP3A4 and CYP3A5. CYP3A7 with antipsychotics response has been publi-
is the major cytochrome P450 isoform in em- shed. Most of the studies performed on Cauca-
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Pharmacogenetics and antipsychotic treatment response 57

sian individuals consider the CYP3A4 isoenzyme sulpride, aripiprazole, olanzapine, perospirone,
as the principle one in the human liver because risperidone and paliperidone are substrates for
the CYP3A5 expression is low in the popula- P-gp in therapeutic concentrations. Clozapine
tion (it is present in 33% of North American and quetiapine are not likely to be substrates of
Caucasians and in 60% of Afro-Americans) P-gp, but most antipsychotics act as inhibitors
[33]. Only subjects carrying at least one fun- of P-gp, and can therefore influence plasma
ctional CYP3A5*1 allele express the CYP3A5 and brain concentrations of other substrates.
protein. But it has been presented that in indi- With this fact in consideration this transporter
viduals in whom CYP3A5 is expressed it has plays a significant role in their pharmacokine-
approximately equal metabolic activity as tics [46, 47]. It has been confirmed that the
CYP3A4. CYP3A4*1B, located in the promo- C3435T SNP in exon 26 and G2677T>A SNP
ter region of the gene, influences the transcrip- of the ABCB1 gene affect the level of duodenal
tion efficiency and thus the overall enzymatic ABCB1 expression possibly as a result of the
activity of CYP3A4 [34]. CYP3A4*3 variant decrease in mRNA stability [48] and alter the
leads to alternative substrate specificity as a re- absorption and distribution of many drugs that
sult of Met445Thr substitution near the active are their substrates [40, 49–51]. These two va-
site of the enzyme [35] and CYP3A4*4 variant riations and the C1236T silent polymorphism
is characterized by an Ile118Val substitution in the exon 12 are supposed to be in close lin-
decreased enzyme activity [36]. kage disequilibrium [52, 53]. The frequency of
So far, a series of allele variations are 2677A variant is 2% among whites, but the ot-
defined in regard to a wild type allele her variants 1236T, 2677T and 3435T, are very
(CYP3A5*1). In wild type allele carriers common (41–56%) [54]. Kimchi-Sarfaty et al.
CYP3A5 represent almost 50% of the total have confirmed similar mRNA and protein
CYP3A protein. CYP3A5*3C mutant allele is concentration in wild-type and variant protein
the major defective allele and is responsible for but, on the other hand, they confirm altered con-
alternative splicing and protein truncation formation of the variant protein, thereby affec-
which results in decreased enzyme activity and ting the structure of substrate and inhibitor
absence of CYP3A5 expression in more than interaction sites.
70% of Caucasians [33]. CYP3A5*2 and The relevance of polymorphic variations
CYP3A5*6 code for an enzyme without acti- on ABCB1 in antipsychotic treatment response
vity [37]. In the Caucasian population, 87.75% has been widely studied, but further investiga-
are EMs (CYP3A5*3/*3), 15.88% are IMs tion is needed for confirmation of their biolo-
(CYP3A5*1/*3) and 1.37% are UMs gical importance. It has been suggested that
(CYP3A5*1/*1) [1]. ABCB1 2677T/T and 3435T/T genotypes in
drug naïve first episode schizophrenic patients
ABCB1 have a higher active moiety (risperidone + 9-OH
P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a member of the risperiodne) in comparison with non-carriers of
adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette (ABC) this genotype [56]. Recent studies have shown
superfamily of transporters and is widely ex- 3435T allele and 2677T/3435-T haplotype car-
pressed in normal tissue such as intestine, liver, riers have a better response to risperidone with
kidney and brain. Its physiological role is to act lower frequency of extrapyramidal side effects
as an efflux pump and to serve as a barrier to [57]. It is suggested that this pharmacogenetic
the entry of xenobiotics and cellular metaboli- profile presents protective activity against the
tes [38], but it also influences intestinal drug development of EPS side effects in risperidone
absorption and elimination and influences drug treatment. ABCB1 C3435T polymorphism has
bioavailability [39]. Polymorphic variations on also been related to greater risk of polydipsia-
ABCB1 (MDR1) gene influence its expression hypernatremia [58]. It has been addressed that
[40, 41], their association with pharmacokine- 1236TT genotype is associated with better im-
tics and bioavailability of drugs [42, 43] and provement of BARS score in the Chinese
their association with clinical effects [44, 45]. population [59]. On the other hand Suzuzki Y
Several second generation antipsychotics, ami- et al. [60] have recently shown that risperidone,

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58 Zorica Naumovska, et al.

