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Solar System #517 is being terrorized by a gang of Alien Serpentbeasts, Nane of the — Worl eight worlds are safe. And no- one seems able to stop this massive invasion, In short, #517 is in deep trouble. They need someone wha can run, Fast, Someone wha can jump. From world to world. And someone whos more than handy with a laser mis- sile. They need you! etna Ninlenao® and Nirlenoo® Entertoarmane 5yst0n™ ane tademans ct Nitendo of Ameria inc. 41. Make sure the power switch FOR 3-D PLAY: If you want to ploy is OFE in 3-D mode, press the SELECT BUT 2. Insert the WORLDRUNNER™ CAR- TON, And dont forget your 3-D TRIOGE as described in your glasses. [You can use the special NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT glasses supplied in this package or SYSTEM® manual, use the NINTENDO 3-D glasses. The 3. Turn the power switch ON. fed lens should be on the right- TO START: Push the START BUTTON hand side when you use the ‘on Ployer 18 controller. +0 glasses) THE SCENE The Piace: Solar System #517, thugs, Better known as Alien The Problem: Invasion by Serpentbeasts. ‘Grax ond his gang of galoctic Not only is Grax ruthless, shrews, powerful and totally terrifying. He also has seven brothers who are every bit as unfriendly as he is. Whats more, he has summoned ‘all his brothers — and an endless omy of buddies — to help him in this wretched ploy, Your task is to cover all eight of the worlds in Solar Systern #517. Eliminating enemies as you go, You'll have to move fast. Jump- ing over bottomless canyons as you go. And avaiding or shooting attacking enernies. Along the way you'll run into (lit- erally) ancient columns. You can. also jump on top of them. Either way they hold many surprises, Most of them beneficial. But some of them dangerous, Keep going until you reach the eighth and final world. There, you must duke it out with the most dan- gerous of all the dragon brothers. , And save Solar System #517 from certain collapse, po 15 Once you press the START BLIT- TON, you will see the following infor- mation across the bottom of the screens SCORE WORLD NUMBER: WORLD QUADRANT NUMBER OF BONUS STARS 8 LIVES LEFT Giese eee laren eo There ore eight different worlds in Solar System #517, Each one more dangerous than the next. Here is a bit of info on them, Just to let you know what to look for. 4, Uno — Lear quickly how to jure the canyons. 2. Toro — This moon-like ward has more canyons. And theyre evan closer together. 3, Caverno — Some of the canyons ofe so wide youll need special JUMPERS to get over them. 4, Quanfo — Meet up with a slew of new enemies 5, Temero — You'll need impecca- ble timing to slip by the HANDS. 6. Aque — An eerie underwater world. 7. Invinso — Some enemies here ore so strong, they can't be killed with your laser missiles. 8. Fino —The most treacherous of all the worlds, UP : LEFT RIGHT DOWN 6 THE CONTROLLER The following illustration shows. you the centro! paints on your NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT S¥STEM® controller Throughout this instruc- tion book we will refer to thease: controls by the names indicated in this illustration. TO MOVE RIGHT OR LEFT — Press the CONTROLLER RIGHT or LEFT. TO SPEED UP — Press the CONTROL LER UR TO SLOW DOWN — Prass ine CON- TROLLER DOWN. TO JUMP — Press BUTTON A, FOR A LONG JUMP — Press BUTTON A while simultaneously pressing the CONTROLLER UP TO FIRE A MISSILE — Press BUTTON B. TO PAUSE — Press the START BUTTON. TO RESTART — Press the START BUT- TON again. TO VIEW SCREEN IN 3-D — Press the SELECT BUTTON TO RETURN TO 2-D — Press the SELECT BUTTON again. ETS As if dealing with Grax the Alien Serpentbeast, wasn't bad enough, Plus, Solar system #517 has some of its own native hazards that you hes sicked an entire anny of must try 10 avoid or void out. frends, relatives and paid hench- Here’ a list of the enemies and menon you. hazards you'll encounter: Menacing Meanies You run into these guys all over the place — from the second you set foot in Solar System #517. They may change colors, depending on what World you're in, But they'll always be