9-OH-RIS and total active moiety levels were response on the DRD2 promoter gene is-
significantly correlated with ABCB1 3435C>T 141Cdel variant, located in 11q23 region,
genotypes, whereas the ABCB1 2677G>T/A which is responsible for lower expression of
genotypes did not affect plasma RIS, 9-OH- the protein [66]. Significant weight gain is
RIS, or total active moiety levels. Carriers of confirmed after 6 weeks of risperidone or olan-
ABCB1 1236T/2677T/3435T haplotype had higher zapine treatment in the patient population with
serum and cerebrospinal fluid olanzapine concen- -141Cdel allele [67]. On the other hand, Japa-
trations than patients without this haplotype [61]. It nese schizophrenia patients with -141Cins al-
has been suggested that the P-gp C3435T genotype lele treated with risperidone have improved po-
may also help to determine positive symptom sitive symptoms [68]. Patients with -141-C del
reduction from olanzapine clinically, but these
have a higher incidence of neuroleptic malig-
findings should be replicated on a larger sample of
subjects [62]. The T allele of 2677G/T/A poly-
nant syndrome (NMS) characterized by severe
morphism is related to better response to olan- hypofunction of the dopaminergic system [69].
zapine treatment in women [63]. Kuzman et al. -141C del allele is associated with lower ex-
[64] additionally suggested that ABCB1 G2677T pression of D2 receptor protein in vitro [70].
and C3435T MDR1 genetic polymorphisms influ- Another frequently examined polymorphism on
ence the development of metabolic abnormalities the dopamine D2 receptor shown to be predi-
among female patients treated with olanzapine and ctive of drug response is Ser311Cys. It is pos-
risperidone. tulated that this polymorphic variant modulates
receptor G protein interaction and alters recep-
Pharmacogenetics of treatment tor function. Patients with Ser311 allele are re-
response lated with a better outcome for positive, nega-
Many pharmacogenetic studies have con- tive and cognitive symptoms, as well as a more
firmed the clinical validity and importance of robust response to antipsychotics [71]. A D2
some brain neurotransmitter systems in media- restriction polymorphism known as TaqIA has
ting treatment efficacy and onset of side ef- been associated with risk of tardive dyskinesia
fects. The genetic variability of dopamine and and increased risk of EPS during treatment
serotonin receptors play a significant role in with antipsychotics and selective serotonin re-
antipsychotic drug efficacy. uptake inhibitors [72, 73]. Patients with A1 al-
lele had a better response to dopamine antago-
Dopaminergic system nists [74]. This variant is also associated with
Dopamine D2 receptors are mainly ex- lower density of receptor and decreased func-
pressed in the striatum, cortex and limbic sys- tion [66]. It has been reported that Taq1A1 led
tem and belong to the G-protein coupled recep- to reduced striatal D2 receptor binding [75, 76].
tor superfamily. An average occupancy of 65% Another polymorphism, A241G, was cor-
of brain dopamine receptors is necessary for related to risperidone and olanzapine treatment
therapeutic efficacy, but over 72% occupation response by Xing et al. [77]. Patients with A
induces prolactin elevation and 77% or higher allele havea better response to risperidone
occupation induces EPS [65]. First generation treatment and have shown greater improve-
antipsychotics have strong dopamine affinity, ment, whereas G carriers have a lower response
whereas second generation antipsychotics dis- time [78].
play moderate to high affinity for D2, D3 and The D3 receptor is mainly localized in
D4 receptors [8]. Neuroleptics influence the the mesolimbic area in the brain and it is asso-
positive symptoms of schizophrenia dominan- ciated with cognitive, emotional and motor
tly through blockade of D2 receptors. This an- functions [79]. Pharmacogenetic testing on the
tagonistic action mechanism is responsible for D3 receptor is justified because of the high
the onset of Parkinsonian-like side effects. The affinity of different antipsychotics for this re-
dopamine D2 receptor gene, DRD2, is located ceptor. Among the SNPs of DRD3 gene, the
on chromosome 11 and contains a number of most interesting variant which is extensively
SNPs. The most significant polymorphism as- studied is Gly9Ser. The 9Gly variant confers
sociated with poorer antipsychotic treatment higher binding affinity and better antipsycho-

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Pharmacogenetics and antipsychotic treatment response 59

tics response regarding the positive symptoms, gene, HTR2A, is located on the chromosome
but it also increases the risk of tardive dyski- region 13q14-21. The most relevant polymorp-
nesia [5, 80, 81]. hisms are 1438A/G promoter polymorphism
Variable numbers of tandem repeat (VNTR) associated with decreased promoter activity
polymorphisms in exon 3 of dopamine D4 re- and a lower expression of the receptor protein
ceptor (DRD4) gene are associated with mul- [87], 102T/C a silent polymorphism within the
tiple psychiatric illnesses. The allele size of 7R coding region, in complete linkage disequilib-
is less frequent in the Asian population (Japa- rium with the previous one [88] and His452Tyr
nese 0.5%) than in Caucasians (20%). The ances- (1354C/T) polymorphism responsible for an
tral haplotype and the most common is 4R amino acid substitution within the cytoplasmic
variant. Although direct association of VNTR C-terminal tail of the receptor. This change
and TD are not confirmed, some four taq poly- does not affect the expression and does not pre-
morphism haplotype analysis suggest that DRD4 vent the substrate binding to the receptor, but it
may be involved in TD in Caucasians [82]. makes it ineffective. The 452Tyr allele is more
frequently found in a group schizophrenic pa-
Serotonergic system tients non-responding to clozapine treatment.
Second-generation antipsychotics display This variant reduces the serotonin induced cal-
a high affinity for serotonin (5- Hydroxytrip- cium mobilization in platelets [89]. The 102C
tamine, 5-HT) receptors. The influence of 5- allele is correlated to lower protein expression,
HT2A and 5-HTC polymorphic variations in increased risk of schizophrenia and EPS, and
poorer response to treatment in Caucasians [90,
the etiology of schizophrenia and antipsychotic
91]. This allele is significantly overexpressed
treatment response is justified in many studies.
among the clozapine non-responders and in
schizophrenic patients with developed TD [92,
93]. As this is silent polymorphism, it is hypo-
5-HT1A receptor is another potential tar-
thesized that an epigenetic mechanism such as
get for prediction of treatment response with
methylation is responsible for 102C>T SNP
atypical antipsychotic drugs. -1019C/G SNP, lo- functionality [94].
cated in the upstream regulatory region, is the
most widely studied polymorphism and it influ- 5-HT2C receptor
ences the gene transcription. G allele carriers The 5-HT2C receptors are coupled to sti-
are characterized by elevated levels of 5HTR1A. mulatory G-protein and involved in the regula-
As 5HTR1A is involved in the modulation of tion of feeding behaviour, anxiety and motor fun-
dopaminergic activity, -1019C/G variant may ctions. These receptors are expressed in the cho-
affect cortical dopamine release. While an in- roid plexus, prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia and
creased dopamine level in the cortical region is limbic regions in the brain [95, 96]. The 5-HT2C
crucial for improvement of negative symptoms receptor coding gene, HTR2C, is located on the
of schizophrenia, this polymorphism may po- Xq24 chromosome and is an excellent candi-
tentially be important for antipsychotic drug date for pharmacogenetic testing and confor-
treatment response prediction. It was confirmed mation of its association with disease and treat-
in two recent studies conducted on Chinese and ment response. The 997G/A polymorphism in
Caucasian schizophrenia patients treated with the promoter region is in complete linkage di-
risperidone. In both studies CC genotype car- sequilibrium with -759C/T polymorphism [97].
riers showed an improvement of negative symp- C to T substitution in the promoter region of
toms [83, 84]. the gene leads to decreased promoter activity
[98]. The 759T allele presents a protective role
5-HT2A receptor against antipsychotic-induced weight gain in
The 5-HT2A receptors are widely ex- patients treated with clozapine, olanzapine, ris-
pressed in cortical brain areas, additional to the peridone and chlorpromazine [99–102]. The pro-
hypothalamus, limbic system and striatum [85]. tective role of -759C/T polymorphism exerts
It is a postsynaptic G-protein receptor with a mostly on weight gain in short-term treatment
high affinity for clozapine, risperidone and of drug naïve patients and this association is
olanzapine [86]. The 5-HT2A receptor coding constantly confirmed mostly in the European
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60 Zorica Naumovska, et al.