a menace, Stay out of their way Or zap them with your LASER MISSILE, o® White Willies They look kind of like GREEN MEANIES, But they're faster And tougher. Towering Infernos Don't touch these treacherous towers of deadly fire. Magic Mushrooms These harmless-looking edibles are pure Polson, You'll find them — or rather they'll find you — when you bump into one of the colurnns, (More on columns in THE GOOD MEWS section, below!) Anyway avoid these deadly delights af all costs. Robot Head Like the MENACING MEANIES, these guys will try to. bump you off. Avaid ‘em, Orshaot’em, Hand Man This roving hand tries to stop anything and every- thing that gets in its way, Including you. 50 ditch it. Venus Die Trap Don't get stuck in this thing's sticky tendrils. Sip by it. Orslip ito deuclly blast. $ea Shell A pretty I'tile thing. That will try to stop you decd in your tracks. Dance around It. Calariitous Clam This giant underwater monster will try to eat you alivé $0 stay away fram it. Hare’ a hint It moves in circles, spinners These high-tack gizmos will try to chase you down, So chose them down instead with o hearty hit from your LASER MISSILE, 10 Dog Face This guy's a5 tough as he is ugh: What's worse, he can't be shot! So stay as far away from him as you can. Vapor Cloud The stuff this thing puts aut is 100% pure poison, Attock it. Before it attacks you. Mean TV A deadly piece of video technology Blast if! Diamond Demon Like most real diamonds, this thing Is Indestructible, So wartch oufll! ah @ % @ 8 & Log Power Potion Copture a bottle of this stuff and you'll be tem- porarily invincible. As long as your hair is red, you'll have the power When it changes back fo its original color, you'll know the powers run out. The Serpentbeasts There’ one of them guarding the end of every world. They're teritying. Treacherous. Aind totally dan: gerous. It'll take several well-placed hits to kill them. They just dont go down easy, Atomic Power This little atonn-like morsel will also make you un- THE GOOD NEWS stoppable. But its power too, is temporary. The inhabitants of Solar System To get these tools, simply bump: | Have oa Heart #57 know that the task they've into or jump ona column. then iry Don't pass up this one, It gives you an extra life! given you isn't on easy one. So, to and catch what falls out. (Unless, of | fry. and help outa bit, they've hid- course, ifs o MAGIC MUSHROOM) I Super Stars den some very useful tools Inside Here's what you'll find inside the Catch as many of these as you can. They're worth the rows of columns. columns: extra points : firing power — at least for the duration of your current life, Laser Missiles Once you catch one of these, you'll have unlimited & A 42 8 Cosmic Clock Catch this one, and the timer resets itself to the be- ginning. So it buys you more tine. Blah ee) 13 The points you eam forcatching — te produce your final score. certain items and defeating ciffer- Heres what earns what: Warp Balloon ent enemies are added together Grab onto this one. Ifll take you to a special BONUS ROUND where there are‘no enemies. Only beautiful ITEM POINTS SPECIAL NOTE SUPER STARS worth extra bonus points, MISSILES 600 AFTER 4st one POTIONS 500 AFTER ‘st one Junior Jumper ATOMIC POWER 500 AFTER ‘sf one STARS 50 They make you jump higher. And farther And for JUNIOR JUMPERS 500 AFTER Ast one some of those canyons, you're gaing to need them. SUPER JUMPERS 500 AFTER 4st one MEANIES. 400 Super Jumper WILLIES 100 ROBOT HEADS 200 Just like the JUNIOR JUMPERS. Only betier! HANDS 200 CLAMS 200 SPINNERS. 200 DOG FACES 200 VAPOR CLOUDS 200 Ts 200 SERPENTBEASTS 200 14 45 * Be sure and get ot least one lives as possible, You can never LASER MISSILE as soon as possible have too many! at the beginning of each life. All the others are strictly for points, «When you lose a game, and want to start over from the begin. * For the wider canyans you'll need ning of the world you were de- arunning start stroyed in, follow these simple o jumper steps: 1) Hold down BUTTON A. 2) Press START. * Try and collect os many extra Good Luck! 16

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