population, but also in the less studied Asian region) has 44 base pair deletion/insertion in
population [103]. 697G/C is another promoter the promoter region giving rise to two alleles,
polymorphism where C allele is associated L (long) and S (short). This polymorphism inf-
with decreased promoter activity and the onset luences transporter expression and in patients
of persistent tardive dyskinesia [98, 104, 105]. with schizophrenia it probably modulates seve-
The study in the European population confir- rity, acting as a disease modifying gene. L-al-
med the protective role of C allele in a 10% lele carriers are better antipsychotic responders
increase of BMI and weigh gain, and the other using any of the diverse clinical scales [114–
found no correlation. Due to an initial positive 116]. Another study confirmed that S allele is
result -697C/T remains a promising candidate associated with lower improvement of BPRS
for future studies. Cys23Ser (68G/C) polymor- scores in risperidone and haloperidol treated
phism leads to a higher constitutive activity of patients [117]. According to recent studies, the
the 23Ser compared to the 23Cys variant in 5-HTTLPR L/S genotype could be generating a
vitro [106]. This finding could not be reprodu- modification in the serotonergic system in the
ced in mammalian cells expressing the mRNA brain that leads to an enhancement of antipsy-
edited 5-HT2C isoforms [107]. It has been re- chotic activity and efficacy in negative symp-
ported that HTR2C 23Ser allele is responsible toms treatment [118]. All these findings are in
for a better response to clozapine treatment agreement with the fact that antipsychotics
[108] and increased risk of tardive dyskinesia with a more serotonergic profile could give
[109]. The functional haplotype studies hypo- much better results in negative symptom treat-
thesized that an increased HTR2C transcrip- ment [119]. The other is tandem repeat poly-
tion, leading to a more active 5-HT2C system,
morphism, called 5HTTVNTR. The most fre-
might be protective against antipsychotic indu-
quent alleles correspond to 9, 10 and 12 repeats
ced weight gain, since subjects may be less
in the second intron. One recent haplotype study
sensitive to the metabolic changes caused by
on both polymorphisms confirmed that the pre-
medication [110].
sence of L/12 was associated with good treat-
ment response [120].
5-HT6 receptor
Genetic variations in serotonin 6 (5-HT6)
receptors might be associated with the patho-
The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
physiology of schizophrenia. 267C/T polymor-
gene is located in the 22q11.21-23 chromo-
phism of 5HTR6 is related to antipsychotics
some region. It has been considered as can-
treatment response. The 267T/T genotype has a
didate gene for schizophrenia and an important
confirmed superior response to risperidone
biomarker due to its role in degradation of cha-
[111], particularly for positive symptoms and teholamines, among which dopamine is inclu-
general symptoms (e.g. anxiety, depression and ded. The human COMT gene has three com-
cognitive symptoms), but not for negative sym- mon variations (A22S, A52T and V108M).
ptoms in schizophrenic patients [112]. A22S and V108M change the protein prone to
temperature and oxidation, whereas A52T mu-
5-HTTLPR tation did not affect the protein structure. The
Serotonin recovery on the presynaptic V108M polymorphism rearranges the active
level depends on the 5-HTT transporter (5-hyd- site residues and A22S mutation reorients the
roxytryptamine transporter). It is a high affinity critical residues away from the substrate-bin-
transporter and has a predominant role in termi- ding pocket [1]. The decreased activity ofA22S
nation of the extracellular effects of serotonin and V108M are important for increased risk of
through re-uptake. The gene encoding this schizophrenia. The 108M variant is correlated
transporter is located in the 17q11.1-q12 re- with a better response to antipsychotic drugs
gion, and two principle polymorphisms are and fewer side effects [121, 122]. These are
confirmed. They did not influence the protein confusing results, as the Met variant is associa-
structure, rather they modify the gene transcrip- ted with decreased enzyme activity and dopa-
tional activity. The repeat polymorphism called mine accumulation. Contradictive results are
5-HTTLPR (5-HTT gene linked polymorphic also presented by two different groups of rese-

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Pharmacogenetics and antipsychotic treatment response 61

archers. A study of Japanese patients declines her haplotype study confirmed that patients
the correlation between risperiodne and COMT with 230-bp allele (GT)n dinucleotide repeat
[123], but the recent study of Chinese Han pa- polymorphism and 230bp/C270/rs6265G hap-
tients confirms the association of risperidone lotype have a better riperidone response than
treatment with V108M COMT variant [124]. patients with a 234-bp allele and 234-
Met allele is also associated with better cog- bp/C270/rs6265A haplotype [133].
nitive improvement in patients treated with clo-
zapine, as well as with the overall schizo- RGS4
phrenia symptoms improvement in olanzapine Regulator proteins of G signalling path-
treated patients [16]. Moreover, recent meta- ways, RGS4 was recently linked with antipsy-
analysis results confirmed the protective role of chotic response variability and adverse drug
Mat on the appearance and severity of tardive reactions [134–137]. Lane HY et al. confirmed
dyskinesia, as a common side effect in treat- in their study that RGS4 variances influence
ment with neuroleptics [125]. clinical manifestations of schizophrenia, as well
as the treatment response to risperidone, sug-
BDNF gesting that RGS4 plays a role in the funda-
The brain-derived neurotropic factor mental process of disease pathophysiology.
(BDNF) has an important role in the long-term A/A genotype at SNP1 was associated with
potentiation-a cellular mechanism of learning greater improvement only in social function,
and memory. Several genetic studies have whereas A/A genotype at SNP18, beside the
shown a significant association between certain greater improvement in social function, has a
polymorphic variations within BDNF and psy- positive effect at PANSS total score.
chiatric disorders. BDNF interacts with other
neurotransmitter systems implicated in schizo- Future perspectives
phrenia, such as dopamine, glutamate, sero- Personalized medicine is becoming a
tonin and GABA [126]. The most extensively promising tool for the prediction of disease
studied polymorphic variants are dinucleotide predisposition and development, as well as a
repeat polymorphism (GT) in the promoter re- treatment response using genetic and clinical
gion [127], Val166Met (196G/A) polymor- variables. This approach allows individualiza-
phism [128], the -270C/T substitution and the - tion of the treatment, tailored to achieve maxi-
256G/A polymorphism [129]. The first two mized response and avoidd side effects. The
polymorphisms are associated with BDNF ex- lack of antipsychotic response and treatment-
pression level, whereas Val66Met polymorp- induced side effects are two main reasons for
hism affects the intracellular activity and acti- non-compliance and increased morbidity in
vity-dependent secretion of BDNF. A growing schizophrenic patients. Algorithms where mul-
body of evidence suggests that BDNF plays a tiple genetic, epigenetic and clinical variables
significant role in antipsychotic treatment res- are combined could obtain the predictive po-
ponse and the pathogenesis of TD, but the data werful selection of the high-risk group of pa-
are inconsistent. Patients with schizoaffective tients. In this perception pharmacogenetic tas-
disorder are significantly more likely to be car- tings could help to increase treatment response
riers of the most common haplotype (contai- by using different medicinal approaches that
ning the valline allele of the Val66Met SNP) in would avoid potential side effects, reduce stabi-
comparison with healthy volunteers [130]. One lization time and improve the prognosis of
recent study showed that the Val/Val genotype schizophrenic patients.
was observed more frequently in treatment res- Determination of CYP, transporter and
ponders to olanzapine, and this genotype was receptor genetic profiles of the patient before
associated with an improvement in clinical starting the treatment is very useful and pro-
symptoms [131]. In another recent study it was vides beneficial information. Dose adjustments
confirmed that the responders to risperidone according to the patient’s genetic profile may
treatment have a higher frequency of the 230- results in around 15% efficacy improvement,
bp allele of the (GT)n dinucleotide repeat poly- more than 20% reduction in adverse effects.
morphism than non-responders [132]. One ot- Unfortunately theses tastings are still not wi-
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62 Zorica Naumovska, et al.

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